Masters In Public Health Salary

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Masters In Public Health Salary

>> hello everyone. thanks again for attendingtonight and this webinar. well, everybody, are we ready to grow? it is growth, growth,growth. it is exciting times, you guys, for both of these careers in health administrationand public health. we are seeing amazing statistics. when we look at healthcare administration,the outlook is a 22% projected growth rate over the next, this ten year period from 2010to 2020. that is incredible, you guys. when

Masters In Public Health Salary

Masters In Public Health Salary, you look at the average growth rate for otheroccupations, being about 5 to 10%. good, still stable in a thriving economy, but, in thisarea, when we're looking at 22% to 25% growth patterns, it's absolutely incredible. andthat's what we, right? when we get degrees, when we get certifications, we want to lookat, okay, where are the jobs? are they really

here? and we have the statistics to provethat which are exciting. and, public health, the employment outlet is right there withhealth administration with 21% projected growth rate over the next 10 years. and, what's evenmore exciting about this, when we looked at the statistics over just the last 5 years,we see a 29 to 30% growth rate in the jobs being secured in public health and healthadministration. so, just as doctor rubino, had talked about the growth and or politicalgrowth as we have healthcare reform, which public health is tied right with that, wesee tremendous growth. and opportunity in these areas which is fantastic. so, acrossthe board with the healthcare industry, which incorporates public health, we have a lotof public health educators working now at

hospitals. and, obviously, one of the pillarsof public health is health administration. so, both of these programs are very integrated.but, when we look at the healthcare industry, it will generate 5.6 million new jobs by 2020.sounds good. right? there's going to be places to apply. that is key. right? that is thekey. so, the demand for healthcare and public health both is soaring in the us as we talkedabout double the rate of the national economy over the next year, eight years which is excitingbecause as we look at the economic growth and it's now strengthened, we're out of therecession in term of in the us. so, we have a stronger economy. and, we have more of afocus on prevention and both healthcare for the needs of the sick but also on the preventionside. you know, as we see with michelle obama's

let's move campaign, we are focused on preventionand wellness in this country across the board. it isn't about, you know, treating the sickentirely. but, it's also about prevention programs and keeping people healthy, keepingpeople living longer. and, we need jobs in response to that and in both industries. so,pretty exciting. and, these aren't, you know, we always like statistics. where do they comefrom? this is the us bureau of labor statistics in 2013. and, we've been following this withvarious data. and, it's very exciting. and, we find that, too, in public health, there'sa 70%, 80% recognition of what public health and those in health administration do. andit used to be 10, 15 years ago when i, back in the day, in the old day, when i got mydegree in public health from here at csun

in the 90s, we'd say, health education, publichealth, what do you do? you sit in the classroom. i don't even know what you do. or, public,you only can work at a health department. that's the only place you can work at. and,in fact, that's not the reality. there's now 80% of employers in the public health andhealth administration fields recognize what a public health educator does, what a publichealth administrator does, and knows exactly the need for that. so, it's pretty excitingtimes. so, what can i do with my masters in public health, the mph? well, a lot of uscan think back to times when you had that aha moment about your, sort of, career goalsand what you wanted to do in the future. and, a lot of times, when you reflect back, it'sprobably when you were pretty young. you know,

for me, i lost my favorite aunt, who was verynear and dear to me, to breast cancer when i was 12. and, even before then, i had wanted,i had always been intrigued by medicine from a very young age. and so, i had that interestand i actually applied to medical school in the caribbean. and that's a whole other storythat i'll have to tell you some day. but, you can think back to that moment when youwere touched by either a family member's health issue, your own health issue, others. or,it may have been you started out thinking yeah i'd like to be a doctor or a nurse. butthen, you know, we call it sometimes, you know, we kind of laugh because, in publichealth, nobody says, when they're six years old or, you know, eight years old, i wantto grow up to be a public health educator

in public health, not like a firefighter oran astronaut, or something. right? you, kind of, discover it. but then, when you do andyou realize it's so focused on prevention and touching people's lives, keeping the focuson, as i said before, living longer, living healthier, and practicing lifestyle habitsthat will, hopefully, keep them healthy and alive and disease free forever. it becomesvery exciting. right? and, you can think back to that time, well, yeah i remember when ifirst became intrigued in either allied health or medicine. and so, what, but what can youdo with this degree? what do you actually do with it? and, when we look at it versusand undergrad degree in public health, health education, that places you in a more coordinatorrole or more support role. but, a master's

in public health, get ready, because if youlike to direct, direct personnel, direct budgets, programs, grants and things, you're in theright area. so, we will teach you, with this program, how to create, direct, and advocatefor approaches. again, as i talked about before, they're focused on prevention which is exciting.many of our graduates go on to work in state public health departments, local health departments,national, the centers for disease control. we've had interns go to the world health organization.we'll talk more about that later, but again, focused on prevention and wellness. conductingneeds assessments, well, that kind of sounds a little dry. right? you're like what, anythinginvolving a survey? but no, it's very exciting. there are so many innovative needs assessmenttechniques, like utilizing photo voice, taking

pictures, taking audio records of people'sexperiences, and really getting into the qualitative and quantitative of what people experiencein terms of their health and disease outcomes. implementing and evaluating health based will learn how to implement programs for positive behavior change. and, it might beknowledge programs. it might be behavior programs. they might be refocusing somebody's attitudetowards a more positive outlook on wellness. and, it might be, you know, looking at worksite wellness programs. you might be at a corporation where you're focused on prevention.or, might be, they're actually out in a community in a grant funded program. we have faith basedorganizations now involved, community based organizations. so, you're implementing andevaluating, learning those skills on how to

really evaluate those program for health orquality that they are. and then, creating relevant communication materials. that isgood fun guys, i'm telling you. creating health education materials, and now, it involvesso much of social media which you guys could teach me a thing or two. but, looking at facebookand twitter, we're finding so many innovative ways to reach out to people, texting, in termsof delivering health education content. but, you'll learn ways on how to create communicationmaterials that are specific, that really reach people, that speaks to people whether it'sa brochure in a doctor's office or if it's something, an actual website. you'd be learninghow to create health based communication materials which is so important for what we do. and,how to lead and execute programs, personnel,

and budgets. there's the teams i talked about.and, how do you really manage budgets effectively? how do you really manage personnel effect?you'll be doing that in terms of funded grants out in the real world and working in fundedhealth departments, working as a part that's either programs based or personnel based,you need to have these skills that are essential. as, because, as i said before, we're preppingyou to be at that, sort of, director level when you go in. and, applied epidemiologicalprinciples. we love that word. right? it's like the 500 dollar word, epidemiology. howmany [inaudible] do we have? okay. it's great. but that is the study of disease, mortality,morbidity. and, those are fancy words of looking at disease trends or, you know, actually causesof death trends. but, why are they impacting

certain areas and communities more than others?it's fascinating. and, you can do detective work. we look at food outbreaks, for example,you know, food poisoning outbreaks in a certain location. we start to look at some of thesenumbers and epidemiological analysis for both chronic and infectious disease. it's prettyexciting. and, applying the theory, again, as doctor rubino had talked about, what are,you know, theory gives you the foundation. we don't become too theoretical in this programbecause we will have it very practitioner based. we want you to hit the ground running.and, a lot of you already are in the ground running. you may be working in public healthdepartments or had a very dynamic internship where you already been working out in thefield in public health. so, we want to make

that and look at, sort of, the advanced contemporarymodel evidence based programs. what's out there already and what's working. what doesthe nih use, national institutes of health? what does the cdc use? and, what does theamerican heart association use? and, how can we incorporate that for our own program andmake it successful? okay, we are celebrating over 40 years of public health accreditationwhich is exciting you guys. we've been accredited since 1971. whenever you're in a program ofpublic health, if it's not accredited through ceph, the council on education for publichealth, this is not a program you want to choose. ceph upholds the highest standardsin public health and insures our programs are, our learner outcomes are in alignment,all of our course materials, our syllabus,

every experience that you receive, as partof the classroom or the course, is certified and is worthy and speaks to competencies forpublic health professionals. so, it's key. our program, as jennifer had said, has beenaround for 50 years. this is exciting times. so, we wouldn't have gotten this far thismany decades without having a solid reputable program which you'll be a part of. it's justexciting. job titles in public health and i included also show me the money. right?that's it. right? a little jerry mcguire old school reference there. but, it gets excitingtoo, as dr. rubino mentioned. these are the different areas you can work in, in publichealth. and, really the list is even so much more vast. then this, but this is, actually,provided by our association for schools of

public health and the general categories.when you look to the left, in terms of salary, that's usually, actually undergraduate degrees,and so entry level we call it. and, when you look to the salaries to the right, beyondeven just, you know, the graduate degree, the mph degree, but, usually, that involvesa little bit of some years of experience in these various fields. so, you see health servicesadministration. this is tied into dr. rubino's program and the mpa, when you think aboutadministering programs, bio-statistics, you know, if you crunch the numbers, you're therein the different areas, epidemiology. and, when you look at health education, behavioralscience type of employment, if you work at, maybe a health based nonprofit, you know,and you're focused on health education, you

might, you know, still have a team. and that's33,000, 86,000. you kind of get a snapshot of different areas. environmental health,you know, that is not our area. but, it's still a competency that you're going to learnas part of our program. you'll take an environmental health course which is really fascinatingas well area of public health. international health, you can kind of see the differencesthere. maybe you have a desire to travel or work in another country. you've always beenpassionate about global health or making change in your home country, this gives you the opportunityto do that in that area. and, where we see nutrition, you know, working at nutritionbased or it might be a community based program that their mission is to serve nutrition,education, and awareness programs. and then,

you can see, like, public health practiceor program management. that's where you're administering different programs as we hadspoke of and the salary range there. and, what i love though too, when you look at thesalary ranges on the right, you think, okay, these are, tend to be those with a graduatedegree and some years of experience. but, don't feel, don't feel too deflated becauseit's not oh this is outside the norm of 30 years because this is an average. and, whenthink of los angeles, right, and we have a higher cost of living here and, the good newsis, higher salaries. so, we're actually more towards, don't look completely to the left.we're over towards that mid range even in entry level. many of our graduate studentsfrom the mph, when they graduate, i know of

a few that, right off the bat, they were making65,000 to 70,000 dollars right here in the local los angeles area. so, the notion that,hey, public health doesn't pay, there's no money in public health. no way. we're rightup there, okay, with other programs which is really exciting. the places you may workwith a degree in public health, this is just a snapshot and i had mentioned some of theseagencies, again both state and national agencies, you know, very prestigious. you may be passionateabout a certain cause. i worked for breast cancer organization for ten years before icame to academia. so, and, i also worked for a health insurance company for five yearsbefore i came to academia. so, you just never know where your future may hold. but, that'swhat's exciting. some people may like to work

in public health departments because they'renot focused, maybe, on one health issue. after ten years of breast cancer, even though iwas very passionate about it, i was like okay. it's time to move on to a different diseaseor health issue. so, you get a little bit of that. and we have extraordinary internshippartners too in our program for those local but also for those who are out there nationally.we have many partners throughout the community and will help you with that in terms of partof the field and practical experience. so, exciting organizations to be a part of andto make that change. >> thanks everyone [ applause ]

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