North Park Family Health Center

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North Park Family Health Center

an hi again everyone, i'm jim knox and welcometo another edition of the best docs network featuring forest park medical center southlake,fort worth, the top medical center in the entire tarrant county area. one of the keyreasons why, the doctors that operate right here out of forest park medical center, likeour first best doctor, dr. philip swanson who helped one lady get back to living a healthylifestyle. i just had gotten to where i was

North Park Family Health Center

North Park Family Health Center, feeling run down all the time. i was feelinglike my quality of life was slowly starting to deteriorate. i was starting to have someother medical problems and it was just one thing after another and i felt like you knowi had too many more years to live and i didn't want to live having to deal with those kindof problems. ms. cone was about 40, she had

a bmi of 41. she had been overweight mostof her life. she didn't have a lot of medical problems but she did have migraine headaches.we talked about the options of what we could do and she decided that she would like tohave the sleeve. i liked the fact that in removing the portion of the stomach that itdoes during the sleeve procedure it also removes some of the hormones that triggers your hungerand your appetite and i thought that that might have some impact on the migraines thati was having. with the hormonal changes and all of that might be related so that's reallywhy i decided to go with the sleeve. she now has a pretty normal bmi and she's keepingthe weight off. she lost her weight over a year to two years and she's doing really well.interestingly enough she no longer has migraine

headaches. as part of my lifestyle change,you know obviously, you make eating habit changes but i also joined the gym to reallychange my physical activity level. january before i had had my surgery i had done a 1mile fun run walk. the sad part looking back at it was i couldn't even finish the one mile.then a year later i kind of vowed that i was going to do the 5k in that same race justkind of to prove to myself where i had been and where i had gotten to and what i had achieved.i ran the 5k and i actually placed 3rd in my age group which was a total shock to me.that really was a wonderful feeling. i had taken advantage of the second chance thati got to change my life. forest park medical center is not only one of the top medicalcenters in the dallas, fort worth area but

the state. from staff and surgeons to technologyand techniques, forest park medical center has brought together the best of the best.for more information logon to what's going on behind me is excitement. it'sexcitement for the opening of a brand new medical facility here in southlake that'sgoing to really benefit all of our citizens for years to come. today we're able to haveour city officials out and the media, a lot of our business leaders and we got to hearfrom the founders. i got a chance to introduce myself as the southlake ceo. it's just a wonderful,exciting event. it's just the birth and start of our new hospital in southlake, so reallyexciting, exciting event. we had a congressional presentation from our local congressman andhis representative that was here today and

it was a very nice flag in a memorial plaquethat had flown over the capital with a commemorative certificate as well, so just a great honorfrom our federal congressman and his office. what's remarkable about this hospital is thatit is providing healthcare to the community now and in the future. texas is expected togrow exponentially over the years and as the campus here grows so will the needs of itscommunity. it's a remarkable accomplishment for southlake and it's such a benefit to thecommunity. you know this has been really a long time coming. we have worked hand in handpartnering with the developers and the doctors to create this facility. we're so excitedabout it coming here. it means a lot, i mean not only is it an iconic structure right outon our highway 114 frontage. people will envision

southlake as part of forest park hospitalbut it also means a great deal for the medical service to our community for many, many yearsto come. and in addition, it is one of the only hospitals that actually pays taxes soit actually increases our tax base here as a doctor owned facility in southlake. themayor, the city council, all the way across the spectrum of our politicians and city officials,we're here to help commemorate the opening and it made it really special. you know ihave to keep pinching myself. it is the singularly nicest hospital i've ever worked in and i'veworked in hospitals for 30 plus years since i was 17 years old. it's all good, it's awonderful place to work. best docs network featuring forest park medical center, welcometo the twenty first century of cutting edge

medicine, forest park medical center. what'sbeen so rewarding for me to be involved with forest park is that i've been in the businessof helping physicians manage hospitals for 25 years and i have seen all the various modelsthat have been associated over that period of time. i've been involved in many differentkinds of models and it's been a pleasure for me to implement the model that i think worksthe best in this business and that is the majority physician owned model where the physiciansare in control and govern their own hospital and have business partners like me who comein and help them run that business. but we focus on running the hospital the way thatthe unique aspects of that medical staff wants their hospital to be run. with the help ofthe doctors here and at all of our hospitals,

we recruit the very best people in all differentlines of work from the or technicians, the floor nurses, quality directors, everyonewho walks through this hospital has been very carefully considered. this basically givesour patients the best possible experience. they walk into this place and very quicklyare eased of a lot of the stresses of surgery that you get in a cold sterile hospital environment.the people are very friendly, the place is very welcoming all around them and of coursethe quality of care is unsurpassed. what forest park means to a physician is that it providesa place for that physician to practice medicine and where he or she is much more in controlof their destiny, much more in control of the atmosphere that they practice medicinein. we provide our physicians with dedicated

teams of nurses in the operating room whobecome familiar with the type of surgery that the physician does that makes the surgerygo much quicker and enables us to get the room turned over quicker between cases sothat the physicians can get more cases done. all of the physicians that i talk to tellme that they are able to get more cases done and in a more efficient manner than any otherhospital they practice medicine in. as a physician, a surgeon actually, practicing here we startyour cases on time, our turnover is very efficient, we have top quality staff to provide you withthe people and the equipment necessary to really be state of the art in everything wedo. for more information on forest park medical center southlake, fort worth, head to thewebsite, and click on

that forest park medical center tab. now toour next inspirational story, dr. richard ha who operates right here out of forest parkmedical center southlake helped one lady's appearance after she developed skin cancer.the prevalence of skin cancer is increasing especially since we live in texas in a southernstate. just the amount of sunlight exposure is greater than say if you lived up northand those who are susceptible can get skin cancers. the most common ones are generallyless aggressive. they're called basal cell cancers. we have some more aggressive subtypes such as squamous cell and then the deadly killer which is melanoma. fortunately that'smore rare. back in 08 i had a little spot that was biopsied and came back positive asbasal cell carcinoma. when i met dr. ha he

said that he would have to do a skin graftusing a piece of tissue from my ear. that surgical procedure worked out really well,scary at first, but it turned out really well. this year in may there was another spot onmy nose. in dottie's case she had a skin cancer on the tip of her nose which is a very challenginglocation because there's not an easy way to just bring the edges of the defect togetherwithout creating a lot of distortion, so, you're left with some of the other options.well skin graft on her was not a great option because of the depth of it, it was going toheal with a divot something that would have been very noticeable. so really we're leftwith a more complex option of doing a nasolabial flap or borrowing tissue from the cheek, leavingit tethered to the cheek and then attaching

it to the nose. dottie had that proceduredone and that trunk was left there for four weeks. she was a great patient, she hung inthere. we went to that second stage, we divided it. i did some dermabrasion to kind of sandand smooth the edges of the scars and she's only a few months out and it's very hard toeven tell that she had anything done. dr. ha is just amazing. he's like an angel. hemakes you feel comfortable. he held my hand and he said don't worry dottie, you'll lookgreat and i just had to trust in him. when i think about everything that i've been through,i'm very happy, very happy. i still recognize my nose and i think it looks great. healthynose, yes, cancer free, yes. i'm very pleased. the ceo, you know i see it as the chief experienceofficer. you know i really see my charge to

make sure that all the people that are touchingpatients and taking care of our patients have what they need to do the best they can, dotheir best job. they know what to do to take care of patients. sometimes we get in theway. so my role is to make sure they've got all they need to do the best job that theycan do taking care of patients. and so the other part is the experience, chief experienceofficer. you know people come in and they're afraid and they're uncertain about healthcareand what we do and so i always remind people, you know, make their experience terrific,you know make them feel like family. you know, use touch, use the five senses that forestpark is known for, you know, sight and sound and taste and smell, you know, what they hear.let's make their experience excellent. what

makes forest park medical center stand outagainst other medical facilities is its great attention to detail. as you will see, forestpark medical centers are designed to heal. at forest park we really, we call it the sixsenses of forest park and you have your conventional five and you know it talks about the experiencethat you get from the minute that you come on to our campus. so we're really kind ofplaying into those senses, so what are you seeing when you first get on the campus andwalk into our hospitals? you know are you looking at just great architecture or areyou looking at a brighter environment you know with natural sunlight and things of thatnature? the art program is something that plays into the healing aspect, the visualaspect. so, you'll see sculpture, you'll see

original pieces, you'll see print, you'llsee a little bit of everything. and the way that we attack art is you should feel a littlebit uncomfortable with art you know, because if every piece of art in our facilities wassomething that you absolutely loved then you probably didn't reach the entire communitybecause we all have different tastes, different aspects of what we like. what are you smelling?we have engineered scents in all of our hospitals to where it's an engineering system calledscent stream and it's built into our hvac and the scent that forest park has chosenis called clean sheets. other things that you have just kind of coming into our environmentis you know what type of food are you having, the taste. you know we don't have cafeteriaswe have dining facilities. what are you hearing

when you come on to our campus and into ourfacility as well? oftentimes in every facility that we do we have water features, both outdoorwater features and interior water features. so it provides a calming type sound that resonatesthroughout our facilities. what are the things that you're feeling? we have a lot of texturalelements associated with our design. when you're coming in, the textural walls, whetherit's the stone cut exterior of a lot of our facilities or when you're coming inside andyou're feeling the texture of the fabric itself. you know we really try to play into all ofthose senses for our patients so you know whether it's in the lobby or it's in the patientsrooms or you know the thread count on the sheets, you know, those are the type of textureelements that really you may not instinctively

know about those but when you actually touchit and feel it, it'll make a difference to you. every one of our facilities is a minimumof leed silver, so what that means is it's our environmental impact to the communityas well. so we have rooftop gardens where you have lush gardens that can be seen fromall of our patient rooms, you're seeing planting, you're seeing stone, you're seeing in somecases water features associated with our green roofs but it's something that really kindof plays into the sixth sense of forest park which is heal and having a patient room thatlooks down onto grasses and trees and plants, you know it intrinsically has a healing aspectthat really our patients have grown to appreciate. again we're playing to each of those sensesand then our sixth sense is heal because at

the end of the day, that's why we're here.we're here for the community, we're healing patients and providing a place for our physiciansto practice medicine. walking on to our campuses from step one what we really kind of focuson is that entire experience. it should look and feel not like a hospital but it shouldlook more like a hotel. you're really seeing something different. it has a completely differentfeel from anything else that you've see in the market. you know our job as developersand as forest park medical center is to deliver a facility that's different than what thephysicians are used to, what the patients are used to. what makes forest park medicalcenter southlake, fort worth the best of the best is the staff, the technology, and thesurgeons and we happen to be there for the

very first procedure. today is a very excitingday for the community of southlake. we did our first set of cases here at forest parkmedical center southlake. as the chief of anesthesia at forest park medical center southlake,i'm excited about the opportunity to serve our surgeons and our patients, our hospitaland our community. forest park is unique in that it is a physician driven hospital thatputs patients care first. i was privileged today to have the opportunity to operate herebeing the first case at forest park medical center at southlake, this amazing facilitythat is state of the art that will become a great service to this community. all thephysicians will greatly look forward to that we've waited for 10 years to be built, it'ssimply amazing. as a physician it gives us

an opportunity to become as previously stateda state of the art facility to be able to operate in such a facility to give a serviceto the patients that deserve which is unparalleled in the dallas, fort worth area. the staffare simply first class, they're very prompt and very conscientious for the health andwell being of the patient. they're a team, they're quite capable. i think they themselvesfeel privileged to work here at southlake, forest park at southlake. the forest parkhospitals here are phenomenally large, probably the most spacious operating rooms that i'veever operated in with by far the most state of the art equipment that's unparalleled herefor the dallas, fort worth area. forest park at southlake, we've waited 10 years just tobe built through various people that tried

to build this and not until vibrant came alongwith forest park in dallas to help us build this has this dream been able to come to fruition.i came to dr. meade because i was diagnosed with breast cancer. i had several optionsas far as procedures concerning reconstruction. i think one of the biggest challenges thati face in breast reconstruction is educating patients. it's a time of crisis for them,just very difficult for them to choose what they normally would choose. during the crisistypically a patient will simply want their breast to be reconstructed as quickly, simplyas safely as possible and just get me out of here. diep flap was the way to go becausethe implants just weren't an option because there was always the possibility that theycould get hard and i like the idea of it all

being me. you can take the skin and the fatfrom the tummy. you can take the blood vessels with it and you can leave the muscle behindso the recovery for those patients is much, much faster. nancy had her diep flap and wasup and around. now part of this obviously is her spirit but it's a lot easier to recoverfrom an operation where your tummy muscle was just separated and not cut out. thesepatients where i leave all of the muscle, their recovery is so much faster, it's unbelievable.the typical patient is someone who has an adequate amount of tissue from their bellybutton down to about the level of where a c-section scar is. and if you tighten up yourtummy muscles and you kind of pinch that area, that's the size of tissue that you can havefor one breast. the diep flap is all natural,

so it's a really nice reconstruction for apatient so that she no longer has to worry about the reconstruction. the recovery isabout three weeks and once they're done with that they're done with their breast reconstructionfor life. i did go home with drain tubes and whatnot but it took me about a month beforei felt like i was back to fairly full capacity as far as moving around and going's a natural form of reconstruction. once it's healed in they're done, they don't haveto worry about it anymore than they worry about their tummy. everybody thinks i lookamazing and it's just been a very positive experience. i haven't looked this good in20 years. best docs network featuring forest park medical center. forest park medical center,extraordinary in every way. i'm joined now

by one of the founders of forest park medicalcenter and top bariatric surgeon, dr. wade barker. dr. barker, thanks for being withus today. oh, thank you. if you would start out by talking to us a little bit about whatmade you decide to practice medicine and specifically bariatrics. medicine is actually kind of astory that started in high school. i really didn't like school to start with. from firstgrade i missed school, didn't want to go and never thought i would go another thirteenyears after high school. but in high school the valedictorian was going to be a doctorand my pride was well if he can do that i can certainly do that and so it was reallya pride thing that got me interested in medicine and fortunately i enjoyed the science andi enjoyed you know biology and chemistry and

so it just was right down my alley. and what'sthe most rewarding part of your job? seeing the results for patients and really gettinga thank you, you know and a lot of fields and in medicine in general that's your jobto take care of the patients and do things correctly and so people expect that. but inbariatric medicine they are so grateful that they always remember to say thank you andtell you, not just thank you but how you've changed their lives. and in a lot of times,save their lives. realistically that is true in the short term and in the long term inmany cases. you've obviously been an integral part of the development of forest park. howdid you come to the vision of forest park medical centers? well, it really started inthe o.r. dr. toussaint and i worked together

every day. we worked long hours and the hourswere so long because towards the end of the day all the hospitals would start sendingthe nurses home at three o'clock and so we would go from two rooms down to one room andit slowed things down so we would do eight cases in the first half of the day and thenonly be able to do two cases or three cases in the second half of the day because it sloweddown. it just didn't make sense. this is what they did for a living, this is how they, thiswas their business and they were basically shutting us down so we thought we could doit better. and so it really started as efficiency and being able to do what was best for thepatient you know. if you have a patient that comes in at ten in the morning for a one o'clocksurgery and that gets put off till six, seven

at night because they've shut the o.r. down,that's not good for anybody and so it really started from a practical manner. what do yousay to a patient to tell them how much better forest park is and why they should have theirprocedure done here? i think we do it better. i think we do it more efficiently and i thinkthe patients have better comfort. thank you dr. barker, we appreciate your time. thankyou, kandace. at forest park medical center in addition to having an outstanding medicalstaff that provides high quality care and clinical staff that is highly skilled andknowledgeable we place a lot of focus on our facilities. we want to ensure that when apatient and their family walks into forest park, we're appealing to all their senses,therefore when you walk into our lobby, we

have a waterfall, we have a fireplace. whenyou take in a deep breath, you smell a scent, we have a special scent that goes throughour air system so we don't smell like your traditional hospital does we actually areappealing to the patients sense of smell. we go to great lengths to hire an executivechef so therefore the patients are actually having meals provided to them as if they werein a restaurant setting. we put a great deal of attention into details such as our bedlinens. we have outstanding quality when it comes to our bed linens and our towels inour patients rooms are actually of hotel quality. we provide our patients with a nice robe.we also provide family suites. it's a vip room that accommodates the family wherebythe family is encouraged if they would like

to, to stay at the patients side. the separateunit provides them with a microwave, a refrigerator, a flat screen tv, a pull out king sleepersofa where we actually turn the bed down for them at their request and provide them a placeto sleep so that they are close to their loved one. we have 54 private rooms, 10 of whichare vip suites. we have 12 fully integrated state of the art operating rooms as well.every patient that looks out of their windows sees a rooftop garden. forest park also offersfull service imaging services. at forest park medical center we combine excellence in physicianquality with dynamic clinical excellence and our facility brings all those elements together,provides an unmatched patient experience. our patients are truly taken care of fromthe minute they walk in the door until the

minute they leave and that's through the peoplethat are providing that care and the facility with which their stay is in. it's just a greatexperience from beginning to end. that'll wrap up another edition of the best docs networkfeaturing forest park medical center southlake and fort worth, the top medical center inthe entire tarrant county area. and for more information on forest park medical center,find that on the website, and click on that forest park medical centertab. if you have a question or comment for us we'd love to hear from you, send us anemail at so long everyone, we will see you next week.

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