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Family Health Center Battle Creek Mi
(uplifting music) boy: (shouts) read all about it! read all about christ's return! read all about it! i'd like to see the viewfrom up in those clouds.
Family Health Center Battle Creek Mi, woman: you will soon enough.we all will. boy: (shouts) read all aboutchrist's return! don't forget your paper! man: i'll take a copy, lad.
so, people find intriguein the news of the lord'sreturn? well, people want to hear aboutthe end of the world, sir. (townspeople chatter nearby) (coins jingle) boy: read all about it! (artillery fire and explosionsecho) man: (shouts) captain miller,sir?! man: (shouts) no! no more! (explosions and shoutingcontinue)
man: captain, we've gotno more rounds! captain?! captain?! captain miller?! (gasps) (breathes rapidly) (reads) “but how conceivea god supremely good, “who heaps his favourson the sons he loves, “yet scatters evilwith as large a hand? “a god came downto lift our stricken race -
“he visited the earthand changed it not.†(pig grunts) the children have asked for you. will you take them some breadwith butter and cheese? yes, my dear. (sighs) and what are youthinking about today, mr miller? voltaire. voltaire believes there isa supreme power. but he does not accept that godhasanything to do with uspersonally.
i...survived that battlein plattsburgh, lucy and... ..i have to know why. and voltaire's wordsprovide no answers, then? (indistinct chattering) god reached down to thebattlefieldto...meddle in the lives of men? it goes against reason, william.it's not logical. if you had seen the shellsand the blood that day, you'd know the only explanationfor our victory was some sort of divineintervention.
and what of the men and boyswho died around you? was it the hand of godthat put them in the grave? i don't have the answerfor that, abner. all i know is i should be deadand i am not. perhaps the bible has an answer. come now, mr miller. the bible is an ancientfairytale.you have no proof of itsvalidity. william: you don't have proofto the contrary. both views require a leap offaith.
surely one demandsas much attention as the other. so, now an ancient textis your authority on all things? it just may have the answers iseek. well, i'll tell you what i seek. another pint. william... hello. we need a ministerfor today's service... (indistinct conversationcontinues)
(church organ plays) abner has fallen ill. - oh.- so, they... they've asked me to read thesermon. and your response was...? this is what i getfor speaking in front of mother. i told her that i would nextreadthe sermon when elihu was away. she...must have toldone of the elders. “indeed, all parentalinstructions,unless enforced by becomingexamples,
“will expose not onlythe truths taught, “but the parents themselves...†“many remained hardened, “thoughtless of god who createdthemand of jesus who bled to redeemthem.†(man coughs) “be not deceived, belovedparents. “if you would train up yourchildrenin the way they should go, “you must not merely instruct, “but your actions must corres...
“..corres... “..your actions must correspondto god's calling on your heart.†(whispered murmuring) (reads) “for god so loved theworld, “that he gave his only begottenson, “that whosoever believeth in himshould not perish, “but have everlasting life.†“i have loved theewith an everlasting love, “therefore with loving...â€
“i am the lord, your god,your saviour...†“so christ was once offeredto bear the sins of many, “and unto them that look for himshall he appear the secondtime...†“and if i go, i will comeagain.†little one... what is it? the baby bird is dead. oh... my sweet child.
there, there. it's going to be alright. no. it's not. come. let us lay this gentle creatureto rest. papa... ..i don't want to die. oh, my precious one.
mmm. you will yet livefor many, many years. but... ..each of us must one daypass from this earth. aren't you afraid of that? not anymore. for i have found a friend injesus. “august 16th, 1818. “now, after two years of study,
“i am satisfied that many ofthe prophetic promises in thebible “have been fulfilled. “i must wonder, then, “why not the promiseof his second coming?†lucy: back to daniel's vision,are we? well, speak up,so the whole family can hear. “then i heard one saintspeaking... ..“'how long shall the vision “'concerning the sanctuary andthe host be trodden under foot?'
“and he said unto me, “'unto two thousandand three hundred days - “'then shall the sanctuarybe cleansed'.†hmm, that's a long time to waitin daniel's day. more than that, i think. the sanctuary hererefers to the earth... ..and... the sanctuary refers to theearth and the cleansing
must be the...cleansing of theearth after the second coming ofchrist. if each day represents oneyear... william, what is it? christ is coming. the glorious appearing, yes. some day. our blessed hope. lucy, you do not understand. if...
..each of daniel's days is oneyear, and...then the 2,300 days will be 2,300 yearsuntil the second coming ofchrist, and the time period begins at457 bc, as indicated in daniel 9,and confirmed by historians, then that brings us to... ..1843. my saviour from plattsburgh iscoming. 1843.
(clock chimes) (clock ticks) william? william, my love? - (groans)- come to bed. (sighs) the bible holds the answerto the timing of our saviour'sreturn. god's word has lastedthese many centuries. it will still be there in themorning.
can you believe what the lordhas shown us? indeed. i shall never again doubtthe faithfulness of scripture. “thy word is a lamp unto my feet “and a light unto my path.†(horse neighs and snorts) man: just... lucy: what have they hit? i'm unsure.
whatever it is, it will notmove. lucy: mm. the ground is as stubbornas the man who holds the title. lucy... i have explained my position. the baptists, the methodists,the presbyterians, they all believethat christ will return at the end of the millenniumforetold in revelation. as if...we could usher ina thousand years of peace on ourown!
if these many years of studyingthe bible have shown meanything, it's that christ will returnto cleanse the earth at the beginning of the thousandyears, not at their end. this must go beyond just ourfamily. you must tell others, william. i am no theologian. nor has anyone asked meto be the watchman. is that so? (sighs) lucy...
..i'm a gentleman farmer. i shall soon be 50. i'm too oldto take on such a challenge. and “how, then, shall they callon himin whom they have not believed? “and how shall they believe inhimof whom they have not heard? “and how shall they hearwithout a preacher?†i shall make a covenant withgod. i shall speak if i am asked. well, it's your choice. are you the rockor are you the plough?
and how long will it bebefore someone steps forward and asks to hear your wisdom? (knock at door) lucy: come in. - irving.- aunt lucy. to what do we owethis unexpected visit? uh, the pastor of our baptistchurchhas been called away. so, mother and father werehopingyou could speak in his placetomorrow. they thought you could ministeron the prophesies
you've been studying in thebible. william: i'm not a theologian, nor has anyone asked meto be the watchman. lucy: are you the rockor are you the plough? and how long must it takebefore someone...? william: i shall makea covenant with god. i will speak if i am asked. no! god! no!
i cannot preach! i'm not qualified,nor am i a watchman. i beg you, do not put thisburdenupon my shoulders! send someone else! (sobs) but i made you a promise. how can i do less now? can i deny the only one who hasevertruly forgiven me my failings - who has saved me from myself?
(sighs) i cannot. as we know, there is muchevidencein daniel's vision that the cleansing of thesanctuary is symbolic of christ's returnto cleanse our suffering earth, which we have ravaged with warand sullied with sin. but the proof is strongthat daniel's vision began 457 years before christ. now... ..take 457 from 2,300
and you are left with1,843 years after christ, when the vision will befulfilled. the conclusion must bethat some time about 1843, our saviour, jesus christ,will come to take us home. (gasping and murmuring) i think your brother-in-lawhas gone mad. my dear friends and family, are you prepared for this greatand important event? are you ready for jesus toreturn?
here... ..here is strong evidencethat the time is not far off. remember the old world? they thought noah was a maniac,but the flood came. be warned - fly to the ark, take refuge in the beautifulpromiseof jesus christ, who said, “i will come again.†..and what i say today, i hope that we cancall each other friends.
because i have found a friendin jesus. (music plays over dialogue) lucy: must you reallybe off again tomorrow? yes. to exeter. hmm. when will you be back? i will pack provisions, but i want you to restand take proper care. it will be so.
are...you disappointed in me? how could i be? you are answering your calling. i sometimes...wish thingswere different. soon, our saviour will return. how different heaven will feel. if we have the correctunderstandingof the 70 weeks - that a day represents a year - and the vast majority ofchristianexpositors agree on this point,
including the great physicistsir isaac newton, then the conclusion isunavoidable. the vision of daniel's 2,300yearswill be fulfilled about 1843. we...we cannot serve twomasters. (murmuring) we c... ..we cannot lovethis present, evil world and, at the same time, servegod. while we may flatter ourselvesfor being righteous -
and i'm as guilty of thisas any man... (footsteps recede) ..we may soon learn,to our everlasting shame... .. that we are wretched,poor and blind. (loud muttering) (bell tolls) man: oh, brother miller?brother miller! joshua himes. i sent a letter last month,inviting you to my church inboston.
ah... hello, brother... himes. joshua himes. well, i...i've preachedtemperancefrom liquor and abolition ofslavery, but never has my flockheard a message such as yours. how soon can you make it toboston?two weeks? boston? very well. we'll make it three. (chuckles) uh, the good pastorhereknows my background. you...want me to come to boston?
chardon street. the eighth. deliver the messagethat you preached here today. but i am just a farmer. well, a farmer with a messagethat must be heard. we will await your arrivalon the eighth. who is that gentleman? that's joshua v. himes. he's a force to be reckonedwith. he found his voicelobbying for temperance
and almost single-handedlyorganisedthe abolitionists of boston. you know his church? aye. aye. the chardon streetchapel. oh! it's a sight to see. calvinists and dunkers, muggletonians and agrarians, quakers mixed with unitariansand philosophers - they all come to seize theirmoment. it's a place where people cometo preach, pray and...
..protest. it looks like you're going tothe big city, brother miller. william: therefore, if all ofthese events have come to pass, should we not also expect thefulfilment of his greatestpromise? and, so, in conclusion, i believe the bible is clear - jesus will returnin but four short years. (gasping and excited chatter) you were even better thanthe morning service, brothermiller!
(laughs) yes, good. you rest. tomorrow, they'll be backto hear some more. the power of your messagecannot be denied. 'tis not my power, joshua,nor my message. 'tis god's truth, deliveredthrougha humble mouthpiece. yet how thrilling the messagethat comes out of that mouth! papa says you foughtin the war of 1812. a shell exploded no furtherfrom me than your mother.
i thought, certainly, it was myend. (imitates explosion) aye. but when the smoke had cleared, i was spared by the powerof the loving god. did that really happen? oh, the apple doesn't fall farfrom the tree, i'm afraid. forgive my daughter herimpertinence. it's as true as i sit herebefore you.
and the next truth you shallhearis that bedtime has come. say goodnight to father millerand your papa. - goodnight.- girl: goodnight. so, you really believe thisdoctrinewhich you preach? i was lost and now i'm found. if he can save me, joshua,he can save anyone. then why hide your light underthe bushel of tiny hamlets? must baltimore, rochester,philadelphia, even new york - indeed the 17 million soulsof these united states -
not be inspired with the samehope? and what of the rest of theworld? i've laboured hard these pastyears and have seen a great manyconverted to god's truth. ..i'm looking for help. i want help. on the strength of yourconviction, i am willing to lay all i haveon the altar of god to help you. only answer me this...
will you stand right at my sideif i take this on? indeed, i will. then prepare for the campaign. if christ is to comein a few short years, there is no time to losein spreading the word. we shall speak in thunder tones, doors will open in every city and the good news will spreadto the ends of the earth, for it is here, brother miller,that i begin to help.
(clears throat) i am just an old farmer. but the scriptures have becomemy delight. the insights from the book ofdanieland revelation that we discuss today are the fruits of many yearsof my own study. and, yet, i think it isimportantfor you to know that i am not alone in myconvictions. many others across this country
now believe in these verytruths. our message is the same, for it is plain in the pagesof god's word, for all to read. and it is delivered with urgencybecause, my dear friends, the time till christ's returnis very short. yet focus not on a simple day orhour. for while these are near,so is christ. know him first. seek him first. let us love one another,
for love is from god. and those who love were born ofgodand know god. god shall wipe away all tears. there shall be no more death. neither sorrow nor crying. nor shall there be any morepain. for those things are passedaway. ellen, you must go to bed. father, just a few moments more.
you need your rest, my dear. come, ellen. let's praytomorrow you will be stronger. every morning, before i open myeyes, i pray that this will be the daythat i will forget about theaccident. i see the morning lightand it all returns. (sighs) i promise you, my dear, ourheavenlyfather has not forgotten you. i long for the day of whatfather miller spoke of inchurch. no more pain. i've never heard jesus describedas a healer before.
i've heard of his wrath... ..and his judgement,but i have never... his healing. it's so beautiful. (chuckles) (laughter and quiet chatter) i miss the old miller. his eyes are filled with heavennow. yeah, and his mouth won't stopspeaking about it.
he doesn't drink anymore. which i suppose leaves morefor all of us. ah! who'd have thought a countryfarmerwould become a justice of thepeace and then start a religiousrevolution? miller's hardly a maverick. barnaby larson'sjust returned from britain and he says that this doomsdayideais on every tongue in england, and it's spreading throughouteurope.
you don't say? 'tis true. this notion of a second comingisheard as far away as africa andindia. yes, and the alchemists thoughtthey could turn iron into gold. just because there are believersdoes not make it so. these discoveries are... (music plays over preaching) ..1,843 years after christ, and the vision shall befulfilled.
himes: as persuasiveas you were today, our reach is not far enough. joshua, you have the enthusiasmof a young man. it is both invigoratingand irritating all at once. the inquiries pour in from everycityup and down the easternseaboard. i mean, you could preachin every church from here to the floridaterritories. please, bury me in low hampton,next to my maple grove. twice a day -still it would not fill theneed.
and see to itthat my wife is provided for until the day of judgement. well, the next step is expansionthrough the printed word. publication will reachnot just one set of ears, but countless eyes per page. we shall amplify your voice. and do not say, “but i ama simple farmer. but i am a simple farmer. who asked for help!
well, i had no ideait would be like this. the papers have heaped abuseof every sort upon your labours. now we shall answer back. but on our own terms. i am a tired old man. and i'm the owner of a printingpress. look! it talks about father's message. - let me see!- “pride goeth before the fall.â€
we must not let our heads swellwith our own self-importance. are those words from the bible? those are words from yourmother. “and unto 2,300 days, “then shall the sanctuarybe cleansed.†mr miller and those who listento him suffer from a grand delusion. they claim that jesus willreturnby a certain date. yes, it's not the first time
the end of the worldhas been prophesied by a fool. nor will it be the last. i fear if the date passes, that a shout of infidelity willarisefrom the unbelievers... ..and lead many of you astray. see, the world is not going toendin a few short years. no. but it will end. and when it does... ..are you prepared, sinner?!
will you stand before the wrathof a holy god as he looks upon the deedsbehind which you cower, and shouts, “depart from me,ye that works iniquity!†then shall the hellfirelap at the heels of those who turned away because of miller's ideas. oh, so much hotter the flamesfor him. please forgive my iniquitiesagainst your name and rescue me from the evil one.
what must i do to truly besaved? mother! have mercy. have mercy upon my wretchedsoul. please forgive my iniquitiesagainstyour name. please forgive me. ellen, my darling, what is it?what's the matter? what if i have beenled astray, mother? why would you say that? i am so afraid.
mother, the preacher saidsuch bad things about fathermiller. don't you listen to any of that. but i heard. we all did! we were in a house of worship. there is no comfort there. come to bed. (coughs) your mother says that you werequite distraught last night. i was taken with such fear.
brother stockman, i know thatyoubelieve in father miller'steachings. indeed i do. as do many other methodistministers. father miller shares the adventhope. his urgency is tempered withlove. yet, now, all i can hearare the ministers who speak of burning in hellforever. what hope is there for me... ..for any of us,
if our heavenly father is atyrantwho delights in eternal torment. the very agony of your mind is indication of god's holyspiritat work in your heart. our god does not rejoicein your destruction. nor is it his nature to condemn,but to seek that which is lost. how can i be so sure? go free, ellen. go free. trust in jesus. for he will not turn his backon any true seeker.
thank you, brother stockman. do not thank me, ellen. thank the lord, jesus. and share the advent messagewith others. elder himes and brother millerhaveannounced a conference inboston. does elder himes knowthat papa's sick? we sent him a letter. greetings, friends! (himes laughs)
he well should know. he cannot travel, joshua. he cannot travel! no. no, no, no. of course not. typhoid is serious. it's veryserious. i know you have both put...great effort into this occasion. it's the first time we will allbe together in the same place, with common purpose - baptists, methodists,presbyterians -
all understanding the advent isnear. so, you shall meet them. and then you will return andtellwilliam all about theconference. i would like to see him, just togive him a word ofencouragement. yes? (william groans softly) well, hello, dear friend.how are you feeling today? (groans) not much better, i'mafraid. well...
..then i shall leave youtwo...alone,for a little while. but, joshua, only a few moments. he's not up to visitors. of course. absolutely! (door closes) are you certain that you cannotridein the carriage? i can make a marvellous bed foryouin the back, thick withblankets... - no...- ..and the fresh air would... no, joshua.
at the conference,people could come to you. i was thinking we couldarrange an area... no, joshua...this is bigger than one man. this is god's power.hundreds of pastors haveawakened. you do not need me there. yes. of course. i... you're right. you will be in my prayers. thank you.
are you absolutely certain...?i go! go now! (groans) oh! joseph bates, as i live andbreathe! - how long has it been?- too long, brother himes. toolong. (laughs) i have heard much ofyour work on temperance with the christian connection. but you have madequite the name for yourself
speaking on the evilsof slavery as well. i am but a humble servant,joshua.god speaks and i obey. nonetheless, your reputationis well deserved. is it true? brother miller could not makeit? yes. uh, typhoid fever. it is more than a shame. oh! oh, brother bates,may i introduce you to hiramedson? uh, you may know brother edsonthrough pastor finney.
oh, yes. brother finney's work on thecausesof temperance and abolition are well known. pleasure to meet you, sir.this is owen crosier. pleased to make youracquaintance. bates: i've followed miller'sideas since i heard him last yearin new bedford. as a sea captain,i've travelled the world. but today, i was transportedfarther than across an ocean.
i'm committing myselfto the advent message. edson: i feel the same call. as do i. what is your name, brother?where are you from? samuel snow, sir. i work for the investigator.i live here, in boston. you're not here,doing an exposã©, are you? uh, no, sir. now, i will admit,i was a sceptic at first.
but i have studied miller'sideas and i believe they holda wonderful truth. joshua: ah! the conference is finished and,yet,i see the discussion continues! i was just telling these goodmenthat i am fully committed. well, i'm so pleased to hear it. i'll share that with fathermillerwhen i see him. you may also share thati will put my money into spreading the adventmessage.
oh, this is momentous news!(laughs) i mean to stand behind fathermillerand his work - not to start a new church, mindyou, but to proclaim thatthe second advent is near. william: so, the conferencewas a success? they came from maine, new yorkcity,connecticut, vermont, new hampshire, rhode island! so many ideas were put forth! it was a real exchangeof thought and enthusiasm!
and we have many pledgesof financial assistance and almost immediately,we will do it again. next time, you will be a part ofit,as will joseph bates. bates. i recall meeting him lastyear. a tall fellow.did not use any tobacco. struck me as...peculiar. well, that he is, but he's goingto bevery important to us! we will have the resources now! more cities! more printing!
your words will touchmany, many souls. please, joshua, remember, it is not our work - it isgod's. of course. (uplifting music rises) now...might be the time. mm. (whispers) we can't compromise. the words of mr millerand his followers are false.
those who are seducedby his candied tongue have no placein this house of worship. so... ..you must, in the name of thelord, renounce these radical ideas. if you do not... ..you will not be welcome here,in this house of worship. you may believeyou are casting us out. but father miller'sunderstandingof christ's soon return
cannot be ignored. we must follow the word of godover the rule of men. we will not keep this good newsquiet. and if that means we mustleave... ..then leave we shall. my family feels an unspeakablejoyat the hope of christ's return. we feel love, the love of jesus. it...it lifts us up,it carries us forward. and it will guide us home.
how can they speak to us thatway? we must not let one bad applespoil the bushel. we'll announce their removalfrom fellowship next sunday. they'll be an example. our traditions must be honoured. on this holy day of communion, i would leave you with a charge to love the lord, your god,with all your heart, to keep all ofthe commandments of god,
and honour him by keepinghis sabbath holy. congregation: amen. i want to speak to him. mother... mother, no. i mean, if you must.but we're new here. i... keep in mind that we areoutsiders. elder wheeler will be interestedinwhat i have to say.
no... excuse me. i'm sorry. i'm wanting to talkto you specifically about a commandmentthat's in the bible... yeah. i've been giving it a lot ofthought,particularly about the sabbath. - yes, mrs preston.- according to scripture... mrs preston:he heard what i had to say. he really listened.
and will he change his day ofworshipfrom sunday to saturday, as the commandment suggests? he was impressed bywhat we shared from the bible. meaning...? he promised that he'd give theideamuch thought and investigate... - man: morning, mrs preston.- ..the idea more fully. and from that statement,you declare victory? saturday... ..is the seventh day of theweek.
it is the lord's sabbath. that is just so. there are those who believe that waiting for the adventand judgement day is of greater importancethan which day we worship. man: good morning, ladies. perhaps the day won't mattershortly. i've planted a seed. as a teacher, my dear,you, of all people,
should understand how knowledgegrows. read the latest newsabout christ's return! man: vegetables! william: i'll take a copy, lad. well, you have to give themcredit.i do look very handsome. why do they insist onmaking me so fat? so, how many people do youexpect? it's the largest tentever erected on american soil! it's been expanded to seat6,000!
and they are assembling, plusmore! giant tents. what next? i'm the last person on earthwho saw this coming. i think you were one of thefirst. we must be on our way. there is a smaller meetingtakingplace. i...wish to stop therefirst. but the giant tent!we are expected there. joshua, the world is filledwith expectations now. not everything follows an exactplan.
i told brother bates i wouldjoin him. ..he should be at the big tenttoo! whoa, whoa! i'm looking for joseph bates. do you know wherei might find the meeting? man: over here. bates: it is true -1843 has now passed. many of you grow anxious. you ask why our saviourhas not returned
and want to knowwhen will be our blessed hope? i can only tell youthat it is in these times that our faith is tested. when i was the captainof a ship at sea, we didn't throw ourselves intothe ocean in anguish during astorm. we held fast to the moorings. we called, “all hands on deck.†even now, brothers and sisters,let us not despair, but redouble our effort.
the bridegroom cometh. we do not labour in vain. yes, we had hoped that, by now,our blessed day... - (horse approaches)- ..would have come. and...yet these final momentsare our most precious. (onlookers mutter) i have news. let my brother speak.he comes to us with news. brother snow has truth for usfrom the lord.
let him come and deliver hismessage. please... our blessed lord has promisedus... ..he will come again... ..to take his people untohimself. now, when jesus came the firsttime, the gospels tell us “the time was fulfilled.†what time was fulfilled?
prophetic time! indeed. indeed. historians confirm that christdiedin the spring of ad 31, precisely in the middleof daniel's 70th week. now, the bible shows us that spring is the passoverevent. the day of atonement comes inautumn. and what did the high priests doon the day of atonement? cleansed the sanctuary.
exactly. thank you, brother white. he cleansed the sanctuary! does it not then follow that he will returnto cleanse the sanctuary on that precise day ofatonement? - yes!- (murmuring) leviticus saysthe biblical day of atonement falls on the 10th dayof the 7th month.
brethren, we were wrong toexpectchrist's return by the spring. according to the jewishcalendar, the 10th day of the 7th monthfalls this year... ..on october 22nd. (congregation membersgasp and exclaim) snow: we know the date. october 22nd, 1844. (congregation memberschatter excitedly) woman: wonderful! oh!
he is so certain. and you are not? setting an exact date isfoolish. no. not now, brother.we...we are not in favour here. let us hope that godwill reveal more in time. the master of the housecleaning out his own barn. this setting of a datemust have you upset. our hope is nota specific day or hour, but that christ's return isnear.
what does joshua think? we both resist. yet people are demandingclarity. i was wrong about 1843. i should not have counted thezerowhen counting from bc to ad. and what doubt did i causeamongst the brethren? so, you will not endorsea specific day? no. i will not. but brother snow's study ofthe sanctuary does cause me tothink.
well, then, you must seekthe present truth and clarity from god on this,william. the bible is clear. however, samuel snowis a trusted brother in thelord. i'll give his date overfor study and prayer. (horse neighs) my wife and i are pleasedto have purchased your property. if you don't mind my asking, where will you and your wifego from here?
to heaven. but if the end of the worlddoes not come to pass, you have a plan... the lord has a great designin store for all of us. yes, sir. absolutely. so...even the house is soldto finance the message. the children believe we arefoolish. hmm! yet you are so firmin your conviction.
the clock is ticking. god's appointed time is almosthere. you seem to have regainedyour appetite, ellen. we're just happyjust to see you this way. we're almost home. just the thought gives mestrength. until then... ..we must do everything to letas manypeople as we know the good news. (footsteps approach)
man: ah, mr white. i haveyour pamphlets ready for you. you people are turning intomy best customers. ah. good morning. so, you too are workingto spread the good news? yes, sir. james whitewith the christian connection. pleasure to make youracquaintance,brother white. i'm robertharmon. that'll be $1.20, please. - thank you, sir.- time is short. shall we go together, young man,and see if we can make adifference?
man: good luck, gentlemen. young man, our lord and saviouris returning in two weeks. the coming of the lord. please...gentlemen... christ returns in two shortweeks.prepare your hearts. oh. well, tell him he's buyingthe next round when he getshere. i'm sad for those men. you, sir... - sir, please.- thank you, my friend.
sir... william: “october 6th, 1844. “dear brother himes, “after much study and prayer, “i see a glory nowin the seventh month, “which i never saw before. “we are almost home. “glory, glory, glory.†william: come to jesus christ,
the lamb that was slain, and now lives, that you maylive. obey his word...and believe. there is no time for delay. put it not off, i beg of you. no. not for a moment. do you not want a house madewith hands eternal, in theheavens? then “seek first the kingdomof heaven,†says christ, “and then all these things
“shall be added unto you.†(stirring music) boy: then damned i will be! my ship sails tomorrowand my decision is final! i will not stay here and begwhile you stare up at the skies! bates: jesus is comingtomorrow, my son! well, when he arrives, tell himhe can find me on the high seas! joseph, please...go after him. our son will be lost forever!
do something! holy father, in these finalmomentsbefore your return, heal our broken family. have mercy on our boy. return our son to us,that we may meet you together. it is so fitting that weshould all be here together, in these last hours. we did our best, sir. did we?
thank you... ..for telling the worldbefore it was too late. and what if we are too early? (lively piano music playsinside) gentlemen, free aletill the end of the world! (all cheer) (bell continues) (final chime echoes) well...it's too badthe good lord jesus
couldn't join us tonight... ..'cause we've always got roomfor one more! (men laugh and chatter) (resumes playing cheerful music) pianist: (sings)♪ funniest thing i ever saw ♪ a little tune calledturkey in the straw. ♪ (thunder rumbles) (owl hoots) (thunder crashes)
(sorrowful music) (thunder continues) william: god's message wasnever meant to be about a singledate. all is not lost. look at themovementyou have begun. you have won thousands. and to what, brother himes,have i won them? disappointment? despair? to the truth of god's word. setting a date has now made thatappear untrustworthy.
why was i so weak to endorseone? we will keep waiting. for how long? for as long as it takes. i see you're still with usthis morning, hiram. the chickens, too. maybe jesus will comeif you fix him some breakfast! (all laugh) is this but a cunninglydevised fable, esther?
hiram, no. don't say that. there is no reality toour fondest hope.... oh, hiram... what are we to do? we need to pray. brothers, will you join usto pray for guidance? guidance? open your eyes, hiram. but this is the timethat we need to be together.
we have been deceived. do you suggest thatwe continue in this delusion? if you would just give god achance... i did that already. hiram: our father,how you have blessed us as we have waited upon yourreturn. our hands have healed the sick. our hearts have been lifted bythe sight of so many others believing in you, in the hopeof your great return.
lord, we have not lost ourfaith, but we seek wisdom to understandwhy you have not returned. we need you to show usthe way forward. accept our prayer, father,and send us your light that our great disappointmentmay be explained. all these things we ask in thenameof your loving son, jesuschrist. come, brothers. surely god has not forsaken us. owen, come with me to theneighbours.
surely they must feelthe sting of this sadness. we should all find comfortif we share in this experience. hiram. hiram! the lord is answeringour morning prayer. he gives light toour great disappointment. the early christians thoughtthat jesus came to set up an earthly kingdom,not a heavenly kingdom. after his death on the cross,they were bitterly disappointed
just as we are now. clearly, we got the date wrong,hiram. no, dr hahn, i think the daywas correct. then why has the saviournot returned? maybe we were wrong about whatwassupposed to happen on october22nd. the early christians got thedateright for the messiah, but their expectation was wrong. perhaps the same is true for us. daniel's prophecy states thatat the end of the 2,300 days,
the sanctuary will be cleansed. and what if we mistook themeaningof that word 'sanctuary'? - but the sanctuary is theearth.- is it? daniel says, in chapter seven, “and behold, one like the son ofman came to the ancient ofdays.†not to the earth, as webelieved. so, where is the ancient ofdays? in heaven. after his death on the cross,jesus became our high priest,
and the work of redemption moved from the earthly sanctuaryto the heavenly sanctuary. that would make sense... ..in the light of what it saysin hebrews chapter eight - “we have such a high priest, “a minister of the sanctuary,and of the true tabernacle, “which the lord pitched, and notman.†so, jesus is stillcoming back soon then. we just don't know how quickly.
exactly, and it's there,in the most holy of places that his work of cleansingtakes place. lucy, what have i done? you have spoken from your heartand from the bible, words that have softenedthousands of others' lives. and will they hardentheir hearts again? perhaps. and it's also possiblethat brother snow will again arrive on horsebackwith a...
..another selection of dates. what is really importantabout the message god gave you? that is what you shouldbe thinking about. “hold fast. “let no man take your crown. “i have fixed my mind uponanother time, “and here i mean to standuntil god gives me more light. “and that is today, today,today,until he comes, “and i see him,for whom my soul yearns.â€
mrs haines: keep our faithstrongin your promises, father. though we do not knowwhy you did not come, still we pray thatyou will do so quickly. for our loved ones who havegiven upthe advent hope, we ask a special measurein your mercy. give us insight, oh, lord... oh, no! ellen! ellen! what'swrong?! woman: is she breathing? elizabeth: i can't tell.
ellen! ellen! ellen! ethereal voice: i am themessengerof god. look again. a little higher. not the end, but the beginning. are you alright? ellen, i was soworried. i thought we'd lostyou. i saw things. i was taken to another place, high above this world, andi...i...
..i heard a voice. the voice spoke to me. who spoke to you?ellen, i was praying for you. - was it my voice you heard?- no. i think it was an angelspeaking. (women gasp) i've never heard anything likeit. she must have bumped her head,the poor dear. i saw the advent believerswalkingon a path toward the heavenlycity.
and as long as they kept theireyeson jesus, who was leading themto the city... ..they were safe. you are safe here now, ellen. this world is so dark. i have seen a greater worldand it has spoiled this one forme. i feel as if my strengthwas renewed today, elizabeth. i saw such wondrous things.i heard things. so you claim.
elizabeth, i've never liedabout anything. i'm not saying you're lying now. you collapsed from your illness.you are not of sound mind. - you know not what you speak.- no. elizabeth, the holy spiritshowed me a view of the midnightcry and he explained ourdisappointment. he encouraged our advent hope. there were people who didn'tlistenand they fell off the path. you had an accident whenyou were young. it left youweak.
you won't have a regular life,ellen.we understand that. you won't marry.you won't be able to contribute. but this is hardly a wayto get attention. why are speaking to me likethis? i pledge to youthat i'm telling the truth. well, here's my truth - christwillnot return to earth any timesoon, and i am done with prayergroups. - but elizabeth...- no, you heard what i said. consider me someonewho's fallen off the path.
mrs preston: with all this fussabout jesus not returning inoctober, it seems to me that i am alonein my commitment to worship on the sabbath. ah, but mrs preston, i fear there are no churchesherethat meet on saturday. hmm. if only elder wheelerin hillsboro were closer. mother, please! the farnsworths have been sogenerousto let me stay here while iteach. you'll likely offend them.
what is offensive to god is thatwe worship on the wrong day. good elder wheeler understood that saturday - saturday -is the seventh day of the week. it is written in thecommandmentsthat we should rest and keep itholy. what difference does it make togod if we should worship himone day or another? difference enough, william,to chisel it onto stone and send it down the mountainwith moses. sabbath comes to us as a gift -we cannot stop or change it.
he even used the word'remember'. even if elder wheeler's churchwere nearby, he's a methodist, and we belong tothe christian brethren. his denomination matters not togod, only that elder wheeler believesthey're called commandments. if these werebut the 'ten suggestions', we may feel free to honour godwhenever we please, or not atall. ah, the carriage is ready. we may be headed to worship onthe wrong day, but we shan't belate.
along with the others gatheredhere, i, too, was greatlydisappointed,even ashamed, that jesus did not return lastyear. i do not understandwhy he did not come, but i still believe inthe many promises in the bible that one day he will. that is why i hold fastto the advent hope. thank you, mrs cooch. does anyone elsedesire to speak today?
i choose to cast my lot with those who keep god's holysabbathon the seventh day each week. from this day forth, i pledge to keep the saturdaysabbath... ..as god has commanded us to do. and i, too, shall bea sabbath-keeper... ..from this day forward. (“in the sweet bye and byeâ€plays) “i gave them my sabbaths to be asignbetween me and them
“that they might knowthat i am the lord. “therefore, the son of man islordalso of the sabbath, “and god blessed the seventh dayand sanctified it, “because that in it he hadrestedfrom all his work, “which god created and made, “for in six days, the lordmade heaven and earth “and rested on the seventh day.†you have my word.i will return with freshenthusiasm. spending time with reverendwheeleris what i need.
what we need is a wayout of this predicament. we're penniless, joseph. where's all this sabbathbusinessgoing to lead you? i'm following my heart. i'm being convincedby the word of god. i know no other wayto test error from truth. elder wheeler shared thescriptureswith me, and i found much peacethat he is right. christ kept the seventh day.following him is most important.
i support the sabbath. and what of this girl? the one having visions in maine. i venture to make no opinionwithout seeing for myselffirst-hand. however, i would sayshe is doubtful to me. quite doubtful. we're here today,people of many faiths, gathered togetherbecause of our commitment tojesus and our acceptance of the bibleas the word of god to guide us.
this morning, a memberof our community, miss ellenharmon, has been asked to speak to us. she will share some of what godhas blessed her with of late. (others whisper indistinctly) i don't think that i can dothis. have faith. just being here is an act ofcourage. miss harmon. i was in prayer at the houseof mrs haines in portland.
i lost consciousness and i feltthe presence of the holy spirit. (whispering) i rose high above the dark world and i looked for the adventbelievers,but i couldn't find them. a voice, an angel, said to me, “look again,and look a little higher.†i then saw a straight and narrowpathfar above the dark world. the advent people weretravellingon a path toward a bright and holy city.
there was a lightbehind the believers, which the angel told mewas the midnight cry. the angel confirmed thatfather miller's message waslight, and that this date was thebeginningof our journey, not the end. and all were safe who kept theireyesfixed upon jesus, who was leading themto the holy city. some grew weary -the city was a great way off, and that they had expectedto enter it before now. but jesus would encouragethem...by raising his right arm,
from which came a wondrouslight, which poured over the adventband, and as it did, they shouted,“hallelujah!†otis: but brother sargent, ifmiss harmon's visions are fromgod... her visions do not come fromgod,mr nichols. but, my friends,how can you be so sure? brother otis, if almighty godhad a message for his people, would he choose to send itin such a frail mouthpiece? the girl can barely walk.
she stands yea high.her father is a hat-maker. she doesn't come from any kindofministry background. brothers, our lord jesus himselfwarned us, “beware of falseprophets, “which come to youin sheep's clothing, “but inwardly, they areravening wolves.†i have heard the visionsovertake her,like a trance. i'm acquainted with a neighbour.she found her to be credible. have either of youseen the young woman? no! and we shall not.
ellen harmon's visionsare a lie of the deceiver. she would not dare tohave one in my presence. aye, she could not, mr robbins! the power of our faithwould bind the devil's work. she speaks with great tendernessof the word of the lord. brother nichols, do not befooled. did you speak with them?are they persuaded? if only they would meet ellen, i believe they'd be convincedof god's truth.
invite them here, then. - sargent and robbins?- no, ellen. she travelswith her older sister, sarah. invite miss harmon here. but what would robbinsand sargent say? we must let our friendshear her words for themselves. she will minister hopeto their hearts. if ellen's message is of god... ..no opposition from sargentor robbins will drown her out.
it's such a joy to have youwith me today, sarah. there's no place i'd rather be,little sister. so many are anxious to hear you. i would be just as happy to stayhomeand take no part in this. but you grow stronger every day. you've said so yourself. but i do not want to add toour family's burden. ellen, do you not realise thatthe message god has given you lifts up our hearts and spirits?
(subdued conversation) have you yet had a chance tomeetthe harmons yet? brother white, i saidhave you met the harmons yet? i've had tea, sir.thank you for asking. why don't you go meet the ladies before you getany more tongue-tied, lad. what a pleasure to meet youagain,miss harmon. you might remember, i am jameswhite. i'm a pastor withthe christian connection.
i've made the acquaintanceof your father. we distributed pamphletstogether before... well, it's a pleasure, mr white. i've heard many good thingsabout your work for the lord. i have heard such a thingbefore, yet it comes asa true surprise to me. is it wrong for me to ask yourage,miss harmon? i will be 18 on my nextbirthday. and you, mr white -how old would you be?
i'm 23 years old. and you have put yourselfin the service of the lord? i left teachingto spread the word. welcome. welcome. we are sohonouredto have you here with us. thank you. the honour is ours. surely this humble, gentle girlis no child of satan. mr sargent, mr robbins,what a happy surprise. we thought we might imposeupon your generosity and lodge with your familytonight.
i prayed that you mightmeet ellen harmon, and god has answered my prayers. - come in, come in.- the harmon girl... ..is here? she arrived a few days agoto share with us. uh, mr robbins, um... ..we've forgotten to...to visityour sick friend. oh, uh, yes! i have a friend. he is sick.and we had made a previouscommitment.
you cannot come in, just fora few moments of introduction? - not possible.- no. with deepest regrets. if you cannot stay, i couldbring miss harmon worship withyou. this sunday. we could take herto meet you in boston. - we would not allow...- uh, uh... why, yes! that sounds likea fine plan. yes, yes. bring the young harmonwomanto boston. we will, uh, meet with heron, uh, sunday! travelling mercies, my brothers.
we shall...say a prayer ofhealingfor your friend. ethereal voice:i am the messenger of god... go to randolph...follow the light before you. good morning, ellen. did you sleep well? i... well... what is it, dear? tell us. we are so gratefulfor your hospitality. i know that you feelthat we should go to boston.
but i have been instructed togo to the township of randolph. why...'tis nothingin randolph for you, unless you desirea new pair of leather boots. do you need new boots? i would lovenew boots. all i know is that i have beeninstructed in vision by thelord. we must go to the thayer homein randolph. but to what end? help us, ellen.we do not understand. nor do i.
i have only enough lightto see the step before me, and that is to go to randolph. god has promised me that wheni arrive there, he shall revealwhy. why, it's the nichols! what brings you to randolph? - the word of the lord.- oh! we have ellen harmon and hersister,sarah, with us from maine. we... what can i say?
“welcome†would be a start. sargent: brothers and sisters,our lord jesus himself warnedus, “beware of false prophets whocomein sheep's clothing, “for inwardly,they are ravenous wolves.†our brother, otis nichols, andhiswife, mary, have brought guests. ellen harmon and her sister,sarah. i thought you said they wantedusin boston? it is clear they do notwant us at all. well, uh, brothers and sisters,as i was saying,
the lord impresses upon my heartthat we should adjourn. after luncheon, we shallcontinueto...speak god's word. mr thayer: before you arrived, they carried on for some timeabout miss harmon. they said that her visionscame from satan. ellen harmon can speak forherself. it's all so confusing.i do not know what to believe. mr sargent said that she wouldnotdare have a vision in hispresence, because he walks uprightly.
and mr sargent told mejust a few days ago for me to bring ellen to meethimand mr robbins today in boston. then what has brought youto randolph? ellen had instructionfrom god last night. ♪ o, when shall i see jesus ♪ and reign with him above ♪ and shall hear the trumpetsound in that morning? ♪ and from the flowing fountaindrinkeverlasting love ♪ and shall hear the trumpetsoundin that morning?
♪ o, shout, glory! ♪ for i shall mountabove the skies... ♪ glory... (singing fades) ellen: glory. is she...? glory. let's sing! ♪ o, shout glory! for i shall...♪
stay clear of her! let us read from god's word! “thou shalt...have no other godsbefore me. “thou shalt not makeunto thee any graven image, “or any likeness of anythingthat is in heaven above, “or that is in the earthbeneath, “or that is in the waterunder the earth. “thou shalt not bow down thyselfto them for i, the lord...†- oh, be quiet, you fool!- you are bowing to an idol!
don't you see? you areworshipping a golden calf! i have heard that visions fromsatan can be stopped by placing abibleon the person... here. you place it on her. no. no... very well. i will do it, then. this is the inspired testimonyof god. “thou hast turned my mourninginto dancing. “thou hast put off my sackcloth,and girded me with gladness.â€
“there is a way which seemethrightunto a man, “but to the end thereofare the ways of death.†she quotes from the versebeneath her finger! (all murmur excitedly) hallelujah. i can make out none of theletters. shall i read it for you, mydear? “brother miller, “although a stranger to you, ihavedesired to write you a fewwords.
“i have always believedthat god called you “to preach the definite timeof the lord's coming in 1844, “and that it was just as itshould be. “and if the timehad not been preached then, “the church and world wouldneverhave been effectually warned. “i have enclosed part of avisionof ellen harmon of portland. “i fully believe that hervisionsare from heaven. “sister harmon has beena resident in my family home “much of the time forabout the past eight months.
“the spirit of god is with herand hasbeen seen in a remarkablemanner. “i would ask you to lay asideprejudice and suspend judgement “until you have read andcompared themwith the scripture, and presenttruth. “yours, waiting, for the returnof the lord, otis nichols.†brother nichols sounds sincere. surely they are just graspingat straws. the bible saysthat, in the last days, some will receive visionsfrom the lord. soon, we shall see our smilingsaviour's face - of that i amcertain.
prudence: yet another letter? fanatics are out there spreadingall kinds of nonsense to thepeople. in this, you mean ellen harmon? from all reports, she is sincere-a true believer. but i'm alarmedabout these so-called visions. they say her longest visionlasted four hours. but visions? condition of her poor healthis more likely the explanation. will you seek her out?
she's invited to speak nowwith regularity. i'm certain our paths willcross. joseph, i don't have enoughflourto bake even one loaf of bread. how much do you need? at least two more cups. out searching for jesusare we, mr bates? - (men laugh nearby)- i think he went that way. no, wait, maybe over there... (men continue laughing)
what can i do for you today,joseph? just some flour. however much this will buy. is this our evening supper? it is that. do we have any jam or applebutter? not unless you picked some upwhile you were out. prudy... i spent the last money i haveon earth to buy that flour.
first the farm tothe millerite cause. then our friends and familyto scorn us. our son to the sea. now all of our money is gone? how much more of thisdo you think we can take? we must pray. the lord willprovide. joseph, please... ..have you nothing more tooffer? perhaps the earthshould swallow me whole.
is that what i should pray for? do you have any mail for me, mrdrew? oh, yes, mr bates.as a matter of fact, i do. there's, uh, five cents postagedue. sir, i... ..i do not have the money. you can bring it in when you seefit. that would be wrong, sir. i have not five cents to myname.
joseph, i'll take your word thatyou'll find a way to repay thedebt. matthew, if you...if you would open it... ..i would be more comfortable. “i send you thisin the name of the lord...†when you deliver these goodsto my home, my wife will say you've madea mistake, but pay her no mind. certainly, captain bates. prudy! - joseph, it's a miracle.- indeed.
man: i now pronounce youhusband and wife. mr and mrs james white. congratulations. ellen white. it has a lovelyringto it, don't you think? yes, it does. the name fits you well... ..mrs white. what's wrong? i had always imagined thismomentin a church.
but we have none to call home. what brother bates writes herestirs my heart. indeed. everything he affirmsis supported by scripture. well, he traces the sabbath backto its creation and then reminds us it is at theheartof god's ten commandments. if the early church keptthe seventh day as sabbath, then we shall cast our lot withthem. joseph: it is clear that inthe final days before jesusreturns, the keeping of the commandmentswill become a significant issue.
john, in revelation, chapter 12,verse 17, describes a people, “who keep the commandments ofgodand have the testimony ofjesus.†in the last days, these peopleare tobecome the objects of satan'swrath. then chapter 14, verses 6through 11, john describesgod's last warning message to be given to the worldbefore jesus comes, symbolised by the messagesof the three angels. verse 12 tells of the peoplethatwill take that message to theworld - “here are they that keepthe commandments of god
“and have the faith of jesus.†it is not one or the other. jesus himself says in thegospel, “if you love me,keep my commandments.†thank you, and bless you,my brethren. thank you, mr bates. that was truly inspiring,brother curtis. we are so delighted to have youandyour new husband here, sisterwhite. the lord has shown us the truth
in brother bates' messageon the sabbath. glory to god. ellen... mr curtis:give sister white some room. ellen: twinkling lights. stars. as many as the sands upon theshore. ethereal voice:look upon the glory of god'screation. - how is she?- fine.
the visions never weaken her. often, in fact, she's healed. the things she spoke of tonight,without ever leaving newengland. i...i spent 20 years at seato learn the half of it. you have beenone of her loudest critics. until now, brother white. there's no way she could haveknown about the stars and planetsshe described tonight, except that god showed her.
you can count me in the campof her strongest supporters. bates: i studied the sabbath with brother edson and brothercrosierin port gibson, then travelled on to the curtishomein topsham and met the whites. did mrs white haveone of her fainting spells? i was wrong to doubt her, prudy. she had a vision right in frontof me. i believe god is using her to confirm the truths he isrevealingin our study of scripture.
i still have my doubts. perhaps reading my writtenaccountwill better explain. you're going to write of hervisions? yes, and on the seventh-daysabbath. this is all miller's fault. has anyone seen old william? to think he started thismadness. ah! there were lunaticslong before him. and many more after.
i hear he's been ill,doesn't leave his farm. i'd say a prayer,but...then i'd be a hypocrite. why don't thesedisappointed millerites just go back to the churchesthey came from? some of them have. but the others wouldn't go backeven if they could. most of them still believe thatjesus is coming at any moment. still setting datesand searching the skies, i hear. poor william. what a shame allhishard work has come to this, eh?
at least he and that himes chaphad an organised movement. - i mean, this is just...- a mess. there's no leadership, nochurches. i hear there's a young womanhaving visions in maine, and a sea captain holdingprayer meetings on saturdays. saturdays? well, that'sone mob i won't be joining. (baby grizzles) bates has printedabout the sabbath again. but how did he have the money?
james: i... he didn't. we still have to raise fundsto pay the expenses. how will we get $7.50? the hour of judgement has come.the year's harvest... (joyful music plays overdialogue) - amen.- amen. amen. ellen: we work so hardto study god's work, and yet i still cannotunderstandthe scriptures
that you and the others wrestleover. i feel as if i am alwayson the outside, looking in. ellen, when we come into animpasse, god gives you, in vision,the clarification from his word. but when i am not in vision, it is as if my mind is lockedto understanding the scriptures. (baby cries) james: this may be a blessing. perhaps god is protecting you
so that people cannot falselyclaim our message is based on your visionsinstead of on god's word. we have already attendedthree gatherings in search of our bible truth. must we go to connecticut forthis conference at the beldens'? i think it would be wise toattend. but we have no money for it,james. i am to be paid next weekfor cutting wood. i expect $10 for my labours.
i cannot mind my child andtravel,james. i cannot. our father has called us to thiswork.he will never leave us norforsake us. (baby continues crying) we had some very passionatediscussions this morning. we must keep our heads. so many of the signs of hisreturn that jesus gave to his disciplesin matthew are being fulfilled around us,today. agreed. and we've made muchprogress.
four years ago, who would haveimagined worshipping onsaturday? 'tis true. common ground can befoundwhen we come together. we keep the commandments not tobe saved, but because we aresaved. exactly. as jesus said,“if you love me, keep my...†and if you love me, you'llwait till everybody's ready toeat. (all chuckle) bates. (laughs) otis: you and ellen have spentso muchtime traveling to spread theword, but you cannot be everywhere.
and neither do we wish to be. leaving our son behind eachjourneymakes the wagon light, but our hearts heavy. the lord has shown me a way thatwe can reach the adventbelievers without having to travelso frequently. we must establish a newspaper. but brother bates believesthat we should put our efforts towards pamphlets and books, not to an ongoing paper.
brother nichols,two paths are but one. we have no quarrel with hisapproach. but my husband is prepared tostartimmediately on a periodical, as books often suffer neglecton the shelf. where will the funds comes forthis? we'll let the paper be small atfirst. as our people read, they willsendmeans by which to print. from a small beginning,god has shown me that this little paperwill go round the world.
annie: how much did it cost? $652, annie. 600... oh, lord have mercy. hiram edson paid for it? but word has gone out in the“reviewâ€, and already funds are comingbackto pay the loan. it's a miracle. james: yes.
and news of miracles travelsfast. roll up your sleeves... ..because our work has reallybegun. ellen: they should call thispaperthe messenger of deception. this article is filled with liesabout god's work! they have poisoned many hearts,james. good men whom we once publishedin the review now misinterpret scripture,spreading error. here's more bad news.
in wisconsin,the meeting tent has gonemissing. - we cannot allow this!- we cannot stop it. we are not organised.we have no authority. we must find a wayto treat your lungs. here's another letter from johnandrews and john loughborough. - that can't be bad.- read it. they're both exhausted. brother andrews labours all weekto earn a living. his eyesight is going.
his voice is nearly lostfrom preaching on weekends. and i wish those wereour only troubles. what do you have to tell me? the landlord has senta notice regarding next year'srent. $14.50 a month. we could move. to vermont? some have suggested michigan. you would pack up and go west?
you have visited before. you, yourself, said the peoplewere so kind. the battle creek brethrenwant the responsibility ofpublishing. battle creek. hardly sounds inviting. haven't you been battlingmost of your life? could suit you wellto live in such a town. the sisters are bringingover mattresses, and a table with two chairs.
the building down the street hasmore room for the boys to runabout. our first house of worshipwill be ready in a few weeks. thank you, uriah. you are a blessing to ourfamily. before i go, i borrowed somemoney to get several cakes of maplesugarand two bushels of wheat. we will pay it all back. do you want to show dad thewindow? ellen: “little heed is givento the bible,
“and the lord has given a lesserlightto lead men and women “to the greater light - thebible. “i do not ask you to take mywords. “lay sister white to one side. “don't quote my wordsuntil you can obey the bible. “i exalt the precious wordbefore you. “our position and faithis in the bible.†james: i want you to know, ihaveput our house here in your name. i will not hear such talk.
what choice have you nowbut to listen? if you rest, your health willimprove. i have deeded the house to you. if god should bid me rest in mygrave, i will not leave a widowwith three children and no home. i will not. i have faith that the lordwill not take you from us. there is much work leftfor you to do, mr white. we can now countmore than 2,000 believers.
ellen, i have triedto make this work... no, you have succeeded. we shall continue to waitupon the lord. ownership must be taken outof the hands of the individuals. i alone own the printing press,brother bell, and that is notright. and i own the landthe church is built on. under whose name should itstand? no one man's, i think. brother andrews has madethe suggestion
that we need not organiselegallyas a church. but we could be incorporatedunder the laws of michigan as an association. an association? the earliest of all christianswere set up as such. the discussion must be had. we shall call a conferenceto meet here in battle creek. an agreement must be found, even if we have to sit until thelordreturns to do so.
(men chatter) (chattering quietens) do i have a motion to createa publishing association? men: aye. aye. aye. andrews: gentlemen,under the laws of michigan, we cannot incorporate ourpublishingwork until we choose a name. - (others mutter)- man: brother andrews is right! man: i agree with brotherandrews. gentlemen, let us not back downfromwhat we have spent two daysresolving.
this child of ours has beencreated, and is now so grownthat it is exceedingly awkward to have no name for it. we have been called the peopleofthe shut door... ..because we believe thatthe door to the holy place wasclosed, and the door to the most holyplacein the heavenly sanctuary wasopened. should that be part of our name? (muttering) whatever name we choose...
..it should not be objectionableto the world at large. we've had two days ofdiscussions. and, yet, you are no closer? progress has been made. but there are still objections. it's important that everyonebe heard, james. (baby coos) yes, john herbert, especiallyyou. our fourth son is perhaps theloudest.
now, where would he get thatfrom? (indistinct chatter) bates: gentlemen...brothers, come to order. i say we call our associationthe church of god. others have that name already. and doesn't that sounda bit boastful? ‘tis the case. (pounding on desk) perhaps we should lookto our two pillars of faith -
the sabbath andthe second coming of jesus. what do we say to being calledthe seventh-day adventists? (murmurs of approval) do i have a motion? i make a motion that we callourselvesseventh-day adventists. all: aye! (triumphant music) wondrous day. wondrous day, sir. it has been a long, long timecoming.
(baby cries loudly) the infection spreads,and i can do nothing. only pray. - (continues crying)- but our poor son is hot asfire. (baby coughs and splutters) (cries) shhh... ellen: james... (sobs) not our son!
james... ellen: 29 days ago... ..we lost our baby boy, john. i understand now the grief ofking david, when he lost hischild. “my son... my son, would godi had died for thee.†and yet i cling tothe father’s promise that “all things work togetherfor good to them that love god.†but i come before you today,january 12th 1861... ..to tell you i have been shownin vision
that more states will joinsouth carolina in the secession, and a terrible war will result. i saw large armies raisedby both north and south. i saw the battle raging,i heard the booming cannon. the dead and woundedfalling on every side. and i was taken in vision to thehomes of those who lost brothers, sonsand husbands in the war. and there are... ..men and women in this housetoday,
who will lose their loved onesin the days to come. this war will be fought overslavery and the stubbornness of thosewho refuse to see the truth ofgod. the law requiring us to returna slave back to his master, we must never obey. “now, therefore, i, abrahamlincoln,president of the united states, “by virtue of the power in me “vested by the constitutionand the laws, “have thought fit to call forth,
“and hereby do call forth... “..the militia of the severalstatesof the union, “to the aggregate number of75,000... “..in order to suppresssaid combinations, “and to cause the lawsto be duly executed.†james: this war is a terribletragedyfor our nation. joseph: that it is. how i wishmanwould heed the word of god. how is your health, brotherwhite?you need more rest. today, six local conferencesvotedto form a general conference
with john byingtonas our first president. that fact alone steadies mystep. god’s work can truly moveforward without hindrance. the lord leads and we follow. but he seemed fine when we lefthim.and that was only days ago! - he was fine. yes. he...- the doctor says it’spneumonia? are you certain? mother!thank goodness you're both here. henry?
henry, can you hear me? promise me...mother... that if i die...i'm laid by thesideof my little brother, johnherbert... ..that we may come uptogether... ..in the morning of theresurrection. god will do all things well, myson. i cannot bear it. to lose sweet baby johnthree months after his birth... it was as if we had onlyborrowed himfrom god. but this!
..i will meet you in heaven, for i know you will be there.... (sobs) no, henry! henry! henry! (sobs) (sobbing continues) still, you are writing. it seems monthsyou've been at that desk. i understand it betterwhen i put the ideas on paper.
it was a vision concerning ourhealth. will you read me some of it? the heart of the messagereceived is the connection between caringfor our souls and our bodies. so many of us are nearly used upin our service of the lord. i saw that tobacco in any formis a slow and malignant poison. but ‘tis often said tobaccohas healing value... i am only telling youwhat i have seen. (chuckles) alcohol, tea and coffeeare to be avoided.
ah. continue. we should dispense of meat, and return insteadto the diet of eden - grains, vegetables, nuts, fruit. james: did the lordreally show you that? how are we to live without meat? - it gets worse.- ah. rich cakes and sweet piesare to be avoided. (both laugh)
you will have the butchers,the smoke-shop owners, the saloons...all after us, now. - oh, the bakers, too.- there’s more. our body requires pure water,exercise and clean air. caring for our healthis a spiritual matter. i have seen that it is a sacreddutyto care not only for our ownhealth, but to teach othershow to care for theirs. ellen: edson! hands.
our heavenly father, we thank you for blessing uswith this nourishment and this delicious meal. in your name, we thank you.amen. both: amen. edson, why don’t you eat? because he’s full of all thefoodhe shouldn’t be eating. now, willie, stop tryingto get your brother in trouble. our focus should not beon a list of bad foods.
it is more importantthat you understand your body is the temple of god,and you must treat itaccordingly. do you understand? - yes.- ellen: good. father, will you pass theonions? (crashes) ellen: james. james! - james!- father! boys, go get the doctor. james!
hey, hey. i'm right here.i'm right here. james, look at me. your husband has had anotherstroke. - he's already much improv...- (james mumbles) no, don't try now.you have facial paralysis. it's commonafter this kind of incident. tell me now what we must do. well, rest is the most importantthing. lots of it. and then i’m in favourof bloodletting.
bloodletting? i don't think thatthat is an option. the barber on main streetwill receive my instructions. he has the proper instrumentsfor the incisions. draining blood is known to bemosteffective treatment followingstroke. we shall consider that avenue once james is well enoughfor such a procedure. you are not a physician, mrswhite.now, i’ll be back in themorning. a stroke is a powerful thing.you are lucky to be alive, mrwhite. ellen: thank you. boys, pleaseshowthe good doctor to the door.
i have put two sons in theground,mr white. you are going nowhere. the good lord has borrowed theuseof your right side to see tothat. he will find the best wayto bring you back to goodhealth. today we inauguratethe western health reforminstitute. we have only to lookfor inspiration in this project at the progress in healthmade by our dear brother, james. sister white, using principlesgiven her in vision by god, has demonstratedthat we have much work to do.
moving forward, health care willbea principal concern for ourchurch. i have seen that complete restalonedoes not bring healing. it needs to be linkedwith exercise, diet and faith ingod. and many of you already knowthe importance of water, and using fruit, grains,nuts and vegetables. what we eatis of paramount importance. these plans are not onlyfor healing but for prevention. may god bless our obedience, and give us the inner strengthto continue his work
of spreading the good messageof the second coming to theworld. (applause) that is bourdeau. b-o-u-r-d-e-a-u. brother loughborough and brotherbourdeau have gone tocalifornia, but where are the others whowill say,“here i am, lord. send me� we should not turn away those inneed. education and healing go hand inhand. how can we heal the bodyand leave the mind to waste?
jesus spent much more timehealingthan he did preaching. we need more able workers. (sighs) yes. we must trainmore young men for service. our young people begin workright after grammar school. there should be a wayto give them a better education. i could use a little helpstacking this wood. thank you kindly.i'm bell. goodloe bell. how'd you get stuckchopping this wood?
- i'm not stuck, master...- states. he's george states. i'm edson white. chopping wood's good for myhealth. my wife died last year. and i stopped caring for myhealth. sorry to hear that. but...well, how doeschopping wood help? instead of being dosed withcompounds,i've learned to use my limbsoutdoors. and now you're here, doingchores?
sharp mind is as good a toolas a sharp axe. what did you dobefore you came here to chopwood? i was a teacher for many years. and then a school inspector. i met a fine manat the health institute thisweek. - mm.- his name is goodloe bell. - i believe i've seen him.- yes. he arrived in poor health,with frayed nerves. chopped wood for better than anhour.
mm, yes - exercise and beingoutdoorsis a wonder for good health. after we talked to him,george and i got to thinking... ellen: mm-hm? about chopping wood? no, willie - about going toschool. ellen: “teaching is the mostprecisework ever assumed by men andwomen “to deal with youthful minds. “the greatest care should betakenin the education of youth - “to so vary the manner ofinstruction
“as to call forth the high andnoble powers of the mind.†john harvey kellogg. william k. kellogg. george states. edson white. william white. ethereal voice:your house is the world. it has been two years since the death of ourpioneeringbrother, joseph bates...
..and 30 years since godraised up this pioneeringpeople. in my most recent vision,the heavenly messenger said, “you are entertaining ideasthat are too limited for thistime. “your house is the world.†we have just placed manyresourcesinto publishing “signs of thetimesâ€. man: what of our plansfor the pacific press? have we sent brothersloughboroughand bourdeau to california - at great cost - only to have it stretchacross the ocean?
- (murmuring)- where's the money coming from? (murmuring continues) surely our resourcesare better used here - at home. we are to hold forth so that allmay have an opportunity to receive the truth. the message we bearis a worldwide message. it will go in power to distantoregon, to europe, to australia,to the islands of the seas, to all nations, tongues andpeoples.
order! andrews:how can we question this duty? souls are perishingthat may now be reached. brother andrews,i move that we take up the issue at our general conference inaugust. we shall put to a voteexpansion into the foreignfield. in order to expand,everyone will feel the stretch. they're sending brother andrewsto switzerland! (exclamations and applause)
an adventure on the high seas -howbrother bates would have lovedthat. we feel confidentthat the lord is leading us. james: well, travel safely,brother andrews - you will be in our family'sprayers. mind your step. farewell. he will spread the good newsof christ's soon return toeurope. and beyond that,we must tell the world. ellen: “we have nothing to fearfor the future
“unless we forget the waythe lord has led us, “and his teaching in our pasthistory.†(triumphant music rises) (“lift up the trumpet†plays)
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