Judul : El Monte Comprehensive Health Center
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El Monte Comprehensive Health Center
well good evening, hi i'm michael pazzanii'm the vice chancellor for research and economic development and i'd like to welcome you tothis emerging technology symposium. this is the fourth in a series of symposiumsucr is having as part of it's capital campaign "living the promise" this program is intendedto highlight the emerging technologies the faculty at ucr, and the students that theywork with.
El Monte Comprehensive Health Center, the "living the promise" the campaign forucr is a comprehensive campaign in which our goal is to raise over 300 million dollarsto support the university... support programs like student success, faculty research, andexpanding our research facilities as well and its a very important program for the university.
i'll tell you as vice chancellor for researchi have small seats on funds that i use to invest in faculty... what i do is i give brightand successful faculty a little bit of money and they actually become more successful makea greater impact i believe as a look around at the faculty speaking today i've given moneyto all but kelly, and kelly you can talk to me after words and we can chat a little bitand see if that works but for those in the audience i actually want you to chat withkelly and with sue and julia and vasilis and wayne and david and charlie about their researchas well and the students that they're working with and you can find ways to support them. this symposium is based on 6 themes: "socialinvasion and empowerment", "health and wellness",
this is the "emerging technologies" and we'regoing to have 3 more on "from genomics to harvest", "renewable nature"', "new voicesand visions" and it's really designed to highlight all the interdisciplinary work that happensat this university. this current round of symposium will end inmay, but next year, next school year will start up as well, and for the students itis an opportunity for you to mingle, to meet with the faculty to see what's happening...and i'm also happy that there is a poster session afterwards some of the things thatyou'll actually see, is how we take the technology developed at the university and turn theminto commercial products in a center we called epic.
so with no further a do i'd like to introducemy friend and colleague david kisailus, he's a professor of environmental engineering he'salso the winston chung professor of energy innovation showing the importance of endowedchairs of the university... and of course he's a member of the marian and rosemary bournscollege of engineering, which wouldn't have been found, founded without the support ofsome of our community members. david is a cavy fellow of the national academyof sciences he's also the principal investor of a large multidisciplinary grants by thedepartment of defense on bio-inspired materials, and david is also the co-founder of a companythat's involved with nature inspired materials. so david is going to be our mc and host forthe evening so david come on up.
good evening everybody, yes that's good, hopefullyyou've all had your coffee this time the evening. thank you so much mike for the kind introductionand ian foster who helped organize this program, ian, thank you so much. okay, so let's get started right t away ifyou don't mind, first of all in this event as mike just said we want to highlight someof the excellent work that's been done here at ucr by our faculty and our students...and really what we want to do is show you how were translating some of this technologyto our communities, to our nation and to the world. but this topic today is "emerging technologies"and so some of the issues in our industrialized
world over the past 2 and half centuries orso is that we've had heavy use of fossil fuels, we've had a huge population surge in 1800the worlds population was about 1 billion people, by 1900 it was 1.6 billion and bythe year 2000 it was 6 billion people and now were currently at 7.5 billion people...and with that said that's putting a huge drain on our planet leading to serious environmentalissues which you'll hear some today including stressing the air we breathe the water wedrink and the food that we eat. though as you know many as i see a lot ofstudents in here which is great there are students and faculty that are working reallyhard to solve these issues really critical issues and i've been fortunate enough to beat ucr for almost 10 years now and had the
opportunity to see the university grow andfortunate to work with actually the faculty based on mike's comment about his seed grantsi've worked with economists, ecologists, biologists, earth scientists and i'm in chemical and environmentalengineering and material science so it's really quite a diverse coupling and we do a lot ofcross cutting research. so i've seen the campus grow and i guess alsoin the 10 years my eye sight has also gone so i need this for a minute, so i'll put theseon, so we have 6 faculty members at ucr who will be speakers and panelists each thesemembers will be selected based on their expertise in the different areas search that will bepresented today and i'll also step on stage after their talks and we'll have a panel discussionwhere they'll highlight what others at ucr
are doing in terms of emerging technologies...and so what we really want to hear from these speakers is hear about these alternates sourcesof energy we want to hear about environmental strategies to monitor and cleaner air andwater, we want to talk about ways to make food more abundant even in the face of droughtand we also want to come up with strategies that reduce our impact and carbon footprintand transportation technologies and then of course along with this comes with the challengeof how to deal with the ever increasing amount of data that's being transmitted and storedand processed and we'll have a speaker on that as well.. but most importantly, well equally importanti should say with our ever changing world
how do we actually make sure the youth iseducated on these technologies to adapt and actually influence future emerging technologiesso that one of you will be up here.. i don't know how old you are maybe in 20 yearsor so giving talks like this, so we want to engage with you today, students faculty, guestsof the university, to be interactive with us in our panel discussions ask questionsand of course there’s always a temptation to discuss political issues in light of thishighly charged atmosphere that we live in today hopefully we can keep things calm andcollected and focus on the excellent technologies that are coming out of ucr and i wore a purpletie today to show neutrality, not red not blue..
so now finally after the panel session wereally want to invite you as chancellor pazzani said to our sister session which is on theother side of those drapes where we'll have students really show you some of the detailsof what they're doing in these excellent emerging technologies. so with that i want to invite our first speakerprofessor charles wyman, charles is in the department of chemical and environmental engineeringas well as over at the center for environmental research and technology he is the ford motorcompany chair in environmental engineering, he is a distinguished professor in chemicaland environmental engineering, his work, his research focuses on, i'm not going to taketoo much of his time on cellulosic biomass
with sustainable production of transportationfuels via biological and catalytic conversion, but a lot of our faculty actually go beyondand translate their research into industry so charlie also is the president and ceo ofvertimass l.s.e. startup company and maybe he might mentionthat i don't know but he also has, his past was he was the center director, division director,branch manager, program manager and senior engineer at enmerll, out in colorado... there'sa lot more i can talk about for charlie over hours, but let's introduce charlie. okay well, thank you david for the introductionand the opportunity to be here and thank you all for coming, glad to have this opportunityto talk about alternative energy and so what
i wanted to do is start out maybe give a littlebit of background of why alternative energy is important and this is just one exampleand it just shows the historic drivers in terms of why we've looked at alternative energybecause traditionally over the years we've really become very dependent on fossil sourceswhether it's oil, natural gas or coal, but a series of disruptions in the past have sortof pushed people at least considered during those disruptions at least alternative sourcesof energy just these lines show over times various crisis, if you will that have comeup and driven interest in energy for example around 1973 that was the time period in whichopec the organization of petroleum exporting countries recognized that the united statesoil production was declining so they sort
of put on a squeeze on oil availability andthat drove up prices, and as you can see in that first blip that became much higher, thenwe have these periods where the prices drop and the interest goes down in alternativeenergy but at least in some sense this just shows that, and it's sort of an eye chart,so i apologize of that, but what i wanted to do was point out in particularly that bottomline, or next to the bottom line last years energy use and it just shows how the energymix varies across oil natural gas petroleum and then on the right you can see the variousrenewable energy forms that i highlight here in green, things like geothermal, solar windand biomass, and basically what’s happened at that time is that now we have about 10percent, almost 10 percent of our energy comes
from these alternative energy sources primarilyrenewable or sustainable energy but another important driver now, right now oil pricesare low so everybody's willing to forget about the fact that we need alternative energy becausethere is plenty of low cost oil at $40 dollars a barrel or whatever, but there is anotherimportant driver that is really important that some people think is a driver, some liketo ignore it but basically it's greenhouse gas emissions and the fact that fossil sourcesrelease a lot of carbon dioxide just shows the historic increase in co2 concentrationsin the atmosphere and how it's gone up 300 parts per million around 1950's or so up toaround 400+ parts per million now, and of course the concern there is that carbon dioxideis a green house gas that traps inferred radiation
that causes the planet to warm. so one of the options to address this is sustainableenergy sources and on the left i picture here a sustainable energy sources of sunlight,wind, hydro, geothermal, nuclear and minerals, and on the right human needs. things like: food, energy, etc. but in thisparticular talk we're really focusing on the human needs and particularly so i'd like tomainly look at it from the view point of how do we drive energy for motors for lights forheat for transport and again if we look over on the left side and look at the various optionswe have it's really a matter of connecting the dots between the two, and so a friendof mine le lind, at dartmouth college came
up with a sort of intermediates these twoprimarily intermediates as he calls them, biomass and electricity and basically fromsunlight wind, hydro and geothermal and nuclear we can generate electricity, and so from thatelectricity we can then use it for a variety of application but in addition to that sunlightwill produce biomass and actually one of my original when i first joined the natural renewableenergy laboratory way back in, more years ago than i'd like to admit, the, at that pointi was really working on energy storage, and after looking at a series of energy storagetechnologies and economics i decided during that time frame to transition over to biomassbecause i felt biomass was a really beautiful solar energy storage device...
and so but anyway once we have those primaryintermediates we can go to secondary intermediates organic fuels hydrogen batteries to use onthese various end uses. but in my particular case, our focus and myparticular team is really on biomass conversion to fuel and chemicals. this shows here and the thing about biomassis it's very unique in the ability to make sustainable liquid fuels. we really don't have any other viable optionfor large-scale low cost production of liquid fuels. and so what are we trying to do, and by theway i should mention there's many other aspects
of these alternative energies or sustainableenergy technologies, research being done here at ucr i'm just focusing on what i know bestwhich is biofuels part of it, but theres a lot more to it than that. but anyway what we're trying to do in my particulargroup is convert cellulosic biomass, things like cornstover, the mateirals left afterthey harvest corn, switch grass, fast growing grass that we can use as an energy crop, orwheat crops that are fast growing, convert them those inter liquid fuels. so the challenge we face is how do we putlow cost biomass into your car? well here's one way but it doesn't get verygood transport.
so we need to look for other options and sothe trick is how do we convert the solid material biomass? we don't like solid fuels in general for liquidfuels and so how do we cover this solid material resource into a liquid fuel. so first of all we look at cellulosic biomass,well cellulosic biomass is nature’s composite material. it is comprised of cellulose about 50% roughlyplant is cellulose and that's true of trees grasses or so fourth another, and that's composedof glucose sugars make up cellulose another roughly 25% of biomass, cellulosic biomassis called hemicellulose that is also made
up of a lot of different sugars, but it ismore heterogeneous, one of them that particulary predominates is a sugar called xylose, thethird part is lignin and lignin is not, you can't break that down into sugars like youcan cellulose and hemicellulose, but it is very similar to coal and a friend of mineused to call it "young coal", but basically in plants we have this long chains of celluloseand they are glued together by hemicellulose and lignin. that is the binder that makes us all work...and so the thing we can do is if we can break down long chains of cellulose and hemicelluloseinto sugars that make up those two, we can then ferment those sugars to ethanol as aproduct for fuel, and toasts what this shows
here for fuel, and again i'm sort of rushingthrough this in the tiniest of time but i at least want to give you some sort idea ofwhat we're doing so we start with this cellulosic biomass in green and then we go within thisdotted line which represents the boundaries of a process of a process, go through a pretreatmentstep and that is basically to overcome natures resistance to break down, if nature did notresist breaking down into sugars we would have no plants because organisms would devourthem. so we have to overcome that natural resistancethrough pretreatment then we go through a series of biological operations of enzymatichydrolysis, excuse me, fermentation to make ethanol the ethanol we can then recover andthen we use the solids to burn those to provide
all the heat and electricity for the process. one of the things that we've recently doneat ucr, one of my students who has worked with me has come up with a novel way to pretreatbiomass, one of the challenges in pretreatment has been the cost of pretreatment itself,but also the amount of enzymes that is required to break down the biomass afterwards. we've come up with this novel way where weuse thf (tetrahydropyran) in a pretreatment process that dramatically increases the susceptibilityof the biomass to breakdown and then were fortunate to be funded by something calleda bioenergy science center which is a large million dollar a year center lead by oakridgenational laboratory funded by the department
of energy as shown oakridge being circledin green, but ucr is a key part of this overall team and in particular we focus on workingwith about three hundred different people spread in 18 institutions across the countryto develop technologies from proving the break down of cellulosic biomass to sugars for fermentation...and so part of it just again pretty a quick slide but one of the things we've been ableto do because of this new self process and through this best support is to show thatwe can convert biomass to sugars with extremely low enzyme loadings, and that's importantbecause traditionally the kind of, amount of enzymes would cost about a dollar a gallonof final fuel just for the enzyme, that's way too expensive.
and we've driven it down to maybe 5 or 10cents but the problem is now that even though we nearly get complete conversion, it almosttakes a month and that's a little bit too long. but recently another one of my students, hascombined the use of an organism, called clostridiumthermasellum which is an unusual organism which it producesit's own enzymes then ferments the sugars it releases to final products in combinationto this self pretreatment that we've invented here at ucr, we can then show in this bottomset of lines that we can pretreat materials and get both cornstover and poperwood a veryfast conversion to sugar, and in only 2 days. so that's really a big change in terms ofthe playing field of this technology.
the last thing and i'm just going to wrapthis up now is that in terms of there's a lot of emphasis on jobs lately and one ofthere things recently ran into this article about renewable energy jobs in thousands andthe us now has about 800,000 jobs in renewable energy sectors so it's very substantial. and even though thats big the world has 8million... so we have to think about how do we increase that number of jobs in the unitedstates relative to the world... and so with that we'll stop and i think we have questionsnow., so thank you very much. okay, so hopefully everyone was taking notesbecause the quiz is held between 7:15pm to 7:25 so again if you have questions we'regoing to hold them until our panel discussion
but we would like you to interact if possible. our next speaker is an assistant professori think i can safely say she is the youngest member of our panel today dr. kelly barsantiis a faculty member in the chemical and environmental engineering department as well as at the csertcenter off campus, and her research focuses on the development of mechanistic models forthe prediction of atmospheric particulate matter. and if you've been to bejing like i have recentlythen you know what that means dr. barsanti's research involves improving speciation oforganic compounds in emission inventories for biomass burning and other combustiblesources, she has her phd in environmental
sciences and engineering and she served asthe advanced study program post doc fellow at the national center for atmospheric research,so kelly if you don't mind please... so thank you to the organizers for invitingme to participate in the symposium and all of you for being here to my students thankyou for being here and don't forget to sign in, okay, so the atmosphere the biosphereand the hydrosphere, so we as citizens of planet earth we recognize these spaces asour environment we also recognize that we don't exist independently of our environment,and our environment doesn't exist independently of us. so it has been argued recently that we'veentered a new era, the "anthropocene" in which
human driven changes to our environment areboth rapid and expansive. as scientist and engineers we acknowledgethat some of these changes have dramatic and devastating impacts on our social physicaland economic well-being they present some of our greatest environmental challenges,and so as engineers we accept these challenges and turn them into opportunities so here atucr we are part really of global network of scientists and engineers together we collectdata, we developed tools, we create technologies that ultimately will deliver the solutionsto these environmental problems. this is a picture of some of the c and chemicaland environmental engineering and also some of the csert faculty that focused their researchon environmental problems, primarily here
at ucr we focus on air and water those arethe spheres of research there are four faculty and chemical and environmental engineeringassistant professors and so in the next several slides i'll talk more about their research. okay so tonight's theme is emerging technologiesand as this global network and here at ucr we are both developers and users of emergingtechnologies some of those i've highlighted here... number one they are enabling us tolower the cost and improve the portability of both sensors and systems in addition i,this morning i was driving in my car and i thought you know what do you say we're ableto develop almost any kind of material that you can imagine and so the word imagineeringcame to my head so i thought it was appropriate
that we're in california and the word "imagineering"is often associated with disney, turns out that disney did not coin that term howeverand it does in fact represent this idea that you can build any thing you can think of sowe are really imagineering new materials performance and for their sustainability so two of mycolleagues will be i'll be presenting some of their research on developing electricallyconducting membranes and another colleagues research on biometric heterogenous catalysts. in addition we're expanding the computationalgrid, so what does that mean, this is probably unlike maybe low cost sensors, or engineeringor imagineering materials, what does it mean to expand the computational grid..
so this is a long quote, so here it's a longquote here but the idea is that this word grid is used in parallel to describe somethingthat's somewhat like a power grid so i'll read starting in the middle here that says,"we believe that by providing pervasive, dependable, consistent, and inexpensive access to advancedcomputational capabilities, data bases, and people, computational grids will have a similartransforming effect allowing new classes of applications to emerge. so we are indeed building and using thesecomputational grids, in addition we're making the most of big data so what happens whenwe lower the cost of sensors they proliferate sensors are everywhere we have gathered moredata then we can possibly know what to do
with, in addition these high computing capabilitiesexpanding this computational grid also enable us to run more simulations we have more modelpredictions also then what we know what to do with so making the most of big data a littlebit here these new technologies are emerging to organize and make sense the avalanche ofdata so we can now identify patterns and regularities in data that allow us to advance scholarshipimprove the human condition and create commercial and social value. so here i have four slides again just oneslide for each of our research the assistant professors in the department they all employor are working to develop the technologies that i mentioned, so dr.
h. liu, he's working on developing cost effectiveand efficient ultraviolet based water technologies so these are efficient they're sustainablehe's using them to help develop infrastructure for industry and ultimately right, the goalis water sustainability and protection of public health so i won't go into detail herebut the idea is that this here is the portable sensor that's used to as a water treatmentresource. important to show the people dr. h. liu isactually one of the only one's that actually sent a picture of his group right and thisis about training the next generation so all of the data that were presenting all the thingswe're presenting wouldn't be possible without our students so thank you to dr. h liu forhighlighting their contributions so moving
into the sort of imagineering part we havethese electrically conducting membranes and these electric on these surfaces these membranesthese electrochemical reactions are powerful anti fowling tool they're very energy efficientyou get energy delivery right where you need it, and when. but the challenge in these is really developinga material that combines the conductivity with selective transport so they've developedand doctor jaspy's labs a carbon nanotube polymer composite that does what they're lookingfor and here's pictures of the anti fowling affects and the anti nanotube and the composite. okay, so also along the side, along the linesof imagineering developing these reduction
mechanisms for highly recalcitrant water contaminantsso this is a new faculty in the department dr. liu as well, so here they're using theseactive catalysts it's hydrogen so it's very active and it's completely reusable it worksin highly saline waters, the byproducts of this uv disinfection you end up with reducedsulfur species so these are these innocuous if you will, it's a ubiquitous water mineralso the bi-products are not damaging to the environment and this really has shown to bethe most efficient method to date. so finally one slide on my own research, soone of the things that we're doing, we're really relying on this computational gridand data science to unravel the complex chemistry that's associated with biomass burning plumes.
so in these smoke samples this is just a singlesource, you can only imagine what these look like when we're sampling from the field weget thousands of compounds in a given source and we're trying to track the chemistry ofeach individual compound and how those compounds form pollutants in the environment which isimportant for providing better models for fire managers and the air quality managementcommunity so i wanted to end with a clever quote but i thought i'd just leave this slideinstead and thank you for your time and your attention. thank you kelly, that was really nice. okay so our next speaker is dr. wayne miller,let me just pull out my glasses, wayne is
the manager of emissions and fuels in thecenter for environmental research and technology and he joined the csert in december of 2000,dr. miller brings more than 25 years of experience in technology planning chemical engineeringprocesses new product development and commercialization, business development and multinational relationshipsin csert. he earned his bachelors degree in chemicalengineering from westerpoly tech in massachusetts and a phd in chemical engineering from caltech, wayne... thank you for coming and i appreciate theinvite from david and the others that organized this, i know the title supposed to be trainsand automobiles we actually do work on ships and ships do move about 80 or 90% of the goodsin the world today incase you're not knowledgeable
of that. okay we've heard from two speakers, dr. wymanand dr basanti about ce-cert and then up here you can see next to ucr that it says it'sthe college of engineering center for environmental research and technology we primarily thoughget problems related to air, there's symmetric on it the only one i'll focus on is the 15million dollars in contracts that are running through that.. in 8 minutes, i don't havetime to cover 15 million so you're going to get short change today... some of the projects i've been involved with,we have mobility issues and they're not just the cars and bikes that take us here but theresa lot of other sources that we don't really
know a lot about and this project was about10 years ago these problems that complex obviously took a team to measure the emissions froma cooperative and collaborative unnamed airline, you might be able to guess who it is.. but anyway the main thing is that it tookthis team we measured, this is was the first emission measurements from a commercial airline,we did it on the ground. locomotive research, if you look at the portsand looked at these locomotives when we did this work also about 10 years ago this wasnear the port of los angeles as you know communities that are near the ports tend to be peoplethat are poorer and they tend to have a lot of environmental injustice issues is whatpeople would say today and these locomotives
were being routinely used in that wilmingtonand other area down there, made in 1950. we didn't know what the emissions were weknew it had an impact so, that's what we did, and they were affectionately known as the"smurfs" by the way the blue locomotives. they other thing we also did a project withcal tech in the, you can see a large container ship, it's moving about 9,000 containers,it's a world class container ship it's sailing in the pacific ocean, the ucr student wason board making the measurements and the cal tech student was in the plane here, followingyou can see the plume here. you know everything we planned went wrongbut everything turned out great; i mean that's the way research is.
the plane was there because they were studyingclouds; there wasn't a cloud to be seen. anyway, so that was some work looking at theemissions we measured looking at 4 seconds to 4,000-second lifetime of the emissions. since we're in riverside, and we know shipsare near the port and you might wonder, you know everyone complains about the big plumesof soot and smoke that's coming out, how much of it reaches riverside? well this was the work that another studentdid with the air quality management district, he took data for 2 years measured it overthese particular sites here they're epa thick sites, so they're actually always measuringthe emissions and his work was to actually
figure out a tracer and then statisticallyand mathematically relate the information to for far inland this soot went, about onepercent for riverside. this real time emissions for san franciscoferry, we worked with the blue and white excursion ferry up there and the one thing is when theferry is going towards the golden gate bridge and makes the turn you can see around herefrom her work that the nature of the emissions both, this is physical nature but also turnsout the chemical nature of the emissions change dramatically and that is important if you'relooking at health studies all the projects i've showed you so far, they weren't data...one thing that ucr built about 10 years ago was a unique mobile emission lab usually theselabs here are on cement and this was the former
director of imagineering we heard dr. basanti,so he was always imagineering, i would say.. when he told people he was going to put thisfederally certified lab on wheels they told him "you're crazy, they're always built oncement" mitch barret remembers that and anyway it turned out to work so we were able to takemeasurements in congestive traffic and show in this particular work that the emissionsgoing into this direction up to the 60 freeway the toxic emissions were 10 times those comingin the other direction covering the 60 freeway back to the port so it gave us a lot of opportunitiesto look at new things. okay the future, but no one came in a truckor a plane or a locomotive i don't think here so i'm going to talk a little bit about automobiles,and in the future we hear very commonly "ai"
is everything right? i mean we're using it in everything we seetoday, if you're in that area of engineering there's a strong outlook so i'm going to talkabout the passenger car in particular harmonious mobility network that's what toyota down hererefers to they talk about society with great freedom a green society they talk about revolutioneeringyou know changing how the communities in land use is going to be. and i've been involved in transportation sincethe 70's and the main thing i can tell you is that what you're going to see in the nextgeneration is actually revolutionary in terms of your personal transport i mean we've beeninching along making small changes but it's
going to change dramatically and their viewof the future was shared electric vehicles that went around a city or a community, itwould be at a pad here, you would reserve it on your app of course and if the vehiclewould be ready you would drive to the next one leave it and move on, however did youknow that ucr and honda had a tele-share program that did exactly that between 1996 and 2006the program was discontinued and now what we have at ucr is sustainable integrated initiativewhere the vehicles like the bus that you see or cars so they have solar power generatingthe fuel for these vehicles they're connected to the grid and so they in time, this is whatwill happen in time, the vehicles could draw power from the grid or push power back inand those are things that people are talking
about today, not being done yet though. okay, intelligent mobility & seamless autonomousmobility. what is intelligent mobility you have thattoday, i'll give you an example what about abs breaking, how about your speed controlso there's a lot of intelligent mobility already built into the vehicles that you have today. to now we see on tv collision avoidance, youknow the ladies backing up and "beep beep beep" you know her car stops because there'sa car coming, say she didn't see with the children as you recall in the tv ad. ford tesla, bmw and others predict sales by2021 basically autonomous mobility, how much
sales, it's going to be very expensive maybe1% is what they're forecasting, but in the off-road operation i saw it in coming wheni was there in late 1990 time frame all the engines were moving around with robots, noone was driving them. so and then today if you go to the long beachterminal you'll actually see this is a robot so actually the when the ships come in with10,000 containers they're actually lifted by a robot, no one is operating them they'relowered to this and it drives off when it's running out of power and it knows it's runningout of power it goes over and gets a new charge of battery, this is being done today, andso the question is you know when are you going to see this in the car that you drive, whenit's on road there is quite a few more safety
issues so one of the things that they're actuallylooking at this is dr. barth's work at ce-cert, so he's looking at connecting these vehiclesto signals, it could be round-abouts or something like that, so theres a different type of communicationthat you that the vehicle is doing, or in the doe world it get's even more complicatedand as you can imagine it is hard enough watching cars when you just have one vehicle, can youimagine having a whole fleet of vehicles entering an intersection and how they're talking toeach other and getting actually the optimal, being safe, better mobility and lower environmentalimpact. so these are things people are working onnow to be practical in the university, i mean if you look at apple or google we know thatare working on this they have bank accounts
that range you know in the 50 billion dollarrange so put a team to work on this , you know they are putting effort and there's jobsthere for people who like coding in this area but the main thing is we tend to look at smallerprojects, theres a slide that's missing... okay the way that ucr is doing their projectsdown here the national center for sustainable transportation is actually a partnership betweenall of these universities funded at some place in the order of i think it's around 10 milliondollars for 5 years and but thats the only way, you can't do these problems working ina silo you need to have teammates just like you are learning in your classes here so thatyou can work across these silos so and then present practical solutions.
one of the funding parts for ucr is the californiaaries sources board and i end the talk showing that this is an important change this is incrediblethat california aries sources board has decided to relocated their el monte facility to universityof california the governor in january of 2017 put in 413 million dollars to make that facilitycome about so that's a significant advantage for us and obviously we'll present a lot ofopportunities for discovery... and now for the academy awards, we have of course studentsthat do all of the work and usually smiling but not always anyway thank you very much. alright, with that said theres obviously bothdr. barsanti and dr. miller mentioned vehicles and a lot of sensors and the need for basicallyprocessing a lot of data and so that's a really
good seg-way because our next speaker worksin this area dr. vassilis tsotras, if i can pronounce that right, is a professor in computerscience and engineering here in our bourns college of engineering at ucr his researchincludes data bases, data mining, artificial inellegence and in fact he's co authored abook on advanced data base indexing, he got his bachelors in electrical engineering fromnational technical university and then got his phd from columbia university. so i was asked to give an introduction to the work we're doing at ucr in big data researchand we have actually a very large group of faculty that works in this area a very stronggroup.
professor laguy... etc and myself and i know more faculty inmy department and else-where that work so i will try to cover some of their research. so looking at these pictures i thought tomyself you know i know to become a member of this group you must like the color blue,because you see in all the pictures, and this was not political, and you must like workingwith data. we all live in a world where big data is everywhereand you know your twitter and your messages and everything creates a lot of data, butactually what will happen in the near future is that we will have even more big data becauseof the invent of things, so i thought, whenever
i give a talk about big data, people ask whatis big data so i thought to to say how big is big data and at least for myself and youknow this question gives many answers but for myself big data is not something you canfit in one computer so thats not big data and you know computers now have a lot of mainmemory this is not big data its also not big data even if you have many computers but youcan fit your all of your data in the main memory of those computers thats still notbig enough so what we consider big data is something that you really ned many computersand lots of disk space because its data is terabytes and more right and so you cannotfit it in one. so when we stopped working in this problemwe show that people working with big data
technologies actually in order to solve theirproblems they use different technologies everyone probably heard about rapid use and hadoopright so this is a very easy way that you can you know use a paddle of technologiesto you know work with your data, but sometimes its not what you need data thats stored therebut you want to use just some other technologies like calling stones like cassandra and soon or you want to to cure this data with efficient ways and easy languages like hive, so whatyou want to do is you try to connect different technologies with tape and chewing gum andtry to find a solution, so when we thought about that we thought that maybe there isa better solution we start the project funded by nsf with evaders grants called asterixdb this is in collaboration actually with
my colleagues at uc irvine and we thought,can we use parallel technology and you know information, research from hadoop and thesekinds of technologies but also can we also store data that some only columns in the glacier,or same structure data... and that lead to a system that we built asterix db that canactually try to solve all of these problems that you would hear if you tried to use differenttechnologies in one place. so we take your data and we store it we indexit and therefore it is very fast and you can cure this data and for example put it to useto through all of your data to this and cure it here if you index the data you can curesto taxes only the part of the data that you want so it is much faster.
the kind of start of this project is actuallyup and running it is an open source it is an apache project and it has about 250,000lines of code so it's really ariel system it's currently used by various universitiesfor educational purposes and it's actually being evaluated by the industry by a companycalled couchebased being the main way to store and process data. so after this project we help a lot of ourstudents to get involved with big data and what will be next, so the next thing thatwe thought is okay you have big data, you make it active and what do i mean by that...imagine a scenario where you have collected a lot of information you've stored, very usefulinformation but also there is data thats coming
in to you as streams so consider some to thecommunity that says you know, let me know if there is an emergency near where i am nowand if something likely is happening tell me what i can do, so tell me where i can goand find shelter this is a very complex skewed because it involves information that you havealready stored which is information about shelters, but it also involves informationthat is live, coming to you as time goes on or you know emergency in the next block rightso this is a very difficult problem so thats what we call active data your data becomesactive and it becomes active, it can give you notification and we move this to scaleright, you want to be able to do very complex securities and send notifications to millionsof peoples about you know data that can be
in the terabytes and so on.. so we thoughtthat okay yeah thats a good title big active data but then we said okay what is that, sochanged the title and we said lets call it building bad system, but it didn't sound verywell so what if we change it and call it breaking bad, right so thats, we have actually a slideabout this idea and that i'll explain, so it's an ongoing project and again in collaborationwith colleagues at uc irvine and also from uc riverside, so next i will do next is iwill try to discuss a little bit about the research about of my colleagues and firstone is a new faculty here professor lawry he joined us this year and he's working ona big spacial data management the idea is you have data that also spacial, can you storeit efficiently can you ask questions can you
visualize the vision, he built a system calledspacial hadoop which actually has been used by very, downloaded like 20,000 times or maybemore i do not remember the number, it is a very popular system so this shows you actuallythe expertise that we have in house, one of my other colleagues professor christesiesis doing work with social and health analytics so people talk on twitter about many thingsso you could collect this information you can find out what people are talking about,are they talking about obama care and where right you can ask very interesting inquiriesthat involve health and social data. another colleague of mine who's also knewfaculty professor papalexakis he's working on how to make some of these data mining techniquesmuch faster so consider a, you can see on
the very far, you you know who is talkingto whom, and this is actually popular these days, you know who called whom, alright whotalked with putin for example right, and you may want to collect this data and find outwho is friends with whom right, now its not only if i call you it may be because i exchangeemails maybe because you know we are friends on facebook and so on right so there are manydifferent aspects of this now the more aspects you add the more difficult the problems becomesof course more dimensions in your table right so now the problems is if i want interestinggroups of people connected through all these different aspects the problems becomes attractableevery quickly right so what vagelis did was he used techniques from signal processinglike tensioning the composition to break this
problem to smaller problems that retractablein that way by doing it faster you can actually find more interesting things easier, one ofmy other colleagues professor selton who is an expert in ai in machine learning, he workedwith drs in the icu where they have small children you know typically under anesthesiaand he looked at a very interesting problem how can i find the pressure for example ofco2 in the blood not by actually getting blood from these kids you know they are under somuch, getting blood every so often right it's even more but can i measure other things thathelp me to identify that you know what is the pressure of co2 in the blood so he wasable to use historical data and do predictive modeling to identify this and this was actuallyhelping him, another colleague of mine professor
natsar does work with accelerators how todo your processing even faster how to accelerators. we do a project together that i am actuallyvery excited about we actually using fvca's to build super fast data based machines, nowthe idea there is to use multithreading which is not a new idea for hardware right, it hasbeen used in the past cpu's but with fvca's you can do multithreading in much larger scaleat the end you can do data based processing like 2 or 3 the magnitudes faster than traditional,even the best cpu's that we have now, this is in new ideas that we're almost done tobuilding the full system, on of my other colleagues professor keogh who is an expert in time seriesand data mining he's using his expertise in another field in entomology, so he's ableto find interesting solutions to entomology
problems and actually his research i don'tknow if you've seen recently a tv ad by microsoft you cannot see it very well on this posterbut in that ad one of the people there is one of this students they're are using thestuff that he did recently in his lab. i would like to finish my talk by discussingabout the new data science center who we have recently created with support of mike pazaniand actually two of my colleagues brahram mobasher from astronomy and thomas grike fromgenomics and the mission of that center is to inspire, enable and support cross disciplinaryresearch in data science, and we have various activities, you know there is a data scienceseminar if you are interested send me an email and i can add you in the list we try to connectthe community between lets say data science
like computer science statistics, electricalengineering and the applications which can be different sciences and there are many peoplehere doing a lot of work with data so we try to connect these two communities, we actuallyplaned a new undergraduate program for data science together with the statistics departmentstill under planing but is going to happen and there is already an online masters programand we try to do collaborating problems together so, that's all. you can find out a lot more detail acrossthe aisle when we are done with our panel session. okay our next speaker, and ultimate speakeris dr. julia bailey seras whose a professor
of genetics and the director of the centerfor plant cell biology in the college of natural and agricultural sciences at ucr she's beena faculty member at ucr since 1990 but i wanted to also mention she's also a recent inducteeto the national academy of sciences and for those who don't know this, any sports fanshere, its like the hall of fame for baseball football, etc... but in science so she's the, i won't use theword, okay she's the crap, alright but she's good, alright and her research involves studyingsensing signaling acclamation responses to low oxygen stress in plants her multidisciplinaryapproach combines genetics, molecular, biochemical, bioinformatic technologies so she's reallytruly multidisciplinary and has significant
implications for agricultural and our globalfood challenges, she has a bachelors from the university of utah and a phd from edinburgh,and i'm not going to delay anymore and let her come up and speak so please, okay so ipassed the first challenge and now i'm going to talk to you about the challenges that our,the focus of the research of my group and before i do i want to just re-mention thereis a center for plant cell biology here at ucr, this is a group of researchers who workon plants but also individuals coming from chemical and environmental engineering, computerscience, chemistry and other departments who work together on these really tremendouslygrand challenges which range from the type of work that i do relating to and improvingcrops and also to understanding really how
plants work... so the work that we're doingis tending to increase the ability of plants to endure differences in their climate andwhen things get hot for us or cold we move away we wrap up, but plants are really situatedin one place because of their root system, and as our climate changes because of co2production, because of higher levels of greenhouse gasses there are more floods and droughtswe all know about this, we often talk about it as climate change theres even discussionof whether or not there is climate change, but the bottom line is that the predictionsfor whether on this earth will be an increased number of floods and droughts over the nextyears of this century, this image that shown here shows in sort of a golden color regionswhere theres going to be increased droughts
and the blue color regions where there willbe more floods and these are based on numerous prediction models and as you can see fromthis image that these more or less, changes will be throughout the continents of the worldwhere crops are grown a consequence of this is that extreme weather events are going toimpact the production of crops and overtime we must then increase increase the amountof yield in context of these climate change events, and so as the population grows beyond7.5 billion that was already mentioned today to over 9.5 billion by mid century there hasto be a dramatic increase in time, over time in the amount of the major grains that areproduced this image shows you that there is something we call the "need gap", so basedon the increase in crop production overtime
this anticipated amount that will be producedwith crop improvements does not meet what is actually needed by humanity, and then ifwe then factor in the consequence of climate change impact ion productivity theres evena greater gap because of weather... and so our challenge as plant biologists is to workto improve crop yields despite these climate change challenges, the way in which we cando this is by using traditional breeding or by using more modern technologies which i'lljust call here geono-modification. so breeding takes advantage of often timesthe diversity of genes that exist within a crop, and i work on rice, theres actuallythousands and thousands of types of rice and these different rice varieties come from variousparts of the world and often times there are
genes that are gems in old varieties maybewhat you might consider an heirloom variety that are no longer present in the rice thatis grown for production but are there and are genes that can provide a solution forus theres often also times genes that are gems in wild species and these can be foundand harnessed through breeding or through these geno-modification technologies thati mentioned, i have been working with a team for a number of years to solve the problemof deep of deep floods in rice fields and these submergence events rice that’s generallyproduced are devastating to the plants when the plants are underwater for more than 7days, but we've been able to take advantage of natural genetic diversity of rice to identifyparticular one gene called "sub1" and it's
really less than one millionth of the entiredna of the rice plant that has been found that will enable the plant to endure a prolongedsubmergence event and survive for 14 days or longer. the way that this was accomplished was bybreeding, identifying regions of dna that enabled the plant to survive and in my groupwhat we did is we figured out really how this works and that's what that little box is upthere and no not only have we been able to breed but we've been able to understand andproduce new rice varieties that are submergence tolerant. perhaps the best way for me to show you thisis to show you a video that was produced by
the international rice research institutethat compares two varieties that are near identical differing only in the gene thatprovides submergence tolerance. those are the plants on the left of the screenand you saw they were underwater in this case for 14 days and here they are regrowing, therice that's the sub1 rice is productive more of it is recovered form the long submergenceevent, the other variety, is a variety that is grown most widely in the world for riceproductivity does not as well and produces in this particular experiment about half theamount of yield. today more than 10 million farmers in asiahave sub1 rice and they're using it in their fields that often endure submergence events,just because of an intense cyclone for example.
the work in is not just on flooding, submergence,but its also focused on proving the ability of plants to endure a drought, and we considerthis challenge really a challenge of understanding plant plasticity and how we can make a cropthat does well under a variety of conditions and the work that we do involves dis-cypheringthe genes that are regulated over time and space in the plant and this is a video froman experiment that was done over the summer with a team of undergraduates and two poststocks in my group where they developed strategies to look very deeply at changes in gene regulationand then to test how, using science to test how this dynamic determines how the plantsurvives and recovers from either a drought or a flood and you can see from this videothat we're working in the greenhouses and
ultimately taking this technology to the fieldand its really quite a tremendous project thats being driven by both undergraduate andgraduate students in post stocks here at ucr, and the next speaker will talk to you aboutthat team of undergraduates thats very important in this work. so in closing the work that i've just mentionedis focused on improving agriculture under situations where theres too much or too littlewater, these are really grand challenges that are of utmost importance for us to have sufficientfood to feed the world and from the talks that you've heard already today you've notedthat many people have talked about working together, working interdisciplinary, the workthat i've done also fits under this umbrella
to say that we're very fortunate here at ucr,we are not too big and the boundaries between departments are not so great, that we do worktogether on these grand challenges, and in this particular case on the challenge of foodsecurity, so thank you. that was lovely thank you julia, so our finalspeaker tonight is a fire cracker, dr. susan wesler, is the neil a. and rochelle a. campbellpresidential chair for innovations and science education and distinguished professor of geneticsat ucr, she is a howard hughes medical institute professor and like dr. bailey sara’s isalso a member of the hall of fame the national academy of science she is also the home secretaryof the national academy of sciences, so her areas of expertise include genome evolution,genetics transposable elements bioinformatics
and scientific teaching, she's an east coastertoo so i like her even more. thank you david, okay now for something completelydifferent if i can find this, i don't have my glasses on so i can't see anything so everythinglooks the same here...so what i'm going to talk about is not my research but my whati've been doing for the last 6 or 7 years which is translating cutting edge researchinto projects for undergraduates, for freshmen actually so to begin, this is a living thepromise symposium and so i thought that would tell you a little bit about what that meansto me because it's relevant to this talk, so my goal, my vision is to provide qualityexperiences for our students, for many of you so that our students will be competitivewith the very best colleges, college graduates
from stanford, ucla and berkeley etc... sowhy is this important? why do i care about this, first of all likemost of our students i am a first generation student, neither of my parents went to college,and i realized the importance of really a quality education. the other thing that i share with the studentshere is that i spent my entire life at public universities so i went as an undergraduatei went to stony brook, suny stony brook. i went to cornell for my phd and cornell formany of you is half public and half private, and i went to the public part, the ad partof the campus. then i've been a professor at public universitiesalso i spent 28 years at the university of
georgia and i've been here for the last 6years so public education is really really important to me... but the problem is thatwe have a real crisis in public education as most of you know really for us to succeedas a country we have to be able to educate people, educate more people, and provide aquality education for more people, and the reason this is critical is as a geneticisti know that intelligence is really equally divided across all the races, all the humanraces humans evolve 40,000 years ago from basically a common ancestor thats not a longtime ago, what that means is that basically we're all pretty much the same with some variation,and if we're only providing a quality education to the wealthiest in this country then we'regoing to lose.
because what that means is that the vast,really the talents in this country are not being developed, and the reason that is indanger now is because there's a huge, there's been huge cuts in money to public universities,to public education and in the, you know it's a real tragedy and so there's not, there'snot a lot that i can do as an individual but i wanted to do something, so what i did wheni came here 6 years ago was to, part of the reason i came here is ucr provided me withthe opportunity to grow a program that i had started at the university of georgia, it'scalled the dynamic genome course and it's taught in many of you have seen it it's onthe other side of campus its near genomics in the university lab building and the buildingis the neil a. campbell science learning center,
okay and it's like we're talking about emergingtechnologies this is really cutting edge stem education. so here for those of you who are not hereand this is a pretty lousy picture this is the entrance neil a. campbell for those ofyou, any of you biology majors who, or have you taken intro to biology? you wanna raise your hand, okay so the bookthat you used is probably campbell biology neil campbell got his phd at uc riversidehe came back later in his life as a visiting professor and unfortunately he died as a veryyoung person at 56 widow rochelle campbell is sitting here in the front row and we metwhen i came here and she offered, she donated
a significant amount of money to allow riversideand myself to renovate the entire floor of this building and this is sort of the honorwall at the front. the facility is very unusual, the purposeof it is to provide cutting edge experiences to incoming freshmen, okay so our labs lookvery much like research labs the equipment is equipment that is used if you go to theupstairs lab to the basically the sorts of labs as julia was talking about in genomicsor all over the campus so on the first floor and the other thing, that we bring togetherin this facility is students do what is done in most cutting edge labs, that is they workat the bench and that you see on the left side here and they also do computational analysisso both of those are introduced and then taught
to students in this exciting environment,we've had famous visitors, we've had janet napolitano we hosted her a couple years ago... so in terms of the impact the program is growingit started off fairly small with only 12 sections so this is a freshman course it's an alternativeto intro biology lab first quarter bio 20, and it's, sorry bar 5 and so we've gone from12 sections and approximately 288 students to this year we're up to 18 sections at almost,500 students what we're hoping to do is double this over the next couple of years so thatall of incoming cnass students can have this kind of experience. the way we've been able to do this is reallyto what i call bridge the upstairs and downstairs,
i call the upstairs the research labs wherethe most cutting edge science many a lot of what you heard so far is going on the downstairsare our classroom not so good right, classrooms and laboratories. the problem though is that there really islimited resources to renovate to fix up a lot of the structures so one of the solutionsthat we've come upon is ucr faculty julia has done this and several other faculty membersthey take ownership of a section what that means is that they come to the classroom andfor half of the 10 weeks they introduce the students to an authentic research projectso with our this year 18 sections we're having approximately 6 different faculty that havetaken ownership of a section and basically
they bring the excitement of their researchlab into the classroom. so what that also means is that our studentsour freshmen when they finish are essentially research ready so what they can do is thisis sort of a pass they can go upstairs and perform independent research in the laboratoriesof our cutting edge faculty. so essentially that is a way we can provideexperiences for our undergraduates that that are equivalent if not better than what manystudents in stem are getting in places like stanford and cal tech, and like i said youneed those experiences to succeed in this so what you're going to see in the postersis several of the students that have going through this course, we'll be presenting postersseveral of them worked in julie bailey sara's
lab, as i said they finish as freshmen shecomes in and does some teaching ithe course she sees students that really enjoy workingwith rice and are invited upstairs to her research lab. the last thing is i just want to thank againrochelle campbell who recently, this is an incredible person donated a significant amountof money to endow our chair, and i'm the first person to actually sit in that chair. and i think the point being is that with moneybeing cut from the federal government to education, the federal government the state governmentwe really rely more and more on private funding to support the kinds of programs that i justdescribed, so i think i'll stop there.
thank you very much, so i'd like to inviteall of our speakers up on stage so we can have a discussion... and while we're waitingi just want to encourage the audience to just try and interact with our panelists as soonas we're done with the panel discussion again we'd like to invite everyone to find out moredetails about what we're doing, not just about what the panelists are doing but other facultythat have brought their students here and have posters next door there is also fruitand snacks if you're low on blood sugar, with that said i want to just let the panel havetheir own time to give their opinions and i want to play off of what sues last commentwas, was the impact of donors and what that really means in light of shrinking fundingfrom the government, and you guys have some
microphones there so i'm going to leave itup to the panel i'm going to step away.. don't be shy.. well i guess i'll start i mean i think thatthere, we are all passionate about different things and i hope that you know everyone hererealizes how infectious the passion we have here for research and education is also recognizesthe tremendous diversity that we have here on our campus and seize this as an opportunityto make an impact that really will be long lasting i guess i'd maybe its a good chanceto thank the ford motor company who funds my chair at ce-cert and environmental engineering,so thats been a really good key to a lot of our research in terms of giving us flexibilityto do a lot of projects and support students
activities that otherwise we would not beable to do, so thats really important as well. if i can add something to sue's comment abouteducating undergraduates and enabling them to have, be head and shoulders if you willabove students lets say from stanford, i have to say that the hands on experience is criticaland i see that their are some undergraduates in here and so one thing i'd also like to,if you wouldn't mind commenting on it i'm sure each of you had undergraduates in yourlab so maybe comment about how your research impacts them and how that can be translatedinto community and nation and world, and while the shy people are deciding on who will speakfirst i want to encourage audience members, if you have questions we'll have some microphonesso raise your hands and before you ask your
question wait until the microphone gets toyou please. well i guess i won't be shy i have to saythat my career as a plant biologist and as an undergraduate researcher and that's partof the reason i've always found it very easy to have undergraduates in my group i thinkit's something that's very important for the undergraduate students and also for the mentorsin the lab, we have here at ucr several programs over the summer that brings students fromother schools often times from two year colleges or other places where there's not researchopportunities and in this way we can also attract these students possibly to graduateprograms here and it's just a fantastic opportunity that we have to have the students from ourclasses working in the lab.
i'd like to comment about the undergraduatesin the sense that not everyone that leaves ucr is going to graduate school, but thosestudents we have a lot of requests often but we're limited in funds actually to how manyundergraduates we can take and the main thing i would say is that undergraduates that docome if they go to graduate school they have some experience in doing graduate researchworking with a graduate student usually, maybe equally important is that those students thatare going into the workforce afterwards find that it is rather challenging to get positions,and having on your resume that you've actually you know been doing work in a lab and meetingtimelines and showing up and things like that you know becomes rather valuable in your searchfor a job.
so i think building a little bit on what waynewas saying and also what susan was saying, two things about the undergraduate research,for me it took me a long time to get to academia because i personally didn't see people likeme in these kinds of positions, in research positions as faculty and i didn’t have myown undergraduate experience doing research so it took a while for me to learn that thisis actually something i can do and it's great to get undergraduates students started earlierthan i got started and the other thing speaking, to what wayne said but not everyone will goon to do research but i think it's critical that we just build a more scientifically literatepopulation and when you know what it takes to get the data and where the data come fromand the analysis and all these things they
think you're more able to analyze and interpretand be more thoughtful about what you're seeing in the newspapers and things like that. i just want to share an experience i had becauseyou said how this comes back to us so when lets say i teach the undergraduate data basedclass you know i try to give whatever information i can to the students without actually thinktoo much the effect it may have on them but sometimes every so often you know you getthis email from a student that you know you had many years ago and they come back andsay "oh professor thank you for teaching me this particular thing because in my companyi was actually the only one that they knew about it" and then you know just this thingmakes me feel nice about what we are doing
here and actually i think we're doing an excellentjob and also try even harder because you know we have kids may not be as likely as otherkids i know people that you know that they were, you know coming from a very difficultfamily background and now this guy is in research and produces excellent results and you knowthat is what ucr is about.. okay, so do you have a comment , well i wasgoing to say one of the reasons we offered the course to freshmen is that theres majorproblem nation wide and students dropping out of stem so out of the, you know all thestudents that start in stem close to 60% drop out by their second year, when i say dropout its to go into a different major a non-stem major and the problem with that is that thereare so many jobs in stem, well first of all
the reason people drop out many times is thatwe introduce you to science is generally a lecture hall with 800 of your closest friends,and that's not science. i mean science, you know its like in a sensereading about baseball by saying someone hits a ball they go to first base they go to second,the way, what we love about science is not reading facts, but its doing the experimentsits making discoveries and so one of the reasons, like i said the main reason that i wantedto offer this and more and more places across the country, you know we sort of gotten ridof all the labs for entering students because they are expensive and again thats a hugeloss and what we're seeing is that you know that it's really worth it to spend the moneyfor students when they come in, to introduce
them to science and to get them to love scienceso that they stay because i think the jobs are incredible, the jobs in industry, in thepharmaceutical industry and diagnostics and the jobs are here in california, and so youknow its an opportunity that we as professors we were screwing up in terms of not sort ofteaching not bringing, showing students the passion that we have for science and so ithink thats one of the reasons why, one of the main reasons why the universities aregoing back to what used to be done, and that is introducing students early on to experimantalresearch... and it doesn't come cheap either and it doesn't come cheap either and a lotof the funding agencies don't necessarily fund this type of engagement with undergraduatesto enable them to this so as sue has mentioned
donors are critical in this case. mike i think you had a question. is this on? should be a green light there... is it on? i guess it is, it's actually intermitted unfortunately,so for the faculty here and you're all very smart those were great presentations.. why did you decide to become a professor,you could have done a number of other things? what is it about teaching in research thatdrove you to make a professor of your profession?
well like i said i mean i had a late startso i kept realizing sort of stem by step what the education that i had wasn't allowing methe jobs that i wanted to do, so i actually started out as a biology major and i causei really like fish and then i realized that with an undergraduate degree in biology icount fish i was thinking thats just not that interesting to count fish, i really like fishbut i don't want to just count fish. so i decided that, and i love teaching bothof my parents are actually teachers so i was teaching i started teaching and i decidedthat teaching elementary school students is really hard and it's just really hard andthe students don't like you and the parents don't like you and the administrators don'tlike you so i went back to school and the
real story is that my phd advisor wanted toleranthow to snowboard so we made a deal and i taught him how to snowboard and i started doing researchin his lab, and i love it, i love the challenge, i love the uncertainty, i love that now wehave the ability to deliver solutions to these pressing problems that every single day inmy job is different and i love working with students i really do, and so i always thoughtyou know how do people do this you know how do they teach and do research you know i justkept telling myself i don't know i'll figure it out and i'm super happy to be here. can i ask if any one answers that questionto also answer why ucr? so why in faculty, but why ucr?
because you're all excellent... so first of all why i became a professor iwas also i was the first one in my family to go to university and then i came to a differentcountry i did my graduate studies in new york, and when i graduated my work was little bitmore theoretical i didn't feel that good in actually programming and stuff so facultyposition was safer, so it was a little bit by luck also but you know my first positionfaculty was in new york polytechnic university its called, and then i started teaching andi realized its actually something fun especially explaining to kids things that you know tryto understand, and now why ucr it was also by luck for personal reasons, you know mywife came to this site so i was on simpatico
to ucla and i came to see the place and iliked it so thats how it happened. i want to ask charlie to answer if you don'tmind because charles wyman actually has a lot of industrial experience as well so he'snot coming coming through the proper channels he kind of snuck his way into academia so, i'm just kidding charlie so ahead. probably a fair comment, no actually i gotmy phd because i wanted to be a professor, that was my whole goal when i got a phd inthe first place, but i have, i got diverted from being able to do a simpler route by somethingcalled the vietnam war, so that ended up with an army obligation and some other things thatdiverted me into industry for a various reasons because of you know it would take foreverfor me to tell all these stories but, and
then i went to the national renewable energylaboratory and it was there, it was the solar energy research institute when i joined itand i originally went there because i really wanted to work in the area of sustainableenergy and renewable energy so after i got done with the army obligations as well assome other things i joined enrell, and basically to get experience in renewable energy so icould then transition back to university and really do research teaching in that area soits much more complicated in that but that's good enough for now and, but i think overall in terms of what attracted me to ucr i felt there was a number of things, i thinkone is the chemical and environmental engineering department and ce-cert have a wide range ofactivities and energy environment things i
really feel are important i probably did likea 6th grade project on sustainable energy when i was much younger and so i've alwayshad a strong desire to work in that area but i also felt california was a great place todo these things because california tends to be on the leading edge of almost anything,so i thought that was important and then also the opportunity to really you know i findworking with students teaching students trying to and really i think that's where my industrialexperience is valuable because hopefully i can provide some i have several of my victimsfrom mass transfer class, who hopefully i can give them some sense of why some the seeminglyvery esoteric stuff is important in the real world, so that's always a challenge though,because they haven't really seen how to use
it yet and they are trying to learn principlesthat, it may not be entirely clear why they are important. are there additional questions? don't be shy... theres one right here... hello thank you professors you did an amazingjob it was just extremely interesting to see all the presentations today, i hear you guystalking about you know the different jobs that are out there in the market place forsome of the graduates from your programs. what, you know, i'm more on the entrepreneurialside of and j. gilburg and mark levolitz asked me to come here today because they are workingthat entrepreneurial program.
how do you see developing entrepreneurs withthese particular programs? because you know in our capitalist systemyou need to have some hitters right? like elon musk is the largest cliche you canput out there but the type of momentum that is built with his capitalist approach so tospeak, of alternative energy cars is building such large momentum it makes people thinkthat there is an alternative future, right? so all of these ideas which are absolutelymind blowing to me and you guys are way smarter than i am how do you get those students whohave that entrepreneurial bug that have that drive, how do you get them to get to thatplace where they become those hitters? and they are out there in the market placemaking things up to actually make people feel
that they are living a promise there is analternative future to what we're currently living in. well i would say that you have to even goback one step, i mean this is academia okay, so academia is not a whole lot of contact,especially in the biological sciences with the real world, i mean quite honestly allof us have, very few of us have been in companies, have worked for companies so one of the thingsthat we've done in our program is we have a collaboration with the kec graduate institutekgi, which is one of the claremont colleges, my husband happens to be president there andso they prepare students for the life science industry, in bioprocessing and pharmaceuticalsand all of that, so we have a collaborative
program, summer program, where students andi think there will be a few posters in there, where students have a business project theylearn about intellectual property they learn about where you get capital, they learn abouthow you turn a discovery into a product and so that's what they are learning in the contextof this so like i said it's i would say for most of our, most of the science here thereneeds to be more of a focus on industry, because we are, we're basically products of academia,except a few of us, right. i know in the college of engineering one ofmy colleagues professor faloutsos, he's actually the director of entrepreneurship now, itsa very interesting case, he while he was a professor he started a company, a start upwhich actually was bought up by smoother company,
so what he's doing now we have a special classwhere he offers his experience about you know what he went through you know because he waslike me right, he didn't have any experience so he, students can take this class and getthe first exposure of what it means to create your company and you may have a great ideabut how you can make it and make other people believe in that and sell it and so on rightso i know there is one course there may be even more coming up thats how we try to getto that. can i, i just want to add to that, here atucr it's been mentioned the epic program, this entrepreneur that was initiated by thevice chancellor pazzani's office, so this is a really new program that is integratingwith undergraduates and graduates and if i
can have a show of hands, ho many undergradsor grads have participated in the fall quarter, i know there was a group there, i know nick,jesus have been there so this is a program where students that are interested in workingwith faculty that are patenting have the opportunity to engage with industries and start to learnabout how start up companies work, so there's that other avenue if they don't want to gothe academic route or the industrial route and they want to start their own companiesthis exists here at ucr and that's quite powerful, i don't know if you want to say anything elseabout that mike but... no but it's about time we wrap up... it isabout time we wrap up alright, well let's first of all thank all of our speakers andpanelist, so i'd just like to take time to
thank our speakers again, thank you very much! but also there's posters and food across thereso let's go there have a conversation and you can mingle with the speakers there, thankyou very much!
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