What Can You Do With A Masters In Public Health

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What Can You Do With A Masters In Public Health

a little bit about myself i should say, before we get started. i'm one of the faculty members in the online mph program. my name is dr.kaitlin o'keefe. i'm actually stepping in for our academicleader in this program who unfortunately was unable to be here today,

What Can You Do With A Masters In Public Health

What Can You Do With A Masters In Public Health, dr. sloan burke winkleman – fantastic. many of you have already reached out her, or might have already reached out her via email. she's wonderful. she'll be the person to go to –

answer a lot of the academic questionsyou're absolutely welcome to reach out to me as well, or a lot of our members of tseng collegewho you will do a lot more of the program specificquestions. again, we'll have a lot of people here to answer your questions now andafterwards. alright? let's jump in. not a very long presentation if i canget the presentation work. so again, welcome. we really want tofocus a lot more today

letting you know a little bit more about the program specifics, but really answering some those questions that youmight have. why do i want to choose csun? why do i want to choose a master's in public health in general? what can i do with it? what will this online mpa give me? we'll go into a lot of those specifics today. one big thing... we'll first kinda talk alittle bit more about the online program itself, then we'll jump into a lot of other topicsand then really end with our online program again. more of those specific components that you might

be curious about. why would you choose csun to get your mph degree? so one of the big, best things about this degree and theonline mph here at csun it's very much an applied practitionerbased degree. some of you might already be working inthe field of public health; some of you might be interested in directly working in thefield a public health. this is the degree that's going to

help you do that. we're gonna reallyconnect you to people in the workforce. really our whole educational design is to getyou with the skills that you need to jump right into the workforce ifyou're not already there, and really kinda grow in the workforceif you are already in the public health workforce. it's really an applied degree, that you can directly use the skills as you're going through anddirectly use after you graduate. so again, why csun?

we are a long standing program. programs at csun inpublic health have been around for 50 years. so we have been here, the program hasbeen established for that long you know we have a good idea what people in the field might need. what public healthpractitioners need; what skill set that they can use in public health practice. csun has a really university-wide, really an amazing faculty base.

in the online mph program you're gonnabe working with a wide variety of faculty. so a lot of us have been working in this field foryears, if not decades, lots of different specialties as well. ifyou're interested in nutritional health, faculty members had worked in that foryears and years. we have faculty members who work in women's health; international health; more in theepidemiology biostatistics side of things; infectious disease; chronic disease; people that work in really anything youcan think of in public health. we have

faculty members who you will be working with during your online program in things. soreally, really great opportunity to work with good faculty who can also connect you to really greatmembers, preceptors in the surrounding area or outside thesurrounding area they might be able to answer questionsor you might be able to find an internship with or job later on. lots of strong, different diverse backgrounds in ourfaculty base. you're gonna have direct

access to from working, learning from everyone in our department. we have really excellent partnerships. i kind have alluded to this – we have really great partnerships for internship opportunities. some of you might already be in thefield a public health just looking to advance and get more education to advance andyour own careers; some of you might not yet be in the field of public health and might be really interested in

seeing what's out there. may bechanging careers, doing a different career. our program has a lot of internshipsbecause we've been around for 50 years. we have a lot of connectionswith community-based organizations; federal organization; state health departments; city healthdepartments; county health departments; a wide variety of things, and we'll go a little bit more into that, but lots of connections that you can makeworking with the faculty here to other members of the community whomight be working

the field. we have a cohorted program so the online mph is a cohorted program. whatdoes that mean? basically, when you come into the programyou are going to be with the same people throughout the same with other members of your cohort throughout the entirety of your program.why would this be a good thing? lots and lots of reasons and we'll justtouch on a few. really important thing that here at csun we've found online mph programs you know, give a lot of good informationbut we also want to maintain that sense

of community. it can be kind of hard to know how to do that in an online environment. we want you to beconnecting with your peers in the program. so you gonna be followingthrough the program with all the peers that you started with. yougonna be making connections with each other as you're going to theprogram. so another really good thing about the cohorted program, it is designed and really focused on busy,mid-career adults or people who you might be working long hours, thatcohorted program is going to allow

you to ensure that you always get theclasses that you need. there's not gonna be any worry, "oh, this classfilled up," or you know, "i had an issue getting in." wehave that schedule for you. we know exactly when you're gonna be takingthose classes, we have it all planned out. you areguaranteed those classes as you go through. so it's really a great program if you areworking a full-time job it allows you that flexibility. we'll talk a little bit more about the flexibility later on. the online degree really gives you that

ability to you know live your life; to doall the other things that you have to do in your life, but also beginning a degree at the same time. a really powerful and important degree. csun also has collaboration – our online mph program really representsa collaboration between to different colleges. the academicside is really through the college of health and human development at csun. a well renowned program. a lot of our faculty members work specifically in the health sciencedepartment but we do have other faculty

members in you know other departments withinthat college of health and human services. we have people who are specializing in their fields, teaching you the classes. going through, working with you week to week, giving you that knowledge that you need.benefit those, you also have tseng college. tseng college has been aroundfor a while. they know exactly how to best run an online program – reallyfit that to your schedule, fit that to

what you need to get out of the program. the biggest benefit just in numbers you have to colleges that are working for you. you have whole sources of information to getinformation from. two kinds of support systems as you're going through. we are all happy to answer your questions. before, during, after the program, you're going to make a lot of connections with a lot of people here really wanna see you excel with yourdegree

in the program and after. let's talk a little bit more... now that we've gone into the basics of why you might be interested an online program, our online mph here at csun. let's talk a little bit moreabout public health, and really focus on why you might beinterested in mph and a lot of you might have very different reasons. we'll go over some basics and really focus a little bit more onwhat you can do with your mph degree. so kind of the new reality that we'reseeing

in the u.s., but also globally, let'sfocus specifically on the u.s. the affordable care act or obamacare thewe've been talking about for quite a while, several years.it's provided a lot of new opportunities in the healthcare industry which public health is a part. so they really focus, and the focus has transitioned away from straight treatment of individuals a lot more focused on prevention. you will be right, kinda the cutting edge of prevention with anonline or with your

mph degree in general – your master's inpublic health. we'll talk again about the degree alittle bit, but really focusing on prevention and how to improve health communitiesand populations gonna be the focus of an mph program. if that sounds like something that you might be interested in this is the program for you. today'sleadership... so why would you go to a graduate degree program? we know that today's leadership positions reallyrequire that graduate degree. you can get into careers in publichealth with undergrad degree,

sometimes a high school diploma butreally to excel to get into leadership positions it does take experience, but also takes that background in health education and public health, that's what we're gonna focus on a lotin this program. preparing you to enter in leadership-level positions, orpreparing you down the road for leadership-level positions. reallygiving you a lot of different information and skill set that you canuse to excel. when we're looking at kinda just reality in today's society

we know that we have a growth in aging and immigrant populations. in health, we need to find a way toaddress that. one thing that our program is gonna do is really focus on how you address that in thecommunity – really good thing about the program aswell, there's an increase in aging, a growth in immigrant populationsalso means a growth in jobs – health education jobs; healthcare jobs ingeneral, so there's a lot of opportunity. we'll gothrough the opportunities and the job growth in this particular field in the

next couple of slides. when we'retalking about also public health looking at kinda widely there's been a huge globalization of justthe health care industry. we see a lot people who get their degrees in the u.s. going to work internationally and thatis absolutely something you can do with your degree. we'll connect youwith people if you're interested in international health will connect you with people ininternational organizations like the w-h- 0

that can help you, help find a place foryou in the global world of health. if you'reinterested in working domestically fantastic! public health also obviouslyworks in the u.s. as well, so if you're more focus on that we can try to connectyou to people more work in that. you're gonnaget the education and skill sets to you do what you want with your degree. let's talk a little bit about growth.we mention that word growth before health care industry is growing whatdoes that mean in numbers for jobs? are you going to have a job possibilityafter you get this degree?

are you getting this degree for a reason?absolutely the answer is yes. public health occupations across theboard are growing faster than the averagegrowth for all u.s. occupations. they're going about double the growth forthe average kinda all u.s. jobs together. when we're looking specifically at publichealth employment, and public health educators, and kind ofthe field of public health, from 2012 to 2022 a good while from now, there is expected to be 21 percent projected growth.

this is double other occupations so weknow that there are jobs now, we know that there are gonna be jobs inthe future for you after you graduate with your degree. i know that always a concern you're gonna leave with all this education are you gonna be able to apply it? the answer is definitely, yes.across-the-board looking at public health kind of you know, in respect to the overallhealth care industry so the health care industry will generate...

is expected to generate about 5.6million jobs by 2020. so again there's gonna be a lot of opportunities for employment in the health care industry. we'll go into a little bit about what youcan do with that public health degree. really public health educators, peoplewho have an mph work in so many different fields and public health. there's so many different opportunities in the healthcare industry to find a place for that depending on what you're interested in. so, lots and lots of opportunities.

the demand for health care and healthrelated professions really soaring at the rate... soaring in the u.s. so again, double therate other occupations to this is definitely something whereyou know you can use. let's talk a little bit, specifically about a master's in public health. what can i do with an mph? some of youmight have well researched what you can do in publichealth. some you might know exactly what you want to do in the field.some of you might have just kinda found

public health as an interest and want to know a little bit more about it. the mph will give you a really solid degree and foundation in public health. we'll go into different jobs. a lot of people in public health – we seem really not have started outthinking about public health. they didn't grow up thinking theywanted to work in public health as public health educators, but maybethey grew up knowing they want to help people.

there's a lot of different ways, a lot of different professions you can help people in. a lot of people we have coming into the program with an interest in public health had this ideawanting to help people, so maybe a little bit focus on more medical, you know, wanting to treat people, help people. we see a lot of people transition fromreally kind that more clinical mindset so wanted to be a physician ornurse

transitioning to the field public healthas an interest after seeing all people who might have a disease – you might have a close family member who's had an illness, you might wonder to yourself youknow, as much as it's very important to treat these illnesses... maybe we take a couple steps back and prevent them from ever happening. that's really what we can do with public health. public health works on kinda thispopulation-level really looking to prevent disease ratherthan just treat individual cases. we're

looking to develop programs that focus on health prevention. reallydeveloping... having people develop healthy lifestyles,healthier ways of diet, exercise, anything related to their health. they can helpbenefit their health down the line. maybe save having to have treatmentlater on. again, we see that being a focus now with the affordable care act with a lotof insurance companies – health insurance companies are actually focusing more on

going towards prevention. one ofthe reasons why we expect so much growth in this field – so much need forhealth educators, because people are realizing, if we prevent things early on we won't have to spend all this moneytreating diseases. that key word is prevention. whatcan you do with your mph degree? we said to be in those leadershippositions to kind of direct and design programs, you might need a little bit more than an entry-level position or an entry-level degree. your mph is going to allow you thoseadditional skill set

to actually start again being in a directorposition; being in a leadership position, in a health department; in a healthorganization; in a hospital; so lots and lots of thingsyou can do. let's talk about a couple thesespecifically. what can you do with your mph? you can create direct, and advocate for approaches focused on prevention and extending lives. the great thing about an mph is you will learn how to design program. so without an mph degree, you might be more in a supportive roleor coordinating role – fantastic need for

those roles – if you're interested increating things; designing things; having had ahand in directly forming a program; an mph will allow you to do that. the mph here – our online mph in community health education will really give you the skill set to beable to design programs; designed curriculum; for different programs that you mightwant to enact. with an mph conduct needs assessment. needs assessment doesn't soundlike the most exciting thing, you know,

you're going out, your finding out what'shappening, where you can help – it's actually incredibly exciting to be out there. finding out where the gaps inhealth – what programs are needed? in a community that really can help havea huge impact on expanding, expanding, improving health in a community. so really conducting that needsassessment; finding out the gaps; finding out any health disparitiesbetween different populations and really focusing on what programsthat can be best used in that community mosteffective.

you can with the skill set thatyou're developing with your mph you can help or conduct those, or director the conducting a those yourself. we can also implement andevaluate health- based programs. if you have aninterest in program development so if you know you want to design a program from scratch - know not only the needsassessment side, but know what programs might work and might be effective, but also help inthe designing of that program and direct the designing

then this is the degree for you. this willallow you to kind of learn how best to design a program; what are the behavioral features that you have to take into account? when you are trying to see if these programs can be effective. what are the population characteristics that you need to take into account? how do you evaluate a program that you've created? once you've created a program and you've implemented the program – do you just step back and kinda leave it as is? no, you want to know if it's working. you wanna know what can be done to make it

more effective or is it is effective as it can be? does it need to be significantly changed? that's what this degree and this skill set is gonna allow you to do. so when we're looking at our communityhealth education mph or online mph, you're also going to create and develop the skill set to createrelevant communication materials. this sounds kind of dry. right?communication materials. think of all the changes in thecommunication industry that's happened the

last decade. so the centers for diseasecontrol, the world health organization, the californiadepartment public health, all them have twitter accounts now. that's how they're disseminating information to the public. it's not just brochures, that's absolutely part of it, brochures andmaybe in a physician's office or health department my go into communicating important information, but also really using twitter,

using facebook, really getting the wordout there to different communities in the most effective way. really designing – how to create effective materials. that's what we'll definitely talk aboutin several of the classes in the online mph program. lead and execute programs, personnel,and budget. if you love to direct you love working with people; you love todirect people; and you love to design programs; and work with people implementing these programs; this is thedegree for you as well.

you'll really get that opportunity toplay a part in a director or leadership role with a graduate degree in public health.it will allow you to execute these programs that you mighthave had you know, free rein in designing and kinda findout the needs assessment to design it – design the program, and then you actually implement, anddirect the implementation of some these programs. you'll be able to do that withyour degree. so really, really different things, allkinda related – all things that you're

gonna be able to do; and you're gonna learn aboutdoing in the mph program. if you already know, you gonna learn more about doing in our mph program. you're also going to be able to apply epidemiological principles and analyses. when we think about epidemiology, kinda long complex word, we're really talking about the distribution and determinants of health. right? so distribution of disease; where is disease; what are risk factors fordisease;

and then taking that information thatepidemiologic information and applying it to developing programs.okay, we see this many people with disease in this community; a lot less have disease in thiscommunity; so maybe we focus our attention; we focus our programdevelopment in the community that seems to have more than need. really being able to apply thatresearch; apply those numbers; to develop the most effective programs to kinda work with populations in the most effective way.

to really focus on that prevention ofhealth or prevention of you know, disease down the line. wealso apply contemporary concepts and theories; innovative globally marketable publichealth professional – basically a long way of saying, we're going to apply these concepts andwe're going to you know, really focus on in this program, havingyou learn about concepts; learn about theories, but alsodirect application. that's more of that application principal of this program.

we're trying to train you to be publichealth professionals. at that, you know, more director-level of things. right? so in that more leadership role. really applying the principles that youlearn. applying those concepts of behavioral theory and really focusing on how to use thatto better the health in a community. lots of different things that you can do in the u.s. – lots of different things you can do ona global scale. so an mph degree is globally recognized as being a really important degree

when we're looking a population-based health. in this particular program, what coursesare you gonna take? we talked a lot about what you can do with it. what courses are you gonna can take?you're gonna take – this is an online mph program focused more oncommunity health education. don't think that all you're gonna bedoing is educating, you're gonna be doing so many different things in publichealth. all kind of designed around that prevention strategy. preventing negative aspects of health in a community. you're gonna take courses in

environmental health, because it's a really important partof that whole, wide public health field. you're gonna take courses in health behavior theory, biostatistics, program planning,epidemiology, curriculum design, and we're going to give you.... the mphprogram, master's in public health is reallydesigned to make you competent in all fields a public health. so those fivepillars a public health are: environmental health, health behavior theory – social and behavioral theory;biostatistics,

epidemiology, and health administrationare kind of our five pillars. you're gonna take classes in all of those things. if you want to be, you know, you want to do any of these things, you will have the skill set to apply that. so again, the detailed brochure goes into thedifferent classes and different names, i'm happy to answer any questions about what the classes are like; whatinformation they may contain; after the session today. one fantastic thing about our program,we're celebrating nearly fifty years

of public health accreditation. what does accreditation mean for you? the council on education for public health,ceph, is really our accrediting body forschools of public health and programs in public health... nationally scales. we have beenceph accredited for between forty and fifty years. this has been an accredited program. the online mph program is an accredited program,

with the stateside or in-person mph program. what ceph does – that whole accreditation process, they really make sure in thisprogram you will get the fundamentals of public health. because they want public healthprofessionals leaving a program to be trained appropriately – to be that well-rounded, broad reaching professional. so ceph accredits and there are yearly processesthat you have to go through, and that we've had to go through

to maintain that accreditation. we'vebeen accredited for decades. it's a really strong program that you'regonna be entering in – hopefully gonna be a part of. let's talk specifically about job titlesin public health. we're gonna focus more the general field of public health, giving you a scope of what you can do with your mph degree. keeping in mind, this is an mph incommunity health education, but again you're gonna be working with somany different professionals in the field on a daily basis.

your peers outside will be of different members or fields and specialties in public health, but all of you are going towardsthat same goal. that same goal of prevention, of increasing health and community. so again, we're gonna talk specific jobtitles, but also you might be worrying about what jobs are around afterward, you might also be worrying about what salary looks like. i'm gonna be spending money on an mph degree and then not making any money at all? sowe wanted to give you a sense

of average salaries. one thing iwill say as you're looking at these – let's talk about – first, health services administration. maybe you go to be a hospitaladministrator; maybe go to be a health administration management personnel; so the... this number is really gonna focus onpeople with non-graduate degrees, entry-level positions. when you're thinking about well,where do i fit in there? you're gonna be kinda in the middle, possibly with potential to grow

to that upper range. keep in mind, the upper range willbe years experience. these are averages of that profession. we havebiostatisticians, biostatistics, you'll take classes inhealth administration; you'll take classes in biostatistics. again, making you that well-roundedpublic health professional that you wanna be leaving a graduate program. you'll take classes in biostatistics;take classes in epidemiology, really studying the diseasedistribution – studing risk factors for

disease. being a little bit more of a disease detective. you'll focus a lot of your classes onhealth education a behavioral science. how can you design programs? how can you implement programs improving health in a community; improving health on a global scale? when we're looking at environmentalhealth again, you're going to take classes on environmental health – environmental health is an important component of public health. slightly different feel. do different things.

maybe you do environmental and occupational health. lots of different things you can do with it. as an mph student, in this program you will be working with environmental health specialists on things or can be working. you'll get some of that skill set aswell. you can work in international health. we said, not only is this kinda of a u.s. you know, not only can you apply your skills in the u.s., an mph degree is recognized worldwide on a global scale.

that accreditation that we said, that ceph accredits us – really again, that's designed to have you leave a program as a competent public health professional, ready to jumpinto a lot, tackle a lot of different things when we're talking about public health. you can work in nutrition; you can work in nutrition education;there a lot of ways blending a lot of these different things and again you'llbe blending a lot of these different working with different people in thefield. we have public health

practice or program management, againyou can jump into this with your mph degree really focusing on publichealth practice. so program management – you can workwith people who are managing programs; you can direct and create programs yourself. it just depends on exactly what youwant to do. exactly what you're passionate about. the best thing about an mph is it allows you to do what you're passionate about. apply the all the skill sets you learnwhile you're getting your degree

into something you're passionate aboutin your career. really working with the population you're passionate about.working with a disease you're passionate about or some other health outcome that you'repassionate about. you can work at a biomedical laboratory. these are all national averages for salary.again, these aren't necessarily... i wouldn't look either at, certainly not thelow end of things because those do represent more entry-level positions.just so you have an idea of exactly what you're getting into. we saidthere are absolutely jobs out there,

that job growth is expected in the nextdecade. particularly in this field. looking at places you might work withyour degree. there are so many different organizations that you're gonna work with and that we're gonna connect you with in this program. you can work with after you leave – youcan work with the american health association, centers for disease control. we haveformer students who have worked lot of these different organizations. dawnagain,

followed their passion. work for the american cancer society – work on a more global scale with theworld health organization, but again you can work with a nonprofit. don't think you're going to be stuck in one job in one place. there are a lot of different organizations you can work with, nonprofit, global organizations, county orcity health departments, or state or federal health departments. also other organizations, hospitals physician's office – that whole idea offocusing on public health prevention

is so wide when we're talking about thehealth care industry. lots and lots of opportunities, lots and lots of different places. fall 2015 cohort are accepting applications now. i believe deadline is may 1st. so i encourage you all try to apply by may 1st. get yourquestions answered tonight – e-mail in the next week, get yourquestions answered and apply. it's a great program. i would loveto see you all in the program next year. applications are accepted on a rolling basis so even though we have that deadline of may 1st, we will still accept applications after

that on that rolling basis. best advice, apply as early as you can. get your questions answered as early as you can. you can apply online. requires a bachelor's degree in any discipline. one of the nice things about public health and one of the fun things you'll realize in yourcohort is you have people from so many different backgrounds. people thatmight have gotten a degree in sociology; people that mighthave gotten degree in anthropology; in biology; public health has that broadappeal

because we're focused on health prevention. lots of different specialties coming in.you just need a bachelor's degree in any discipline. you need a gpa, your last 60 units at about 3.0. if you have a lower than 3.0 gpa – a 2.5 you do need to take the gre. if you have a 3.0 gpa or higher, you do not need to take the gre to be accepted. just keep that in mind. iknow there's a lot of things to think about when you're applying to graduateschool.

the gre is the kind of graduate school standardized test is one thing to think about. you onlyneed that if you don't meet the specific requirements for gpa – if you fall under that 3.0 mark. the cost of the program again and i encourage you, think about cost when you're thinkingabout different programs, but also think about costs and what it can do for you in the future. what will this degree give you? again, mph degree, a lot of those leadership and director positions will that come with higher salaries will require a graduate degree

so the cost that you're having now can benefit you significantly in the future. there is financial aid offered in this program and i'll have jesse speak a little bit more on that oryou know, we do have a lot of information for that. alright. so again we're gonna give yousome handouts and provide you some handouts with information. has everyone seen there is a website? has everyone gotten a chance to go to the website? the website is also listedon the brochure.

that should answer a lot of generalquestions that you might have about program specifics, but i encourage you to reach out if you have questions to theacademic lead, myself any other faculty members or the tseng program manager.

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