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Health Care Family Credit Union

the president:well, i just concluded a extraordinarily productive meeting with organizations andassociations that are going to be essential to the work ofhealth care reform in this country -- groups that representeveryone from union members to insurance companies, fromdoctors and hospitals to

Health Care Family Credit Union

Health Care Family Credit Union, pharmaceutical companies. it was a meeting that focusedlargely on one of the central challenges that we mustconfront as we seek to achieve comprehensive reform and lay anew foundation for our economy

-- and that is, the spiralingcost of health care in this country. they're here becausethey recognize one clear, indisputable fact: when itcomes to health care spending, we are on an unsustainablecourse that threatens the financial stability offamilies, businesses, and government itself. this is not news to theamerican people, who, over the last decade, have seentheir out-of-pocket expenses

soar, health care costs rise,and premiums double at a rate four times fasterthan their wages. today, half of all personalbankruptcies stem from medical expenses. and too many americans areskipping that check-up they know they should get, or goingwithout that prescription that would make them feel better, orfinding some other way to scrimp and save on theirhealth care expenses. what is a growing crisis for theamerican people is also becoming

an untenable burden foramerican businesses. rising health care costs arecommanding more and more of the money that our companies couldbe using to innovate and to grow, making it harder for themto compete around the world. these costs are leading thesmall businesses that are responsible for half of allprivate sector jobs to drop coverage for their workersat an alarming rate. and, finally, the explosion inhealth care costs has put our federal budget ona disastrous path.

this is largely due to whatwe're spending on medicare and medicaid -- entitlement programswhose costs are expected to continue climbing in the yearsahead as baby boomers grow older and come to rely more and moreon our health care system. that's why i've said repeatedlythat getting health care costs under control is essentialto reducing budget deficits, restoring fiscal discipline, andputting our economy on a path towards sustainable growthand shared prosperity. we, as a nation, are nowspending a far larger share of

our national wealth onhealth care than we were a generation ago. at the rate we're going, we areexpected to spend one fifth of our economy on healthcare within a decade. and yet we're gettingless for our money. in fact, we're spending moreon health care than any other nation on earth, even thoughmillions of americans don't have the affordable, qualitycare they deserve, and nearly 46 millionamericans don't have any health

insurance at all. this problem didn'tjust appear overnight. for decades, washington hasdebated what to do about this. for decades, we've talked aboutreducing costs, improving care, and providing coverageto uninsured americans. but all too often, efforts atreform have fallen victim to special interest lobbying aimedat keeping things the way they are; to political point-scoringthat sees health care not as a moral issue or an economicissue, but as a wedge issue;

and to a failure on all sides tocome together on behalf of the american people. and that's what makes today'smeeting so remarkable -- because it's a meeting that might not have been held just a few years ago. the groups who are heretoday represent different constituencies withdifferent sets of interests. they've not always seen eye toeye with each other or with our government on what needs to bedone to reform health care in

in fact, some of these groupswere among the strongest critics of past plans forcomprehensive reform. but what's brought us alltogether today is a recognition that we can't continue down thesame dangerous road we've been traveling for so many years;that costs are out of control; and that reform is not aluxury that can be postponed, but a necessitythat cannot wait. it's a recognition that thefictional television couple, harry and louise, who becamethe iconic faces of those who

opposed health carereform in the '90s, desperately need healthcare reform in 2009. and so does america. and that's why these groups arevoluntarily coming together to make an unprecedentedcommitment. over the next 10 years --from 2010 to 2019 -- they are pledging to cut the rate of growth of national health care spending by 1.5 percentage points each year -- an amount that's equalto over $2 trillion.

two trillion dollars. their efforts will help us takethe next and most important step -- comprehensivehealth care reform -- so that we can do what i pledged to do as a candidate and save a typical family an average of $2,500 on their health care costs in the coming years. let me repeat that point. what they're doing iscomplementary to and is going to be completely compatiblewith a strong,

aggressive effort to move healthcare reform through here in washington with an ultimateresult of saving health care costs for families,businesses, and the government. that's how we can finallymake health care affordable, while putting more money intothe pockets of hardworking families each month. these savings can be achievedby standardizing quality care, incentivizing efficiency,investing in proven ways not only to treat illnessbut to prevent them.

this is a historic day, awatershed event in the long and elusive quest forhealth care reform. and as these groups take thesteps they are outlining, and as we work with congress onhealth care reform legislation, my administration will continueworking to reduce health care costs to achievesimilar savings. by curbing waste, fraud, andabuse and preventing avoidable hospital re-admissions andtaking a whole host of other cost-saving steps, we cansave billions of dollars,

while delivering bettercare to the american people. now, none of these steps can betaken by our federal government or our health carecommunity acting alone. they'll require all of us comingtogether, as we are today, around a common purpose --workers, executives, hospitals, nurses, doctors, drugcompanies, insurance companies, members of congress. it's the kind ofbroad coalition, everybody with a seat at thetable that i talked about during

the campaign, that is requiredto achieve meaningful health care reform and that is thekind of coalition which -- to which i am committed. so the steps that are beingannounced today are significant. but the only way these stepswill have an enduring impact is if they are takennot in isolation, but as part of a broadereffort to reform our entire health care system. we've already begun making adown payment on that kind of

comprehensive reform. we're extending quality healthcare to millions of children of working familieswho lack coverage, which means we're going to bepreventing long-term problems that are even more expensiveto treat down the road. we're providing a cobra subsidyto make health care affordable for 7 million americanswho lose their jobs. and because much of every healthcare dollar is spent on billing, overhead, and administration,we are computerizing medical

records in a way thatwill protect our privacy, and that's a step that will notonly eliminate waste and reduce medical errors that cost lives,but also let doctors spend less time doing administrativework and more time caring for patients. but there's so much more to do. in the coming weeks and months,congress will be engaged in the difficult issue of how best toreform health care in america. i'm committed to building atransparent process where all

views are welcome. but i'm also committed toensuring that whatever plan we design upholds threebasic principles: first, the rising cost of health care must be brought down; second, americans must have the freedom to keep whatever doctor and health care plan they have, or to choose a new doctor or health care plan ifthey want it; and third, all americans must havequality, affordable health care. these are principles that iexpect to see upheld in any

comprehensive health care reformbill that's sent to my desk -- i mentioned it to thegroups that were here today. it's reform that is animperative for america's economic future, and reformthat is a pillar of the new foundation we seek to build forour economy; reform that we can, must, and will achieveby the end of this year. ultimately, the debateabout reducing costs -- and the larger debate about health care reform itself -- is not just about numbers; it's not just about forms or systems;

it's about our own lives andthe lives of our loved ones. and i understand that. as i've mentioned before duringthe course of the campaign, my mother passed away fromovarian cancer a little over a decade ago. and in the lastweeks of her life, when she was coming to gripswith her own mortality and showing extraordinary couragejust to get through each day, she was spending too much timeworrying about whether her

health insurancewould cover her bills. so i know what it's like to seea loved one who is suffering, but also having to deal witha broken health care system. i know that pain is shared bymillions of americans all across and that's why i was committedto health care reform as a presidential candidate; that'swhy health care reform is a key priority to this presidency;that's why i will not rest until the dream of health care reformis finally achieved in the united states of america.

and that's why i'm thrilledto have such a broad, diverse group of individualsfrom all across the health care spectrum representing everyconstituency and every political predisposition who feel thatsame sense of urgency and are committing themselves to workdiligently to bring down costs so we can achieve thereforms that we seek. so thank you very much toall of you for being here. thank you very much everybody.

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