Sisters Of Charity Of Leavenworth Health System

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Sisters Of Charity Of Leavenworth Health System

>>chair greg musil: good afternoon. i callthe meeting of the board of trustees of johnson county community college to order for august2016. please help me start the meeting by joining me in the pledge of allegiance.>>i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic forwhich it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.>>chair greg musil: thank you. our first item

Sisters Of Charity Of Leavenworth Health System

Sisters Of Charity Of Leavenworth Health System, on the agenda is roll call and recognitionof visitors. ms. schlict. >>ms. terri schlict: this evening's visitorsinclude dick carter, roberta eveslage and chris roesel.>>chair greg musil: the next item is our open forum. the open forum is a section of theboard agenda each month for members of the

community to provide comments to the board.there will be one open forum period during each scheduled board meeting. comments arelimited to five minutes unless a significant number of speakers have signed up, in whichcase the chair may limit a person's comments to less than five minutes. in order to berecognized, individuals ask to sign in before the meeting is started. speakers are expectedto be respectful and civil, and should not address matters related to individual personnelmatters with the college. as a practice, the college does not respond in this setting tomatters that concern personnel issues or matters that are being otherwise addressed throughestablished grievance or suggestion processes or otherwise under consideration by the board.i know we have one speaker tonight who has

signed up, chris roesel. chris? thank you.>>mr. roesel: yes, sir. good evening, chairman musil, members of the board, mr. president,members of the administration, members of the faculty, administration, and studentsand other members of the community. my name is chris roesel. i'm a student here. and youknow i'm passionate about getting young people, everybody, registered to vote and participatingin our electoral system. i gave you a presentation on a simple way to do that last month. i wentby the student id issuance and found out that it's not being implemented, so i wanted tocome back and underscore the importance to me. i've never said this before to you, buti worked in 20 countries of africa, asia, south, central america, the caribbean.frequently i was appalled by the conditions

at which -- in which the people lived. i hadto see people at the point of death because of my job, i was taken to where people weredying, and what i concluded after working since 1973 in that work is that their governmentswere highly unresponsive to them and did not care about them, and they, by and large, werenot able to express their wishes and hopes to the government. that is why i think backin 1965 the u.s. congress passed the higher education act and specified in the highereducation act of 1965 that all colleges would offer voter registration forms to all students,either physically or electronically. johnson county community college, as you know, complieswith the letter of the law in doing that, sending out an electronic message. when iconsult with students, students say, “well,

with that electronic message, what we do iswe hit delete. it's something we don't know about that the administration is sending us,so we delete it.” i suggested last month that you already have these voter registrationforms at the student id desk. i went to the student id desk and said -- asked why don'tyou put out, not just have in a folder, why don't you put out those student voter registrationforms? and they replied, “we only put out information that is relevant to the students.”that caused me an extreme double-take, as you might imagine. as you know, six of youreight learning outcomes involve civic engagement and political engagement and/or politicalengagement. if students were registering to vote and actually participating in the elections,then you would automatically be meeting six

of your eight student learning outcomes. furthermore,you would also be increasing the engaged public who support your budget, support your programs,you would be registering your clientele to express their opinion. so once again, i'mgoing to humbly request that you put out these forms. they are there already, at the studentid, but they're in a folder, and a student has to divine that they are in the folder,and to divine that they could ask for them and then take the initiative to ask for themrather than us asking the simple question, “would you like a voter registration form?oh. thank you anyway then,” if they don't. or, “would you like a voter registrationform? here it is. follow all the instructions. if you don't, you might not get registeredto vote.” so that is my request to you,

again, to consider this. this is the hot timewhen many, many students are coming through and getting their student ids. that is theonly physical point on campus that all students have to come through. do you have any questionsfor me? >>chair greg musil: trustee cross?>>trustee lee cross: mr. chair, thank you. mr. roesel, thank you for being here. youand i have talked many times about this, correct? >>mr. chris roesel: yes.>>trustee lee cross: and you agree with me now that the state of kansas now requiresthat will be a voter id when you vote, right? i myself wonder why we even need to registerto vote if now we have to have an id. why not simply take care of the process at thebeginning, right? but let me ask you this,

sir. what do you think the mission of thecollege here is? >>mr. chris roesel: i assume it's to achievethe student learning outcomes that the college has declared as the objectives for all studentswho are enrolled in the college. >>trustee lee cross: i would agree, to a certainextent. but we have a mission here to educate the general population and those that comeforward. and while many of us find a home within the political structure, some of usthink that our own partisan or political agendas need to be set aside and further the overallmission of the school. >>chair greg musil: i'm going to -- we normallydo not make this a back-and-forth, and i don't think that's appropriate at this time. i knowthat the administration has worked diligently

with you. i think this is something that willbe an ongoing discussion. but i also think it's, from my standpoint, it's an item forthe administration to decide, what are the priorities at the student id point. and sowe appreciate your passion. i think everybody up here would like to have more people registeringto vote. the fact that too many people just hit delete is an indication unfortunatelyof -- of some frustration or some disenchantment with the entire system. so again, i appreciateyour passion in bringing this to our attention on multiple occasions. thank you.>>mr. chris roesel: thank you, sir. >>chair greg musil: there are no other speakers.the next item on agenda is awards and recognitions. and although there is nothing on the agenda,i would like to ask our general counsel to

come to the podium. tanya doesn't realizethis is coming, but we were -- we're pleased on a fairly regular basis to have somebodyin the leadership overland park class that's sponsored by the community college and overlandpark chamber of commerce. tanya was in this year's class and was unable to make the luncheonwhere they made all of the presentations so i took it upon myself to bring with me herpersonally carved and identified box in which she can keep many keepsakes, probably includingthumb drives with board of trustee meetings on them.(laughter) thank you for taking the time.(applause) >>chair greg musil: leadership programs byour chambers of commerce are very important

to this county, and i think the overland parkone has nine separate sessions. i appreciate the administration allowing someone from thecollege to participate in that, because the networking and relationships that are builtthere, the understanding of how all levels of government and civic and charitable engagementin the county work is very important so thank you again, tanya. thanks for being a goodsport on the surprise. the next item is no surprise, it will be our college lobbyistreport. dick carter. >>mr. dick carter: thank you, mr. chairman.good evening, members of the board. if july was a dull month, we certainly made up forit in august and we're not through yet, although i don't think there's any more surprises or-- or big news that we're at least aware of

coming in, in august. but i do want to giveyou a little update on what's been going on in topeka and across the state, as we preparefor the fall to set in. the first month in the state's fiscal year appeared to be downabout $14.3 million in expected revenues. keep in mind that this is after the consensusrevenue estimating group adjusted down those figures twice in fiscal year 2016, and soin doing so, they've -- they plan for not only the current fiscal year, but they lookforward to the coming fiscal year, which is the one that we're in now, 2017. that groupwill meet again in november of this year to take another snapshot or another look at wherethey think the state's finances are going. but we've seen a fairly unfortunate trendover the past couple of years with the revenues

not meeting the expectations, and so that'skind of where we're at one month into fiscal year 2017. keep in mind that each year injune, the state typically loans itself or borrows money to the tune of anywhere from-- this year it was 900-plus million dollars. it's a certificate bond of indebtedness, andit's required that those dollars be paid back before the end of the fiscal year comes onjune 30th, 2017. so not only are we down in the first month of expected revenues, butwe have a $900 million bond that we'll need to pay back come the end of this fiscal year.all of that combined is most likely what attributed to a downgrade again in the state's creditrating. and i offer that just because i know that we make financial decisions here at thecollege and things like that are important

to us when we're doing bond work. and so thestate has moved from a aa to a aa-, meaning that 41 other states have a better creditrating than state of kansas. the other -- the other thing that i want totalk about as it relates to the finances of the state is the governor has recommendedor at least has requested that state agencies look into what a 5% cut would look like. ithink that nothing will likely be done with regards to any cuts unless we have some veryhorrendous months between now and november. but i think that nothing will likely be donebefore the november general election and probably not until after the consensus revenue estimatinggroup meets to kind of just see where things need to be at the state.we saw some movement in the political process

on august 2nd. there were approximately fiveraces in johnson county where a challenger beat an incumbent. there are a couple of otherdistricts that surround johnson county where there might be some overlap, but those arethe ones that i've measured. we're likely to see some additional change in the generalelection. there are some -- i think where we might see most of the change is going tobe in the senate. there are some seats across the state that are very vulnerable and seatsthat had close races four years ago, and i think that we'll definitely see -- we're alreadyin the 10 or 11 range right now for democrats in the senate. we could see as many as 12,13, or 14, depending on how some of those races unfold. so we know that there's goingto be some change, at least on that side of

the -- of the capitol. we'll see some change,and we already have seen some change in the house as well. both of -- what we know asa result of the primary is that the leadership races are going to look very interesting,and again, that will change come -- come november as well. the legislature comes to topeka thefirst week or so in december, and that's when they elect the leadership from the -- amongsttheir own ranks. there's already some campaigning going on from within those who have identifiedthemselves as running for a leadership post. and depending on what happens in november,we're likely to see some very different folks in leadership come january 2017. and thatmeans that we're going to see some change, there's some races in the general that couldchange what the face of the education committees

look like as well. we already know that thesenate chairman who did not run this past election cycle, which means we'll have a neweducation chair in the senate, not sure what the budget chair -- well, the budget chairlost in his primary out in salina. and so we'll have a new -- we'll have a new personthere on the senate side. and chances are likely that there are some concerned folksout there, and the input that we get from folks that are out in the field is there couldbe some change not only in the budget chair, but also in the house education chairmanshipas well. so we'll see what happens, we continue to monitor that and i'll certainly have amore robust report in november when it comes to what -- what the state is going to looklike in the legislative process in 2017.

not to be dismissed, and i've mentioned thisbefore, but again, i think this will play a role in what the turnout in november lookslike. you are going -- have already begun to see it in the way of ads and some pressreleases, some postcards, i received another one just yesterday. you are going to see awhole lot of new groups that you've never heard of sending you mail. you're going tosee and hear it on tv and on the radio. you'll see it on banner ads and on the internet andin the newspapers with respect to judicial retention. and i've talked about that a littlebit in the past. there are four targets for certain in the supreme court, and we're -- andyou'll see some additional pieces of mail that you've never heard of those groups. there'sgoing to be a lot of money spent on -- on

the retention of those justices, and -- orto vote those justices out of office, out of their position, and that very well likelycould determine what the outcome of who shows up to vote, that could affect some other racesas well, not to mention the presidential race that's -- that's also going to be held innovember. so all of those factors come together to really-- we've never seen something like this before in the wake of an election and what the outcomescould look like. finally, the kansas board of regents getstogether with their government relations folks every year for a little mini retreat, andwe did that last friday, and i've bulletized some items that i thought were important foryou to be aware of. there appears to be no

initiatives coming from the community collegeassociation other than watching for and advocating for budget items. we'll probably see anotherbill this year as it relates to a merger between a state university and a technical college.that does potentially have some impact on the community college system. it's unsureif there will be a service area bill that comes out. there have been talk in the pastabout such items, nothing really ever materialized in a significant way but i think that that'ssomething that we need to be aware of. a new item that i think will be of interestand you'll be hearing about this or will be working this angle probably from an administrativeside, but certainly everyone is welcome, in the past, colleges have -- there have beenthe community college day, there has been

the state university day, each individualstate university usually comes up and has their own day at the state house. they setup big tables and displays. there's going to be an effort this year to have a highereducation day on january 19th, and that will eliminate the other individual silos supposedlythat come up. i don't know that they fully grasp how it's going to work, but it's just-- it's just beginning to take shape. and i believe they've reserved all five floorsof the capitol for this event. and so we will be a part of that as part of the communitycollege system. again, i have no details other than just it's going to be on january 19th,and that's something that will be new that we're looking forward to.and then finally, the board made clear that

their number one initiative for this comingyear is to prevent any further cuts to higher education funding, and then secondarily, torestore the 4% cuts that occurred during the 2016 fiscal year.i think i would stop there and if -- if i'm able answer any questions.>>chair greg musil: trustee lindstrom? >>trustee david lindstrom: mr. carter, youopened up with the comments about the state revenue and the projections and the readjustments.can you, for my benefit and possibly for others, too, explain how that happens, how those projectionshappen and who sits on the body that actually makes those projections?>>mr. dick carter: the consensus revenue estimating group is made up of the chief budget officerfor legislative research, the director of

legislative research, the governor's budgetdirector. there are some university economists that sit on that consensus revenue estimatinggroup and they look at past trends and they look at policies that have been passed inthe legislative process to make determinations on what the expected level of revenue shouldlook like as it comes into the state's coffers. >>trustee david lindstrom: so it is -- isit -- are those figures generated from the administration? or is it from a -- a groupthat includes more than just the administration? >>mr. dick carter: no. it's -- it's from amuch larger group than just the administration. there is a group that comes together and it'smuch like sitting around the room and trying to figure out just exactly where they thinkthings are going to go. i mean they're projections.

>>chair greg musil: other questions for mr.carter? >>dr. joe sopcich: i've got one, greg. dick,there's some speculation that we need to prepare for another 5% cut. does that apply to highered? >>mr. dick carter: yeah, i think it certainlywould. i know that higher education has -- has borne the brunt of some of those cuts in thepast. it impacts the different sectors of higher ed differently. and i know that techcolleges and community colleges maybe haven't seen some of the significant cuts like thestate universities have. but i do believe that everything is on the table when it comesto that. >>chair greg musil: trustee ingram?>>trustee nancy ingram: was that in reference

to the 5% that he was speaking about earlier?>>dr. joe sopcich: yeah. >>trustee nancy ingram: okay. i assumed that.the other question that i would have, you said our bond rating has gone from a aa toa aa-. what's the highest rating? >>mr. dick carter: i believe the highest ratingis aaa. >>trustee nancy ingram: okay. i thought so.>>mr. dick carter: i'm not a bond specialist, but i do believe that's typically what thehighest rating is. >>trustee nancy ingram: can we go lower thana aa-? >>mr. dick carter: i think you can.>>trustee nancy ingram: okay. thank you. >>trustee lee cross: if i may, mr. chair.>>chair greg musil: certainly.

>>trustee lee cross: mr. carter, the governor,as i understand it, has blamed the status of the economy and perhaps tax revenues tothe fact that agricultural commodity prices are down or oil and gas commodity prices aredown. short of a amazing recovery in those two industries, would there be any easierway to stabilize the state budget and perhaps improve the rating of the state's credit?>>mr. dick carter: well, i think that, again, i'm not -- i'm not a bond counsel, so i can'tspeak to how -- >>trustee lee cross: that was a bad questionperhaps. >>mr. dick carter: -- how the agencies ratethe state and what they -- what they -- what data they use for that. but i do think thatthe example that i've used in the past is

that historically, kansas operated on -- andyou've heard the analogy of the three-legged stool, and when you take away one or moreof those legs, you have to figure out where to supplement the revenue, if you're makingthat stool unstable. i think that the administration chose to move in a direction of a consumptiontax and we saw that i believe two sessions ago. and those -- those revenue expectations-- well, with this particular month, they did not meet the expect -- expected revenuelevels. so i think it's, you know, it's having -- that three-legged stool example i thinkis probably the best one to continue to use. >>trustee lee cross: just a quick follow-up,mr. chair. mr. carter, thank you for that. and i certainly think that this administration'stax policies have been responsible, as you

just said. and while everybody in the roomknows what you just described, i get two or three people every month that say they sawme on tv and at the off chance that they watched the whole thing, i just want them to be ableto understand -- have them understand what you're talking about, what we're talking aboutand why many of us were heartened by the election results earlier this month and that it's criticalthat we take a different budget direction. >>chair greg musil: mr. carter, i have a -- youmentioned there may not be any action until the fall meeting of the consensus revenueestimating group. when is that? >>mr. dick carter: well it will be after theelection. it's typically the middle of the month. i think they can set the date wheneverthey want, but it will be after the election.

>>chair greg musil: before leadership is pickedin december? >>mr. dick carter: most likely before leadershipis picked in december, that's correct. >>chair greg musil: thank you. appreciateyour continued work for us in and around topeka. the next item on the agenda is our annualstatutorily required budget hearing on -- or public hearing on the budget for this collegefor fiscal year 2017, which is -- which begins on -- began on july 1, 2016, and will endon june 30th, 2017. i continue to believe that in addition to selecting the presidentto run this college, our number one responsibility is to establish a budget that funds the functionsof this college in a reasonable way and that, you know, sets our tax levies, our tuition,our other revenue sources in a way that everybody

can plan and make sure that the next schoolyear comes off relatively smoothly. i'm going to go through a little bit about -- i didthis last year because i think there have been concerns expressed by some that the budgetingprocesses of local governments aren't transparent enough or aren't accountable enough or somehowhide the ball from the public so that individuals can't understand what we are doing, why we'respending their tax dollars or how we're spending their tax dollars. i don't think that's trueand i'm going to try today to help make sure that anybody in the audience or anybody watchingon tv can understand that. what we do. we started working on this budgetlast fall, probably in october was the first suggestion of budget guidelines that wouldguide staff and the administrative staff and

the budget officers in the college in comingup with the amount of expenditures and revenues needed for the next fiscal year. that, ifyou follow our agendas either for management committee or for this board, you will findbudget guidelines in virtually all of the agendas from that point forward. we've beenassisted in that as a board by dr. sopcich and barbara larson, rachel lierz, and everybodyelse on the team, really, budget directors and others, budget administrators who havethe responsibility of coming up with their portion of the college.we adopted budget guidelines last fall as a board to tell staff where to go look, whatcan you -- what do you think -- what are the parameters for coming up with the budget.those budget guidelines included trying to

increase our ending balance and adding toour reserves, because we know we have needs coming up. in fact, we had a retreat lastsaturday which indicated the kind of needs we have for -- in our career technical educationprograms, in our classrooms, in our aging buildings and other infrastructure. the budgetguidelines including maintaining the same level of faculty, staff, faculty and staffpositions as in fiscal year 2016, using a priority-based budgeting system that looksat our strategic goal, and our key performance indicators to help us make decisions on wherewe want to spend our money so we reach our strategic goals; we assumed increased valuation,assessed valuation of the county would go up by 4% last fall. the county's done betterthan that, and because of the growth in this

particular county in kansas, it's 6.5%. weassumed there would be no change in the amount of aid we get from the state of kansas, whichis about 15% of our budget. and as we just heard from mr. carter, that is one area thatis uncertain, and over the last two years we have suffered cuts of about $1 milliontotal in state funding because of the revenue issues at the state.we also gave guidelines to our staff that student tuition would increase by $2 a credithour for in-county students and $6 a credit hour for those out-of-county and out-of-statestudents. and finally, we assumed that the propertytax mill levy, the rate of taxation that we charge based on property tax values, wouldnot go up. those guidelines were reviewed

several times throughout the year. in april,we had a budget workshop at this meeting. we reviewed a 97-page budget booklet, whichis a public document that shows everything there where our revenues are, where our expensesare, goes through in great detail how we spend the taxpayer's money, the student’s money,grant money and other moneys that we get at the may, we adopted a management budget to try to give our administration an idea ofwhat can they do when they need to sign contracts that will take effect july 1 knowing thatwe can't adopt an official budget until this meeting after a public hearing. but in orderto give management an idea of what we think we are going to do in our budget, we adopta management budget in may after discussion

among the board. the final legal budget willbe adopted later today during the management committee process, after the public hearingoccurs. and i'm going to open the public hearing in a minute to see if we have anybody whowants to speak as a stake holder of the college. most of our assets in this college are people,and it's no surprise that 76% of the total budget authority that we're asking for nextyear, which is $146 million in the general fund, 76% of that goes to people. it goesto salaries and benefits for the people who teach, all the way from the people that teachto the administration to the people that clean up the buildings at night. 61% of our revenuesin the general fund come from property taxpayers in johnson county. that's homeowners, that'sapartment owners, it's business owners, it's

warehouse owners. they are generous in theirsupport of this college. a homeowner with a home value of $262,000,which is the average home value in johnson county as of january 1, 2016, will pay $285to support this college. $285 on their value of $262,000. johnson county residents nextyear will be asked to pay $2 more, or $92 a credit hour -- $93 a credit hour. non-johnsoncounty kansans will pay $110 a credit hour. out of state students will pay $220 a credithour. and this will be the first year we have adopted a metro rate so that zip codes adjacentin the kansas city metro area, students from those zip codes will pay $135 a credit hourrather than out of state tuition, they'll pay a lower rate with the hope that we candraw those people to johnson county, train

them here, and keep them here to be part ofour labor force. the budget includes a 2.75% average salaryincrease for faculty. that was part of the negotiations in our collective bargainingagreement, and it's part of our obligation as a board under the master agreement. italso includes an average 2% across the board salary increase for staff. as part of thebudget process, we have reallocated some positions without adding positions. for instance, nextyear we will have six new student success engagement persons. we will also pick up thecost of a police officer who was previously funded by a grant. we're not going to letthat position go in times of -- when security needs are significant. and we're also goingto hire another police officer out of our

general fund budget. obviously, if there'sanyone in the audience that wants to speak to this, we would welcome their -- their input.we have to budget, balance the budget, by law. we don't play smoke and mirrors. everythingis in the budget. everything is in the budget workshop book. if we don't like what we'respending here, if we're spending too much here and we cut what we spend there, thenwe have a consequence. if we want to spend something somewhere else, we have a consequence.if we don't get revenues from one source, we've either got to make them up from anothersource or we have consequences. i think that's all well understood by thisboard, and we listen all year to people on campus and off-campus who talk to us aboutwhether we're being efficient, whether we're

using tax dollars well. so with that, i'mgoing to open up the public hearing and ask if there's anybody in the audience, any stakeholderof any kind that would like to make any comments on the budget that was published last monthfor the community college. is there anyone in the audience who would like to make comments?if not, i will close the public hearing. this is not unusual. i think it's a tribute, numberone, to the quality and credibility of the college over the years in spending money wisely.i think it's partly attributable to the fact that we are accountable and transparent inhow we budget and also that people talk to us throughout the year and assume we're listeningto them, and i think we are. we will have -- we can have more discussionat the management committee when there's a

motion to adopt the official budget. but atthis point, we will declare the public hearing closed and move on to the next item on theagenda, which is committee reports starting with the audit committee. the audit committeemet on august 4th at 8 a.m. i was present as the chair along with vice chair stephaniesharp. we had a number of reports. the audit -- our internal auditors did their annual-- or biannual travel and expense review where they look at the travel and expense numbersspent by the board of trustees to make sure they meet policy guidelines and by the administrationto make sure they do -- they meet policy guidelines, and also if i remember right, do a randomsampling of other expenditures when people travel out of town and claim either mileageor airfare or hotel expense or registration

expenses. those were all audited and foundto be appropriate, necessary and in substantial compliance with our policies and procedures,which we always appreciate. we had a quarterly projects updates aboutdifferent audits that are in various stages of completion, and movement toward adoptingor implementing recommendations made on previous budget -- budget audits. we had a report onthe ethics report line, which is our anonymous report line where anybody can report anythingthat they believe should be reviewed on behalf of the college. they can do it anonymouslyor they can give their name. we had a presentation on the behavioral intervention team and thereports from that team were if somebody sees something that looks like it's out of orderwith a student or the faculty member or a

staff member and reports that, and it is followedup on by a behavioral intervention team. we looked at the working agenda for next year,which is what informs each of our committees on what they're going to do at various timesduring the year. the only action item is a recommendation ofthe audit committee that the board approve the 2016-2017 audit committee working agenda,as shown on page 4 of the board agenda, and i will make that motion.>>second. >>chair greg musil: it's been moved and seconded.any discussion? if not, all in favor say yes. (yeses)>>chair greg musil: opposed, no. motion carried. the audit committee working agenda is approved.trustee sharp and i would stand for questions

if anybody has any. if not, we'll move onto the human resources committee. trustee ingram.>>trustee nancy ingram: thank you. the minutes of the human resources committee are foundon pages 5 through 7 of the board packet. it includes one recommendation. the committeemet on monday, august 1st. the first item for discussion was the proposed changes for403b and 457b plans. mr. zimmerman provided an overview of the three following proposedchanges to the current administration of the johnson county community college 403b and457b plans. the first was to consolidate from four record keepers to one record keeper tostreamline the investment menu and thirdly to hire an independent investment advisor.human resources is continuing to explore options

and communicate with employees regarding theseproposed changes. a tentative timeline was shared and includes the issuance of an rfpfor investment consultant in the third quarter of 2016 to hire an investment consultant towork with the college's investment committee to design a new investment line-up in thefourth quarter of 2016, to issue an rfp for a sole record keeper in the first quarterof 2017 followed by informing plan participants of changes in the second quarter and the implementationof a new administration model july 1 of 2017. staffing tables and salary overview were alsoon the agenda. ms. centlivre provided an overview of the current college's salary staffing tables,which include the following highlights; policy 418.04 compensation, the philosophy of compensation,pay grades and ranges, the comp ratio guidelines,

initial salary placement and monthly recommendationsto the board and, finally, the annual publications of staffing authorization tables. item number3 was our working agenda for the fiscal year '16-'17, which is found on page 7 of the boardpacket, and dr. korb reviewed the proposed human resources committee working agenda for2016-2017. and with that, i do have a recommendation and i will make the following motion thatit is the recommendation of the human resources committee for the board of trustees to approvethe human resources committee working agenda for 2016-2017, as shown subsequently in theboard packet. >>chair greg musil: is there a second?>>second. >>chair greg musil: moved and seconded toadopt the working agenda. is there any discussion

or questions? trustee cross?>>trustee lee cross: without any opposition, i'm just asking, trustee ingram, why doesthe college need to hire an independent investment advisor?>>dr. judy korb: we're just -- we're recommending that we -- well, we're not really to the recommendingstage, we're still exploring this. but right now the college has four different investmentgroups that we work with, primarily the majority of our fund are with tiaa-cref and lincolnfinancial. what we're proposing is that we actually move to -- that we go out for rfpand we move to one record keeper, so we have one record keeper that we would use and thenwith an investment advisor, we would be able to go through and analyze the best funds forour employees to invest in. right now if you

have your money with tiaa-cref, the selection,the options that you have are cref funds. if you are with lincoln, you get lincoln options,where if we go with an independent investment advisor, we would be able to select the bestfunds that we can, and one of the main reasons for doing this, and this has been in the newsquite a bit, but one of the main reasons for doing it is because you have better controlover selecting options where you can select ones that have reduced fees. so the administrativefees on some of them in the programs that we have, we have no control over what theyare because they're with tia-cref or they're with lincoln. but we would be able to do abetter job of selecting funds that wouldn't cost our employees as much, that are performingwell, but rather than relying on our own resources

for doing that, we think it would probablybe a good idea to have an independent advisor that would help us to analyze those fundsto put together the portfolio for our employees. >>trustee lee cross: i thank you for that.>>chair greg musil: any additional questions? or a discussion on the motion? if not, allthose in favor of adopting the working agenda for human resources, please say yes.(yeses) >>chair greg musil: opposed, no. motion carriesunanimously. learning quality, trustee cross. >>trustee lee cross: thank you, mr. chair.the learning quality committee met in this room on august 1st of this month at 8:30 a.m.trustee henry sandate was present for his meeting, he was elected to the jccc board,selected by the board in april of 2016, and

he'll serve on the committee for the remainderof the calendar year. mr. mccloud, the vice president of academic affairs, cao, welcomedtrustee sandate to his first learning quality meeting. so we're proud to have him onboardwith us this year. mr. mccloud gave a presentation about a reviewand updated policies that were needed for the upcoming year. for future meetings, thecommittee will broaden its scope to include more presentations for learning engagement,student services, and continuing education. a proposal was presented to the learning qualitycommittee to approve the working agenda for the 2016-17 fiscal year, and is it, therefore,mr. chair, the recommendation of the learning quality committee that the board of trusteesapprove the 2016-2017 learning quality committee

working agenda as is subsequently shown inthe board packet. and i would so move. >>second.>>chair greg musil: it's been moved and seconded to adopt the working agenda for learning qualitycommittee. any discussion or any questions? if not, all in favor say yes.(yeses) >>chair greg musil: opposed, no. motion carriesunanimously. >>trustee lee cross: vice president mccloudalso presented five affiliation agreements which have been reviewed by legal counseland provide clinical placement for students who need practical experience to completetheir curriculum. the committee approved three separate affiliation agreements for creditprograms in health care, interpreting, legal

interpreting, the combined agreement for healthoccupations and practical nursing. two additional agreements were approved for continuing educationprograms for the pharmacy technician and phlebotomy programs. complete details can be found subsequentlyin the consent addition -- consent agenda portion of this board packet. other agreementswere presented for informational purposes: number 1, 15 concurrent enrollment partnershipagreements, renewals for the college now program; number 2, four facility use agreement renewalsfor the college close to home program; and 3, five shared funding agreement renewalsfor the college now program. learning quality committee reviewed the aforementioned agreements,which will be discussed by the management committee at their august meeting.dave ellis, a counselor, was granted a sabbatical

for the 2015 semester to explore the beginning-- to explore beginning a program working with seven to 10 high-risk students at threearea high schools to provide individual counseling, which would encourage the students to attendcollege, preferably here at johnson county community college. results of the sabbaticalinclude approximately 35 students enrolling for fall classes at the college, with othersdeciding to attend four other colleges -- attend other colleges. future plans include collaboratingwith the college admissions office and high school counselor’s office to assist highschool students at each school with filling out the college application, attending orientation,and arranging for an assessment testing. jeff anderson, who is also a counselor, wasgranted a sabbatical for the fall 2015 semester

to research, identify, and contact key personnelin the united states-based corporations based in the u.s.-based operations based in laspintas, mexico, with the intent of soliciting and securing funding required to underwriteannual operating expenses for the centro integral comunitario clinic, cic, located in las pintas.securing funds for the long-term sustainability is critical for providing continued learningopportunities for jccc students through the college's services learning partnership withcic. results of the sabbatical include reaching out to the ibm corporation in mexico city,resulting in an employee service volunteer program being launched with the employeesworking directly with the cic. another connection was made through the college with the bnsfemployees involving generating interest for

them traveling to las pintas, participatingin service work in the community, and/or possibly with bnsf providing a donation to the project.future plans include continuing to pursue funding for the project.we did have a discussion that was tabled with respect to monitoring student developmentand a discussion on student loan debt and counseling services offered to our students.i appreciate mr. mccloud for bringing that up. i do look forward to talking more withtrustee sandate and dr. weber and others about that issue.randy weber, vice president of student success, and csao, gave an overview of the fall enrollmentreport. the report is run daily and shows enrollment trends for this fall compared todata received for the same time last year.

the report can be accessed through infoshareby searching ir or by clicking on the following link available in your board chair, the learning quality working agenda follows on the subsequent pages of the boardpacket, and as much as i don't want to, i'll stop talking now because that concludes myreport. >>chair greg musil: any questions for trusteecross? if not, thank you for that, and we'll move on to the lengthy management committeereport. dr. cook. >>trustee jerry cook: thank you, chairmanmusil. the management committee meeting did -- committee did meet on august 3rd in thisroom. all members were present, including trustees cross and lindstrom. and we -- wedon't have the -- the annual calendar report

for you, like all the other committees havehad, because we're a 12-month active committee and we actually approve that in july, at thebeginning of the year rather than two months into the year.>>chair greg musil: we will double your salaries for that.>>trustee jerry cook: so we don't deal with that. my apologies to the other committeesfor being so rude. dr. mccloud did update us on several affiliation articulation reversetransfer cooperative agreements, which was referenced by trustee cross in the learningquality committee. that -- those recommendations you'll find in the consent agenda, and bythe way, the total work of the committee is found on pages 12 through 45 of your packetfor your reading pleasure. dr. antle gave

an update on the jccc center for sustainabilityand a round table conference on energy that was held on that day, august 3rd, and a partnershipwith the kansas city power & light and dealing with efficiency programs under considerationby the kansas corporation commission. we have a number of recommendations for you to voteupon tonight. the first is given by kate allen. and it has to do with naming of our facilitiesand unnaming of our facilities. i'll draw your attention to the -- and what we're doingis, we've been bringing to this board a number of recommendations that make our policiesmore efficient, and that's -- that's true tonight as well. and what we're looking atare naming college facilities policy 217.05 and -- and turning that into a policy thatstreamlines how we name and how we change

the names of buildings. i think the managementcommittee, and i hope this board and the entire staff take very seriously the process of howwe name buildings in the first place, and basically those are -- those considerationsare made for not just financial contributions to the college. there's a series of detailsthat outline what requirement is there, but also contributions to the college that -- thatsomeone may have made over a period of time. and throughout this discussion, the policywill state that it requires affirmative vote by five trustees to either name a buildingor change the name of a building, and even in changing the name of the building, considerationsare made, has the building outgrown its usefulness, is that program still in place. but there'sa whole series. and what we're going to vote

on tonight is not that -- is not a lot ofdetail there for you to consider. but we did have a lot of discussion should that votehave been six trustees to name or change the name of the building, should it be 7-0. andi think after a very serious discussion we agreed that a 5-2 vote was enough to namea building and to change the name of a building. so with all of that, we do have a is the recommendation of the management committee that the board of trustees acceptthe recommendation of the college administration to approve the revisions to the naming collegefacilities policy 217.05 and the deletion of the naming college facilities appendixpolicy, as shown subsequently in the board packet, and i'll make that motion.>>second.

>>chair greg musil: it has been moved andseconded to revise the naming college facilities policy. is there any discussion or are thereany questions? if not, all in favor say yes. (yeses)>>chair greg musil: opposed, no. motion carries unanimously.>>trustee jerry cook: in the public hearing for the budget, trustee musil did an outstandingjob of referring to our three -- our three major budgeting processes. one is the managementbudget, one is the official operating budget, and the third then has to deal with how wemake budget allocations at the end of the year. and one of those budgets was generatedin 19 -- or one of those policies was generated in 1985. another one in 1995. we did change,amend one of those policies in 2005. so -- so

we've been dealing with policies here thatare over 30 years old and as recently as 2005. and after, again, lengthy discussion aboutthe purpose of doing that and working with the efficiency of the college, we're combiningall of those policies into a cleaner policy that deals with the efficiency of our collegeat this point. and i suspect that some of you may have questions about, well, does this,as we -- as we delete a lot of language that you see in the board packet and make it moreefficient, what does that do to our checks and balances? and i think one of the reasonsis we're cleaning up these policies is that we have placed a number of steps in placein checks and balances, you heard trustee musil refer earlier about the reports thatcome to the management committee, the reports

that come to the board. we have an internalauditing process. you heard a part of that in his audit report. we have an external auditprocess. we have a budgeting team in our business department that's very, very thorough abouteach of their respective areas. one of the changes we're making is back in 1995 we hada policy that at the end of may, may 31st, if there were -- if there were dollars ina budget line item that were going to be transferred to another budget line item that were over-- that exceeded $10,000, that required prior trustee approval to make that happen. andthen at the -- in june, if there were dollars left over again, that would require approvalto make -- to make that occur. and there were situations where some things may have happened,a piece of equipment broke down, air conditioning

didn't work, that we -- it would be difficultto wait for the board to meet again in a next monthly meeting to make those decisions. andwith all of the checks and balances we have in place, we as the management committee reallyfeel that the consolidation of these three policies as we're recommending is most appropriate.and therefore, it is the recommendation of the management committee that the board oftrustees accept the recommendation of the college administration to approve the deletionof the legal budgeting policy, the deletion of the use of year funds policy, and the adoptionof an updated and consolidated budgeting policy, as shown subsequently in the board packet.and i'll make that motion. to do the updated consolidated budgeting policy.are there any questions for trustee cook?

he already anticipated our questions and gaveus the answers, so come up with something really good. if there's no discussion, allthose in favor say yes. (yeses)>>chair greg musil: all opposed, no. >>trustee jerry cook: thank you very much.the next item is the recommendation dealing with our state of kansas municipal investmentpool. this is basically to take -- make consideration for new staff that are working in these pools.we've had reports on the pool previously and also who has the authority to sign and processthis. so it is the recommendation of management to approve and adopt the resolution regardingthe state of kansas municipal investment pool, and i'll make that motion.>>second.

>>chair greg musil: moved and seconded toapprove the administration's recommendation regarding the state of kansas municipal investmentpool. are there any questions? is there any discussion? if not, all in favor say yes.(yeses) >>chair greg musil: opposed, no. motion carries.>>trustee jerry cook: next item is the budget for fiscal year 2016-17. earlier in this meeting,trustee musil again did a very wonderful job in laying out the steps that take place month-by-monthfor the year. we had the public hearing, and we are now at the point where we adopt theofficial operating budget. i think what i'll do is, because we've discussed this so manytimes, is i'll make that motion and if there's any discussion we can deal with it. it isthe recommendation of the management committee

that the board of trustees accept the fiscalyear 2016-17 budget as published, which includes total property tax levied of $87,448,419 for2017, compared to $81,401,144 in 2016, and does hereby certify said budget to the countyclerk of johnson county, kansas, for collection in the manner prescribed by law, and i'llmake that motion. to adopt the 2016-2017 budget as publishedand presented. dr. cook, do you have other comments? we'll have plenty of time for questionsand discussion. >>trustee jerry cook: well, i would just liketo amplify one more time that the -- the amount of energy and time that goes in not just bythe administrative staff, we start this whole budgeting process by departments, work ourway up, and so there's a lot of input into

anticipating what our -- what our learningprogram is going to be in a future year and what kind of revenue is -- is -- is requiredto carry out that -- that learning plan. and it -- you can't share enough the amount ofenergy that goes in by all the people to get to the point of our budgets. we've been blessedwith fiduciary accountability by all of our staff in our departments and our internalchecks and balances to ensure that this college is in very good financial shape.and while we may have differences of opinion as to where all the sources of revenue maycome, i know that we have talked about tuition, do we -- do we want our tuition to be a littleless than it is? i think we always want to make it affordable to students. i think weall agree that there needs to be some student

involvement with that. there's always a debateabout how much the state should contribute and there's always the discussion about whatour property taxes should be. but i really value and appreciate all the input that'sgone into the work for a 12-month period. in fact, even, and more than that, becauseyou'll recall, trustee musil, that we do have a 5-year plan and we continually look aheadfor five years as to what may occur with the detail coming for the next succeeding fiscalyear. thank you. >>chair greg musil: trustee cross.>>trustee lee cross: thank you, mr. chair. and thank you, management chair trustee cook.i appreciate your comments and i concur with you that any number of people within the administrationwithin the college and on this board have

done their level best to put together themoney that we need to finance this college. as you know, many of the concerns that youjust shared were in anticipation of my comments and my no vote. and it is not to impeach theprocess, the integrity or fiscal or fiduciary responsibility of anyone here. it's just arespectful disagreement on policy that tuition and fees have gone up considerably in recentyears and it really is a protest vote to say we must account for how much tuition and feeshas gone up on our students. you know, this board, my first vote on this board at therecommendation of the administration raised the mill, we attempted to do one mill, but.75 mill in 2013-14, which i think was a strategic and wise move to help weather the storm thatthe state has incurred. and i think with the

looming storm, as bad as it's been with thestate, it's only going to get worse. any objective reading of the legislative research departmentsmaterial shows that in the next three to five years, this very bad situation gets very,very worse. so i think it would behoove us to do everything that we can to make surewe get more money from the state and/or look at alternatives to perhaps and reluctantlyraising the mill to get the money that we need to pay down some of our debt, anticipatedprojects we've going to have here at the college, and i do appreciate your work, trustee cook,because i know that you take tremendous pride given your experience and commitment to thisboard, and i appreciate everything you do. i just wanted to state my opinion.>>trustee jerry cook: thank you.

>>chair greg musil: other comments on thebudget? well i have a couple. i want to address again comments that we hear frequently ontwo points. one is property tax levels, and the second one is tuition. our property taxlevy is not going up, but we are getting 6.5% more money because of the growth of this county,both new properties that have come online, whether it's warehouses out at the intermodalthat we saw last week on our tour, new stores, new shops, new homes, we share in that. ihave never shied away from the fact that i think we are entitled to share in that growth,because i think we cause part of it. we contribute to it. not by ourselves, but we help generatethe workforce, we help teach people how to start small businesses, and so we're entitledto keep that so long as we can use it well.

and during those three or four years whenthe county's appraised value declined for the first time in the history of the county,we suffered along with everybody else by taking less, and didn't raise the mill levy duringthat period of time because of the prudence of that board having built up reserves sothat we could weather the second, you know, the longest -- the great recession, the longestrecession in american history, not as hard as the great depression, but certainly a significantone. so this year i, as i said last year, accepting the increased property valuationand the increased revenues that go with that are something i think we can do with a veryclean conscience. i will say that if next year we have another 6% increase, which ibelieve is what it was last year, and the

valuation continues to increase, and we continueto be unable to find new ways to get -- reach more students, whether on campus or onlineor otherwise, because we budgeted a 3% decrease in credit enrollment. at some point, thoselines cross and i won't be comfortable accepting every dollar of increased value and will besupporting or looking at the opportunity to decrease our mill levy, because i think thereis an obligation that comes with taking that money, which is to serve more students innew ways and in better ways. and i -- i appreciate trustee cross' commentson tuition, which have been consistent. i don't -- i don't believe in protest votes,lee, but i know that you feel strongly about this. i would note that without the tuitionincreases that we imposed on in-county students,

in-kansas students, and out-of-state students,we would be missing $917,000 in revenues. so if we're not going to do that, then i thinkit's incumbent upon us to come up with another million dollars someplace, or 917,000. andi also would note that because we impose -- we created the metro rate, which meant peoplein jackson county and cass county and clay county, maybe platte county, i'm not sureall the zip codes, are going to be able to come here instead of at $220 an hour at $135an hour, because we're trying something to attract those students that we need. the neteffect of our tuition increase in the other areas is revenue neutral. so if we're goingto have a metro rate, which i think everybody on this board supported, and we don't increasethe amount -- or we don't create a metro rate,

we've got two burdens to meet -- to make, again, i look back at where we are in our tuition rates at $93 for a johnson countyresident, ku is 380, k-state is 319. that's before their recent increases. metropolitancommunity college on the kansas city side is $95 a credit hour. kansas city, kansas,is $108 a credit hour. and in our budget workshop we had a 50-state chart of where we rank,where kansas ranks in its cost for two-year colleges, and if i've done my math right we'reabout 44th lowest. so that doesn't mean we don't watch tuition and it doesn't mean wedon't worry about student loan rates and it doesn't mean we don't continue to raise moneyfor scholarships so we can give more than a million dollars away through our foundation.but all in all, i'm comfortable that that

is something that is a necessary part of ourbudget process that we ask students to contribute a little bit more, we're asking taxpayersto contribute a significant amount more, and we're trying to find ways to be more efficienthere, all of those things work together to reach a balanced budget.any other comments? if not, all in favor of adopting the budget as published, please sayyes. (yeses)>>chair greg musil: opposed, no. >>trustee lee cross: no.>>chair greg musil: 6-1 with trustee cross voting no.>>trustee jerry cook: thank you, mr. chair. the next item was a report by ms. lierz. ourpolicy 211.01 requires that the president

shall semi-annually submit to the board oftrustees a report on budget allocations. we talked about that a little earlier in ourrefinement of policies that we made, and so she reported that the transfers occurred betweenjanuary 1 and june 30. there was no -- on a budget, by the way, that was approved bythe board back in may of -- management budget that was approved in may of 2015, with nonegative or positive impact upon the total budget. we did have a transfer of funds request,which we have a motion for. our office of sustainability is wanting to move $5,000 fromits initiatives fund to the jcc foundation for scholarships. and i apologize, i didn'twrite down that number. it seems to me from memory this is about now $90,000 or so thatthe office of sustainability has transferred

to the scholarship fund, and we really appreciatetheir work. a lot of good work by college students in our sustainability program, andstaff, to realize. dr. antle gave a more detailed report about that as well in terms of thecontribution that our sustainability program makes to the college. it is the recommendationof the management committee that the board of trustees authorize the transfer of $5,000from the sustainability initiatives fund to the jcc foundation for student scholarships.and i'll make that motion. to transfer $5,000 from the sustainabilityfund to the foundation for scholarships. is there any discussion? if not, all in favorsay yes. (yeses)>>chair greg musil: no? motion carries unanimously.

>>trustee jerry cook: we then have a recommendation,we dealt with some requests for proposals in terms of charter bus service for our athleticprogram. i think you have all of those in your packet. this is an example of where we'renot taking the low bid, as you can see, but the reason for that is the length of serviceand the -- the service we've been getting from crossroad tours at this point. so itis the recommendation of the management committee that the board of trustees accept the recommendationof the college administration to approve the renewal of the annual contract with crossroadtours for regular season athletic team charter bus service in the amount of $84,306, post-seasonathletic team charter bus services as -- on an as-needed basis in an amount not to exceed$66,900, and an additional $15,120.60 to allow

for contingencies for possible unforeseencosts, for a total expenditure not to exceed $166,327 for athletic team charter bus services,and i'll make that motion. to approve the recommendation for athleticteam charter bus service on an as-needed basis. i would note, we did take the low bid thefirst time, and that company was unable to fulfill its contract and terminated in 2014,which is why we went to, now to crossroad tours. any discussion?>>trustee jerry cook: trustee musil -- oh, i'm sorry.>>trustee david lindstrom: just a question. i want to tee it up for the management many national championships did that include? >>trustee jerry cook: well, what i was goingto say -- several. what i was going to say,

you might -- a question you might have ishow do you know what the post-season expenditure is going to be? that's an item we did talkabout at the management committee of $66,000, and that's a great question. it's a fair question.some of it is based on the history of the sport. some of it's based on the projectionof the teams coming back and how we fare. i just saw a news release today of one ofour young ladies going to a four-year school and the coach of that school said that thisyoung lady plays for one of the finest teams in the nation with one of the finest women'scoaches in the nation. and so this whole projection is based on our past history, and i thinkour ladies’ soccer team is playing a very tough schedule during the season, and i don'twant to start talking about individual programs

because it's unfair to the rest. we just havea very successful athletic program in the sports in which we participate, and i guessif we believe in playing the games, then we should expect to win and participate at theend of the season. so it's an expenditure that -- by the way, i don't know how one canmeasure the publicity to the college when you're on the national agenda in nationaltournaments. and i've said this before, but when i represent us at acct, a lot of thecolleges across the country have heard of us because of the athletic success that we'vehad. and i think we've talked about the reputation of our culinary program, but our athleticprogram provides a priceless -- a priceless image to the community college movement inthe country. that's not what you asked, but

i'd just say several, to answer your question.>>chair greg musil: we saved money two years ago when we just hosted the women's championshipand won it, right? so no travel costs. all right. all those in favor say yes.(yeses) >>trustee jerry cook: next item is a recommendationand a motion for the renewal of annual contract for network infrastructure equipment. again,you have that detail, 14 firms were notified, 4 responded. again, we are not recommendingthe low bidder, but that is due to the services we've received in meeting the rfp. it is therecommendation of the management committee renewal of the annual contract for networkinfrastructure equipment and services with cdw government, llc, in the amount not toexceed $1,040,000, and i'll make that motion.

>>second.>>chair greg musil: moved and seconded to accept a contract with cdw government, there any discussion? if not, all in favor say yes.(yeses) >>chair greg musil: opposed, no. motion carries.>>trustee jerry cook: next, we have a motion for print material, 50 firms were notifiedfor the bid. we received eight responses with our rfp. again, a very thorough examinationby several people into this particular process, and i will make -- at the conclusion of that,i'll make as the -- of their work i make this recommendation. it is the recommendation ofthe management committee that the board of trustees accept the recommendation of thecollege administration to approve the renewal

of the annual contract with unisource documentproducts for multi-function devices and managed print and services in the amount not to exceed$135,000, and i make that motion. accept the annual contract with unisourcedocument products. is there any discussion? >>chair greg musil: opposed, no. motion carries.>>trustee jerry cook: mitch borchers gave the sole service -- sole source report. rexhays gave us an update on all the management work. in your packet, by the way, you'll notethat that is work as of july 31st. you may have some concerns about will all of thatbe completed in a timely fashion. i remember when i -- i first got on the board and i waswalking across the campus and i was wondering why are we still doing tuck and pointing herewith a week before school, isn't all of the

work done when school starts? and i was remindedvery nicely that with all of our buildings we have, that that work goes on throughoutthe year. but don't be alarmed at the percent of completion here on some of these projectsbecause we're into another month and if you had a chance to go through yardley, if you'vehad a chance to go through by the collaboration center, both projects are ones that we werereally expecting to have ready for the beginning of school and it appears that we're goingto be in great shape with that. but -- but the fact of the matter is, the maintenanceand work on our buildings goes on year-round. and i want to compliment not just rex andhis team and all the people that get that work done, but the inconvenience it causesto faculty and staff when we have a construction

project, and that goes a lot smoother whenwe have cooperation with everybody and realizing that, i don't know, dr. sopcich, between ourregular enrollment and our adult ed programs and people that come to the -- to this campusfor entertainment and activities, we probably have 60 to 100,000 people coming across thiscampus in a year, and with all that construction, it's -- i really want to applaud you, rex,and the great work your team does so i think that concludes my report.thank you, mr. chair. >>chair greg musil: any questions for trusteecook or members of the management committee? i thank you three again, trustee lindstrom,trustee cross, and trustee cook. but you do a lot of heavy lifting on the management committee,we appreciate it.

the next item on the agenda is the treasurer'sreport. trustee cross. >>trustee lee cross: yes, thank you, mr. chair.the board packet contains the preliminary unaudited treasurer's report for the fiscalyear ended in june 30th, 2016. this preliminary report does not include all of the college'sfiscal year-end adjustments. some of the items of note include on page 1 of the treasurer'sreport is the general post-secondary technical education fund summary. fiscal 2016 revenueswere approximately $6 million higher than fiscal year 2015, primarily due to the increasein the ad valorem property tax revenues, both mr. chair you and trustee cook referenced,resulting from the increases in assessed valuation. the general pte fund expenses for fiscal year2016 were approximately 128 million. the fiscal

2016 budget expenses were 142 million, resultingin a 90% expenditure rate for the fiscal year. the college experienced lower than budgetedspending in all areas, including salary and benefits, operating and capital. the college'sunencumbered cash balance as of june 30, 2016, in all funds was $97.7 million, which is approximately$12.3 million higher than at this same time last year.expenditures in the primary operating funds are within the approved budgetary limits,and i thank ms. rachel lierz and her staff. mr. chair, it is the recommendation of themanagement -- excuse me, it is the recommendation of the college administration that the boardof trustees approve the treasurer's report for the month of june 30th, subject to audit.>>second.

>>chair greg musil: moved and seconded toadopt the treasurer's report. is there any >>trustee lee cross: chair, if i may.>>chair greg musil: i'm sorry. >>trustee lee cross: i just want to thanktrustee lindstrom, who's been helpful in understanding what it is my job is and his thoughts on theposition and i commend him for his help. >>trustee david lindstrom: flattery will getyou everywhere. >>trustee lee cross: well, you sit at thehead. >>chair greg musil: are there any no votes?if not, this passes. trustee lindstrom was the treasurer for the last two years, andturned it over to trustee cross, and that -- i'm sure his leadership has been helpful.>>trustee lee cross: thank you.

>>chair greg musil: all right. we're readyfor the president's monthly report to the board.>>dr. joe sopcich: thank you, trustee chair musil. before you, you have the monthly reportto the board for august. i hope you take the time to review it. i'll cover a couple ofthose highlights later on. as usual, it's an outstanding representation of what happenshere on our campus. really appreciate and i'd like to thank the trustees for approving-- for moving the budget along one more step, and we really appreciate the in-depth discussionon mill levies and tuition rates and all those very critical things. but we're going to talka little bit about what we do here, and that's about student success and educating our studentsand members of this community. so kick this

off, and to kind of maybe add a little levityand upside to the meeting, we're going to do a lightning round! and so tom pagano, you'regoing to go first, and you're our vp of information services, of course, and cio. tom, take thestage. >>mr. tom pagano: i get two minutes, right?>>dr. joe sopcich: and i mentioned levity, so we're looking for jokes and all kinds ofupbeat things. >>mr. tom pagano: all right. well, thanksfor letting me into the lightning round. it's very exciting to be here.>>dr. joe sopcich: there you go. that's good. that's what we want.>>mr. tom pagano: my job tonight is in two minutes to give you an update on what we'redoing in information services, so that's what

i'm going to do. we're designing a strategythis year that's going to embed the technology, planning and what it's going to look likein the -- in this fiscal year a little bit more into the -- into this three-year strategicplan than it was last year. so we're going to be coming up with some documents that willshow you illustrations of how we align with our technology into the -- into the strategicplan in ways that you have not seen that done before. so that will be done by the end ofthe year and more to come on that. we are also in the middle of moving, or havejust recently moved the access control group from the campus services group over to ourgroup. they were housed in the police department and now they have become part of our is department.and we welcome those three employees. they

have been a great addition and they are nowbecoming part of our group and we enjoy having them part of us. we have started the -- thesecurity camera project. you'll be seeing the digital cameras throughout the campus,moving on. along with that you've seen the fiber plant completion, which you've seenthat fantastic, colorful, complimentary picture that we put up a few months ago showing theloop around the campus. there were a lot of accolades about the colors that we used inthat slide, so thank you. we also conducted a security assessment that we just finishedabout a week ago, and that is to look at all of the information services security, internalcontrols, physical controls, and other -- other sundry items. that will be done in about -- we'llget that report back in about a month.

we have also -- that's two minutes. am i done?>>dr. joe sopcich: well, you seem to have some momentum, so just keep on. there’sno need to stop. i mean... >>mr. tom pagano: okay. so we also just implemented,we're very excited about -- a system called time track, which is a system that allowspeople in the various departments to select when they want to have their replacement,their replacement pcs installed as opposed to having phone calls, e-mails, schedulesand all that other stuff. it's working very well, from what i understand. we also areputting up our self-service knowledge base and catalog, which will help reduce phonecalls to the help desk, reduce password resets, things along those lines as well. and in closing,just to also add on to the collaboration space,

we're going to be getting our great audiovisualteam, audiovisual folks into there to finish that out as rex finishes his punch list inthere. and lastly, we would be remiss if i didn't talk about us looking at our financialsand we are doing a lot of work on trending analysis and looking how to correlate thatback to the value we provide through the projects and then the ongoing keeping the lights onat work, as we call operations, back to the goals and initiatives of the college.>>dr. joe sopcich: that's great, tom. tom, how long have you been with us now?>>mr. tom pagano: coming up on a year. >>dr. joe sopcich: terrific. you do a greatjob. thank you very much. >>mr. tom pagano: thank you. i'll be readyfor the next one.

>>dr. joe sopcich: next? next, john clayton.john is our executive director of institutional effectiveness, planning & research. john?>>mr. john clayton: i'm going to talk about everybody's most favorite topic, and thatis accreditation. come on! everybody should enjoy accreditation, right? a little bit aboutthe importance of accreditation to the college. if we don't maintain our accreditation hereat johnson county, there's several things that affect us, the biggest one is that weare no longer eligible for title iv funding. so this budget that you just approved todaywould drastically be hurt because students would no longer be eligible to get such thingsas pell grants or student loans. so wanted to keep that in mind about the importanceof what it is. that's the big one that really

affects us but it also has to do with transferand articulation and curriculum and continuous quality improvement of the college and makingsure that we meet necessary processes. we're -- we are accredited by the higher learningcommission, which is one of six accrediting agencies across the nation. we are not accreditedby the department of ed. the department of ed does not accredit individual institutions.they actually accredit accrediting agencies, then they turn around and accredit us. sothrough the higher learning commission, there are three different pathways that you canchoose. there's the open, the standard and aquip. we have chosen aquip, and i'm not forsure why, that was chosen before my time here at the college. but really aquip is the onethat is really focused on continuous quality part of aquip is looking at having different action projects that we have to have. every-- or at any given point in time, we are required to have three action projects going. and sothey can be no shorter than three months and no longer than a year. and over the past threeyears or so, we've done such things as the academic program review, looking at our generaleducation assessment plan, the faculty portfolio project. strategic planning was an aquip project.and then the academic master plan was an aquip project. right now our current ones, and wehave a winterim project, i think that's been talked about in here before where we're lookingat how to offer classes in between the fall, into the fall semester and the beginning ofthe spring semester. one that just recently

got approved by cabinet was faculty we're going to be looking at identifying best practices for faculty development fromaround the nation and identifying what our faculty feel like they need for faculty development.the other components for accreditation deal with our assistance portfolio. and we're requiredto do assistance portfolio every four years. it addresses six different criteria or categoriesthat we have to look at our processes and how we continuously improve those processesand how we meet hlc's accreditation criteria. this year we'll be -- actually, after everyone of those, we get feedback electronically from different appraisers from around thenation. and then every eight years we actually have a quality check-up, which is where theyactually come and visit our campus. we are

in the process of doing our assistance is due june 1st. i'm getting that date memorized and tattooed on my forehead i believe,because that is a very important date for us. so we're about nine months out for havingto have our assistance portfolio completed. and what that -- what we do with that is weactually do a team-based approach where we have different people from around the campushelp identify what our processes are, how we improve our processes, how we track metricsto improve those processes, consolidate that all down into 125-page document, so everythingthat the college does is in that document, quote, quote. and then that gets sent offand then we get feedback based on that. so that is due june 1st. we will get our feedbackfrom hlc evaluators in the fall of 2017, and

then we will actually have a site visit, andwe just found this date out just a little while ago, april 30th through may 2nd. andso as we go forward with this -- and that's april 30th, may 2nd of 2018. so we're downthe road a little ways on that. so as we go forward on this, you know, we'regoing to be reaching out to the campus community, making sure that they're involved with thisprocess and hope to keep the board informed of that as well. any questions?>>chair greg musil: trustee cross. >>trustee lee cross: yes, sir. thank you,mr. chair. you said that we get feedback? >>mr. john clayton: yes.>>trustee lee cross: are they just mainly -- is there any shibboleth they're lookingfor? or just it sounds like we know what we're

doing and -->>mr. john clayton: there are actually different levels of criteria. so it starts out as thatwe are -- the process is not well-defined. basically, we react to things that happento us. and then it goes into, we have a systematic process, we have an aligned process or itsintegrated process, which means that it's fully deployed across all departments acrosscampus and we consistently evaluate those processes and strive to improve them.>>trustee lee cross: this is good. this helps us compete with say private for-profits thatmay not be so interested in student development. >>mr. john clayton: absolutely. absolutely.>>trustee lee cross: thank you. >>mr. john clayton: and it's something weshould cherish and value as an institution

anyway, because we want to continually providethe best education. so even if we didn't need to be accredited, this is actually a greatprocess for us to go through to evaluate where we're at.>>dr. joe sopcich: is this a slam-dunk? >>mr. john clayton: no, absolutely not. it'sa very competitive, very rigorous process that we have to go through to -- for thisevaluation. a lot of blood, sweat and tears will go into it.>>trustee lee cross: did you bleed? >>mr. john clayton: huh?>>trustee lee cross: did you bleed? >>mr. john clayton: not yet i haven't, but-- >>trustee lee cross: i just wanted to makesure you're okay.

>>mr. john clayton: yeah. not yet.>>dr. joe sopcich: he hasn't been here long enough to bleed, so. how long have you beenhere, john? >>mr. john clayton: i've been here just oversix months. >>dr. joe sopcich: that's terrific. well,thank you, great report. all right, dr. weber. dr. weber is our vp of student success andengagement. randy? >>dr. randy weber: thanks. i will take theopportunity to update you on two decisions you made last year, and i think the importanceof these decisions can be highlighted by reference earlier as part of the budget process today,first one being our metro rate. so we set a goal this coming year to increase our metrorate enrollment by 5%, which meant we would

have went from about 620 to 652 -- excuseme, 620 to 652 students. we've exceeded that goal by 109 students. so instead of a 5% increase,we're up 16.7% in metro rate enrollment for this coming fall. and in credit hours we wanteda 5% increase and we're up 21.9% in credit hours as well, which is 1230 so on behalfof our team and enrollment management and our folks, everybody who has contributed toit, thank you for that belief and trust in us and making that decision.secondly, so those were the -- that was the numbers side. the second thing i'm going toupdate you on a little bit is your decision to reallocate six of our part-time positionsto full-time positions so that we could develop full-time student success advocates. theirfocus this semester has been to help our first-time

full-time students all integrate to the collegemore effectively. as of 1:00 today, we have 1424 students who are first-time full-timeto the college, and so they all have sent out the -- these e-mails welcoming the studentsand connecting with them, saying i'm here to help you succeed in college, what can ihelp you with? i have 13 pages of notes from responses they received from their folks.i will not, in respect for time, read all of them, but i do have three comments andthen one reply the way our folks read to them to help you understand a little bit betterabout how they engage with these students. one being a student who said, "thanks foryour e-mail. there's some things i'm still not sure about. your e-mail came at just theright time. first, it was my understanding

that to use the jcae ged scholarship, i haveto be enrolled in 12 hours. however, i just saw on the scholarship screen that it is only6 more hours. which is correct? second, how do i find out what books and supplies i needto buy? thank you. it's really nice to have a contact to ask questions about."another one was, "hello, patricia. i must say that it's very reassuring to have a successadvocate appointed to me. somehow i am more confident. thank you. i have a question aboutpurchasing the books needed for the classes i am enrolling in this semester. are thereany ways of obtaining them for those who don't have $400 to just drop? i'm looking to getthem purchased as soon as i possibly can, but money, sadly, is an object. thanks somuch for your help."

"hi, patricia. i was curious if i needed anyvaccinations or a tb test before school started. i know k-state did, but i wasn't sure aboutjccc." these are the types of randomness things that they get that no matter how hard we tryto communicate with students, we don't know what they think they need to know. and thelast one is a real quick interaction between student and the advocate."will there be list of supplies needed for any classes that i may need to see in orderto be prepared when i go to class on the first day? also, will there be an orientation tofigure out where my classes may be around the building? also, when is the first day?i know that's a dumb question and i hate asking, but i happened to forget."the advocate replied back, "hi, austin. this

is a great question. for your first day, youjust need your textbooks and a pen and paper. your instructors will let you know on thefirst day of classes if there are any other materials you will need. the jccc bookstorecan help you find your books and it's located on the first floor of the student center.and if you'd like an individual class tour of the buildings where your classes are located,you can call the welcome center and schedule one." and he gave contact information. "ourcav leaders give these tours and they would be happy to show you around. if you have anymore questions, don't hesitate to e-mail or call me. we're glad you're here at jccc."so this is the level of engagement where these students we know that they have a hard timeconnecting with our campus and we have a lot

of tremendous departments who serve studentswell, but it's when they land there. and so our success advocates are helping studentsland where our department specialists are. so thank you for your commitment to the successadvocates as well. >>chair greg musil: trustee lindstrom?>>trustee david lindstrom: first of all, i appreciate randy not using my name for thate-mail. (laughter)>>going by austin now. (laughter)>>trustee david lindstrom: the numbers, impressive numbers that you gave us for the metro rate,are they coming at someone's -- another institution's expense? or are they coming as i would -- iwould hope that they're coming just a concerted

effort on our part to market the institution.>>dr. randy weber: yeah, that's a tough question. i think what we'd have to do is a deeper diveon what programs that they're -- that they're enrolled in. if they're enrolled in programsthat are non-competitive across state lines. so maybe those students who always wantedto be in culinary and they couldn't take them there, but now they can afford it, that wouldbe example of that. if it's a student who's like, “well, i drive to johnson county forwork every day and i'm going to take english and psychology and i could have taken it athome,” then that might be part of their -- their choice as well. so was there an expenseelsewhere would be hard for us to evaluate, but those would be examples of how it couldhave been.

>>dr. joe sopcich: if i can add to that, iwas speaking to a student this past week. she was here simply because our programs arebetter, our instructors were superior, that's what brought her to johnson county.>>trustee david lindstrom: and prior to that, was -- was price a consideration for her?did she -- >>dr. joe sopcich: absolutely. i asked herabout the metro rate. i said does that make much of a difference to you? and she was like,“oh, yeah.” she was thrilled with that. i mean keep in mind that we're last to thegame here in this metro rate deal. kck has been offering this. you know what umkc isdoing. you've got regional universities in kansas offering classes for very, very's really kind of fascinating. and so -- and

you've got community colleges that offer tuitionbreaks for -- for i guess you can say continuous states as far away as, i believe, new it's how you interpret this, this metro rate. i think it's a huge thing. randy's beenpromoting this and we've done a very, very good job. we didn't rush into it. we did avery good job of getting this thing laid out, and it seems to be effective.>>trustee david lindstrom: thank you. >>dr. joe sopcich: thanks, randy. oh, randy,how long have you been here? >>dr. randy weber: it was a year and a halfon tuesday. (laughter)>>who's counting? >>dr. joe sopcich: he's not counting the days.(laughter)

thanks, randy. randy is our senior-most lightningrounder today so thank you very much. a couple points here. if -- and pull these out of yourreport. the collaboration center. if you head east down the hall, you'll see our new collaborationcenter. we are extremely excited about this. christy mcward and her leadership, we alreadyhave over 30 different events and activities planned for the space. and i'll give you acouple examples of this. you know, that space is meant to be a place for -- to be a catalystfor projects and to benefit this college and our students. for example, our performingarts series group will be meeting with folks from the cosmosphere and they'll be talkingabout a collaboration. we're hosting the international education and international relations councilof kansas city. our english department will

host a great book series. we'll be doing tedtalks types of things in that space. our computer science group will host girls who code. andour kansas studies department will be exploring southeast kansas film with a panel discussion.we also look forward to the exciting collaborations directly, that will directly benefit our studentslaunched by our business and technology division's external advisory board. so this is a greataddition to the campus. thank you for your support.our college recently received the prestigious scholarships in science, technology, engineeringand mathematics grant from the national science foundation, and that totaled $644,760. themajority of these funds will be allocated for scholarships. that's about $432,000. thesewill be distributed over a 5-year period to

30 students. this is all about promoting careersin the stem field. recipients must demonstrate an interest to transfer to a university fora bachelor's in stem and have a documented financial need. beth edmonds, who is chairof the math department and also the former head of ed affairs, and suneetha menon, whois the science resource center coordinators, were the project leads. an all-star scholarshipselection committee is ready to go, and we'd like to give special thanks to malinda bryan-smithfor her hard work and anthony funari for making this grant work. so it's a great accomplishmentand a pat on the back for the college. another announcement is that we've receivedtwo -- we have two recipients here of the state of kansas technology internship grantawards. gretchen thum, instructor in journalism

and media, and barbara millard, an instructorin marketing management, both will have the opportunity to increase their knowledge ofreal-world advertising in social media. these grants are being matched, and this is a requirementof those grants, by an in-kind contribution from vml advertising in kansas city, missouri.this is a great opportunity for gretchen, barbara, and ultimately, our students.we also would like to welcome our new international faculty for the fall semester. we're so fortunateat johnson county community college to be able to host visiting scholars from aroundthe world. we have six visiting professors from pakistan funded by a u.s. embassy grantfrom karachi, pakistan. we are the only community college in the country that took this on.and we were selected because we're one of

the best when it comes to this type of from sukkur iba in pakistan, that's the name of the school, we have mr. ishfaque abbasi,who will be teaching english, dr. zarqa bano, math, dr. fida chang, distance education,mr. imran kahn will be doing assessment here. mrs. surhan memon, english. and miss shairozismail, early childhood development. this is a group that's using our college askind of like a model as they create a community college in pakistan. their presence, wheneveryou have an international scholar here, enriches us all. we also have a visiting professorfrom northwestern polytechnical university in xian, china. this is miss lina jia. sheis the 26th faculty member from npu to teach at johnson county community college. that'scommendable.

now, lastly, we'd like to talk a little bitabout professional development days. i'd like to thank karen martley and her team for pullingoff a great week of professional development opportunities. it's been absolutely fantastic,a super-great vibe, i think, throughout the campus. but i'm going to talk about specificallyone thing that we did with regards to our large in-service presentations. you know,historically we've always done one big one in yardley hall. this year because yardleyis under some renovation, we had three different sessions. and you know, it was kind of interestingbecause this directly pertains to the engagement study, which, of course, is a survey of allthe people who work here at the college. and you know, that study revealed that we hadsome work to do in a couple of areas. one

was the trust of upper management, and thatwe also needed to do a better job of communicating how people fit in here as it relates to wherethe college is going. so we thought we'd take advantage of this in-service -- this in-serviceprocess to focus on those issues. and so i'm going to give you in a very abbreviated overviewof what we did, which took about 45 minutes. and i'm going to do that in about 45 seconds,and then we're going to -- and i'm setting up a video that we're going to show you thatwe also shared with everybody in attendance at those. the video is a couple minutes long.first of all, dr. korb, in every session, reviewed the engagement study results andalso took us through a list of initiatives that were launched over the last three years.this list was significant. it ranged from

getting the aquip process program review andstrategic planning to where they needed to be to cutting 3.8 million in salary and benefitsto launching wellness initiatives, as well as a facilities master plan, a budget processrevision, and planting the seeds for the next 50. and that is just a small sample of whatjudy put up on the board. overall, we accomplished a lot, which is a credit to everyone hereat the college and to you, our trustees, as well. but so many initiatives can lead tosomething called initiative fatigue. you know, they make people kind of wonder, “is therea rhyme or reason to all these things and how do they come together and where do theyfit in?” so in attempt to address these very importantissues and also to respond to a challenge

given to me by dr. korb, and to put theseinto the context of what we have to do to make our college be the very best in the country,i identified four cornerstones, tenets, foundations, or you can call them pillars that underscorethis pursuit. for example, and i'm just going to read a couple sentences of what i wouldread across these four -- these four pillars. the first one was service. our number onepriority is to serve the students who invest their time, money, and hopes and dreams inus. this is about taking that extra step and putting students first. and we then talkeda little bit about -- about the importance of service.the second point was relevance. our students deserve the best opportunity to achieve successthat we can provide. if what we do in our

campus, in our classrooms, labs, or workshopsisn't relevant, we are not helping our students succeed in the world. now, i'd like to askthe trustees to face each other. i'm just -- i'm just kidding. so we did this exercise.>>chair greg musil: you forget who is in charge here, don't you?>>dr. joe sopcich: we did these exercises where everyone in the room was asked to turnto the person next to you and talk about ways in which they made -- in which they contributedto service and made relevance an important issue here on our campus. and it was fascinatingthe kind of buzz that went across the room. and then afterwards, we would share a coupleof those. so we'll pick it up on point number 3.this is accountability. the third pillar.

it is our responsibility as stewards of publicfunds who are on the receiving end of a sizable investment by johnson county property ownersto ensure that we are living up to our part of the deal as well as living up to the students'investments of their dollars, hopes, and dreams in us. and lastly, and the most importantone, and trustee musil, you mentioned this earlier, it's the people. we cannot be thebest community college if we don't have the best people working together to make it happen.we must invest in our people. we will become the best community college when we are thebest place to work or, better put, the best place to serve.and then we would have everyone face the person next to them and, again, talk about ways thatthey've addressed accountability and also

how they valued the people who work here.the fact is, the fact is that we do all of these things here every day. the people whowork here are the heroes who make it happen. thanks to their efforts, this college is alwayson the cusp of being the best community college in the country. we are an outstanding anddefinitely among the leading community colleges, and that's for sure. so i wanted to take youthrough that, to put this video into context so it will make a little bit more sense toyou when you see it. so if we can get this video up and running.(music) we all have a vision for what we want johnsoncounty community college to be. there's something powerful about that. it means we're means we're invested in the future. but

in order for us to be the best, we need tounify that vision. today is the start of that. it's a chance for us to define our path forward,together. surprisingly, it begins by going back to why we got into this. we're makingsure everything we do benefits one person -- the student. after all, the student investsin us, invests time and money, invests hopes, and dreams. we need to make sure the servicewe provide aligns back to that. how do we do that? well, it starts with our service.we integrate our academic offerings and student resources. we'll identify and implement practicesthat have proven results. and we'll expand our student learning strategies. we will providea higher level of service. it's what our students deserve. but service in and of itself is notenough. we need to maintain relevance. and

in order to achieve that, we need to stayfuture-focused. we are working on building the best community college in the country.we need to think beyond the next 10 years. we need the vision to see what's ahead forthe next 50. being the best isn't easy. that's where accountability comes in. it takes owningall of our roles, it takes a relentless commitment to performance, it takes the right's about delivering on our promise to the students in an effective and efficient way.the good news is, we're already a step ahead. we have the best people working here. nowit's on us to make sure we collaborate. let's challenge each other. let's invigorate ourwork environment. let's not be afraid to pat each other on the back. by investing in eachother, in turn we'll be investing in our students.

we know we can be the best. and today we willstart to prove it. (applause)>>dr. joe sopcich: hey, chris. is that up on the website? not yet? so eventually we'llget that on the website. and i'd like to thank chris for getting this video together andalso dr. korb, who really spear-headed this whole effort during the in-service. so thankyou very much, judy. and we hope you like it.>>chair greg musil: i think that was outstanding. very well done. very creative. attention getting.and the hardest thing to do is grab the attention of people like me or maybe other people onthis campus who think they already kind of got it and put that together so that theythink maybe i don't got it all. so i think

that probably did it and i'm excited aboutthe fact you had good discussions during in-service. any other comments from trustees? trusteecook? >>trustee jerry cook: thank you, mr. chair.i would just like to make a comment regarding the collaboration center, which i really believehits the relevance piece of what we're talking about. i had the opportunity to host a retiredbusinessman on campus today who was a new member to the foundation, and he's -- he'llcelebrate his 91st birthday next week. and when we went to the collaboration center andhe began to look at the space and the diagram and, dr. sopcich, you had mentioned that inthe orientation today, he just -- he just went, “wow! if i would have had this opportunitystarting out my business, who knows where

it could have gone or what we could have been.”so it's just one little snippet of a testimony, testimonial, of a retired businessman whowe might think is over the hill, but he just saw all kinds of possibilities with -- withthat facility. and so i would like to just thank the trustees and the staff for havingthe vision to say, hey, look, we need to approach this teaching/learning exchange differentlytoday than we have in the past, and i just for one, without seeing day one operation,believe that's going to be a tremendous opportunity for us to enhance the image of this college.>>chair greg musil: thank you. anything else, dr. sopcich?>>dr. joe sopcich: that concludes my report. >>chair greg musil: thank you very much. oldbusiness. there's really no old business,

but a couple things that i want to mention.first of all, on saturday, many of us attended the services for ben craig to celebrate hislife and thank him for, really, contributions in every charity, in every civic group, inevery chamber of commerce, in every hospital across this county, really across the stateof kansas and regionally, when you look back at his rã©sumã©, as i had a chance to do beforei did a tribute at my rotary club, he was ymca's man of the year in kansas city, kansas,when he was working in kansas city, kansas. he was on the jackson county sports authority.he was the president of the kansas bankers association. he was a delegate to the americanbankers association. and he did incredible things for this college. he spear-headed thebond issue that passed in 1968 to build a

college in the middle of nowhere at a costthat was just stupid to spend that much money on this many acres in the middle of nowhere.but ben had the vision to do that. he would be the first to tell you it wasn't him byhimself, but he will be missed in this community and it was a -- it was a pleasure to be thereand help -- not a pleasure, but a -- an honor to go celebrate his life.second thing, yesterday we celebrated three more people on the wall of honor. darwin lawyer,lindy robinson, and bob prater were selected by that process to have their photos up onthe wall out in the hallway here. please go look at those if you haven't. it was a packedhouse and it was -- it's really enjoyable to honor people and to see them with theirfamilies, their grandchildren, their peers,

their friends, and all of them spoke, too,about the teamwork it took for any success that they had here at the college or otherwise.there being no other old business, i know of no new business. so we will go to reportsfrom board liaisons. and dennis, we'll finally get to you, dr. arjo, for the faculty association.ready for minds full of mush to show up in your classrooms.>>dr. dennis arjo: yes. and heading into the final days of pdd, it's always an excitingtime. thank you again for the opportunity to speak to the board. always appreciate that.i have a couple things i will touch on. first, let me take this opportunity to both acknowledgeand express my appreciation for the letter i received from chair musil regarding thefa's resolution about the kacct. we appreciate

very much the thoughtful response and theclear thought that went into what we had to say, and we look forward to future discussionson that topic. i look forward to hearing what dr. cook has to say in his report in justa bit. secondly, i want to say a little bit about the facilities master plan and the boardretreat on saturday. i was not involved in that personally until the very end when itook over from ron and caught the last few meetings. it was clear that faculty was involvedfrom the beginning and there was robust faculty representation, so i do want to acknowledgeand express my appreciation for that. we are very excited to see this kind of thought goinginto such a substantial investment into the college and to the physical campus, and weare very excited to be a part of that. on

several occasions, some concerns have beenexpressed by faculty who might be impacted by some of the initiatives, so we look forwardto continued faculty involvement with whatever initiatives go forward as we start to getinto more detailed planning on all of that. i do want to touch on something that cameout at the board retreat, a comment or something that was said in response to a question, ibelieve this was by interim dean richard fort, about how if our facilities and some of thecareer tech areas are not what we might want them to be, those remain very robust, successful,popular programs, and his answer was, the faculty. that we have quality people teachingthese things, making the best of the facilities we do have, and who would doubtlessly be ableto make sure the students get the most of

whatever comes down the pike. so this morningat our all-faculty meeting, i spoke, dean jim lane of arts, humanity and social sciencespoke, dr. mccloud spoke, on our various ways about the responsibilities of full-time facultyabove and beyond being exceptional in the classroom. and among those is precisely takingresponsibility for growing programs, developing curriculum, keeping current in our i just want to stress the importance of faculty to this ongoing initiative to developnew facilities, that without full-time faculty you really will not get the most out of thosenew facilities. so i appreciate, we always appreciate thesupport and investment we get. but i do want to stress that part of that process is alwaysgoing to have to involve the faculty, and

nothing is not but i just want to put thatout there. so that's about that. one last thing. one of the things we alwaysdo, as we wind up this first week when we're all back, a longstanding tradition of thefaculty association hosts the party. we're going to do that tomorrow. it will be, asalways, as the quivira falls club house across the way. all the campus community is starts at 4:00. food arrives around 5:00. hope to see a lot of you there. so thank you.>>chair greg musil: thank you. appreciate that. that is -- that is a good time to getto know faculty members and watch you guys interact from all areas of the campus so ifa trustee has an opportunity to go, please take advantage.>>dr. dennis arjo: you're very welcome. we'd

love to have you.>>chair greg musil: questions, dr. cook? >>trustee jerry cook: thank you, trustee chair.dr. arjo, i -- your reference to mr. fort, i guess what i was impressed with in his commentwhen asked about the programs, and he -- he made i thought a really strong comment thatsupports what you're saying in terms of we just don't create laborers here. they -- wepartner with the gen ed classes and we expect our students to be participants in gen edas well. and i really believe that not -- you know, when you asked about the film and saywe're the best, i get a little nervous about anybody saying they're the best, because i'man advocate of best gets in the way -- good gets in the way of excellence. if we thinkwe're pretty good, i don't have to improve

tomorrow. but otherwise i thought the filmwas terrific. but that i think sets us aside a little bit, i think from the other colleges,and certainly the tech schools in this state, about the commitment and the partnership ourcte program has with gen ed and the whole faculty, so i appreciated your comment, dennis.>>dr. dennis arjo: thank you. and i would always stress that. i mean i teach philosophy,which is about as far away from welding as you might think you can get, at least somepresidential candidates thought so, if you recall, that we needed more welders and fewerphilosophers. but i always like to point out and stress, no one is just what they do intheir job, they're voters, they're neighbors, they're part of the community. all of thattakes place in a cultural setting that has

a history, that deals with issues that goback and come up and creating people who can engage in that whole range of life is justabsolutely essential to what we do, no matter what program they come here for.>>trustee jerry cook: so would you advocate that's really not a welding machine, it justappears to be a welding machine? (laughter)>>dr. dennis arjo: welding does come up. there is a philosopher who actually doesn't teach,he's got a ph.d., writes philosophy, but he actually makes his living fixing things, doingthose things. he sees complete continuity between philosophy and producing things withhis hands. >>trustee jerry cook: thank you.>>chair greg musil: thank you very much. look

forward to another good semester with greatfaculty. >>dr. dennis arjo: thanks a lot.>>chair greg musil: thank you. all right. the next item on the agenda isour johnson county education research triangle. and trustee lindstrom is our liaison to thatgroup. >>trustee david lindstrom: thank you, mr.chairman. if i -- i appreciate your comments regarding ben. if i might just add anothercomment. in my almost 40 years in johnson county, i don't know of anyone else who wasmore respected than ben craig. so, very appreciative of your comments about ben.we have not met, the johnson county education research triangle has not met since our lastmeeting and since my last report. we do, however,

meet on tuesday, september 20th, at 7:30 the ku edwards campus. sales tax revenues are on par to exceed last year's revenue approximately4%, and for anyone out there who wants more information on the johnson county jcert, thejohnson county education research triangle, i would encourage you to go to the websiteand get some more additional information, and that website is it' and they're doing great work, but hopefully i'll havea more extensive report after our next meeting. >>chair greg musil: thank you. kansas associationof community college trustees. dr. cook. >>trustee jerry cook: thank you, mr. chair.kacct will have their next meeting on september 9th and 10th at seward county community collegein the southwest corner of our state. unfortunately,

i will not be able to attend. i have an eventthe previous night, thursday evening, and in order to get there for a meeting beginningi think at 1:00 or 2:00, somewhere in there, it's -- it's more than a two-hour drive toliberal, kansas. and so we'd have to leave about 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, and i don'thave enough sunflower seeds to eat to leave at 3:00 in the morning. but in any event,trustee lindstrom was planning to attend, and i think he has a conflict now as well.>>trustee david lindstrom: perhaps. i still might make it.>>trustee jerry cook: unfortunate -- well, i hope you can make it. i think it's importantthat we have a presence there at this next meeting. what i would say, and dr. arjo, thankyou for your response to trustee musil's letter.

while we haven't had a public discussion ofthis board and perhaps we can, if you have any questions, we can talk about that thisevening, and i think, dr. sopcich, you have said so well that i'm not sure what successthe executive director of kacct, no matter how good he or she may be could have, becauseas you pointed out, there's a tremendous diversity of the 19 colleges from a handful of themthat probably struggle monthly with survival financially and enrollments, and yet thosecommunity colleges are a significant part of their community's economic developmentand economic stature, and yet we're -- we're kind of the big elephant in the room in thatwe're the largest and as i said earlier, we have almost 100,000 people on and off ourcampus perhaps, at least 80,000 in a year,

and hopefully around -- my ignorance willreally show now, but hopefully around 21,000 students this fall rather than 19. but inany event, and then with our continuing ed, you know, roughly 30 to 35,000 students onthe campus. but the needs are different. and so we've spent a lot of time discussing whatrole does a college like johnson county community college play in a state network, and as i'vebeen on that board and served as its chair, i -- i took the position that we shouldn'tcome to this association for the benefit of our individual college, but how can we advancethe community college movement in the state and make the whole state stronger. however,when that -- when those strategies become at the expense of an individual college, andi think that college really needs to review

our role and our efforts that we put intothat. i don't take any different position at the national association that i belongto. while we expect to learn a lot from our colleagues at the national level and at kacctto improve our college, i don't go to acct looking at what can i get to make jccc better,how can i understand the national movement, how can i understand the movement that tuitionshould be reduced or free, and i -- i hesitate to use free because i don't think tuitionis free, but how can we make -- how can we lower the tuition cost to students and throughscholarships, and by the way, at the national level, we have almost 300 programs nationwidewhere students at their respective colleges are attending college at either no tuitionor very low tuition, and a lot of that comes

through scholarships, a lot of that comesthrough individual donations that people have for certain programs. and so we try to balancewhat our role is with the state level and what it does to our -- to our college. i thinkdr. sopcich has outlined very well the challenges that we face, and we will be traveling totopeka on monday to meet with -- with linda fund, and i really, as dr. sopcich has indicated,i really think linda is in a very, very difficult position as the executive director to tryto be all things to all people. i was interested in mr. carter's report thatat kbor, kacct has taken the position that they're going to deal primarily with the fundingissue and not get involved with other issues. that's why i'd kind of like to be at liberalto see just exactly what that detail may be.

i do not sit on the executive committee anylonger, so i don't have privy to that information. but, trustee musil, i'd be happy to try andrespond to any questions that board members have and if you'd like to have any discussionabout where we go forward. what we have outlined and what we will visit with linda about isthat if we continue to have state strategies that really -- the mosquito bites are gettingbigger. and if they continue to have strategies that are going to impact the effectivenessof our college, getting at these four pillars that we've just talked about, and also our-- our key performance indicators, then -- then perhaps we need to make the decision thatwe will no longer participate. that decision has not been made yet, but we'll be certainlylooking at how we go about this year and what

strategies kacct has, and i certainly wouldbe interested in any input any of you have. >>chair greg musil: well, i'm going to openit up for a discussion on that, on that point. we've talked about this quite a while, andthen dennis, your letter with the faculty association resolution was another piece ofthat puzzle, and i may have either overstepped my bounds or been somewhat premature thinkingi understood where the entire board was when i wrote back on that letter because we'vehad snippets of discussion over time. but i want to make sure today that other boardmembers that have any comments about kacct and what our role should be have the opportunityto do that so that we do have that discussion. i think we're clearly on a path where we areemphasizing our concern and our temperature

level is going up, and we are worried thatour contributions here and our relationship building is being overwhelmed by other policiesof other community colleges, and that is a very difficult step to take, you know, whenwe're dealing with the legislature. but it's important for us to continue to look at it,and i think we're scrutinizing it more carefully than ever.other comments? trustee ingram? >>trustee nancy ingram: absolutely. i'll goahead and make one because i had expressed just some questions about this, and i appreciatethe scrutiny. i think it's necessary. i was not -- not in support of what is happeningand i appreciate the -- the plan, as we have suggested that would perhaps move i just wanted to make sure that i had not

missed something and that, you know, we allhad the opportunity to just listen and discuss. so thank you.>>chair greg musil: other comments? >>trustee jerry cook: i would anticipate thatwhen we get to the point, and we -- we've indicated that we would certainly give themadvanced notice, because we are a significant part of the operation, but that i would expectthat we would probably take a public vote to whether we stay in or stay out, as a board,and so i would expect that as we move down the trail here, we'll let linda know of ourintent, but that we'll -- we'll come back as a -- as a board to take that particularaction, i would guess. >>chair greg musil: that would make senseto me. trustee cross?

>>trustee lee cross: yes, thank you, mr. chair.i appreciate trustee cook's comments and work on that -- that association. i've had differences,as this board knows, with kacct, but on balance i think it's been a not unproductive or unusefulrelationship, i think we've benefited. i do have concerns that there is a growing movementto come after johnson county or local control of community colleges and that we're a focalpoint of that energy and intention. so i welcome the scrutiny. i do think that kacct is a usefulrelationship for us. i support our membership in it, subject to i think that the rest ofour sister institutions need to understand that we're all in this together, and any kindof lobbying power that they have i'd like to think is stronger with us than withoutus. i've commented to you, trustee cook, that

i'd rather be inside the tent than out, andi -- my parents are both not from johnson county. my dad was born in gardner but grewup in leavenworth county. my mother in rooks county and i grew up out in douglas, i can appreciate and i have family throughout the rest of the state. i know that as hardas it may be for us, many of the rest of the state institutions or sub state institutionsare struggling greatly, and my heart goes out to them, and i certainly don't want toleave them. i just -- i think it's a useful relationship, but with all due respect, ifwe are contributing a sizable contribution financially, then i'm not saying we shouldget an exactly that proportion of a vote or say, but i think we should be given weightwhen we -- when we speak up, so.

>>chair greg musil: trustee sharp?>>trustee stephanie sharp: thank you, mr. chairman. i am a little tentative about whenkacct says we're just going to talk about funding and not policy issues because that'sour bread and butter, when you talk about funding and looking at coming after johnsoncounty, the conversation about a statewide mill levy, guess who pays for that? when theseschools aren't losing money for losing students. you know, i think we really need to look atthe fundamental purpose of community colleges to educate the population, not to be a jobsprogram. you know, in some communities where there are three community colleges in a county,for instance, or close to it, you know, what is the -- what is the purpose? what purposedo we serve but to educate, not to just be

an employer? so i do think that we have towatch out if we're talking about funding issues, we have to be very vigilant. i don't thinkwe're anywhere close to making a decision like that, but i think it is -- it is goodfor us to be -- be very aware and to be involved, to maintain that engagement. and when -- whenwe're all in topeka, when we go to topeka for the community college days, to make thatpoint that we're paying attention, that we're -- we're watching what's going on and we playan important role. so i appreciate both of your involvement on that board and for keepingan eye out for us. >>trustee jerry cook: well, i think if i couldrespond to that. from a staffed viewpoint, whenever the conference sits together, itprobably ends up talking about who's going

to play whom in football and scheduling, andthat always is an issue. when kacct gets together, the last item usually ends up with money.and we've tried to get over that. we have created the leadership development programto try and help grow our own potential leaders. we've tried to put in place a trustee developmentpiece. we try to deal with issues, stephanie, that don't deal just with money and with whowe're going to play in football. but -- but it always comes down to that, and so we'vemade a little bit of progress. >>chair greg musil: dr. sopcich.>>dr. joe sopcich: i can add, since i've been involved with the kacct since the '90s, ultimately,money is always the top issue. other community colleges across the state aren't nearly asblessed as we are to have the local resources

that really contribute greatly to the successof this college. so what they -- and this year when they're saying funding, what thatmeans is they will do whatever they can to protect what community colleges get acrossthe state, and that is fantastic because together we do have greater strength. but i will sharewith you, and i feel totally confident in saying this, that when it comes time to evaluatelegislative initiatives launched by the kacct, the welfare of johnson county community collegeor johnson county is not exactly number one on their list, and so this is something thatkeeping in mind that we also contribute mightily to their organization, it kind of makes ita little interesting. so i think when dr. cook and i visit on monday, we'll be layingout some issues and some discussion points

by which we'll be able to better evaluateour relationship during the upcoming -- upcoming year. and i have to commend this group, thishas been talked about since the '90s and we've never had the institutional will being it's -- it's great that we're having this discussion now, and we'll be looking forwardto perhaps some constructive discussion further on with the organization.>>chair greg musil: anything further? if not, we'll move on to the liaison report from ourjohnson county community college foundation. trustee ingram.>>trustee nancy ingram: we actually did not meet this past month, but i have been advised-- or to advise you all of a special reception to honor adam hamilton, who is the johnsoncountian of the year. you all should have

received some information at your desks thisevening about that. there will be a reception at the home of brad and libby bergman, andas you will remember, brad is the president of the johnson county community college foundationboard. they are using this special opportunity to share with the church of the resurrectionmembers about the importance of not only their pastor winning this award, but also the importantrole in johnson county community college and what it does in our community. so anyway,we hope that you will consider joining that this evening on september 8th. so thank you.>>chair greg musil: questions? if not, we're ready for the consent agenda. the consentagenda includes a number of routine items and consensus items that are typically consideredcollectively in a single motion and vote.

any member of the board may request that aparticular item be removed from the consent agenda and discussed and voted upon separately.are there any items in tonight's consent agenda that anybody would like to pull and considerseparately? if not, i would accept a motion to approve the consent agenda as published.>>so moved. to approve the consent agenda. any discussion?if not, all in favor say yes. (yeses)>>chair greg musil: opposed, no. motion carried unanimously. we have no executive sessiontonight, so we're ready for a motion to adjourn. >>so moved.>>second. >>that was rather enthusiastic.(laughter)

>>chair greg musil: all in favor say yes.(yeses) >>chair greg musil: opposed, no. we are adjourned.thank you all for sticking with us. a long meeting.

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