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Fine For Not Having Health Insurance
during the campaign donaldtrump promised over and over again that he wouldn't cutsocial security, medicare, or medicaid. he said he wouldn'tcut it. he said he would, quote,
Fine For Not Having Health Insurance, save medicare, medicaid, andsocial security without cuts. that is one of many quotes wherehe was crystal clear. they released their new trumpcareplan, the republican version of
healthcare, they will replaceobamacare with this, they say, trump is behind it and paul ryanis behind it, the republican party owns it, donald trump ownsit, the congressional budget office is a nonpartisan branchof government that grades these and tells you how well they aregoing to do. and by how well, they just tell you the numbers. hey, here is what is going to happen with the number ofinsured, here is what will happen to the deficit, averagepremiums, that is their best
estimate. in the past whendonald trump -- when they've had estimates that were against theobama administration donald trump loved the cbo and saidthey were exactly right. well, a lot of people wondering how theywould score this. first important fact, turns out overthe next 10 years the republican version of healthcare is goingto cut $880 billion from
you said you wouldn'tcut medicaid at all, you are going to cut it by almost $1trillion. so that is a devastating lie. and if youvoted for donald trump and it was because you were worried aboutlyin' ted and crooked hillary, how do you like this whopper ofa lie? another quote, i got dozens of these, but he said i'mnot going to cut medicare or period.
oops. okay, sothat's the medicaid cut. the big number everyone is looking foris, how many people will lose their insurance? in thebeginning of course donald trump said i will cover everyone, noone will lose their insurance, we will cover more people thanobamacare. that's preposterous,
the plan they released will cutmany people, it might cut six to 10 million people off of healthinsurance so they will be uninsured, another one i thinkfrom bloomberg last week said the cbo might estimate as muchas 15 million people might lose their insurance. the numberscame out today, let's find out what they said in that camp -- >>let me repeat that -- 24million people will lose their insurance.
now, when obama saidthat everybody would get to keep their exact same plan, that wasa foolish thing to say because the plans are going to change. now, everybody kept a plan, 20 million extra people wereinsured, they didn't have the same exact plan, and the mediacame down on him like a ton of bricks. republicans werefurious. i didn't keep the same
plan. he lied. now your guysaid that everyone would get insurance, but 24 million peopleextra not going to get insurance, will lose theirinsurance. he said he wouldn't cut medicaid, he will cut it bynearly $1 trillion. so i guess your guy is 1000 times worse aliar.
let's just keep it real on that. even if you like thisplan, i don't care about the poor or the elderly, i'm youngand healthy for now so i'm going to pay a bit less, you can't saydonald trump didn't lie because he did on a grand scale. the 24million is extra, let me explain how many people won't haveinsurance by 2026. according to
the congressional budget office,by that time, an estimated 52 million people would beuninsured. 52 million. what happened to covering everybody? covering everybody who he cares about, who he perceives to be onhis side. and by the way, a lot of his voters are in that 52million.
but he never cared about you. he did fairly wellamong whites who did not have a high education or high income. you guys are going to get hurt the most. you think he was onyour side? he was messing with you the whole time.
let's breakit down for a minute -- >>the reason that all thosenumbers are already disastrous right off the bat is because themarket adjusts to what they know is coming in 2020, and theybegin to already have actions and people already react ontheir own as well. when you total that up, that's the resultyou have. so republicans, you
were so thrilled to repeal obamacare, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. youthrow 14 million people off of insurance right before themidterm elections and 21 million people off of insurance beforedonald trump's reelection, maybe -- maybe that he might still bein office -- i have a sense that those folks will be a littleangry. i know what you think, poor people, who needs them?
they never vote republican anyway. that's not true, a lotof poor people vote republican. a lot of people who voted fortrump will lose their insurance and they ain't going to behappy. you said they would keep their insurance, you lied tothem. i can't wait to see that rage.
let's break it downfurther -- >>so you are low income, gone. they need insurance the most! the rich guy can at least affordto get his own insurance. nope, the guys who need it the mostwill get it the least. you aren't surprised by that. let'sgo even further into the numbers
-- >>remember when they said thecosts are out of control under obamacare? turns out accordingto the cbo, deductibles will be even higher under you guys. whathappened? oh, it's because you are empowering private corporationslike the insurance companies who are just middlemen to take evenmore profits off the table at
your expense. who do you thinkthe republicans work for? work for giant corporations whoare their donors. they don't work for you. okay. there issome good news here for some people, we will get to that in asecond -- >>what happened?
i thoughtpremiums would be lower. turns out they will be higher. becareful what you wish for, you just might get it. so where inthe world is the good news? half good news, half bad news here -- >>that is good news if you are21 years old --
>>so if you are an elderlyvoter who voted for trump, and there are a lot of them outthere, and all of a sudden your premiums are up by 25%, morethan they would have been under obamacare -- see, they can'ttrick you with that because you actually have to pay it. theycan do all this marketing and propaganda and get the media tocall things even and intimidate them and get the media to hire awhole bunch of trump spokespeople and pay them, butthe bottom line is when your
premiums go up 25% you willknow. and there is one thing older americans do -- vote. might get it. vox had one thingthey found in the numbers and they wanted to share, this isamazing, if you are 21 you will pay less, if you pay 1700 underobama for premiums on average, now you will pay 1450. you willsave 250 bucks.
if you are 21 years old and you are an onlinetroll you might think screw everyone else, i won slightly. if you are older, the average 64-year-old under obamacare,first of all, they paid $1700. but under the republican bill,that particular guy, this isn't true for everybody, but this isan average 64-year-old according to the numbers, would pay$14,600, more than half of his annual income, just on insurancefor healthcare.
the amount is, are you sitting for this, a 750%increase in premiums compared to obamacare. so you saw theaverages for if you are in the older range, your premium willgo up 20 to 25%. but some people get hurt real bad. for certainreasons that are in the intricacies of the bill, theywill get hit with a 750%
increase. and some of thosefolks, again most of those folks, are in the olderbrackets. they trusted that the republicans wouldn't cut socialsecurity, medicare, or medicaid, they trusted their premiumswould be lower. that was the wrong bet. now, donald trump andhis acolytes can yell fake news
all they want now. me sayingthis doesn't matter, the nonpartisan cbo saying it, youcan ignore it if you want -- when they pass it, if they passit, and it becomes law, this stuff is real, it will actuallyhappen. you can call it fake news all you like but when yourbill goes up 750% that will be real news, and it will devastateyou. so be careful what you wish
for, it looks like this is whatyou got.
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