Edina Sports Health And Wellness

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Edina Sports Health And Wellness

>> we will call this meeting to order. >> we have six present and one absent. we do have a quorum.

Edina Sports Health And Wellness

Edina Sports Health And Wellness, >> next we'll rise for the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of

america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> all right. thank you all for joining us this evening. next up on the agenda is to approve the agenda.

i want to make a quick comment under community comment you'll see a business item added. and i wanted to sort of itemize that within the agenda. we're going to make that item viiid, however we'll be putting it after community comment. it is part of the finances of

the district, but we're moving it forward because our auditor had multiple presentations this evening, so they would appreciate moving forward. we'll have item 8d, approve the audit report. that will come after the community comment.

with that suggested change i'll entertain a motion to approve the agenda. >> so moved. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. any discussion? all those in favor signify by

saying aye. [chorus of ayes] opposed? motion carries. first on the agenda, item 3, recognition and awards. this evening there are none. so bring us to right to we have a three-minute limit for

speaker and a 15-minute limit for topic. for any member of the community to come forward at this time and address the board. you can just state your name. >> my name is chuck [inaudible] my topic is regarding the lockdown [inaudible]

i'll do my best to get everything in in three minutes. i have my questions and comments preprepared, which i will gladly tear out of my notebook if that's helpful. are we being recorded? >> yes, yes. >> you can reference my comments

later if need be. >> and this isn't a question and answer period, so we'll take -- >> no problem. my wife and i have been in fairbault 23 years and our daughters attended the schools here. in the days before security

measures were necessary, before cameras and so on. i'll start by referencing the newspaper article. and my first comment-question has to term with the -- has to do with the term "soft lockdown." the picture here of the notice

of the jefferson school, does not look soft to me. what this leads me to ask is, i think there's -- there needs some clarification in the community about this term "soft lockdown," and i assume there's a hard lockdown. the impression given in this

picture is that of a hard lockdown. nobody in and out, and so on. clarification needed on that. next we have this term "a potential threat." and -- oh, by the way, i have been a high school social studies

teacher, and i continue to follow developments in our country regarding politics of law, and along with many americans, i have been concerned about the erosion of civil liberties in the name of keeping us all safe. so that's where i'm coming from

i'm concerned about the concept of the potential threat. several americans have been detained and even jailed before they have committed any crime for being a, quote, potential threat. how does this term stack up [inaudible]

and are there any due process procedures in place for those who are so identified? as this man was identified by the district last week, by the police. are there due process rights to individuals [inaudible] those are --

any concerns regarding the impact of this lockdown on students. it seems to me this practice would unnecessarily create fear in some students. returning to the paper, we have a statement made that -- let's see.

on thursday -- high school to speak with administration staff where he was turned away. my question is why, was -- why was he turned away, and i'm concerned that of the general vagueness of the newspaper article.

i realize the district has to keep some of these matters out of the public eye. i understand that. but the article creates some vagueness, and i'll give you another example. we have the term "potential threat," and later on you have a

quote from the police which says "nobody made a threat or was doing anything threatening." so there's some -- there's a disconnect here. between those two ideas. the next thing i have underlined here, we have another quote from captain peterson which states he

was more of a trespasser than anything. again, this is vague. was he in fact trespassing? i think that needs to be answered at the very least by the district. so that's what i have to point out from the article.

i'll go back to the remainder of my questions. may i continue with -- i'm a little over time? >> i would ask you to please finish up in the next minute or so. we're well past three minutes. anyway, the article in the paper

does not provide much justification for a total districtwide lockdown. again, captain peterson said there was no threat. does the district have any concerns this man's reputation may have been damaged? his identity is known by a

number of people in fairbault, and it sounds like this information will definitely get around. since this man's identity was known to the district, did anyone attempt to contact him before the lockdown occurred? did this man cause any

disturbance at any time at a fairbault school? concerns at the present about this individual? thank you. >> thank you. any other community comments at this time? all right.

seeing none, we'll move on to the next item in the agenda. which is the approval of the 2012-2013 audit report. i'll turn that over to colleen and guest. >> good evening, i have a couple people here tonight. one is andy johnson, she's our

controller in the district and part of her responsibilities is to manage and perform all the tasks related to the audit report. so she's here to hear the fruition of all her hard work this year. and then we have kimberly

hillberg, she's with our auditing company, clifton larson allen, and she'll be presenting the audit report tonight. but if you have any questions, andy and i are here to answer those too. >> good evening, thank you for having me here to present audit

result the. in front of you you have three documents, a financial statement, [inaudible] what retroaferred of the executive audit summary. this evening i'm going to be covering the information in the executive audit summary and

won't be going into the financial statements in any great detail. starting on page one, we have a synopsis of the audit results. i'll give you a -- the audit opinion is a clean or unmodified opinion we're issuing as we have in the past, that

means your financial statements are fairly presented and generally accepted accounting principles. this year we did not have any findings related to internal control over financial reporting. we did not have anything in

terms of controls over preparation of financial statements nor did we have anything in terms of journal entries. i can't say i work with a lot of districts that have that type of scenario, so i think it speaks highly of people in your

business office, the work they do, not only in preparing for the audit, but putting together the information for the financial reports as well. the single audit is the federal piece of our actual financial statement audit. and any time you spend more than

$500,000, the federal financial assistance in any one fiscal year it triggers a single audit. 2013 you spent about $3.4 million, a point of reference. we tested three programs listed on your summer, title one special education and the child

nutrition cluster. we did have a couple of findings, but in the grand scheme of things very minor, easy-to-resolve, more -- a matter of dotting your is, crossing your ts more than anything else. the minnesota legal compliance

guide found the office of a state auditor has -- self different areas of state statute. when we did our work related to that we did have a finding related to collateralization of deposits at june 30th and from what i understand that's already

been resolved and taken care of. last but not least are your student activity funds. have you a separate fund document, they are prepared on what looks like a cash basis. so it's more like cash balances, what was brought n. paid out, so the financial statements look

very different than those of the district. mbe requires you report in that format. so that's kind of the guideline for reporting for those activity funds. because they report in that format and they're different

from those of the district's reporting format, they aren't gap, generally accepted accounting principles and we issued a modified opinion. it's not that you're doing anything wrong, you're just following the format mbe requires you to follow and

really the benefit that you would get from full gap statements for those activity funds wouldn't be much in compared to the actual costs and time it would take for you to prepare those statements. and then in terms of compliance for the activity, a clean report

on that. they have their own compliance guide we review and do some audit testing on relative to that. and we didn't have any findings there. so overall when i look at everything in terms of the audit

as a whole come ploy answer and controlwise i would say it's a clean year for the district. i'm going to skip over to page 3 of the executive audit summary, then just a reminder there are -- within your financial statement, the fact that spend which your

data and pupil counts won't be finalized until february or march of 2014. within the next three, four months. so everything that we have here is based on a best available information at the time, however it's still considered to be an

estimate until it's finalized by the state. so with that being said there is some wiggle room, if you will, but management believes that there won't be a significant difference between what is actually finalized and what's currently estimated.

pages six and seven then are management letters, just communications, we didn't have any control findings related to the school district financial statements for financial statement preparation or journal entry, which are the most common, and you don't have

either of those. student activity funds, because of their very nature, have a control finding related to the receiving process, the controls over receipts especially the door-to-door fund-raisers are strong, as well as what the district has [inaudible]

it's more or less the nature of the beast and every district that has these activity funds outside of board control, like what you have, have the very issue with that. more or less calling it to your attention and reminder it's been there for the past several

years, and something that district aren't really addressing in that they don't want to have students be discouraged from participating, because often times the controls would it take to put into place to eliminate the finding would be so cumbersome and complex for

students to deal with it may discourage participation in those activity funds and that's something they don't want to do. we're going to skip to page 11 of your executive audit summary. we have colored copies of a power point slide. the first slide we have is an

operation summary of the general fund for the year. you can see in total the general fund went up a little over $600,000 to a total general fund balance a little over $9.5 million. as of june 30th. that's on the far right side.

as we move to the left we have fund balance broken up into different categories. capital related restrictions are first with operate capital health and safety and deferred maintenance. separate slides for those, so i'm not going to discuss those

in great detail here at this moment. the noncapital restrictions are monies received from the state to use for [inaudible] if they don't expense at the end of the year it's required you said aside that money to be used for those purposes in subsequent

fiscal years. you have approximately $30,000 sitting in that category fund balance. otherwise you receive about $6.1 million each year in restricted money and are doing a good job of spending virtually everything you get for that.

then the far left column is what we call unrestricted fund balance, and that's made up of four different components as you can see on the column heading. nonspendable fund balance are not easily convert in addition cash such as prepays inventory. that's about $308,000 of that

9.4 million. then we have committed fund balance of $2 million, set aside for separation of severance payments in the future. and assigned fund balance is $5,000, so a little bit set aside for future use. and then the remaining amount is

what we call your unassigned fund balance, and that's the next slide. that shows historical information relative to that. that's 7.1 million dollars closed out 2013. we generally like to take a look at this in relation to annual

expenditures, because it's a good measurement to financial health of the general fund. and if we do the math, it's right around 17.25%. just shy of that, of annual expenditures. if we flip to the next slide, you can see that along with the

historical information of where you have been fund balance compared to annual expenditures, back to 2009, you can see it's been buildings. we generally recommend a minimum of 8-16%, to give acone to two-month push for operations. and you're right within that.

so general funds looks good. one thing i'm going to mention here, in relation to fund balance, because i think there's some confusion out there, is the money that the state has been paying back the school districts didn't impact fund balance. it wasn't new revenue, it didn't

improve your bottom line at all, what happened was the state was trying to balance its budget and did that on the backs of school districts and said you can earn the revenue, you can recognize it and it will fall into fund balance, but we're not going to pay you.

we're going to give you an iou and we'll eventually be good for it and pay it. it may take a couple years, but we will eventually pay it. and now they're coming back to where they are actually paying the money that you had earned all along, they just hadn't

given it to you. the money you've been receiving in effect of cash is more of a cash flow versus a revenue type scenario for you. and in 2013 you didn't have to go out and short-term borrow. you had sufficient cash to be able to pay vendors, make

payroll payments and so on and so forth. continuing on with the slide we have, the general fund restrictedded fund balance is the next slide. as i mentioned earlier, you have about $30,000 sitting there of staff development dollars.

that you can be using in future operating capital fund balance is next, one of your capital fund related balances, your general fund, just shy of $500,000 at june 30th. this gives you the ability to spend on capital. districts don't have any short

lists of very long list of ongoing capital needs, whether it's ripping projects, technology needs, whatever it may be, there's an ever growing need for these types of capital outlays. so if you have fund balance it enables you to pay for a year as

opposed to dipping into an unassigned fund balance. health and safety fund balance is next, and as you can see we're in the deficit. in 2013 as we have been for most of the historical trend in this graph, and that's not all that uncommon.

from what i understand there was an error in the levy a number of years ago and now you're getting levies to bring this back up to a positive. and a lot of districts will typically see this run in the red because the project costs -- and get the levy in future years

for that. so it's not all that uncommon to see this particular one -- some high peak and low valleys. but do you have future levy authority over the next three years to be recovering that deficit you have in health and safety.

food service fund balance is next. you can see you closed out the year just shy of $400,000. purchase about $32,000 of equipment in food service funds, and we've been seeing a lot of food service funds decreasing in a lot of it relating to the

decreased participation in the -- it's not all that uncommon. your food service fund does look healthy. it is still in a place where do you have fund balance, and as auditors of what we look at to make sure it's self-sufficient

and it's not relying on the general fund subsidy. community service fund balance is next. and you have civil different categories of fund balance within this particular slide. two very small -- about a thousand dollars and the

unassigned fund balance is but nothing that would raise any red flags or give any concern because they're so minimal, not all that uncommon before differences and budgeting and what actually happens, and costs associated with screening. it's not all that uncommon to

see some of these funds in deficits from time to time. capital projects fund balance is here more or less just historical information, the capital projects funds is starting to get closed down, you're spending your money down more or less some --

a visual of that, and 2014 you should be pretty close to being able to close that out. debt service fund balance is you can see 2012 was a highly unusual year for your debt service fund. you issued some refunding debt, and the money was set aside in

an escrow account to be used to pay off debt here in fiscal '13. so you'll see a peak in '12 and go back down in '13 to more typical levels. you refunded about $5.5 million of old debt of the new debt issued at a lower interest rate. so it's a cost savings to the

the general fund revenue price chart is next. you can see the vast majority comes from the state, almost so any change that the state makes in funding k-12 is going to have a huge impact on that general fund, and as something you're very aware of.

the local property tax piece is 8.5%, with your federal of the and the other, the 5.57. and the last slide we have this evening would be your weighted average daily membership. these aren't necessarily -- the pupil counts of students that are attending your various

school buildings, so when we took a look at actual at the close of the year you're a little over 3900 to give appoint of reference. and we weigh them out by grade level based on what the state -- you end up almost 4600. so in closing i would say

general fund looks healthy, so does food service and communicated service funds. nothing there that really raises any red flags or gives any concern. you still have money set aside for committed fund balance in terms of the actual severance

and separation payments. every district will have that at some point in time and the fact you have recognized that informally said something aside just allows you to kind of take that off the plate and know that it's there when you need it as opposed to having to use that

and like i said earlier, overall the audit was good. i would consider it clean, a few minor little things, but if it hasn't been resolved already, something easy to take care of. and then your business office does a good job of preparing everything, and i think that

shows in the fact that we don't have any controls over financial >> in your opinion compared to other schools that you work with, how would you say our district is managed financially? >> good. very well. i think your general fund fund

balance is sitting at within the general recommended guideline, 8-16%, and you're also able to set aside money for future use. and i think that's something that i personally look at, knowing some point in time down the road you're going to have retirement and there's going to

be separation, severance payments and the ability to at one point in time we made the decision to set that money aside, it just shows fiscal responsibility and financial planning on the district's part. because you know it's going to happen.

>> how high do you see fund balances go percentagewise? >> it can vary. the highest i work with is 25 or and that is a situation where they have increasing enrollment, and they just are trying to get a referendum passed to build facilities.

everything with a lot of it being enrollment driven, it's generating a lot of revenue and they're just, you know, the expenditures aren't keeping up with what they're currently bringing in for revenue. we all know at one point in time there's a tipping point when it

starts to go back down. but then i work with other districts that are as low as 4-5%, which is very, very lean. so there's a whole gamut out >> what about sods? >> currently i don't have any. actually i have a couple i was worried were on the verge last

year looking like they were on the tipping point. and managed to be able to make cuts enough to hold their own. but that's a tough situation as well, because you're always kind of got that in the back of your mind, did we cut enough to prevent ourselves from going

into sod. >> any other questions? is this a resolution, do we need a roll call? or ordinary action? >> ordinary action. >> at this time i will entertain a motion to approve the >> do i hear a second?

any further questions or comments? >> just a comment for all the work they've done with this audit and the business office, they've done an outstanding job, and i can't give you enough praise and thank you for taking the time to come up.

i appreciate it. >> you know, when we were talking with the levy, so many times people want to know the finances are being handled responsibly, and they don't realize we go through an audit every year as required by state law, and also it's good common

sense, that's what you should do with an organization our size. so it's such an important process, as long as i've been associated with the board, i'm sure before that, we've had clean audits and we've been run financially well. and i appreciate that and i

appreciate the work of the audit. so thank you very much. hearing none, all those in favor? thank you all. next on the agenda is the consent agenda. the consent agenda is approved

by one motion. there is no discussion on these items, but any board member is allowed to remove any item by request. are there any requests to remove an item from the consent agenda? hearing none i'll entertain a motion to approve.

>> is there a second? >> we have a motion and second to approve that the consent agenda. this requires roll call. mr. clerk. [ roll call ] >> the vote is 6 in favor, 0 against.

>> thank you very much next up on the agenda, curriculum. item 6, there is no report this evening. and that brings us to item vii, policy. the policy committee report, we have some minutes attached to

the agenda for this meeting. are there any further comments from the curriculum committee on any of these items? policy, i meant to say. we can just move into the items two, any comments -- this starts with a consider the instruction of a following

policy for first reading. the item in front of us terror first reading is policy 902, use of school facilities and equipment. for those who might be watching, to approve a policy the board goes through a two-stage process, first a first reading

where we look at it, then it would come back in a second reading where the board would take action and put that policy into place. this item is just up for first reading. any questions or comments on this item?

>> i would comment that we had actually gone over this policy in the summer, and after that second reading approval we had community members that asked that we relook at the policy, and the policy committee and we did do that, so we made some changes and that's what we're

bringing again to the board as a first reading. so there were some changes made since the approval in the summer. and i don't know if you want me to highlight those, or people have questions. they're highlighted within the

>> i think they largely relate to, there was lingering confusion about what types of events would be charged for and what types wouldn't, things like associations -- >> yes. >> lots of confusion there. trying to make sure the --

that we can keep costs reasonable for the fairbault associations. >> how do we spot the changes in that? >> well, the changes, and i should have looked within the agenda, are they highlighted within the agenda?

no. the specific change was about the association and they all under -- fall under class 1 of the rental fees. this was not the case in the prior -- they were under class one but

there were certain activities that were going to be charged for associations. now all their activities have been moved to class 1. and police correct me -- or we could have ann marie make comments. the associations are considered

class 1. and their activities are not being charged the hourly fee, if you look at the chart. so that was the major change. previously we were looking at charging fees for tournaments and camps. >> i still see sports

associations and events that charge admission or team entry except for summer camps under class 2. is that right? >> yes. please come up and speak, because i'm not speaking to this.

>> i going over the specific changes if you want to go to page 5 -- >> 56 in the overall agenda, just for those -- page 5 of this policy. under the first paragraph we wanted to make sure we incorporated curricular,

cocurricular, basically all of the in-school activities are just free end, first priority. class 1 we added cub scouts, boy scouts, girl scouts. we also added, that's that second bullet, bullet -- i can't count. the last two bullets under class

1, district school affiliated sports associations, practices and events that do not charge admission or team entry fees, and then also that last bullet under class 1, we added summer camps as well. there will be no cost for association with summer camp >>

i think the separation is whether [inaudible] theoretically you can have a sport association come in that's not school district associated. so that's maybe -- >> i'm not sure, could you clarify that statement? >> the confusion was under class

2, there's still sports associated -- >> right. and i still think, as i read it, that would still apply to fairbault basketball association. >> that is correct. >> when they're charging team

entry fees it would still fall under that. >> the goal here i think was to include items where teams were coming from out of district. something like tournament, teams from other districts into our community and felt it appropriate to charge for those

>> yep. do you want me to continue? i think there's a couple other additions. >> sure. please do. >> under class 2, that last bullet, sports association tournament and events that

fees, the language in the parentheses was added. we just wanted to make sure that everyone understood except for summer camp, and i believe that on page 6 under pool usage, we added language about lifeguards. we want to make sure that pool is safe for our children and

families, and want to make sure there's a good ratio of lifeguards to children. and on page 8, under tables and chairs, now i'm looking at equipment rental fees, tables and chairs, those costless only be charged to class 2 and 3. and that is it for changes.

>> you are welcome. >> any further questions about policy? this is a first reading, so if there are any further questions from now until the next meeting, you can -- we encourage you to bring those to the policy committee and have

them answer any questions you might have before it comes back for second reading. thank you very much. >> thanks. >> we didn't have a a number of policies in front of us for second reading. these are policies we looked at

last month, and they are in front of thus evening for action. those are policies 610, field trips, policy 709, student transportation safety policy, policy 710, extra curricular transportation. i would be happy to entertain

questions on any of these policies at this time. hearing none, i'll entertain a motion to approve all three policies at once. >> a motion and a second to approve policy 610 for field any further discussion on these items?

>> on the buses, have we had any report from the bus company, have -- do they keep track, i would imagine they keep track, do they report it to you? >> of the student safety -- >> yes, we do keep track of those, and we make sure that all

the students are accounted, if they're not we immediately investigate to check to see where that student may or may not be. and we've been doing this now for 30 years and we haven't lost one child, thank goodness, and hopefully our bus transportation

department is right on top of those things. >> you get safety reports or -- >> discipline reports? >> we -- you get the discipline reports. i think that's pretty much taken care of by the contractor. unless there's a major issue.

the principals will get some of the minor issues to help with the discipline, but that's the district office. >> any further questions on any three of these policies? we have a motion and second if my memory serves. all those in favor?

with the passage of these policies, we need to rescind some of the policies that were in place before this, so the policies fought same numbers with a slightly different name. so we would need to rescind the policy 610 field trips, policy 709, transportation safety, and

transportation policy. i'll entertain a motion to approve recision of these policies. >> we have a motion and a second to rescind the policies as stated. any further discussion? hearing none, all those in favor

signify by saying aye? next up, item viii, finance. a, finance committee report. we're missing our treasurer this is there another member of the finance committee who would like to give us a report? we do have some attachments. >> go ahead, richard.

>> go ahead, howard. >> we both can do it. you take the first part. >> we had a productive meeting, and discussed a number of items, including those that will be presented here shortly. one of the things we talked about was doing a survey of

families that have left the district and maybe left the -- for schoolsout side the community, and in the end we decided to leave the cabinet, leave it up to the cabinet to talk about it, bring back a proposal for us, which may eventually come to the school

board, whether or not we want to spend any money doing the survey of these parents or how we might proceed to try to learn reasons why people have left the >> anything to add? >> we're going to be talking about debt service and what's going to be coming off, what's

going to retire, also we'll be adding some paraprofessionals in the special ed department. right? some students that just moved in, they need more of a one-on-one relationship. it was good meeting, like howard said.

>> excellent. with that, we'll move into item viii-b, some of the items just mentioned. starting with item viii w-1, the debt service schedule. we have a report. >> you can take a look at it. it's a schedule of bond issues

that have been passed in recent memory are ready to expire. if you want more details, we would be more than happy to explain it. >> maybe i'll just read a little bit of this off for those who might be watching so they can have some of this information.

there are four bond issues listed here. scheduled to come off some soon, some well into the future. the first one to come off is a 2.5 million dollar capital facilities bond, currently has $331,000 left in principle and interest and will be ending

so very soon. the next item is a roughly $19 million school building refunding bond. and that one has about $6 million left. it's principle and interest, we should reduce the levy i should say by about $2 million, and it

will come off in 6-1-2015, the others are significantly further in the future, item three is an alternate facilities refunding bond, it comes off in 2019, reduce the levy by 800,000. and then another one that would reduce the levy by 2.3 million, it's not scheduled to come off

until 2024. approximately 10 years into the future. so give that information for those who might be watching. >> mr. chair. we got the one you mentioned, number two on the list, that's the remodeling of the high

school, elementaries and the new elementary, 1995. we've refinanced, but that's -- that was the bond. >> right. so it was 20-year bond, roughly 20 years. next -- is there a question?

>> [inaudible] >> within the next couple years we have a couple substantial bonds coming off the levies for our taxpayers. item viii-b, the addition of special education paraprofessionals and general education paraprofessional.

who is going to speak to this this evening? >> i'll start with the finance committee. we approved these added recommendations, and these are students that as mr. olson had talked about, our paraprofessional and we're

recommending the board to approve these paraprofessionals for the district. >> are all of these students moving into the district or newly identified needs? >> these are all students moving within the district. >> any questions or comments on

these items? >> i did have some questions. at this late in the year can we find qualified people? and she said yes. >> and she's nodding her head in the back still saying yes. those on tv who can't see, all right.

that's important. >> this is the reason why we have you to have a fund balance. approve. the addition of special education for paraprofessionals and general education paraprofessionals. >> i will second.

>> we'll let cathy sort that out. we have a motion and second to all those in favor, signify by viii b-3, the addition of one paraprofessional at early childhood. >> it's a good segue to talk about our pathway to funding,

which was given to us by the state of minnesota to help us with families that couldn't afford to go to preschool. so as a result we're able to open it up to 18 new students in our preschool. so congratulations to christine and ann marie and cheryl for all

your help, because that ended up being about $62,000 that the district received. so that was terrific. that's good news. the one thing in there too is that we do have a student that does require some paraprofessional help, and tilt

we're asking that the -- at this time we're asking the district help us with that cost. >> i'll entertain a motion to approve the addition of one paraprofessional in early any further discussion on this item? hearing none all those in favor?

item viii-b-4. the annual service agreement for chillers. there's a service agreement for chillers, with train at the roosevelt and high school. approve and a second and then i'll take questions. >> so moved.

>> ok. we have a motion and a second. the questions or comments on expertise of train was definitely above anybody in the district, and was needed. we now move on to item viii-c with a number of reports. let's start with the enrollment

report which looks to be roughly in line with the september-october and november numbers, which are as we know are down, so some people need to keep in mind as we move forward toward budgeting processes. that item? and next we have our financial

report to give us a sense of the spending to date. any questions or comments on the financial report? >> i believe we're going to renew these too. we're going to redo these charts so that [inaudible] can understand them more.

howard, can you understand it that way? >> we're going to look at what kind of reports we really need and use that might be helpful to us. and we kind of felt that we probably view this as -- we didn't adequately use the

kind that we're getting, so the question is what do we really need, so we're going to look at that and maybe look at some options. >> if you have any strong feelings about these bar graphs, let us know. next on the agenda, is the

approval of gifts and donations. so let me list those and we can move to accept them. we have a number of donations this evening starting with target in the amount of $47, for the early childhood center. from wal-mart the amount of $700 for the fairbault senior high

cast program. from the city of fairbault, with a value of $2,000, a stereo building at mckinley early childhood center, which was declared surplus property. item four, some donations for bingo, and there's a list of donations all in the range of

$10-50, and i'll list the organizations that helped with those are the depot bar and grill, family video, boston's, janet hair station, jimmy johns, taco johns, who all contributed to that donation. so we thank all of these organizations and community

members who stepped forward and offered extra support to the so we appreciate that. and at this time i'll entertain a motion to approve. >> we have a motion to approve. is there a second? >> we have a motion and a syed to approve the donations as

listed. >> can anyone explain number three a little better? it doesn't quite make sense to me. >> there's some property on the mckinley area, a shed that was actually owned by the stay that was just given to us.

the value we gave for the shed was $2,000. so at this time i am going to turn over the gavel to my vice chair as i mentioned to i think all of you before the meeting, my daughter is about to start her concert, i just got the text saying they're about to start.

so i'm going to head out so i can see her concert. and i'll leave you in the wonderful hands of mr. tom casper who will chair the rest of the meeting. i thank you all. >> have a good time. >> i'd like to thank you for

finishing all the complex stuff. [laughter] power corrupts, or something like that. other committee reports. we have section ix-a, insurance committee listed as no report for this evening. ix-b, wellness committee.

and i believe anne marie leland has a report. >> hello. so wellness, a few things happened at our last meeting. the county, someone who represents the statewide health they submitted their third grant to the state of minnesota to the

department of health and they received their grant, and we are a part of the partnership in that grant. so what they want to do is really partner with us on increasing physical activity within school, after-school programs, within school, they

talked a bit about that. and there will be money available to us and the community around helping to increase that physical activity. and possibly some nutrition pieces as well. do you have anything else to add?

ok. >> what activity do you think that will be? do you have any idea what the activities will be and what grades? >> you know, anything from buying more equipment, or more fitness --

you know the things that kids can sit on and be a little -- makes them a little more alert in class. other -- >> they also discussed doing some work with the staff around recess and indoor recess, maybe some different activities they

could engage students in. >> k-12. >>> or a certain level? >> it can be k-12 but this would be elementary. that would be a great project we could look at. >> great. we also have --

we have -- we agreed on the health fair being held at the fairbault middle school february 20th 21st. we're not sure fits going to be one day or two days, but it will be in that time frame. anything you'd like to add to

>> lots of great people, team members. >> next meeting of the wellness team will be december 4th. >> we'll make her sit down and she -- >> you're going to have to come right back. ix-c is the community education

so we're holding a special community education advisory meeting on the 9th of december. and it is to hear all of the technology plans that are developing. so you'll hear from maria hanson our district technology

coordinator and colleen cardenuto our teaching and learning director. they're speaking -- seeking community input on that process. that will be a good opportunity to have the advisory council meet on that.

and also todd mentioned the path to the early learning scholarship test 2 part, and there's a pathway one piece to this in terms of giving scholarships to families up to $5,000 to send their kids to mckinley preschool. so what christine gorman has

done, she sent out 27 application and she received 24 back. 24 out of 27. these are low-income families, hardest to serve children, and she is making just tremendous progress in getting that opportunity out to families.

so just really applaud her efforts on that. the next regular meeting of community education is january 14th of the new year. >> would you like to talk about accredit takings? we met are of as a team so kids world, our school-age care

program is going through an accreditation process which will make them eligible to receive some of the pathway one tuition. we are about the middle of the process, we have a great stakeholder team, several of us about six or seven people are meeting to really kind of

evaluate the program and determine kind of the need -- need improvements to the program. there's things such as just determining more of a welcoming space for the kids, to, i don't know other examples are just -- >> having the kids make some of

the decisions. >> yes, student-led activities. >> leadership components. at least -- lisa is leading the majority of >> community education is busy. doing lots of positive things. that is a really positive step. >> do you publish the names of

your advisory committee members? >> yeah. >> where would i be able to -- >> they are on our community education catalog, and they are supposed to be on the website any day now. >> the catalog will have them? the back page.

and that catalog is coming out soon. >> is the advisory committee fully staffed, or fully -- >> oh, yes. we have 15 members, but we will take anybody who wants to join. it's a great group of people. we just added kim anderson from

the chamber on that committee. >> there's a technology meeting december 9th. it's before a work session i believe. >> the district office from 4:00 to 5:00. so right before -- that's open to anybody.

or any of you, i should say. any other questions? >> thank you very much. item x, other matters. before we go any further i'll appeal to superintendent and other board members who might want to help me through the steps since this is the only

action item remaining on our agenda, and i feel extremely inexperienced at trying to lead but we are considering the recommendation for the 2013-2015 mape contract. and i know there's some information in our packet. is there anything you think we

ought to bring forward, beyond what we've had in our packet? >> nope. we stayed within the parameter that the board set for us, and i thought nicole did a great job of negotiating the contract with this group, and based on that we're recommending approval of

this new contract for these employees. >> how many employees? >> four. four interpreters. >> i move approval. this does not require roll call. >> you want to ask for discussion now.

>> any further discussion on the >> this is four personnel and $18,000 for two years. >> that's correct. >> hearing no further comments and having a motion and a second, all those in favor? all opposed? >> no.

roll call. mr. clerk, would you conduct a roll call, please? >> the vote is 94 favor, one i believe that brings us to item xi, other items of information. we appear not to have a student representative here tonight. so are there any school board

members that would like to present any information? >> mr. chair i attended a play sunday, and it was a great play. there was so much energy and the students were incredible. >> five or six different characters all at the same time. >> he did an excellent job.

it was very funny. i think howard went to it too. >> compliments to the directors. >> i had the opportunity to speak with mr. johnson, and one of the great things that he had to say about this experience was the number of students who were relatively new to on-stage

performing who overcame the world's most dreaded thing, and that is speaking in public, at least based on the information and research i have, the dentist and death come in second and third, i believe. public speaking still seems to be number one.

but having been a drama director for about 25 years myself, it's very gratifying to see kids reach out and stretch their limits in that way. so it's a great thing. any superintendent that you care to share? >> first i want to extend our

sympathies for -- [inaudible] kohl, her daughter had passed away, so our sympathies to her. i attended a meeting last week, where i listened to senator thompson speak as one of the gubernatorial candidates as well as other legislative things that

could potentially be on the docket. nothing is set yet. she is just finalizing the platform for the legislative session. a meeting we had with cheryl hall and superintendent richardson in northfield, we

meet on a monthly base toys make sure that she's doing what she's supposed to be doing, cheryl, of course she s. but good communication between both districts and so far things are going well. the accreditation as anne marie talked about, i'm part of that

process as well. we continue to work on that. and hopefully we can get some price breaks for some folks that are going to our kids world still involved in fairbault futures. it's a great program, that's a program within the community of

fairbault that is teaching students that are in their different leadership skills, and i get to help plan some of those events. so it's been an enjoyable year with that, working with the chamber. finally, we talked a little bit

to phil i don't know son about presenting the mmr test and also some of the other results with our el program at the next december board meeting. we'll probably start at the work session to present to the board and if we need to go further we can present it at the open

meeting but we're going to get that done in december. and that is all i have. make a reminder of some dates to remember. listed here at the end of our december 2nd, a week from p.m., we have the curriculum committee

meeting at the district office. a.m., finance meeting at the district office. also on december 9th -- well, not on this list, but trying to keep things in order, we have the community ed meeting at the district office,

and also on december 9th at 5:30, the next school board work session at the district office. december 10th, i believe a p.m., the policy committee meeting at the and december 16th, two weeks from tonight? no, two weeks from next monday

night -- three weeks from tonight, i was an english teacher -- p.m., the regular board meeting here at city hall council chambers. any last-minute bits of information we ought to share? if not, i will entertain a

motion to adjourn. >> there's a motion and a second to adjourn. we are adjourn --

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