Cal Poly Pomona Health Center

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Cal Poly Pomona Health Center

>> the processional for the college of businessadministration begins. [music: "pomp and circumstance" by elgar]? the valedictorian and the honor award recipient. ? candidates of master of business administrationand master of science in business administration degrees. ? faculty and candidates of technologyand operations management. ? faculty and candidates of e-bus iness. ? faculty and candidates ofaccounting. ? faculty and candidates of computer

Cal Poly Pomona Health Center

Cal Poly Pomona Health Center, information systems. ? faculty and candidatesof finance, real estate, and law. ? faculty and candidates of international business.? faculty and candidates of marketing management. ? faculty and candidates of management andhuman resources. ? ladies and gentlemen, antrim dean wyrick -- interim dean wyrick, presidentcoley, and party. ?

dean wyrick: good morning, ladies and gentlemen.please rise as a music student performs the national anthem. -- dean preiser-houy: student: ? by the dawn's early light whatso proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? whose broad stripes and bright starsthrough the perilous fight o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming andthe rockets' red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that ourflag was still there oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the freeand the home of the brave ? [applause] dean preiser-houy: i'd like to thank jerredfor his performance. please be seated.

dean wyrick: good morning. please be seated.what a good-looking group. my name is cheryl wyrick. it is my pleasure to serve as interim dean of the college of businessand ministration. i would like to welcome you to our commencement exercises. let's hearit for the class of 2015. [applause] on behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of thecollege, i offer congratulations to our graduates and a special welcome to their family andfriends who join us today. it now gives me great pleasure to recognize distinguishedmembers of the platform party. i ask that each of them stand as i read their name, butplease hold your applause until they have all been introduced. miss michelle stoddard,acting vice president for university advancement. dr. rebecca gutierrez keeton, acting vicepresident for student affairs. mr. john mcgaugh

three, mcguthrie. dr. stephen garcia. dr.kevin moncrief. dr. jane cru. dr. [indiscernible] chair of the accounting department. dr. ronpike , assistant professor in the computer information systems department. hey! dr. paulsarmouth , finance, real estate, and law department. dr. frank ryan, professor in the internationalbusiness and ministration department. dr. carlos gonzalez, chair of the management andhuman resources department. dr. hassan awadi, chairman of the technology department. dr.greg holpin, professor of computer and information systems. dr. robert hurt, officer of accounting.the valedictorian and senior class gift presenter. the julian a mcphee award recipient. dr. jefferyguyse, may sparer. dr. marten denboer , provost of academic affairs. and dr. serena coley-- and dr. coley, president of cal poly pomona.

thank you all for joining in our celebrationtoday. at this point, it is customary for me to introduce president coley. presidentcoley, on behalf of everyone within the college of business and ministration, we thank you-- business administration, we thank you for your willingness to listen to our feedbackand look forward to our future under your leadership. [applause] president coley: thank you. those were kindwords. before i share my brief remarks with you, the graduates who are leaving us at calpoly pomona, i want to bestow a special recognition upon someone else who is also departing -- ourprovost, dr. marten denboer. dr. denboer joined cal poly pomona in august of 2008, and sincethen, he has been committed to student success

and academic excellence. because of time,i will not read the resolution prepared for this occasion, but with the gratitude of thecollege deans, the faculty, and the academic senate for his outstanding achievements andpersonal dedication to the advancement of cal poly pomona, i am pleased to bestow uponmarten the title of provost emeritus. marten, will you join us? [applause] marten, on thehalf of the cal poly pomona community, our very best wishes are extended to you as youassume the position as provost at depaul university. [applause] president coley: hello, class of 2015. [applause] president coley: on behalf of the outstandingfaculty and staff of this great university,

i am honored to welcome you and to applaudyour accompaniments. -- accomplishments. getting to this important milestone was not alwayseasy. late study nights. working, volunteering, economic challenges. attending to family needs.all of these and more could have deterred you. instead, you persisted, and here youare today. and we could not be more excited or proud. i am sure you would acknowledgethat you did not reach this milestone on your own. whether it was your family, friends,colleagues, faculty, and/or staff, today's commencement ceremony is as much their celebrationas it is yours. so let's take a moment to honor them. graduates, please look back atall of your guests, and give them a well-deserved round of applause. [applause]

president coley: and there are other supporterswhose names you may not know. they have contributed towards your education through scholarshipsand donations, because they know how important education is to individuals and families,as well as to the advancement of our society. many of these contributors once sat whereyou are now sitting, and they felt compelled to pay it forward. we hope that you too willjoin the alumni association and help enrich the lives of future students. stay connectedwith us, and help cal poly pomona reach the next level of excellence. and as you leaveus, you will be met with society's great opportunities and challenges. we will continue to advancetechnologically, but we will also struggle with the impact of income inequality. we willseek to live up to our country's ideals of

diversity and inclusion, and struggle to determineour contribution to global peace and well-being. we will debate the character and integrityof our leaders while seeking to personally demonstrate and instill these same qualitiesin our children. this is the great paradox you will encounter. these complex issues willrequire more than cookie-cutter solutions. it will require leaders, innovative thinkers,and difference makers. and graduates, we have prepared you for just this moment. let meshare two words of advice. be bold. learn by doing. diversity and inclusion and theteacher-scholar model here are not simply abstract ideals of our university. these corevalues will give you an advantage as you work to identify pressing issues and to developcreative solutions. you know what it means

to live, learn, and lead in a changing multiculturalworld, because you have already done it here at cal poly pomona. after i graduated fromcollege, i was not sure of my long-term plans. and one day a faculty member suggested i applyfor graduate school. that conversation changed my life. i know that some of you have hadsuch moments here at cal poly pomona. and there will be other moments in your life whena single conversation or a specific event will change the trajectory of your life. seizethose moments. be bold. have confidence that you possess the education, abilities, theintuition, and passion that will guide to you new opportunities, and to flourish whenchallenges arrive. in closing, i would like to leave my wish for you, which is taken froma passage by dennis kimbrell. may you develop

a burning desire that is required of all achievement.may you stand up for the rights of others against the undesirable influence and threatsof enemies. may you work faithfully and make the best of your opportunities. may you saveyour money so that you can pay your way in this world, and yet be generous to those inneed. may you bathe each day in the golden glow of enthusiasm. may you render more andbetter service than that which you were paid for. may you love your fellow human beingswithout regard to the factors that some say should divide us. may you forgive and forgetthose that may have harmed you. may you accept full responsibilities for the successes aswell as the failures in your life. and may you seek the seed of triumph in every adversity.may you share yourself with others without

expecting reward or payment in return. andmay you know that the greatest blessing is peace. may you know that the greatest obstacleis ignorance. that the greatest challenge is understanding. that the greatest mistakeis conformity. that the greatest race is the human race. the greatest strength is faith.the greatest weakness is pride. the greatest day is today. the greatest word is "thanks."the greatest among us is whoever serves. the greatest message is hope. and the greatestof these is love and empathy. congratulations, class of 2015. we are so proud of your accomplishments.[applause] dean wyrick: thank you, president coley. itis now my pleasure to introduce miss lillian kimbrell , a member of the california stateuniversity board of trustees. we are honored

to have you here today. [applause] trustee kimbrell: good morning, graduates.thank you, president coley. that was beautiful. it is a pleasure for me to be here and tobring greetings to all of you from the california state university. i extend my congratulationsto all the graduates of the college of business and ministration. as citizens -- businessadministration. i encourage all of you to support the university in its mission. helpkeep the doors of opportunity open to those students who follow in your footsteps. youwill soon learn the real benefits of earning a degree from the california state university,as you go out into the workforce. the workforce that depends so greatly on more than 100,000well prepared csu graduates that will become

their employees this year. be proud that youare joining the class of 3 million alums as you cross this stage. as a csu graduate andmember of your community, please continue to support the csu by helping those in need,and let them know how to get the college. show them the road ahead, and how earninga college degree can be the most important step towards a brighter future. finally , asa graduate of the csu, be an ambassador for our system. let your friends, colleagues,legislators, and community know the important work that csu has been doing, and how importantit has been to you, and how they can join you by supporting the california state university.again, congratulations, and best wishes to all of you. [applause]

dean wyrick: thank you, trustee. during my30 year career here at cal poly pomona, students have thanked me for supporting them in variousways. as many educators would agree, it is often these moments when we realized the positiveimpact that we have had on others that are most rewarding. continue to have someone helpyou through life, whether family, friends, your favor professor, a mentor, or connectingwith someone new. and also make the difference in the lives of others and take care of thosethat surround you. there is no greater satisfaction than knowing you have helped someone else.dream big, but don't confuse what is with what can be. we live in a world of limitlesspossibilities. today's dreamers are often the realists of tomorrow. as steve jobs said,your time is limited, so don't waste it loving

someone else's life. don't let the noise ofothers' opinions drown out your own inner voice. and most important, have the courageto follow your heart and intuition. dream big, but more importantly, do. know that lifeis not fair and that sometimes you will fail. but by taking some risks, stepping up duringtough times, and effectively dealing with obstacles, the next generation and the generationsthat follow will live in a world better than the one that we have today, which startedhere with your experience at cal poly pomona to change the world in a positive way. congratulations,class of 2015. we wish you happiness and success in the future. [applause] dean wyrick: now, i would like to introducesarah heiman, will present the senior class

gift to resident coley. -- president coley. sarah: president coley, dean wyrick, membersof the stage party, distinguished guests, and fellow members of the class of 2015, everyyear the graduating class leaves behind something for the campus community. it is about leavingthe university better than it was when we first got here. this tradition succeeds everyyear because of another tradition at cal poly pomona -- philanthropy. the senior class giftis entirely funded by donations f rom graduating seniors. this is truly a gift from us to futurestudents. this year, our gift will be to place observation cameras in the first phase ofcal poly pomona's efforts to revitalize kellogg creek. these cameras will help to make thiseffort more than just a project to renew our

environment, and also an exciting learningopportunity for cal poly pomona's future students. president coley, i am honored to present thisgift from the class of 2015. president coley: thank you, sara, and thankyou class of 2015. i am sure this is a gift that will be appreciated by many future generationsto come. thank you again for your philanthropy. dean wyrick: it now gives me great pleasureto honor students who have shown remarkable commitment to their studies within the collegeof business administration at cal poly pomona, and received high marks for their efforts.among this year's graduates, we have 116 students who have earned a gpo -- gpa of 3.5 or higherand are graduating with cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude honors. pleasejoin me in recognizing their hard work. out

of so many exceptional students, one in mediaout for her academic excellence. accounting student sara heim ann has been named valedictorianwith a gpa of 4.0. [applause] dean wyrick: graduating today summa cum laudeafter being named valedictorian at diamond bar high school, sara began her studies atcal poly pomona determined to pursue academic excellence. sara was awarded an academic scholarshipfrom financial executives international and recognized in 2014 as the accounting studentof the year. sara is also a member of beta gamma sigma, and international business honorsociety. sara science to pursue her cpa license, and believes the education she received willbe the key to her future success. sara is proud to join her parents and her sister asfellow cal poly pomona alumna. sara, will

you please join me at the podium? [applause] dean wyrick: on behalf of the college, i wouldlike to present you with a certificate. this recognizes your academic excellence. saracan also be recognized by her green and gold valedictorian sash. congratulations on yoursuccess, sara. [applause] dean wyrick: there is another student thiscollege would like to recognize, and that is the recipient of the julian a mcphee honoraward for student excellence. the award is named after the founding president of calpoly pomona and cal poly san luis obispo. it recognizes a student with an excellentacademic record that is on campus, committed to better during -- bettering the community.the recipient has attended cal poly pomona

for all four years, where she embraced a learnby doing philosophy and established a reputation as an exceptional leader, motivator, and a finance, real estate, and law student -- [applause] dean wyrick: [laughter] dean wyrick: she has made the dean's listevery quarter and became a member of several international and national societies, suchas alpha lambda, delta, the national honor society of leadership and success, and betagamma sigma. she will graduate magna cum laude and as a member of the keith and james kelloggfounders college. it is my pleasure to present this mcphee award. [applause]

dean wyrick: president coley, will you please-- [laughter] dean wyrick: you are here. ok. [applause] >> thank you, dr. wyrick and president coley,for the introduction. distinct faculty, family members, friends, and class of 2015, goodmorning. class of 2015, we made it! we have finally made it through those sleepless nightsat the library, long lines at starbucks coffee, procrastinating papers the night before theyare due. most importantly, i know we are going to miss all the love we have for all thosegroup projects. i am truly honored, speaking to you today as a mcphee scholar, but todayis a special day for all of us. every graduate here is deserving of high praise and recognition.i congratulate each of us on reaching this

milestone in life. jack welch, one of themost celebrated ceo's, often says business is the ultimate team sport. this this is nota ne -- a me thing, it's a we thing. i truly believe that everyone we have met are putin our life for a person. i want to thank everyone i have met and connected with anall the friends i have made for being a part of my life. i would not have made it withoutyou. learning by doing as a group, supporting each other, trusting one another and our owninstincts while taking risks and believing in ourselves will help us in the real businessworld. we all come from different walks of life. we all have business stories to share.but the common thread that connects us is the desire for a brighter future. althoughour future outlooks v ary, we are one step

closer to our ultimate goal. i would liketo thank every faculty member at cal poly pomona for sharing your knowledge, for servingas mentors, for your patience and support. we are honored and grateful to say we areamongst your students. i would also like to express a heartfelt thank you to the collegefor your support in helping me grow as an individual with an array of interests, diverseactivities, and a strong desire of giving back to the community based on generosityand respect. as all the graduates together here today, we think about the person -- thepeople who have helped us along. my angelou once said, -- maya angelou once said, knowingcan make it here alone. i thank my parents. my father left his homeland of lebanon ata young age to attend cal poly pomona, and

he graduated with a high gpa which enhancesopportunity to learn, grow, and succeed. thank you for your endless love, advice, courage,and for always believing in me. thank you for your guidance and your lifelong valuesand morals you have instilled in me. i love you both very much. as we close this chapterin life and continue to write the pages, let's never forget the bridges we crossed, the bondswe have shared, and the memories we have made here at cal poly pomona. congratulations onceagain. i wish each of you health, prosperity, and a bright future. thank you again, classof 25th team. -- class of 2015. [applause] dean wyrick: thank you, raya, for your inspirationalspeech. i would now like to call on provost and vice president for academic affairs comea dr. marten denboer, two present candidates

for a masters degree. -- to present candidatesfor a masters degree. dr. denboer: will the candidates for a mastersdegree in business administration, and a masters of science in business administration, pleaserise. resident coley, i present you the candidates for a master of business administration andmaster of science in business administration degrees. these candidates have already -- allcompleted the requirements for each of these degrees, as described by the state of californiaand the trustees of the california state university, and they have been recommended by the facultyof california state polytechnic university pomona. president coley: candidates for the master'sdegree, you have heard the recommendation

of faculty of california state polytechnicuniversity pomona. by the authority vested in me as president, i confer upon you the degrees of masters of business a ministrationand master of science in business administration,with all the rights, honors, and responsibilities appertaining thereto. congratulations. [applause] dean preiser-houy: doctors will assist withthe pudding and awards for the -- the hooding and awards for the master's program. [names are read]

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