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Commerce Health State Ny Us

mrs. obama: thanks for being here. you guys,as i always say, rest yourselves. you got a lot of work to do. (laughter.) well, welcome to the white house. it is trulya pleasure to be here with all of you today for the first ever white house convening onfood marketing to children. but before we get started, i just wanted totake a moment to express my sincere heartbreak

Commerce Health State Ny Us

Commerce Health State Ny Us, over monday's tragedy at the navy yard herein washington. the men and women who lost their lives devoted their careers to protectingour country. and as we mourn those that we lost and we pray for those who were injured,we also honor their service, and we hold all of their loved ones in our hearts at thisvery difficult time.

so with that, we're going to put you to work.thank you again for being here. i want to start by thanking sam for that very kind introduction,but more importantly for all the work that he and his team have done to make let's movea reality. and i want to thank all of you for joiningus today. all of you in this room, you come to thisissue from all different angles. you're experts, advocates, parents. you represent food andbeverage companies, media and entertainment companies, and so much more. and we're eagerto have a lively and constructive dialogue with you about how we market food to our children. we're eager to hear more from everyone inthis room about what's working, where we're

falling short, and how we can keep movingforward together on this complex and challenging but very important issue. and i think it's important to note that we'rehaving this conversation in the midst of what i believe is a cultural shift that is happeningin this country -- a transformation in how we live and eat that many of us could neverhave imagined even just a few years ago. i see it everywhere i go all across this country.i see it in chain restaurants that are serving kale salads, and they're filling kids' menuswith not just nuggets and fries, but with broccoli and whole-wheat pasta. i see it inchurches where instead of fried chicken and mac and cheese for church supper, they'reserving up grilled fish and brown rice.

i see it online where parenting, cooking,and health blogs are crammed with healthy recipes and tips about providing better nutritionfor our kids. and i see it in schools where students can't wait to tell me about theirnew salad bar or how they ate a radish or tried cauliflower for the first time, andactually like it. in fact, we recently sponsored a recipe contestfor kids here at the white house, and we got over 1,300 entries from 50 states across thecountry, and i can't tell you how many of those recipes featured quinoa. (laughter.)go figure. and if all of this doesn't provide sufficientevidence of an important shift, then just take a look at the market research. the nationalrestaurant association surveyed chefs about

trends in their industry, and three of thetop 10 trends were specifically about healthy kids' meals. a survey by the food marketinginstitute found that 90 percent of grocery stores are offering healthy recipes to theircustomers, and 98 percent of them maintain health and wellness websites. and today, for the first time in decades,we're actually starting to move the needle on this issue. between 2008 and 2011, obesityrates among low-income preschoolers dropped in 19 states and territories across the country.and childhood obesity rates are falling in cities like new york and philadelphia, andin states like california and mississippi. but while we have made important progress,when one in three kids is still on track to

develop diabetes, and when diet has now surpassedsmoking as the number one risk factor for disease and death in this country, then weclearly have much more work to do. and, yes, we have made meaningful changes in a numberof areas by getting healthier food into our schools and communities, but at the end ofthe day, if we truly want to solve this problem, we also need to get our kids to actually wantto eat these healthier options. and i say this not just as a first lady who's been workingon this issue for the past three and a half years; i say this as a mom who has been workinghard to raise two girls. as you know, i haven't always lived in thewhite house. (laughter.) not so long ago, i was a busy working mom desperate to findquick, affordable meals and snacks for my

family. i needed cereal that my girls couldpour themselves. i needed lunches i could pack in a hurry. i needed juice boxes thatmy three-year-old could hold in her hand in the backseat of my car. i needed dinners thatcame pre-cooked and ready to pop in the microwave. and most importantly, i needed my kids toactually eat all of this food i was buying for them. and all of you in the food and beverage industrydelivered for me. you manufactured and sold the convenience foods i needed, and you dida brilliant job making those foods something my kids would want. so when i opened thoseboxes and bags, my girls were happy, and i was happy -- problem solved.

but then, like a lot of moms, i started learningmore about nutrition and health. i started reading labels. i started getting warningsfrom my pediatrician about the health of my kids. and i began to realize that some ofthese foods that were so quick and cheap and tasty weren't always healthy for my kids. so once again, moms like me turned to yourindustry for help. but this time, we didn't just want the foods to be convenient and affordable-- we wanted them to be good for our kids as well. and once again, many of you havestarted to deliver by manufacturing some of the healthier options. and that is an importantfirst step. but once again, moms like me are relying onall of you to actually help our kids get excited

about eating that food. and that's why i wantedto bring all of you together today -- because you guys know better than anyone how to getkids excited. you've done it before, and we need you to do it again. and fortunately youhave everything it takes to get this done because through the magic of marketing andadvertising, all of you, more than anyone else, have the power to shape our kids' tastesand desires. you all know that our kids are like littlesponges --- they absorb whatever is around them. but they don't yet have the abilityto question and analyze what they're told. instead, they believe just about everythingthey see and hear, especially if it's on tv. and when the average child is now spendingnearly eight hours a day in front of some

kind of screen, many of their opinions andpreferences are being shaped by the marketing campaigns you all create. and that's wherethe problem comes in. you see, the average child watches thousandsof food advertisements each year, and 86 percent of these ads are for products loaded withsugar, fat, salt. by contrast, our kids see an average of just one ad a week for healthyproducts like water to fruits and vegetables. just one ad a week. and as you all know, these ads work. kidswho see foods advertised on tv are significantly more likely to ask for them at the store --- aphenomenon known as "pester power." (laughter.) new to me. sounds right though. and researchshows that a child's first request for a product

happens as early as 24 months, and 75 percentof the time, this request takes place in a grocery store. and given what our kids are seeing on tv,it should come as no surprise what they're asking for. one study revealed that 45 percentof kids' food requests were things like cookies and candy, burgers and fries, and chips, butjust 3 percent were for fruits and vegetables. so from the time our kids are still in diapers,we as parents are already fighting an uphill battle to get them interested in the foods that willactually nourish them and help them grow. now, like many parents, barack and i do ourbest to limit our daughters' tv time. but

as you all know, these ads aren't just ontv. they're on the internet, in video games, smart phones, billboards. they're in schoolsand store displays. they're everywhere, and parents just can't keep up, no matter howhard we try. so whatever we all might believe about personal responsibility and self-determination,i think we can agree that it doesn't necessarily applyto children. i think that we can all agree that parentsdeserve more control over the products and messages their kids are exposed to. and that'swhy i was so pleased that 17 major american companies came together on their own as partof the children's food and beverage advertising initiative to adopt new standards for marketingto kids.

and i know this wasn't easy. forging consensusamong fierce competitors is a challenge to say the least. but these new standards arebeginning to have an impact, and i commend all of these companies for taking action. but of course, while limiting the marketingof unhealthy food is critical, it's not enough. we also need companies to actually markethealthy foods to kids --- foods that have real nutritional value, foods that are fortifiedwith real fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy. now, i say this mindfulthat companies exist to make a profit, and they need that in order to survive. and thoseprofits keep our economy going every day.

but the fact is that marketing nutritiousfoods to our kids isn't just good for our kids' health -- it can also be good for companies'bottom lines. for example, the folks at birds eye vegetables launched a major marketingcampaign featuring characters from the popular kids' show "icarly." and their sales jumped20 percent in just two months. vidalia onion did a campaign with "shrek" -- one of my favorites-- and their sales went up 50 percent. so i'm confident that you all can sell healthyfoods to our kids and remain competitive and profitable. that's why some of your companies' marketersare playing a key role in a new campaign to inspire people in this country to drink morewater. you see, we know that water is such

an important component to good health, butso many other beverages have millions of marketing dollars behind them that water often getsdrowned out. that's why last week, we launched the new drink up campaign -- a campaign tobring attention to water as a healthy choice so that when people are thirsty, they reachfor a glass of water. so i say this because when it comes to believing in the power ofmarketing to promote healthy choices to our kids, i'm not just talking the talk, i'm actuallywalking the walk on this one. but so far, i've spent a lot of time talkingabout food and beverage companies. but those of you from media companies also play a criticalrole in marketing food to our children, and i want to call on all of you to do your partas well. that means, for example, limiting

the use of your licensed characters to marketunhealthy food to kids, and limiting unhealthy food ads in your programming. disney has pledged to do just that, and iknow that other media companies can follow suit. but i'm also asking you to actuallyuse your licensed characters to promote healthy food. "sesame street" has been doing thisfor years, which is why, when parents turn on "sesame street" or the disney channel,they know and trust that their kids won't be bombarded with messages promoting unhealthyfood. and that trust is valuable. that trust isgood for your businesses. that's why so many of you in the private sector are leading theway on this issue. you are innovating. you're

taking risks. you're serving as models foryour industries, and it's starting to make a difference -- not just for our kids, butfor your shareholders as well. and i'm here today with one simple request-- and that is to do even more and move even faster to market responsibly to our, i want to be clear about what i'm asking here. i am not asking anyone to take the funout of childhood. as we all know, treats are one of the best parts of being a kid. instead,the goal here is to empower parents instead of undermining them as they try to make healthierchoices for their families. and we need you to lead the way in creating demand for healthyfoods so that kids actually start "pestering" us for those foods in the grocery store. andthen parents actually start buying them, and

then companies have incentives to make andsell even more of those foods. and ideally, in a decade or so, we would seea dramatic shift across the entire industry. we'd see companies shifting marketing dollarsaway from those less healthy products and investing those dollars in your healthierproducts instead. that's how we can make healthy eating a way of life for our kids and forour families. and make no mistake about it, meeting these goals isn't just the right decisionfor the short or medium term; it can affect your businesses for decades to come. see, the decisions that you make about marketingwon't just affect what our kids are eating today -- those decisions are going to alsoaffect the health of your workforce tomorrow.

businesses are losing $37 [$73] billion ayear due to absenteeism, lost productivity, and health care costs associated with obesity-relatedconditions. and just imagine what that number will look like in twenty years from now ifwe stand by and let today's unhealthy kids grow into unhealthy adults who become theemployees of tomorrow. and there's another long-term factor that'salso worth considering, and that is the potential trend in our kids' food preferences and see, over the past few years, we've seen some real changes in the foods our kids areeating, starting from the time they're born. for example,changes in the women, infants and children program are helping millions of women acrossamerica buy healthier products for their kids.

and 10,000 childcare centers across the countryhave committed to serving more nutritious food as part of let's move childcare. in addition, we have implemented sweepingchanges in america's school lunch program, such that nearly 32 million children acrossthe country are now eating more fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, and other healthyfoods every day. and starting next year, school vending machines will be stocked with healthyitems as well. so healthier eating is starting to becomethe new norm for our kids. this is what they're getting used to, and for many, this is allthey'll ever know. and as their palates and their habits adjust, that could have a seriouseffect on their taste and preferences not

just as children, but for the rest of theirlives. it could even affect what they ultimately buy and serve their own children in the this isn't just some passing trend or fad. so there might be those out there whose strategyis to just wait this out -- folks who might still be thinking to themselves, well, ina few years, this lady will be gone -- (laughter) -- and this whole let's move thing will finallybe over, so we can go back to business as usual. and i know that none of you here arethinking that way. (laughter.) but if you know anyone who is -- (laughter) -- you mightwant to remind them that i didn't create this issue, and it's not going to go away threeand a half years from now when i'm no longer first lady.

this issue has truly taken on a life of itsown because it is affecting just about every family and every community in this country.parents are increasingly anxious as they see their kids developing diabetes, high cholesterol,high blood pressure -- conditions that would have been unthinkable to find in childrenjust a generation ago. there are now 79 million pre-diabetics in this county, many of themyoung adults, and we're even seeing people in their twenties and thirtieshaving heart attacks and strokes. so i have yet to meet a single parent whodoesn't understand the threat of obesity to their health and to their children's health.and they are looking for solutions. they're starting to think about how they feed themselvesand their families. and you all can take advantage

of this. you can get ahead of the curve. youhave everything it takes right now to seize this societal challenge as an unprecedentedbusiness opportunity. right now, your companies employ some of the most brilliant, creative,innovative minds in the entire country. and you all can sell just about anything to ourkids. and if anyone can get our kids to eat their vegetables, it's all of you. and i know it won't be easy. i know you mighthave to take some short-term risks to get a long-term payoff. but that's what greatamerican companies do -- they act boldly, they innovate, they take risks. and remember,it wasn't that long ago that "going green" or taking your business online were consideredrisky endeavors. but throughout our history,

the companies that saw where the future washeaded and took that leap have been rewarded. and i want you to know that i will do everythingin my power to celebrate and highlight this kind of leadership on behalf of our kids.that's what i've been doing since i first started working on this issue, whether itwas visiting a walmart stocked with fresh produce, or havingdinner at an olive garden with a healthier kids menu, or hanging out with mickey to celebratedisney's achievements on this issue. and i am eager to have these kinds of celebrationswith every company in this room. so i hope that all of you will really engage.i hope that you'll really talk to each other, and learn from each other, and come up withnew solutions that will make a real difference

for our kids. we want to hear from everyoneinvolved in this issue -- from industry leaders to advocates to researchers and to parents-- because we're all in this together. and while i know i've been talking a lot aboutcorporate america's responsibilities on this issue, the advocates and experts here todayhave an important responsibility too. your words matter. you all can help either provideincentives to change, or you can be barriers to change. so we need you to be constructivein your criticisms and strategic in your calls to action, because when it comes to marketing,it can be hard for companies to take risks. they face pressures from wall street. thereare also limits to how fast they can move and how far they can go before they startlosing customers.

so when companies do step up and take risks,we need to be supportive, even if we think they haven't gone far enough. we need to helpthem make those risks pay off, so that they'll go even farther, and so that other companieswill follow their lead. and as for those of you in the private sector,i hope that you will head back to your companies ready to think big and act boldly on behalfof our kids because while running a profitable business is important, i know that you allaren't just business executives. you all are also good neighbors, and good citizens, andproud parents and grandparents. many of you didn't go into business just to make money,but to problem solve and make people's lives better. you went into business to create greatamerican products and build great american

institutions, and to leave a legacy that yourkids and grandkids will inherit with pride. and in the end, that's what let's move isall about. it's about the legacy we're leaving for the next generation and generations tocome. and standing here today with all of you, people who represent some of the mostvisionary, pioneering companies and organizations in this country, i have never felt more confidentabout our children's future and, of course, the future of this country. so i look forward to hearing about what youall come up with today, and i look forward to celebrating new commitments and achievementsin the months and years ahead. thank you all. god bless you. good luck andwork hard. (applause.)

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