St Bernards Health And Wellness

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St Bernards Health And Wellness

hi i'm beth carpenter and i'm a healthand wellness coach here in austin texas and what i'm actually going to be doing right now is making some raw dog food for my dogs. the first part i'mactually going to be working on is the vegetable's a combination of meat

St Bernards Health And Wellness

St Bernards Health And Wellness, and vegetables. and so what i'm actually preparing today is going to be the combination a sweet potato, apple,

zucchini, and celery. celery and apple are probably the two things i consistently put ineach time that i make their dog food for them. this whole journey in getting around to making dog food asopposed to just purchasing it really began because i have large dogs and so the cost of buying really good raw dog food

really was extremely high and i thoughtwell there's gotta be a way to make it just alittle bit cheaper and so that's what began this journey of doing it. now the interesting thing is is eventhough i eat primarily raw myself i wasn't feeding my dogs raw cuz i know the cost of feeding them raw, and basically was you know saving some money and my older dog who

and i think rusty is probably 10.5 or 11 right inthere. he had since he was a puppy had tohip dysplasia and so he would have some some pain and even though i had a really good dry dog food that had no grainor anything in it, and i gave him some natural supplements that wouldreduce any sort of problems with the hipdysplasia

that worked well for a while but he started am gaining weight and i wasn't over feeding him, and he was trying to get some fattytumors and stuff. and then hip dysplasia you got so badthat all i could do was resort to medication,prescription medication from the vet because he was even crying in pain when he was just simplylying down. and so i went, omg, and so then it actually got worse still

and probably think it's been a year now i thought iwas actually gonna lose him. i thought really he's too to young even though he60 pounds he's still too young you know to make a transition and to be so painful. and so let me just see what happens you know if i convert him to raw, he actually at this point wasn't even eating and so for three days he wouldn''t eat, and so after that third day i putsome raw food in

in front of him that i actuallypurchased. and he ate it, and enjoyed it, and the interesting thingthat actually did occur is here was this dog that was slightlyoverweight and but had never really overeaten whatsoever not only was helosing weight but his pain he was going away. and the fatty tumor

that he had was disappearing and so i was really ecstatic about it so i had him on raw but i still had myother dog eating the other way at that time nowthey're both actually raw now. i actually do give her a little bit of dry food and she won't chew on bones but herteeth seem to need a little bit of crunchiness so i give her a low bit. and what's happened to as faras their temperaments go even though they'reboth really sweet dogs, there seems to

be just more of an ease in their living, a a peacefulness as well. so i'm reallypleased with that and so after buying raw dog food fora while i went oh gads, okay let's see what we can do toreduce the expenses and so that's how thisjourney began. so what i have here is a food processor and i'm just putting the vegetables inhere i'm actually getting grind this down alittle bit before i

add the sweet potato because as youcan tell it's pretty full. we're gonna start there first becausethere's a couple different parts to this but if you take the time to do this ityou know it should just be once or twice a month that you spend time making dog food and i am if you just turn this on it's not gonna work very wellyou really need to pulse it so it creates a chopping action as you can see it is starting

to chop but you have to continue to pulse it until it pulls what's on top all the way down so we will keep going now we are getting it chopped better and it's turning into a mush (laughs) okay which is pretty good let me goahead and give it a little bit of a stir makesure there's no big chunks left in here it's okay if there's you know somepieces but no big chunks rusty will eat just about anything that ifi was to him

leave any big chunks and especially if it's like green my dog, hula, will actuallypick it out and set it next to her dish so i do have to get things polarized a bit more because of her.i what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and take out aportion know that and put it over here because i prepare the vegetables and let after i get the vegetable done that'swhere i began to

add some nutritional supplement type things to it to add more nutrition to it and thenonce that's mixed really well that's actually when i add in the meat and i have different variations on what i mix for vegetables i told you for today i got zucchini, apple, celery and sweet potato. so let me just go ahead and scoop outsome of this, gonna make room for the sweet

potato in here okay alright so let's go ahead in get this sweet potato in here now from here i'm just gonna go aheadand cut up the sweet potato in here and i actually do buy organic vegetables and once in a blue moon i may not be ableto find what

i want that so rare at least in thispart the country here in austin it's just so easy to find whatever it is that you mayneed that's locally grown and organic so we're fortunate to have that available to us here. the one thingabout making dog food which you will also see here in a minute is it really does help to keep you more fit and keep your heartstronger too

in some in the most more indigenousareas it's actually interesting because you know the the women are the man or whoever isdoing the cooking if they're in the kitchen and you know grinding things and cuttingthings are using this upper body there i'm no only helping the lymph tomove but they're also helping the heart as well alright

where's my lid. here we go okay now we'regoing ahead and stir this just a wee bit to help it and we're going to go back to pulsing just like what we did before okay let's see if this is in good shape here or not make sure there's no really bigchunks doesn't look like there is maybe a couple pieces that are bigger once again rusty doesn't care about, but hula sure does

(laughs) alright let's do a little bit more pulsing yeah we've got this part done here also skoot this stuff out the way here alrighty so now i can go ahead and get out allthese vegetables as you can see the first part is green and now this is orange, you know we're gonna mix all this together and i actually normally more dog food than i

actually be doing tonight and i go down to sprouts usually when meat is on sale cuz i like to to buy it on-sale, their naturalmeat. and dog food was needed and it wasn't onsale i didn't get quite as much as i normally do butwe'll get to the meat portion here in just a minute so it's at this point we are going to a series

of mixing and get the vegetablesgood in mixed cuz each stage if you're mixing stuff reallywell it makes it just easier alright now we've got vegetables really mixed in now i'm gonnabe adding the different supplements ornutrients to the food some of it will actually seasoning too and that way its not just vegetables and meat butthere's also

nutrition from supplements becausethey do that actually in the raw food that you buy just like if you're buying dog food youcan buy and like doggy vitamins and given to himwell this way you don't have to buy all those extra things because you can have it all in one place i'm a little bit low of on the parsleybut i have some extra i like adding parsley parsley is real interesting. alot of people consider it to help with

freshening breathe. you can see i have lots of parsley because i buy organic i have a site that's linked on on mywebsite (i think i better do it it this way, so i don'tspill too much) that where i can get organic herbs andstuff. parsley lot of people use just simply you knowas a garnish or breath freshener but parsley actually helps against cancers as well like any sort a malignancy in the body

so by having at that also allows forsome super green my counters are clean so i'm actually can just toss that in therelet's go ahead and add spoonful and so we've got parsley in and sometimes i use a poultry seasoning. i'm not usinga poultry seasoning today i'm actually use a vegetable broth that is all natural just to add andmore flavor and more seasoning

i can give you my measurement later okay and i actually do add salt to it if you're using a natural salt andactually has a lot of minerals in it. i'm specificallyusing celery salt for the additional minerals in it aswell always use natural don't by any meansuse like morton so i was probably like a teaspoon

which is no, no big deal. so next we are going to add in here this is some organic garlic granules once again one of the nutritionalsupplements that people actually buy for their dogs is garlic with with brewer's yeast in their little chewy things and dogs absolutely absolutely love 'em

sometimes it makes them a little bit tutti but it happens so the next three things and i'm going to add here is vitamin c, a whole food source ofvitamin c, and bone meal and if the meat that i had purchased had been meat that had bone in it where i couldget the whole thing ground i wouldn't be buying the bone meal

but because that's not the case i'm adding some bone meal in there and i've been able to for years to prepare food and cook without measuring so for me this is no big deal i know what to do here. this other iscontainer that i've just filled over and over and over but it is nutritional yeast so it's alsogoing to give lots of flavor and it'll help

supply a lot of b vitamins to them as well there are other things that are good to add to their food but when they've been in it and frozen and thawed for a while it doesn't necessarily have the best tasteand that would be msm and and certain super greens so if i'm using some sort of supergreens i would just sprinkle it on top of their food along with the

msm so as you see i'm mixing it up because it needs to be blended well before we add the meat okay now that that's blended and i'll goahead and get the meat in there but let me go ahead and clear the counter spacea little bit okay now that i've cleared the counterspace. i'm moving the bowl right here i may get the meat out, and the meat i haveis an eighty-five percent lean natural

beef and ground chicken today sometimes i use beef and turkey occasionally for instance like around thanksgiving you can get fresh turkey that hasn't been frozen and if the butcher will grind thewhole thing for you then i'll do it with just like the turkey andthen i'll have some other variations in it as well i gotta find the meat now.

great i'm back i found the meat and it was inthe other refrigerator. let me make sure this didn't leak out at all - nope - okay - good if it does i'll you know wash the bags and i personally don't like to necessarily have to meat on my handsso i have gloves specifically for mixing the meat i know a lot of peoplesay we'll just use a spoon and yea that's okay to do

now that i've gotten the meat - like i said ihave the special gloves that i use for for mixing the meat and even though they were yes sterilized after each use. i go ahead and wash themagain because i'm gonna be mixing, i'mgonna be kneading the meat and the vegetables together and this is one of the reasons it helpswith this whole chest, heart, lymphatic and breast area

because of doing this so we're going ahead and start with getting the ground chicken in there, whenever i get the package open sometimesthey can be particular come on, get off there i can hear them out there barking. theyare hungry they're saying it is way past dinner time, let us in now just because i feed them raw doesn'tnecessarily mean

that dogs are gonna live a longer lifethey could or they couldn't and as you can see i'm gonna go ahead andstart mixing some of it now if i get the meat in i mean the beef and this is probablyabout 2 1/2 poundsground chicken and i have over here 4.5pounds of ground meat and am just keep the mess down a slide myfingers outta here

but what it does do even though it's notlike oh you're gonna extend the life of your animal by several years or anything it allows for their life to be better, their joints work better, they don't have tumors, they don't continue to decline in such ahorrible way that you see and that part is neat you know seeing the life in them andknowing that their they're happy and their body feels good that's what makes all the difference inthe world and

maybe if you do it for them you will do it for you not that you want to eat this unless your carnivore it probably be really really good. actually tellmy hands then if he's lying me from pull out some other dog food andjust make a patty and and cook - he hasn't done it yet so here we go we have got, let me set this spoon here come on, down, as you can see there is a lot to meat

and i'm really working my fingers and mywrists and my arms this is helping my biceps and my triceps and my heart - and know that as you'remaking this to think happy thoughts if you're going oh gross this isdisgusting and then you're putting that energy into your dog's food and you don'twanna do that just like when you're cooking in the kitchen for somebody whether you're preparingraw or cooking it doesn't really matter it's about theenergy that you put in it

one of the interesting things i thinkabout that reality show with that chef, only watcheda part of it like two shows one time but all that yelling and all of that anger around food doesn't lend towards good digestion nor the bodyabsorbing the nutrients that just passes angry energy on to whoever'seating that food the stress that's in those kitchens arejust like crazy i'm hoping they'll change that

so as you can see with the combinationat the meat and the vegetables you're actually getting quite a bithere and as you're moving your hands throughyou can see where there maybe chunks of the meat is still needsto be broken up and mixed in with the vegetables and then once it's really really wellblended then i actually spoon it into baggies and the cool thing about doing that isalways make sure the baggies have oh, 4.5 to five

ounces in there and that way for for my beasties that works along withthe second part of the the raw food which i'll show you here injust a minute. alright, i think we're getting close to having thisfully blended this also makes it really easy for when the house sitter comes - youknow you just pull out in the morning a couplepackages and set it in a bowl in the fridgeand let it defrost thru day alright i think, i think this gonna be good enough

we're gonna see and you can see this is why iwanna wear gloves i can put purple energy in their food they're gonna be happy campers and i'll at least do the immediaterinse off of these, i'll clean them up a bit more here when i'm all said and done, let's atleast get a layer of grime off yeah, most people just sit around andwatch tv and

complain about how they want things tobe different and that they don't really do anythingto make different real this is about making real okay, just set these aside here for the momentand i actually do my hands too even though the gloves are stillpretty sealed, there is no holes or anything in them, i justlike to go ahead and get that done and go ahead and get somethis

just wiped up. i'll wash the towels in a minute now this next part here is beginning to put this in the plastic bags and iactually do have a scale so i can weigh some are too light or some too heavy - then i can adjust it - and i don't care really if its 4.5 ounces or five ounces and just somewhere between that 4.5 to five ounces seems to be good because most of the time peopleover feed their pets just like they over feed themselves

so what i've done is open up a bunch of plastic baggies and i'll spoon insome the dog food. and it's pretty easy - i mean it's basically just you know a spoonfulhere and i'll actually grab the the scales i shoulda brought them overand i just didn't and i'll show you - it's real easyalright the scales do you have to be on a flat surface so i'll scoot this up and turn this

on so it's gone to zero here and i justplace it on there 4.5 - one spoonful so there you have and that is what i add like i told you there's a secondpart that i add and that is too add more substance and more proteinto their food still is i actually sprout lentils that would be technicallyconsidered raw and once they been sprouted i actually steam them for like fiveminutes tossed them with some olive oil

let me grab them i had just couple days ago sprouted some you can take a look at them here what i do is add a cup of lentils to the packet of 4.5 to five ounces of meat, and sprouting lentils is reallyreally easy - i take two cups of dried lentils and theyare organic and i cover them with goodfiltered water in a big bowl

and then i actually cover it with areally thin linen dish towel, and then i stick it ontop of the refrigerator because that little vibration and warmth is reallygood for sprouting them and what you do issoak them overnight then drain them the next day andyou just rinse them twice a day for a couple days and allthese little tails that saw in here those are the sprouts, so it's likeactivated so there's a lot more nutrition because of the sprouting and then ijust steam them in a steamer

like i said i toss them - if i want toadd some seasoning i can and that we have put a cup in their bowl along with a spoonful of meat and theyare very, very happy so if you wanna add on top some msm which is really good for their joints.

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