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23 famous serial killers who are still alive. this is a list of serial killers, who arestill alive. when serial killers are caught, after a longperiod of horrific, evil crimes, it’s almost expected that their lives will be coming toan end. the usual sentence for multiple murders, especiallyones committed by serial killers, is death.

Hunter Health Clinic Wichita Ks

Hunter Health Clinic Wichita Ks, so that’s why it’s so remarkable, to hearabout serial killers, who are currently still alive, most of whom are serving life sentencesin prison. very few serial killers, who have been caughthave been released from prison, but there are still some odd exceptions, where the lawand morality don’t intersect.

who are these serial killers, who are stillamong the living? how did they escape a death sentence whileon trial? what were their crimes, and who were theirvictims? how did these serial killers murder theirvictims? this list answers these questions, and moreabout some of the world’s most notorious living serial killers. many famous serial killers were murdered injail. the male and female serial killers on thislist, either received life sentences, or managed to avoid life in prison.

these rare serial killers may have taken thelives, of at least three people, some with victim numbers over 50, yet are still alive. 1. charles manson. born in ohio in 1934, charles manson is notoriouslyconnected to the brutal slayings of actress sharon tate, and other hollywood residents,but he was never actually found guilty, of committing the murders himself. however, the famous tate-la bianca killingshave immortalized him, as a living embodiment of evil.

images of his staring "mad eyes" are stillused today to illustrate countless serial-murder news stories. the manson family including charles manson,and his young, loyal dropout disciples of murder, is thought to have carried out some35 killings. most were never tried, either for lack ofevidence, or because the perpetrators were already sentenced, to life for the tate/labianca killings. in 2012, manson was denied parole for the12th time. the first victims fell on august 9, 1969,at the home roman polanski had rented located at 10050, cielo drive in benedict canyon,an area just north of beverly hills.

manson chose four of his most obedient comradescharles "tex" watson, susan atkins, patricia krenwinkel, and linda kasabian to carry outthese heinous crimes. kasabian acted as the getaway driver, andwas to become the star witness during the trial. the victims inside the house, actress sharontate; writer wojciech frykowski, and his partner, the coffee bean heiress abigail folger; andcelebrity hairstylist jay sebring, had returned to the polanski residence after dining out. polanksi himself was away in london shootinga film. the first victim was 18-year-old steven parent,who had been visiting his friend william garretson,

who took care of and lived in a guest home,on the cielo drive property which polanski, and tate rented. he was spotted by the intruders, and was shotas he drove away from the house, in the dark early morning hours. kasabian was horrified by the shooting ofthe boy, and she remained outside to keep watch. when the other three broke into the house,they herded the occupants into the living room, and tied them up. manson himself took no part in the actualkillings, but directed his murderous disciples

to the address, and instructed them to killeveryone. according to one of the family member's statements,the polanksi household had been targeted, because it represented manson's rejectionby the showbiz world and society. jay sebring was shot and brutally kicked ashe tried to defend ms. tate. during the terrifying fracas, both frykowskiand folger managed to escape from the house, but were chased and stabbed to death. at the trial, kasabian described how she sawfrykowski staggering out, of the house covered in blood, and was horrified at the sight. she told him she was "sorry," but despiteher pleas to his attacker to stop, the victim

was bludgeoned repeatedly. folger escaped from the house with terribleinjuries, but was caught on the front lawn and stabbed 28 times. 2. dennis rader – btkdennis lynn rader was born on march 9, 1945, in pittsburg, kansas. from the 1970s to the 1990s, the "btk killer"—whichstands for "bind, torture, and kill"—terrorized the wichita, kansas area. in 2005, he was finally caught and revealedto be dennis rader, a seemingly average married

father of two. the oldest of four sons, rader grew up inwichita, kansas. there may have been signs of trouble, earlyon as a los angeles times report stated, that he used to hang stray cats as a child. rader served in the u.s. air force, from themid to late 1960s. he married his wife paula in 1971, and workedfor a camping gear company for a few years. he went to work for adt security servicesin 1974. that same year, rader committed his firstcrime. on january 15, 1974, rader killed four membersof the otero family in their home, joseph

and julie otero and two of their children,josephine and joseph jr. they died by strangulation, and rader tooka watch and a radio from the home. strangulation and taking souvenirs would becomepart, of his modus operandi, or pattern of behavior. he also left semen at the scene and latersaid, that he derived sexual pleasure from killing. the oteros' 15 year old son, charlie, camehome later, that day and discovered the bodies. the btk killer struck again a few months later. waiting in their apartment on april 4, 1974,rader killed kathryn bright, by stabbing and

strangling, and attempted to kill her brother,kevin. kevin was shot twice, but survived. he described rader as "an average-sized guy,bushy mustache, 'psychotic' eyes," according to a time magazine article. despite his cat and mouse game with authorities,rader was able to keep the lid on his secret, murderous life. he continued to work at adt. on the surface, rader was reportedly an attentivehusband and father. he and his wife had their first child, a son,in 1975 and a daughter in 1978.

the next year, rader graduated from wichitastate university, with a degree in administration of justice. still he continued to taunt authorities, andappeared to be poised to strike again. in april 1979, rader waited in an elderlywoman’s home, but he left before she came home. he sent her a letter, to let her know thatthe btk killer had been there. in an effort to catch him, the authoritiesreleased the 1977, recording of the phone call to police, hoping that someone mightrecognize the voice. after several years without a known crime,rader killed his neighbor marine hedge, on

april 27, 1985. her body was found days later on the sideof the road. the next year, he killed vicki wegerle inher home in september. his final known victim, dolores davis, wastaken from her home on january 19, 1991. it is not known why rader seemed to stop killing. he had left adt in the late 1980s, and startedworking as a park city, compliance supervisor in 1991. in his new position, rader was known to bea stickler for the rules. he measured the height of people's lawns,and chased stray animals while toting a tranquilizer

gun. according to reports, rader took pleasurein exerting his limited authority over his neighbors, and other members of the community. he was also a boy scout troop leader, andan active member of his church. with many news stories marking, the thirtiethanniversary of the otero murders, the btk killer resurfaced in 2004. rader sent local media outlets, and authoritiesa number of letters. these were filled with items related to hiscrimes, including pictures of one of the victims, a word puzzle, and an outline for the "btkstory."

during 2004 and 2005, he also left packageswith more clues around, including a computer disk. that disk helped lead authorities to rader'schurch. they also noticed his white van on security,tapes of some of the package drop off areas. authorities were also able to obtain, a dnasample from rader's daughter, which helped cement their case against him. rader was arrested on february 25, 2005, andlater charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder. some neighbors and members of his church,where he served as president of the church

council, were stunned by the news and couldnot believe, that the man they knew was the serial killer that, had haunted the area forso long. to the surprise of many, rader pled guiltyto all of the charges on june 27, 2005. as part of his plea, he gave the horrifyingdetails of his crimes in court. many observers noted that he described thegruesome events, without any sign of remorse or emotion. he escaped the death penalty, because he committedhis crimes, before the state's 1994 reinstatement of the death penalty. rader is currently serving 10 life sentencesin a kansas prison.

3. dennis nilsendennis nilsen was born november 23, 1945 in fraserburgh, scotland. though nilsen recognized his homosexual desires,he was never comfortable with them, and began acting on them through murder and dismemberment. nilsen's first victim was in 1978, he wenton to kill, upon his confession, twelve young men and dissect their bodies. in february 1983 a tenant, at 23 cranley gardensin muswell hill, complained that the toilets were blocked, and the dyno-rod company wascalled in to investigate.

what they discovered in the drains would leadto the arrest, of one of britain's most prolific serial killers. dennis nilsen, a 37 year old civil servantliving in the attic, had murdered at least 15 men in the space of five years. in many cases he would keep the corpses, inhis home for several months before cutting them up, and disposing of them, either ona bonfire or by flushing them down the toilet. he would later confess to having sex, withthe dead bodies of his victims. the first known victim is 14 year-old stephenholmes on december 30, 1978. nilsen invited him back to his flat, at 195melrose avenue in cricklewood, strangled him

with a necktie, and then drowned him in abucket of water. eight months later nilsen burnt the body inthe garden. on 3 december 1979 kenneth ockendon, a 23year-old canadian student, was invited back to the same address and strangled. he was followed by 16 year-old martyn duffey,on may 17, 1980, and 27 year-old billy sutherland, in august 1980. nilsen admitted to killing seven other unidentifiedmen, and keeping their bodies under the floorboard, before the murder of malcolm barlow, 24, onseptember 18, 1981. he burned five of them on a bonfire at theback, of his home on october 4, 1981.

the next day he moved to 23 cranley gardens. the first victim at the new flat was johnhowlett in march 1982, (exact age and date unknown). he was followed by graham allen, in september1982 (age and date unknown), and finally stephen sinclair, 20, on january 26, 1983. nilsen was arrested two weeks later on 9 february,after the discovery of human flesh in the drains. when questioned by detectives at the flat,he feigned shock before showing them two bags, full of body parts in his cupboard.

during the summing up, the judge dispensedwith the majority, of the psychiatric jargon that had perplexed the jury, by instructingthem that a mind can be evil, without being abnormal. the jury retired on november 3, 1983, butwere unable to reach a unanimous verdict. the following day, the judge agreed to accepta majority verdict and, at 4:25 p.m., they delivered a verdict of guilty on all six countsof murder. the judge sentenced dennis nilsen to lifein prison, without eligibility for parole for at least 25 years. 4.

charles cullenwhile working as a nurse over the course of 16 years, charles cullen killed at least 35victims, although the suspected number is actually in the hundreds. he killed patients through overdoses, andmedical contamination in new jersey, and pennsylvania hospitals. cullen was arrested in 2003, and sentencedto 127 years in prison. since then, investigations into the hospitals,that employed cullen have revealed, that some may have been aware, that he was harming patientswithout taking any measures to stop it. charles cullen was a critical care nurse,who admits to killing up to 40 people.

some suspect it was a lot more. the murders took place over 16 years in sevendifferent hospitals. there were suspicions at nearly, all of themthat cullen was harming patients, yet none of them passed that information on to subsequentemployers. newspaper headlines called him "the angelof death," but as you will see, charles cullen was no mercy killer. until we interviewed him a few weeks ago,he had never spoken publically about his crimes, never tried to explain why he did it, or evenexpress remorse to the families of victims, when he finally faced them in court.

thomas strenko: this monster didn't even knowus or our son, but had the audacity to end his life. richard stoeker: i'd like to tell you a littleabout my mother, that you murdered. you don't even have the guts to look thisway do you? clara hardgrove: charles. why don't you look up at us?! i'd like to show you what you did to our children. this is their dad in his coffin. how do you like that?

this was the scene seven years ago, at thesomerset county courthouse in new jersey, as charles cullen sat through his sentencinghearing, refusing to speak, or even acknowledge the family members, of people he had murdered. even the judge was exasperated. judge paul armstrong: mr. cullen, i askedyou a question...why is it that you have chosen not to address the court? can you hear me, mr. cullen?" he's kept that silence behind the walls, ofthe new jersey state prison in trenton, where he is in protective custody to keep him safefrom other inmates.

protecting himself from his own demons hasbeen more difficult. we found out when we sat down across fromhim, in a cramped cubicle separated by a thick layer of glass, to talk about the people he'skilled. steve kroft: is 40 an arbitrary number? charles cullen: forty is an estimate. i gave a number between 30 and 40. i think i have identified, you know, mostof them. steve kroft: look, you pled guilty to murder. but you don't use that word.

charles cullen: i think that i had a lot oftrouble accepting, that word for a long time. i accept that that's what it is. steve kroft: do you consider yourself a serialkiller? charles cullen: i mean, i guess it dependsupon a person's definition. if it's more than one and it's a pattern,i guess then yes. in cullen's case, all his victims were patientsassigned to hospital units where he worked as a nurse. they ranged in age from 21 to 91. some were critically ill.

others were ready to be discharged when culleninjected them with drugs that would kill them. it was a pattern that began 26 years ago atst. barnabas medical center in livingston, new jersey, cullen's very first nursing job. charles cullen: i worked on the burn unit. so, i mean, there was a lot of pain, a lotof suffering. and i didn't cope with that as well as i thoughti would. steve kroft: and that was the first placethat you gave someone medication, that caused them to die? charles cullen: yes.

the patient was john yengo, a judge from newjersey, who was suffering from a severe case of sunburn, until cullen injected him witha fatal overdose of lidocaine. steve kroft: do you remember the person? charles cullen: i mean, i remember one andthat's the only person, i've been able to identify. but there could have been barnabasdidn't know about the patient cullen murdered, but it did suspect him of trying to kill,or harm a half dozen other patients by randomly, and repeatedly poisoning bags of saline solution. 5.

david berkowitz - the son of sam. berkowitz's killing spree began on july 29,1976, with the shooting of two teenage women, outside a bronx apartment building. at the time of the attack, donna lauria andjody valenti were sitting in valenti's car, in front of lauria's home. berkowitz shot the two women, killing lauriaand injuring valenti. three months later, berkowitz struck again. he shot at a couple sitting in a parked car,severely damaging the man's skull. that november, berkowitz attacked two teenagegirls walking home.

he shot both of the girls, leaving one ofthem a paraplegic. at the time, the police did not think theseshootings were related. in january 1977, berkowitz again targeteda couple, sitting together in a car at night. he walked up to christine freund, and herfiancã© and fired twice, striking freund in the head. she later died of her injuries. for all of his shootings, berkowitz used a.44 caliber gun. before long, the police would create a special,task force to hunt down the 44 caliber killer. that march, berkowitz claimed another victim,virginia voskerichian, a college student.

he killed her as she returned home from classes. the next month berkowitz killed a couple,valentina suriani and alexander esau, in their parked car. this ruthless killer began taunting the police,leaving a letter for a police captain near the scene. in his note, berkowitz called himself theson of sam. berkowitz's final attack occurred in the earlyhours of july 31, 1977. he shot another couple, stacy moskowitz, andbobby violante, in brooklyn. moskowitz later died, and violante was blindedin one eye, and lost most of the vision in

the other from his injuries. fortunately for the police, a witness noticedsomething at the scene that, helped in cracking the case. at the scene of the moskowitz-violante shootings,a witness saw a man getting away in a car that had a parking ticket on it. only a handful of tickets were given out thatday, and one of them was for berkowitz. the police arrested him on august 10, 1977. according to the new york times, berkowitzsaid, "well, you've got me" when they took him into custody.

during questioning, berkowitz explained thathe had been commanded to kill, by his neighbor sam carr, who sent messages to him throughcarr's dog. "he told me to kill. sam is the devil," berkowitz said. many months were spent on determining whether,berkowitz was fit to stand trial. he underwent numerous psychological evaluations. in august 1978, berkowitz pled guilty to thesix killings. he later received 25 years to life for eachmurder. berkowitz is currently serving a life sentence,at sullivan correctional facility in fallsburg,

new york. since entering prison, he has become a memberof the jews for jesus religious group. berkowitz has refused to attend any of hisparole hearings, since he became eligible for possible release in 2002. he was rejected for parole in 2014. his case will be reviewed again in 2016. in a new york post report, berkowitz's lawyer,mark j. heller revealed the infamous killer isn't interested in parole, because he believesthat "jesus has forgiven him and set him free." berkowitz's crimes have become the subject,of numerous books and documentaries, including

2001's summer of terror: the real son of samstory. spike lee also explored the effect berkowitz'sreign of terror had on a new york neighborhood in the drama summer of sam (1999). 6. wayne williamswayne bertram williams was born on may 27, 1958, in atlanta, georgia. little has been reported about williams’searly life, but his public journey to infamy, began on july 28, 1979, when a woman in atlantacame across two corpses hidden, under bushes at the side of the road.

both were male, black and children: edwardsmith, 14, reported missing a week before, was shot with a 22 caliber weapon. the other victim, 13-year-old alfred evans,was reported missing three days before. evans was murdered by asphyxiation. this discovery would mark the start, of astring of killings lasting 22 months in atlanta that, became known as the atlanta child murders,and it would continue in late september, when milton harvey, age 14, was also found dead. the end of 1979 brought two more child victims:yusef bell had been strangled, and angel lenair was tied to a tree, with her hands bound behindher, also strangled.

when two more bodies continued the trend intothe spring of 1980, and a 7-year-old girl was reported missing, the fbi was called into help local police. they launched a major investigation, and anfbi profiler worked on the case as well. to this point, the bodies of the victims werefound in wooded areas, but in april 1981, the killer changed his mo: the bodies werenow being dumped in the chattahoochee river. this allowed investigators to narrow theirsearch, and they soon staked out all 14 bridges that, span the river in the atlanta area. in late may, a group of law-enforcement officerson surveillance, at the river heard a loud splash around 3 a.m.

on the bridge, a car fled the scene, and thepolice pursued and pulled it over. the driver was wayne williams, a 22-year-oldblack freelance photographer. the police had no idea what the splash wasat this point, so they had to let williams go. two days later, however, the body of nathanielcater, 27, was found downstream, and williams was brought in for questioning. williams's alibi proved weak, and he failedseveral polygraph examinations. on june 21, 1981, williams was arrested, andon february 27, 1982, he was found guilty of the murders of cater, and another man,jimmy ray payne, 21.

the conviction was based on physical evidence,matching fibers found on the victims, and in williams’s personal possessions, andeyewitness accounts, and he was sentenced to two consecutive life terms. once the trial was over, law-enforcement officialsdeclared their belief that, evidence suggested that williams was most likely linked, to another20 of the 29 deaths the task force had been investigating. dna sequencing from hairs found on differentvictims, revealed a match to williams’s own hair, to 98 percent certainty. but that 2 percent doubt was enough to preventfurther convictions.

while subsequent efforts led by his own protestations,were mounted to prove williams innocent, the killings stopped once he was imprisoned. 7. donato bilanciabilancia was born in potenza, basilicata, in 1951. when he was about five years old, his familymoved to northern italy, first to piedmont and then to genoa in the liguria region. he was a chronic bedwetter, until age 10 or12, and his mother shamed him, by placing his wet mattress on the balcony, where itcould be seen by the neighbors.

when undressing him for bed, his aunt wouldshame him by pulling down his underwear, in front of his cousins to show his underdevelopedpenis. at age 14, he decided to start calling himselfwalter. he dropped out of high school, and workedat jobs such as mechanic, bartender, baker and delivery boy. while still underage, he was arrested andreleased for stealing a motor scooter, and for stealing a truck loaded with christmassweets. in 1974 he was stopped, and jailed for havingan illegal gun. at some point he was committed, to the psychiatricdivision of the genoa general hospital, but

escaped. after he was apprehended, he spent 18 monthsin prison for robbery. he served several prison terms in italy, andfrance for robbery and armed robbery. in spite of his history of psychiatric problems,up to age 47 he had no record of violence. bilancia was a compulsive gambler who livedalone. his first murder was the october 1997 strangulationof a friend, who betrayed him by luring him into a rigged card game, in which he lostâ£185,000 (about $267,000). the authorities originally thought, this deathwas a heart attack. bilancia's next two murders were the revengeshooting, of the game's operator, and of his

wife. he emptied their safe afterward. bilancia later said these first killings gavehim a taste for murder. in all his killings he used or carried a .38caliber revolver loaded with wad cutter ammunition. he made no attempt to conceal his victims'bodies. that same month, he followed a jeweler hometo rob him, then shot him and his wife dead, when the wife began screaming. he emptied their safe of jewelry. he next robbed and murdered a money changer.

two months later, he killed a night watchmanmaking his rounds, simply because he did not like night watchmen. he killed an albanian prostitute and a russianprostitute. a second money changer was killed next, shotmultiple times and his safe emptied. in march 1998, while receiving oral sex atgunpoint from a prostitute, he shot and killed two night watchmen who interrupted, then shotthe prostitute, who survived to help develop a police sketch and later testify againsthim. he also killed a nigerian prostitute and aukrainian prostitute, and robbed and assaulted an italian prostitute without killing her.

on april 12, 1998 he boarded the train fromgenoa to venice, because he "wanted to kill a woman". spotting a young woman travelling alone, hefollowed her to the toilet, unlocked the door with a skeleton key, shot her in the headand stole her train ticket. six days later, he boarded the train to sanremo, and followed another young woman to the toilet. he used his key to enter, then used her jacketas a silencer, and shot her behind the ear. excited by her black underwear, he masturbated,and used her clothes to clean up. the murders of two "respectable" women sparkeda public outcry, and the creation of a police

task force. in his last killing before his arrest, bilanciamurdered a service station attendant, after filling up with petrol, then took the day'sreceipts, about 2 million lira (about $1000). based on the description of the black mercedes,one of his prostitute victims was seen entering the night she was killed, police consideredbilancia "suspect number one", and followed him for ten days. they collected his dna from cigarette buttsand a coffee cup, matching it to dna found at crime scenes. on may 6, 1998 he was arrested at his homein genoa, and his revolver seized.

after eight days in police custody he confessed,speaking for two days and drawing 17 diagrams. on april 12, 2000, after an 11-month trial,bilancia was sentenced to 13 terms of life imprisonment plus, an additional 20 yearsimprisonment for the attempted murder of the prostitute who survived. the judge ordered that he never be released. 8. kristen gilbertmeet kristen heather gilbert, a smart, accomplished rn, but a troubled soul. in her youth, kristen strickland was knownas a pathological liar.

according to friends and neighbors, she oftenmade the unfounded claim that she was a distant relative of the infamous ax murderer lizzieborden. ex-boyfriends described kristen as strangeand controlling, eventually exhibiting a pattern of verbal and physical abuse toward them. for attention, she would fake suicide attempts,or when angry, she would tamper with her boyfriends' cars or physically attack them, scratchingthem with her nails. nevertheless, she graduated high school 1.5years early, with high honors, and then enrolled in a state college and majored in pre-med. kristen got a job as a home health aide witha visiting nurses association.

during her tenure there, she once scaldeda retarded child with hot bathwater, burning over 60% of the boy's body, but was neverprosecuted for the incident. in 1988, kristen earned her degree as a registerednurse. in the same year, she met glenn gilbert, andthe couple eloped. it was not an ideal marriage from the start;early on, during an argument, gilbert chased her husband through the house with a butcherknife. shortly after her marriage, she landed a jobat the veterans administration medical center in northampton, massachusetts, working onward c. in 1990, the gilberts had their first child,a son.

after returning from maternity leave, kristinswitched to the 4 pm to midnight shift on ward c, and almost immediately, strange thingsbegan to happen. during her shift, an unusually large numberof patients began dying due to cardiac arrest, tripling the rate of deaths over the previous3 years. during each incident, kristen's calm and competentnursing skills shone, and she won the admiration of her fellow workers. the couple's marriage began to fall apartafter the gilberts' second son was born in 1993. at that time, kristen was developing a friendshipwith james perrault, a newly hired va hospital

security guard. he worked from 3 pm until 11 pm, and the twooften went to have drinks with other workers at the end of their shifts. any time there was a medical emergency onward c, james was called to the scene. in the fall of 1994, the relationship betweenkristen and james moved from friendship to romance. soon afterward, kristen's husband began tonotice the food kristen served him had an odd taste to it. although nothing was ever proven, glenn gilbertbecame convinced that his wife was trying

to kill him, telling friends that she wantedhim dead by thanksgiving. when james presented kristen with an ultimatumto leave glenn, or end their relationship, kristen immediately left her husband and 2sons and moved into her own apartment, and their affair blossomed. the unusually high death rates during hershift continued. in fact, gilbert was jokingly given the name"angel of death" by her co-workers because so many people died while under her care. however, there was nothing amusing to a fewof the nurses on the ward. the whispers about kristen continued, butmany chose not to believe she would be involved

in something as sinister as killing patients. others were not so trusting and began to monitordrugs that could cause cardiac arrest. one such drug, epinephrine, kept coming upmissing. unofficially, ward c was under the close eyeof a handful of the nurses assigned to it. under gilbert's care, 4 patients were deadand 3 others had succumbed mysteriously to near-fatal heart failure. added to that was the inexplicable shortageof epinephrine. although many of the patients who died wereelderly and in serious condition, there were also patients who, although sick, had no historyof heart problems, yet were dying of cardiac

arrest. she was even accused of killing one patientso that she could leave early for a date. it got so bad that in 1996, 3 nurses cameforward to report their fear that kristen was a killer, and their concerns inspiredan investigation. authorities interviewed all the employeeson ward c and put together a grisly motive for why the death rate had tripled. according to the prosecutors, gilbert stoleepinephrine from the hospital stock and used the drug to induce massive heart attacks inher victims. it was surmised that kristen administeredepinephrine to patients so that her lover,

james, would be summoned to the icu, whereshe could then be close to him, and impress him with her skills as a nurse. it also allowed her time to flirt with him,as was witnessed by several of her co-workers. gilbert's behavior became unpredictable. she purchased a toy to disguise her voiceand called the va hospital while perrault was on duty. she told him that 3 bombs were set to go offin 2 hours in building one of the hospital. employees and patients, many of whom weresick and elderly, had to be evacuated. gilbert was arrested, tried, and convictedfor this apparent attempt to divert the investigation

against her. she served 15 months in federal prison forfalsely phoning in a bomb threat to a federal institution. during her prison term, federal investigatorsexhumed several of the bodies of those who died during gilbert's shift at the va hospital. just as the nurses feared, a toxicology analysisfound epinephrine in their tissues, and since that drug had not been prescribed to any ofthe victims, there was no reason for it to be in their bodies. during the investigation, gilbert was notworking, and immediately, the death rate on

ward c dropped to normal. after gilbert left the hospital, her relationshipwith perrault began to dissolve. her temperament began to get more volatileas the finger-pointing became firmly directed at her, and perrault began to pull away. in june 1996, he decided to end the relationship. gilbert pleaded with him to continue the relationship,to no avail. a month later, gilbert overdosed on drugsand was admitted to a hospital psychiatric ward. in 1998, gilbert, age 30, was indicted formurdering 4 of her patients and attempting

to kill 3 others by injecting them with epinephrine. perrault eventually testified against hisformer lover, reporting that gilbert had actually admitted to him one day that she'd killedher patients by injection. it was discovered that in the 7 years sheworked at the va hospital, 350 deaths had occurred during her shift. in 2001, she was found guilty of 3 countsof first-degree murder, 1 count of second-degree murder, and 2 counts of attempted murder. because these crimes were committed on federalterritory, the government could have given her the death penalty.

however, she was sentenced to 4 consecutivelife terms without the possibility of parole plus 20 years, and is serving her time ina federal prison in texas. 9. beverley allittthe serial killer nurse beverly allitt must serve a minimum, of 30 years in jail for themurder and abuse of children in her care, the high court ruled today. a high court judge ruled that allitt, dubbedthe "angel of death", should serve a minimum sentence of 28 years, and 175 days, takinginto account the one year, and 190 days she spent in custody before being sentenced.

allitt was given 13 life sentences in 1993,for murdering four children, attempting to murder another three, and causing grievousbodily harm with intent to a further six, at grantham and kesteven hospital in lincolnshire. mr justice stanley burnton, sitting in london,confirmed the minimum sentence of 30 years, which is the same term previously recommendedby the trial judge, and the then lord chief justice. allitt will be 54 before she will be consideredfor parole. the former nurse was diagnosed as sufferingfrom munchausen syndrome by proxy (msbp) when she carried out the attacks between 1991 and1993.

the 39-year-old is now being held at the ramptonhigh-security hospital in nottingham. allitt murdered the four children by injectingthem with high doses of insulin. msbp is a condition identified by the paediatriciansir roy meadow in 1977, and described as a form of child abuse in which carers deliberatelyinduce, or falsely report illnesses in children to focus attention on themselves. the judge said: "i have to say that i regardthe determination of the minimum period in a case such as the present, and fortunatelycases as extreme as this are rare - as a very difficult task. "once it is accepted that the offender wassuffering from mental disorder, difficult

ethical and indeed philosophical questionsarise as to the degree to, which responsibility for the offences in question should be regardedas diminished. "i have found that there is an element ofsadism, in ms allitt's conduct and her offending. but that sadism is itself, if not the result,certainly a manifestation of her mental disorder, and it would be unduly simplistic to treatit in the same way, as one would if the offender were mentally well. "by her actions, what should have been a placeof safety for its patients became not just a place of danger, but if not a killing fieldsomething close to it?" the four children murdered by allitt wereseven-week-old liam taylor, 11-year-old timothy

hardwick, two-month-old becky phillips, and15-month-old claire peck. they all died between february and april 1991,while allitt was a nurse at the lincolnshire hospital. nine other children survived her murder attempts. allitt was subsequently found to have beenthe only nurse on duty, at the time of all the poisonings. the judge said: "these were multiple murdersand attempted murders of young children, whose lives were snuffed out almost before theyhad begun." having considered all the medical evidence,he was satisfied that she was suffering from

"an abnormality of mind" when she committedthe offences. joanne taylor, the mother of allitt's firstvictim, liam taylor, said she was pleased with the judge's verdict and his referenceto allitt's sadism. taylor, who was in court with her husband,said: "that's what we all felt at the time. there's a fine line between evil and illness,and i'll never forget him saying that word today." david peck, of newark, nottinghamshire, andthe father of 15-month-old claire, who died in march 1991, said: "i'm absolutely delightedwith the outcome, and pleased for the other families as well.

"we can now put this behind us after 15 years. i couldn't ask for anything better." claire, who suffered from asthma, was admittedto hospital and collapsed when allitt was alone with her. allitt was convicted of her murder after thejury heard evidence that the toddler had been injected with potassium and lignocaine. 10. paul bernardothe lawyer for the families of paul bernardo’s murder victims say, they are “devastated”by the news that the notorious killer is scheduled,

for a day-parole hearing next year, but “knewthis day would come.” tim danson, a lawyer for the families of 14-year-oldleslie mahaffy, and 15-year-old kristen french, has confirmed that bernardo’s preliminaryhearing, for day parole is scheduled for next march. in 1995, bernardo was convicted of raping,and murdering the teen girls. he was sentenced to life with no chance ofparole for 25 years. bernardo became eligible for day parole, afterserving 22 years, despite his designation as a dangerous offender. if granted day parole, bernardo would be permittedto leave the prison during set times, and

then return at night. danson told ctv news channel on tuesday, thathe is confident that bernardo’s request will be denied, and that the convicted killerwill spend the rest of his life behind bars. however, danson said he and his clients aretaking “nothing” for granted. “we will be preparing the victim impactstatements, and participating in the parole hearing,” danson said. “nevertheless, i am confident that he willnot be successful.” danson said though the mahaffy, and frenchfamilies “knew this day would come,” they are devastated by the news, that bernardois seeking day parole.

“it’s gut-wrenching,” danson said. it’s hard to believe they have to confrontthis all over again. that they have to disclose, in a public hearing,the most private feelings and emotions, which is very difficult.” he said the families have “adapted” tolife following the horrific, murders of their daughters “to the extent that it’s humanlypossible, and then something like this just brings it all up again, and it’s torturefor them.” danson added that it will be “tough” forthe families to be in the same room, as bernardo during the hearing, but they understand thatit is part of the legal process.

“i think what overtakes them is to stillbe there for their daughters, and to make sure that paul bernardo doesn’t get out.” holly knowles, a spokesperson for the paroleboard of canada, says bernardo became eligible for day parole on feb. 17, 2015. he is eligible for full parole in 2018. danson said bernardo’s dangerous offenderdesignation is a “very significant” finding that, he believes must be considered. “before the parole board considers the normalcriteria, for parole eligibility, our view is that they must deal with the dangerousoffender designation, that paul bernardo will

have to put forward a compelling, and reliablemedical evidence that would displace the evidence, that was put forward over 20 years ago, forwhich he was found to be a dangerous offender.” knowles told the canadian press that dangerousoffenders, are not to be conditionally released by the parole board, “unless and until theyare deemed to be no longer an undue risk to the community.” citing privacy laws, knowles said she couldnot comment on bernardo’s case. however, knowles said a dangerous offenderdesignation is taken into consideration, along with psychological assessments, and victimimpact statements, during a parole board’s decision-making process.

11. karla homolkacanadian serial killer karla homolka has resurfaced in a suburb of montreal, citynews has learned. homolka, who was convicted in 1993, to 12years in prison in the deaths of schoolgirls, kristen french and leslie mahaffy, is livingin chateauguay, quebec, with her three children. breakfast television montreal reporter, domenicfazioli has confirmed that homolka is living in a home in the city, of 45,000 in southwesternquebec. homolka is now going under the name of leanneteale, fazioli has confirmed. two of her children are attending a localpublic school.

homolka lived in quebec following her 2005release from prison, where she married thierry bordelais, and gave birth to a boy. bordelais is the brother of homolka’s lawyerduring the high-profile murder trial. the pair had two more children together. according to the canadian press, she movedto the antilles to escape media scrutiny in 2007. in 2012, journalist paula todd found homolkaliving in guadeloupe. in the first-degree murder trial of luka magnottain 2014, homolka’s sister revealed that she was back in quebec.

homolka and her then-husband paul bernardowere arrested in the 1991, and 1992 rape-murders of mahaffy and french, as well as the rape,and death of her sister, tammy. homolka told investigators that bernardo hadabused her, and testified against him in exchange for a reduced prison sentence. bernardo was convicted of first-degree murderin the teens’ deaths, and received a sentence of life in prison, and a dangerous offenderdesignation. 12. peter sutcliffe“in this truck is a man whose latent genius, if unleashed, would rock the nation, whosedynamic energy would overpower those around

him. better let him sleep?” sutcliffe’s handwritten sign placed on thewindscreen of his lorry. on 2 june 1946, in bingley, yorkshire, johnand kathleen had their first child, peter william sutcliffe. peter was later joined by another five siblings. “growing up with peter…he was a reallynice guy. he being so much older than me, he was morelike a father figure as my dad was never around. he was either working or out at the pub ordoing sports events.

and pete used to teach me things that, a fathershould really, so he was a great big brother.” carl sutcliffe. their father john was very jealous and constantlyaccused kathleen, of sleeping around. hypocritically, it was in fact john who washaving the affairs. john was a big, burly, sporty and sociableman. his eldest peter was small, shy and introverted. peter stayed close to his mother. peter hated school. he found it hard to make friends, and wasoften bullied.

once, unable to take anymore, he hid fromschool for a fortnight. when his parents and school realised the reason,they stopped the bullying. as a teenager, peter bulked up through bodybuilding. he dropped out of school aged just fifteen. some of his first jobs were unusual. “while not specifically conducive to theircriminal pursuits, some jobs held by serial killers are consistent with their morbid psychologies. peter sutcliffe...for example, found employmentin a mortuary.” harold schechter the serial killer files.

schechter adds sutcliffe ‘enjoyed toyingwith the corpses-arranging them, in grotesque poses and using them as ventriloquist dummies.’ another job peter did was grave digging. he liked to play ‘morbid pranks’ withthe skeletons, and was seen stealing the jewellery of the dead. in his spare time, peter visited a waxworkmuseum. his favourite section displayed the ‘devastatingsymptoms, of advanced venereal disease.’ aged 20, peter was still a virgin. in 1966 he met sonia szurma, the daughterof czech immigrants.

in august 1974, he married sonia, the onlywoman he’d ever dated. due to his erratic employment, the newlywedswere financially forced, to move in with sonia’s parents. unknown to them, peter was spending his sparemoney on prostitutes. together with a friend, trevor birdsall, he’dcruise yorkshire’s red-light areas. in june 1975, he got his hgv licence. his lorry-driving job allowed him to come,and go when he pleased. what triggered the ripper? one theory is that a bad experience with aprostitute, led to sutcliffe’s violent hatred

of sex-workers. another is that in trying to reconcile theloving mother, he had idealised with the sluttish adulteress his father had portrayed her as,peter followed the same sexist stereotyping evidenced in many male dominated cultures:each woman was either a pure virgin mother worthy of a sacred love. or they were a sinful whore. and if they were the latter, they were lessthan a human, and killing would be more the eradication of an infestation than of murder. as he later stated;“i were just cleaning the streets.”

over the next savage five years, peter sutcliffewould murder thirteen women, and viciously attack seven others. during this period, he was a devoted husband,and seemingly ordinary guy. “how can you do that and then come, andhave sunday dinner with your mum, and smile and laugh and just act like nothing’s happened?” carl sutcliffe, peter’s brother. another theory is that sutcliffe was reactingto sonia’s many miscarriages. peter desperately wanted to be a father. then in 1975, 29-year-old peter was told that,his sonia would never have children.

it’s noteworthy that peter often mutilatedthe stomach, and torso area of his victims. was he unconsciously acting out the beliefthat, if his wife couldn’t have children, nor should others? soon after being told he would never be afather, peter made his first attack. three quarters of a century after jack theripper, peter sutcliffe took up his vengeful attacks on prostitutes. he would go onto kill more than twice, asmany victims as his victorian forerunner. 13. rosemary westserial killer rosemary west murdered at least

10 young women. most of them were dismembered, and buriedin the cellar of her home on cromwell street. their behavior extended beyond the familycircle when, in late 1972, they engaged 17-year-old caroline owens as a nanny. she was incarcerated, stripped and raped. despite threats that she would be killed andburied in the cellar, owens was able to make an escape, and reported the wests to the police. charges were brought against them. incredibly, despite his existing criminalrecord, west was able to convince a 1973 court

magistrate that owens had consented to theactivities. owens was too deeply traumatized over what,she had survived to give testimony. the wests both escaped with fines. rose was pregnant at the time with their firstson, stephen, who was born in august. over the next several years lynda gough, lucypartington, juanita mott, therese siegenthaler, alison chambers, shirley robinson and 15-year-oldschoolgirls, carol ann cooper and shirley hubbard all became victims of the wests. after brutal sexual attacks, all were murdered,dismembered and buried in the cellar under 25 cromwell street.

rose had several more children, and daughterlouise was born in 1978. (not all rose's children were believed tobe fathered by west.) barry joined the brood in 1980, with rosemaryjunior following in 1982, and lucyanna in 1983. the children were aware to some extent ofthe activities in the house, but west and rose exercised strict control over them. west's sexual interest in his own daughtersdidn't wane either, and when anna marie moved out to live with her boyfriend, he switchedhis attentions to younger siblings, heather and mae.

heather resisted his attentions and, in 1987,told a friend about the goings on in the house. the wests responded by murdering, and dismemberingher, and burying her in the back garden of no. 25, where son stephen was forced to assistwith digging the hole. eventually their activities drew the attentionof detective constable hazel savage, who oversaw a search at cromwell street, in august of1992 that led to their arrest. on december 13, 1994, west was charged ontwelve counts of murder. he hung himself in his cell while awaitingtrial. rose went on trial on october 3, 1995. the jury unanimously found her guilty on 10separate counts of murder on november 22,

1995. she was later sentenced to life in prisonwithout parole. rose refused to accept her fate, and launchedappeals in 1996 and 2000, claiming variously that new evidence clearing her had come tolight, and then that huge media interest had prevented her, from receiving a fair trial. the 1996 appeal was rejected, and she droppedthe later one. she remains incarcerated. the wests' home at 25 cromwell street, orthe "house of horrors," as it was dubbed by the media, was razed to the ground in october1996.

in its place is a pathway that leads to thetown center. rose was again the focus of media attentionin january 2003, when it was claimed that, she was to marry dave glover, the bass playerof rock group slade, following a courtship via letters. glover disputed that there was an engagement,and said the media attention over his letters to rose had cost him, his position with theband. 14. scott lee kimballin a 147-page letter to his family, serial killer scott lee kimball for the first timeadmitted, his full responsibility in the deaths

of his four known victims, according to asummary of the document obtained by the camera on wednesday. kimball, who committed the murders, whileworking as an informant for the fbi, pleaded guilty in 2009, to two counts of second-degreemurder. despite his guilty plea, though, he maintainedthat, while he was involved with the deaths, other people were present and, in two of thecases, fired the shots that killed the victims. the letter is in the hands of the fbi, anda law enforcement source with knowledge, of the investigation confirmed its authenticity. according to the summary, kimball said hewas responsible for the death of kaysi mcleod,

19, of westminster, and disposed of her remains,though he did not plan for her to die. kimball reportedly wrote that, he was theonly person present when mcleod overdosed on alcohol, methamphetamine and oxycontinthat he gave her. kaysi mcleod disappeared on her way to workat subway in 2003. kimball, who was dating mcleod's mother, wassupposed to give her a ride that day, but he earlier claimed he went hunting instead. mcleod's body was found by a hunter in jacksoncounty in 2007. kimball had previously admitted to being present,when mcleod overdosed but said that other people were there.

the summary says kimball also confessed tokilling jennifer marcum, 25, of aurora. he previously said he facilitated her death,in a utah canyon in 2003, but someone else shot her. he reportedly writes in the letter that, heprepared a "hot shot" to kill the single mother, and exotic dancer with an overdose of heroin. her body has still not been found. scott kimball led investigators to the remainsof leann emry, 24, of centennial, in a canyon near moab, utah, but he had maintained someoneelse shot the woman, who was the girlfriend of kimball's former cellmate.

according to the summary, kimball admits inthe letter that, he shot emry twice in the back of the neck, when she tried to escapehim. kimball also repeated his confession to themurder of his uncle, terry kimball, 60, of westminster, in the letter. ed coet, kimball's cousin and the author ofa book on his crimes, has seen the letter and confirmed the details in the summary. he said kimball knows the fbi has the letter,and is prepared to be interviewed again about the crimes. coet said kimball is concerned with the salvationof his soul.

"scott does not want to go to hell when hedies," he said. 15. ian bradyon the night of july 12, 1963, 16-year-old pauline reade became their first victim. she was kidnapped by hindley, while on herway to a local dance; then driven up to where brady was awaiting their arrival. reade was raped, beaten and stabbed beforebeing buried. four months later, on november 23, 1963, 12-year-oldjohn kilbride disappeared from the vicinity, of the market in ashton-under-lyne, neverto be seen again

on june 16, 1964, 12-year-old keith bennettdisappeared, while on the way to his grandmother's house. his disappearance was not noted until thenext day, and a massive police search revealed no clues. hindley had in fact lured him into her car,with a request for assistance in loading some boxes, then rendezvoused with brady on saddleworthmoor, where keith was taken, by brady, to a gully next to a stream, then raped, strangledand buried there. on the afternoon of the boxing day holiday,1964, 10-year-old lesley ann downey disappeared from a local fairground, and again a hugepolice effort, bolstered by volunteers, and

unearthed no clues as to her whereabouts. october 7, 1965 proved the turning point forthe police, when myra hindley's 17-year-old brother-in-law, david smith, arrived at hydepolice station with a horrific tale of violence. knowing brady through the family connection,smith was initially beguiled by brady's unorthodox and violent politics, but this changed whenhe arrived at hindley and brady's home, on the evening of october 6, to witness bradykilling 17-year-old edward evans with an axe. after evans was finally throttled with a lengthof electrical flex, hindley and brady joked about the mess, and also told smith of othervictims buried on the moors. concealing his horror for fear of meetinga similar fate, smith assisted them with the

clean up, before returning home to tell hiswife and alert the police. convinced by smith's tale, police and reinforcementsarrived at brady's home, found the body of evans in an upstairs bedroom, and arrestedbrady immediately. brady claimed that there had been an argumentbetween himself, evans and smith that had got out of hand, denying that hindley hadanything to do with the murder. she remained at liberty until four days later,when police found a document in her car describing in detail how she and brady had planned tocarry out the murder. the investigation would probably have gone,no further than the death of evans, if smith had not mentioned brady's claim that, otherbodies were buried on saddleworth moor.

already familiar with the various unexplaineddisappearances, police were able to pinpoint the area favored by brady and hindley, andbegan digging for the bodies of the children, who had gone missing in the area over theprevious two years. the naked body of lesley ann downey was foundon october 10, 1965, followed eleven days later by the body of john kilbride. despite discovering the two bodies, the policehad only circumstantial evidence against the pair. fortunately, a more thorough search of theirhome led to the discovery of a left luggage ticket, which led in turn to a locker at manchestercentral station.

there, police found sadistic gadgets and pornography,including photographs of lesley ann, bound and gagged in hindley's bedroom. a tape recording was also found, on whichthe little girl could be heard crying, and begging for her life, as well as the voicesof brady and hindley. her mother, ann downey, was forced to identifythe voice on the tape as that of her daughter even with the mounting evidence against them,brady and hindley denied murdering lesley ann, trying again to implicate david smith. they claimed that lesley ann had left theirhome unharmed, and that smith must have murdered her later.

the evidence linking brady and hindley, withjohn kilbride's murder was not as strong, but proved sufficient to charge them, withthe result that they were charged with the murders of edward evans, lesley ann downey,and john kilbride. despite exhaustive searches, the bodies ofthe other two victims could not be found, and no charges were brought. in february 2006, brady sent the mother ofvictim keith bennett a letter. in the letter he complained of his treatmentat the high security hospital saying, he was being kept alive by force-feeding for "politicalpurposes." brady also claimed that he could take policeto within 20 yards, of where keith bennett

is buried. staff at the hospital believe brady was ableto send the letter via a third party. as of 2011, brady was the longest servingprisoner in england and wales. 16. maxim petrovmaxim vladimirovich petrov (born 1965), is a russian serial killer, convicted for thekilling of 12 people in st petersburg, between 1999 and 2000. petrov, nicknamed doctor death by the russianmedia, was a practicing doctor who targeted patients, from a local health center, killingthem by lethal injection at their homes then

robbing them. in 1997 petrov began robbing, his patientsby visiting their home, unannounced, and usually in the morning, when relatives would be atwork. he would then measure their blood pressure,and suggest they needed an injection, which anaesthetized them. while they were unconscious, petrov stoletheir possessions, even taking rings and earrings from his victims' bodies. the first few victims did not die, insteadwaking up later after he had left. petrov committed 47 robberies until his arrestin 2000.

petrov committed his first murder on 2 february1999, during his thirtieth robbery, when he was interrupted by the daughter of an anaesthetisedpatient, who returned home while he was stealing. he stabbed the daughter with a screwdriver,and then strangled the unconscious patient with a stocking. after this, petrov's modus operandi changed:he began to use a lethal mix of a variety of different drugs, to inject into his victimsinstead of an anaesthetic, so that the victim would die, and so the police would think that,the killer had little medical knowledge. petrov would then set fire to their homesto destroy any evidence. the police did not release a photofit of thesuspect, thinking he would soon be caught.

however, it took until the following yearfor them to realise, how the victims were being selected. all were included in the same list of lungpatients, who had undergone a fluorography, which he found in a local health centre. using this list, they identified 72 possiblefuture victims in an operation, called "medbrat" ("male nurse"), involving 700 police officers. they arrested petrov when he visited one ofthe patients on 17 january 2000. on his arrest, petrov admitted to the murders,but recanted his confession a few months later, blaming it on the intense psychological pressure,he had endured while in custody.

various possessions stolen from the victimswere later found in his flat, though he had already sold others at the market. six of the patients who were not killed wereseriously injured. petrov was suspected of committing 19 murders,but tried for just 17. in 2002, petrov was found guilty of 12 murders,and was sentenced by judge valentina kudriashova to life imprisonment. 17. robert picktoncanadian serial killer robert pickton was dubbed, the pig farmer killer due to his professionas a farmer and tendency to kidnap, and murder

women. his number of victims is anywhere between6 and 49 women. he killed from 1983 to 2002, when he was caught,and sentenced to life in prison. it began as so many of these sensational casesdo, with almost no one noticing. the robert pickton trial is a lot, like asnowball falling downhill. it doesn’t seem like much when it starts,but by the time it reaches the bottom, it’s become an avalanche. while the families of the victims are expressinghope that, their long ordeal has finally reached a courtroom, they remain infuriated that policeignored their concerns, about missing loved

ones for almost two decades. at first, authorities admitted they were baffled. “in the case of these missing women, wedon’t have a suspect, in fact, we don’t have a crime,” const. anne drennan of vancouver police agreed inapril 1999. police kept up the hunt, if reluctantly. “we don’t have any crime scenes,” const. sarah bloor related two years later. “we don’t have any leads like crime scenes,or anything like that to help us uncover more

facts.” they finally formed a task force as it becameclear, a serial killer may have been walking the seedy streets of east vancouver. by then, 31 women had simply vanished. but authorities obviously found what theywere looking for. on february 6, 2002, dozens of police officersarmed with search warrants, for firearms offences raided a pig farm in the suburb of port coquitlam. two weeks later, on february 22nd, one ofthe property’s co-owners, robert william pickton, was officially charged with the murdersof sereena abotsway and mona wilson.

they would be the first named, in what wouldballoon into the biggest murder case in canadian history. they would not be the last. by october 2nd, pickton would stand accused,of 15 counts of first-degree murder. the case is massive and so is the investigation. it takes five long years before it will reacha courtroom, and the case reduced to only six counts of murder out of 26, to make iteasier on the jury. pickton has pleaded not guilty to the horrifyingcharges against him, and there are predictions this proceeding could last a year or more.

18. russell williamscolonel russell williams, a decorated military pilot, became one of canada's most notoriousserial killers, when it was discovered that he killed, robbed and raped multiple womenin 2009-2010. he was sentenced to life in prison in 2010. williams began breaking into homes near histweed cottage in 2007, and near his ottawa home in 2008. he scoped out the homes of neighbours, makingcertain no one was home, and stealthily made away with women’s lingerie, and other personalitems.

many of the victims – attractive women,it appears – were totally unaware their homes had been burglarized. after 62 break-and-enters and attempts, williamsgraduated to sexual assault in sept., 2009. he broke into two homes near his tweed cottage,and forced women to do certain sex acts. he also photographed them. no penetration was involved, but it is believedhe ejaculated. meanwhile, the comparatively harmless fetishbreak and enters continued in the tweed areas and in ottawa. williams stalked the women, often enteringhomes multiple times.

he broke into one of the victim’s homesfollowing his assault on her. police, for a brief spell, suspected the colonel’sneighbour was good for the assaults, but never the colonel. unlike most sexual serial killers, who assaultand kill simultaneously, leaving no witness behind, williams was escalating. he was also breaking another rule of serialcriminals: he knew some of the people whose homes he was invading, and he would also knowhis first murder victim. in nov., 2009, he killed a co-worker he’dstalked. marie-france comeau, 38, died from asphyxiation.

this time, there was penetration. and then, the break and enters stopped. by february, 2010, williams’ urges wereback. he kidnapped, sexually assaulted and murderedjessica lloyd, 27, a belleville resident whose absence was immediately noted. williams was getting sloppy. a tire tread at the lloyd home was later matchedto his sports utility vehicle in a police roadblock. called in for questioning at the same timepolice were poised, to execute search warrants

of his properties, williams was initiallyuncooperative but as police relayed news, of what they’d found to his interrogators,the colonel confessed to the sex assaults and murders. he later attempted suicide in his jail cell. while unlike many serial killers, he doeshave something in common with paul bernardo: both showed a pattern of escalation. he also stuck close to home, keeping to his“comfort” zones. 19. peter tobin.

after he raped and killed, peter tobin sometimessought sanctuary in religious groups. with a killing history, that stretched fromglasgow to brighton, could police have caught not only the scottish 1960s ‘bible john’serial killer, but also the english 1980 child murderer of the ‘babes in the woods’? and with 1,400 separate outstanding linesof inquiry for the police still to follow, could peter tobin be the uk’s most prolificsexual serial killer? peter britton tobin was born in johnstone,renfrewshire, an area south west of glasgow. he was one of eight children, with four brothersand three sisters. by the age of seven, a disruptive nature seeshim sent to reform school, and a minor conviction

later lands him in a young offender’s institution. but he grows into smart and handsome man,and finding work as a chef in glasgow, he spends his weekends dancing, frequenting aclub called, ‘the barrowlands’. it was there that aged 22, he met his firstwife, margaret mountney, just 17. at first, he’s a true romantic, taking herfor long drives along the banks of loch lomond, and introducing her to his polite, but nowfrail and elderly parents. everything changes when they move into theireast glasgow flat. their union is marked by repeated rapes, beatingsand house arrest. tobin cuts the throat of his wife’s puppy,‘just to stop it yelping’, and when she

complains, he beats and rapes her at knifepoint. he later uses the knife inside her, cuttingher so deeply that neighbours are alerted, when she bleeds through the ceiling. their intervention saves her life, but herinternal injuries are so severe that, she will never have children. in 1993, after a move to the hampshire town,of havant in the south of england, tobin uses his son as bait to lure two 14 year old girls,to his flat on the pretext of babysitting. once inside, he threatens them with a knife,and forces them to ingest a drug, anatryptaline, an antidepressant that can cause drowsinessand dizziness.

he then sexually assaults one and buggersthe other. after being interrupted by his son, he turnson the gas, and taking his son with him, he leaves them to die. miraculously, five hours later, one of themwakes. despite having her wrists and ankles tied,she manages to ring the police. tobin evades capture by changing his nameto peter wilson, and hiding in a religious community called the jesus fellowship. but his callous crime is highlighted on thebbc programme, ‘crimewatch’, along with his photo.

his new community report him, and he’s arrested. in 1994, winchester crown court hears howhe treated the girls as “cruelly as a cat would treat a mouse”. he pleads guilty and is sentenced to 14 yearsin jail. the authorities believe they have dealt with,and detained a sex offender. they have no idea that they have let slipthrough the system, a serial killer who has killed and will kill again. in may 2004, he’s released and moves topaisley, scotland, near to where he grew up. being a registered sex offender, he avoidsdetection by changing his name.

he finds work at a church. it is here that he will commit one last savagecrime. it’s the discovery of this that will revealhis true history of violence. 20. hu wanlin. hu wanlin was born in china in 1949. although he only achieved a primary schooldegree, he called himself a “miracle doctor” practicing medicine illegally. in the ’80s he is convicted of fraud, kidnapping,human trafficking and murder and it is in

prison that he decides to practice as a doctor,starting 1993. in 1997, he faces another trial and he isreleased, allowing him to focus on selling his medicaments. these were prepared with herbs and with sodiumsulfate, which, in large quantities, is poisonous. wanlin also thought that water was the causeof many diseases, and urged his patients not to drink it, leading to dehydration. in 1998 he was expelled by the local authorities,because of the illegal practice of medicine, and moved to henan in june, continuing withhis illegal activities. in addition to herbal medicine practice, hepracticed qi gong thanks to which in order

to heal the patients, he then does not evenneed to touch them, only having to transfer them his “qi”. he called himself a “miracle doctor”,and sometimes gave his diagnosis without even visiting, the patient because all he neededwas only to have a quick look, at them for a few seconds. his care, however, rather than cure his patients,ended up killing them, in fact, there are about 146 deaths connected to the self-appointeddoctor. the police, however, could only prove threeof them with certainty. in 1999 he was arrested again, and sentencedto only 15 years in prison, term he would

only serve partially. this could happen because in china, at thetime, there was no licensing system for doctors, system which was introduced thanks to thiscase. this country has a great tradition of herbalmedicine, but the reputation of hu wanlin, who claimed he could cure cancer and aids,is also due to china’s health care system. not everyone can afford health insurance,finding themselves forced to fall back on less expensive methods, but, alas, less effectiveand in some cases lethal. 21. steve wrightsteve wright, aka the suffolk strangler, killed

five prostitutes in 2006. the english serial killer was caught ten days,after his last murder and sentenced to life in prison. he is currently serving his life sentence,and may go on trial for his connections to the murder, of at least two other women. wright met pamela wright (the shared surnamewas coincidental), in 2001 in felixstowe and they moved to the house, in ipswich togetherin 2004. wright had always admitted that he used sex-workers,and had done since he was in the merchant navy, and continually throughout his life.

in ipswich he admitted he went to certainmassage, and sauna establishments that were actually brothels. throughout his trial he had stated that hehad used professional sex-workers on many occasions, including three, of the victimsand when his partner began working night shifts, and their sex life became almost non-existent,he returned to using professional sex-workers who were based on the nearby streets, procuringa dozen in the final three months of 2006. between 30 october and 10 december 2006, wrightmurdered five sex-workers in ipswich. forensic evidence led to his arrest on 19december. at the time of the murders, wright was workingas a forklift truck driver.

he was found guilty of all five murders on21 february 2008. on the following day, he was sentenced tolife imprisonment, and the judge recommended that he should never be released. it was announced on 19 march 2008 that wrightwas to appeal his convictions [citation needed], but on 2 february 2009, it was announced thatwright had decided to drop this appeal case. prostitutes nicknamed him "mondeo man" and"silver-backed gorilla", because of his hair colour and stocky build, and some said heliked dressing up in tight women's clothing, and wearing a black curly wig. tiny flecks of blood were found on the backseats of steve wright's ford mondeo, and partially

matched the dna profile of paula clennell. wright is still being investigated in connection,with other unsolved murders and disappearances. he is one of a number of high profile murderersor sex offenders, to have been identified as possible suspects in the suzy lamplughcase; he had worked with lamplugh on the qe2 ocean liner during the early 1980s. lamplugh went missing in london in july 1986,and was legally declared dead in 1994, but her body has never been found. however, the metropolitan police have stated,that this is not a strong line of enquiry. cleveland police have not ruled out a linkbetween wright, and the murder of vicky glass,

a heroin addict who vanished from middlesbroughin september 2000, and whose naked body was later found in a brook on the north york moors. in june 2012, criminologist david wilson suggestedthat, the killer of norwich prostitute michelle bettles may have been wright, but his theorywas dismissed by the police. bettles was strangled in march 2002, and herbody was found three days later in woodland. 22. viktor sayenkoviktor sayenko and two accomplices were responsible for the deaths, of 21 people in 2007. the ukraine murders became well known acrossthe globe, when one of the many video recordings,

of the horrific crimes was leaked on the internet. sayenko was reportedly trying to get richoff, of his snuff videos, but that motive was never proven. he is currently serving life in prison. shocking crimes happen around the world ona daily basis, but most are almost completely unknown. this disgusting murder spree isn't well knownin the u.s., which makes it even more shocking. in 2007, a gruesome "snuff" video made itsway through shocking video sites. it showed a victim being murdered by two youngmen.

those boys were the "dnepropetrovsk maniacs,"also known as the "hammer maniacs." they were from dnepropetrovsk, ukraine, andwent on a spree of bludgeoning members of their community. there were 21 deaths total, but no real motivationto explain the violence. it just goes to show how arbitrary the actof murder can be. the first of the dnepropetrovsk murders tookplace in 2007. 19-year-olds viktor sayenko, and igor suprunyuck. suprunyuck walked through town, carrying hammers. as the boys passed a woman, suprunyuck suddenlyspun around, attacking her with the claw of

the hammer. they killed her. then, they continued to do so until they werecaught. soon after the first murder, the boys killeda man sleeping nearby on a bench, similarly bludgeoning him to death. the next week, two more bodies were found. and then a third. authorities were beginning to worry they hada killing spree on their hands, one that kept getting more brutal with each victim.

the killers were very proud of their atrociousacts, often taking pictures and creating videos. as the murderers progressed, the victims showedsigns of torture and mutilation. one pregnant woman was found, with her fetuscut out of the womb. 23. junko ogataa fukuoka common-law couple were sentenced, to hang wednesday for torturing and killingseven people, who shared their dwelling between 1996 and 1998, in a case whose only evidencewas the testimony provided by the accomplice, and a woman who managed to escape the mayhem. the kokura branch of the fukuoka districtcourt said futoshi matsunaga, 44, the mastermind,

and his accomplice, junko ogata, 43, musthang for murdering five of ogata’s relatives, including two children, and the escapee’s34-year-old father. the pair were also convicted of fatally injuringogata’s father, but the court ruled they had not intended to kill him. presiding judge toshinobu wakamiya calledthe couple’s actions brutal, and unprecedented. the court said the couple conspired to killsix of their victims, and matsunaga was the mastermind and ogata his willful executioner. matsunaga immediately appealed the sentenceto a high court. ogata’s lawyers said they would consultwith her on whether to appeal.

the couple confined and assaulted their victims,to extract money from them. when the money ran out or the pair, fearedthey would be discovered, the victim was killed, and the corpse was dismembered, and throwninto the sea, the court said, noting several of the victims were forced to borrow hugesums, of money before they were slain. some of the victims were ordered to take partin the killings, and dismembering of the bodies before they were murdered themselves, accordingto the court. the couple tried to destroy all traces ofthe crimes. because police found no physical evidence,including the victims’ bodies, the prosecutors’ case was based on testimony from ogata, anda 21-year-old woman, who escaped from the

pair’s apartment, where she had been heldcaptive and tortured with electric shocks. the court deemed the two women’s statements,and court testimony as reliable. ogata “spoke candidly and in concrete terms,including facts that were disadvantageous for her,” judge wakamiya said. the murders came to light in march 2002 whenthe woman, then a teen, escaped and alerted police. her father was one of the victims. throughout the trial, matsunaga denied havingcommitted murder, claiming he only abused the victims, because he did not like theirattitude and did not intend to kill them,

because they were his “money trees.” he insisted that ogata committed the murderson her own. ogata basically owned up to the charges duringthe trial, which started in may 2003. but her attorneys had asked the court to spareher life. ogata claimed matsunaga abused, and manipulatedher into a physical and mental state in which, she had no choice but to obey his orders. during a court session in march, prosecutorscalled matsunaga “the mastermind, who lost his sense of right and wrong,” while ogatawas “a loyal executor of (his) instructions.” the couple’s relationship was a necessaryelement of the crimes, like “two sets of

wheels,” the prosecutors said in a statement,adding that the murders were deeply connected with “matsunaga’s abnormal desire formoney and his self-centered nature, which caused him not to care if others were destroyed.” the couple began their relationship in 1982,and in february 1985, ogata left her parents’ home in kurume, fukuoka prefecture, to livewith matsunaga. matsunaga and ogata moved into an apartmentin kitakyushu with the teenage girl and her father in october 1994. in february 1996, the 34-year-old father diedfrom repeated physical abuse. the following year, six members of ogata’sfamily — her parents, takashige and shizumi,

her sister, rieko, and her brother-in-law,kazuya, and their two children, aya and yuki — were forced to live with the couple inthe kitakyushu apartment. all six were slain between december 1997 andjune 1998. takashige, 61, was electrocuted in december1997. shizumi, 58, rieko, 33, and yuki, 5, werestrangled between january and may 1998, while kazuya, 38, died in april 1998 from physicalabuse. prosecutors were unable to establish whetheraya, 10, who was killed in june 1998, was electrocuted or strangled. the death sentence was what prosecutors haddemanded.

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